Gerrit-Jan Zwenne
Professor Law and Digital technologies
- Name
- G.J. Zwenne
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8838
- 0000-0002-8218-5840

Gerrit-Jan Zwenne is a professor at eLaw@Leiden. He read law at Leiden University and was awarded his doctorate at the same university for his thesis on tax levies and information obligations. Gerrit-Jan specialises in telecommunication law and privacy law.
More information about Gerrit-Jan Zwenne
Leiden Law Blog
Gerrit-Jan Zwenne (1966) was appointed to Professor of Law and the Information Society at the eLaw department of the Leiden Law School at Leiden University on 1 October 2011. He focuses on the application and effects of privacy and data protection laws and regulation, and on telecom and internet law issues, including cybersecurity.
Before 2011 he was senior associate professor at eLaw. Gerrit-Jan studied law in Leiden and was awarded his doctorate at the same university for his thesis on tax levies and information obligations in 1998. He regularly gives lectures and courses in his areas of expertise and publishes about these subjects. In addition to his work at eLaw he is a lawyer and partner at Brinkhof in Amsterdam, a law firm with a strong focus on innovation, technology and market regulation.
Gerrit-Jan is chairman of the Dutch Association for IT and Law (NVvIR); board member of the Dutch Privacy Law Association (VPR); lecturer of the VIRA Grotius programme for ICT lawyers; editor and author of Tekst & Commentaar Telecom- en privacyrecht (currently 5th edition 2015); editor of the SDU Monografieën ICT-recht, member of the advisory board of PrivacyPerfect.
He was a member of the external soundboard group of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Sector ICT-projects (‘Cie Elias’), which investigated failed governmental ICT projects (Parliamentary Documents II 2014/15, 33 326, no. 5), and was chairman of the monitoring committee for the evaluation of the Dutch Bibob Act (WODC 2014).
In October 2005 he completed his first marathon.
Professor Law and Digital technologies
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Hoogleraar Gegevensbescherming in de rechtspraktijk (0.2 Fte)
- advocaat partner
- Raad van advies
- lid Adviescommissie Rechtststatelijkheid
- Lid Ethische Klankbord
- Commissie advies Informatie en Openbaarheid