Geert Jan Groeneveld
Professor by special appointment of Clinical Neuropharmacology
- Name
- Prof.dr. G.J. Groeneveld
- Telephone
- +31 71 524 6407
- 0000-0002-4655-6667

Geert Jan Groeneveld is professor by special appointment of clinical neuropharmacology at the Leiden University Medical Center. He is a neurologist and clinical pharmacologist and as such sees patients in the pain outpatient clinic of the department of anesthesiology of the LUMC. He is also Chief Medical and Scientific Officer at the Centre for Human Drug Research in Leiden.
More information about Geert Jan Groeneveld
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Geert Jan Groeneveld is professor by special appointment of clinical neuropharmacology at the Leiden University Medical Center. He is a neurologist and clinical pharmacologist and as such sees patients in the pain outpatient clinic of the department of anesthesiology of the LUMC. He is also Chief Medical and Scientific Officer at the Centre for Human Drug Research in Leiden.
Clinical neuropharmacology
The chair of clinical neuropharmacology will be focused on the development and the use of novel pharmacological therapies for the treatment of neurological disorders, including (neuropathic) pain.
In the next 10 years, there will be a strong increase in the range of treatment modalities for neurological diseases in general and specifically for the neurodegenerative disorders. Knowledge of these new drugs is essential. To battle the opioid crisis, new non-opioid analgesics are being developed and can be expected to change the pharmacological treatment of pain in the coming years.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Geert Jan Groeneveld (1971) trained as a Neurologist at the University Medical Center Utrecht, where he also obtained his PhD (2004) on the subject of new pharmacotherapeutic treatment strategies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. After his residency neurology (2007) he worked for biotechnology company Genzyme and was involved in studies of recombinant human alpha glucosidase for adult-onset Pompe disease and in gene therapy studies for Parkinson’s Disease. In 2009, he took up the position of Research Director at the Centre for Human Drug Research in Leiden responsible for research in the areas of neurology and pain and obtained a degree in clinical pharmacology in 2014. From 2009 to 2017 he held a position as staff member in the Department of Neurology at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. Since 2017 he has worked as a neurologist in the Pain outpatient clinic of the Department of Anesthesiology at the Leiden University Medical Center, where he sees patients with neurological causes of chronic pain. He has published more than 90 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and is actively involved in the training of PhD students. He is a senior editor to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and serves on the editorial boards of Clinical Translational Sciences and Neuropathic Pain, Frontiers in Pain Research.
His inaugural lecture is expected to be held in the spring of 2022.
Professor by special appointment of Clinical Neuropharmacology
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
- Divisie 1
- Anesthesiologie
- Kraaij, S. van; Goeldner, R.G.; Rosenbrock, H.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Kremer, P.; Schaible, J.; Zambori, J. & Schultheis, C. (2024), Effects of the phosphodiesterase 2 inhibitor BI 474121 on central nervous system cyclic guanosine monophosphate concentrations: Translational studies, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 90(10): 2517-2528.
- Cuba, C.M.K.E. de; Goede, A.A. de; Klaassen, E.S.; Otto, M.E.; Doll, R.J.; Kim, J.; Demitrack, M.A.; Chen, R.H.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Heuberger, J.A.A.C. (2024), TMS and EEG Pharmacodynamic Effects of a Selective Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Subtype 1 Receptor Agonist on Cortical Excitability in Healthy Subjects, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Eijsvogel, P.P.N.M.; Borghans, L.G.J.M.; Prins, S.; Moss, L.; Kraaij, S.J.W. van; Brummelen, E. van; Klaassen, E.; Martin, R.S.; Bautista, E.; Ford, A.P.; Kremer, P.H.C.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Vargas, G.A. (2024), Cognitive Effects of Three β-Adrenoceptor Acting Drugs in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 14(6): 1149-1161.
- Nieuwenhoff, M.D.; Nguyen, H.T.; Niehof, S.P.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Verma, A.; Klaassen, E.S.; Bechakra, M.; Geelhoed, W.J.; Jongen, J.L.M.; Moll, A.C.; Vrancken, A.F.J.E.; Petzold, A. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2024), Differences in corneal nerve fiber density and fiber length in patients with painful chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy and diabetic polyneuropathy, Muscle & Nerve 70(4): 782-790.
- Boyle, Y.; Hijma, H.J.; Rees, J.; Nijjar, J.; Panoilia, E.; Alvarez, Y.; Siederer, S.; Greening, E.; Emery, E.; Banner, K.A. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2024), Randomized, placebo-controlled study on the effects of intravenous GSK3858279 (anti-CCL17) on a battery of evoked pain tests in healthy participants, Clinical and Translational Science 17(9).
- Gorbenko, A.A.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Klumpers, L.E.; Kam, M.L. de; Strugala, P.K.; Visser, S.J. de & Groeneveld, G.J. (2024), Cannabidiol Increases Psychotropic Effects and Plasma Concentrations of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Without Improving Its Analgesic Properties, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 116(5): 1289-1303.
- Ruijs, T.Q.; Cuba, C.M.K.E. de; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Hutchison, J.; Bold, J.; Gronnebaek, T.S.; Jensen, K.G.; Chin, E.; Quiroz, J.A.; Petersen, T.K.; Flagstad, P.; Kam, M.L. de; Esdonk, M.J. van; Klaassen, E.; Doll, R.J.; Koopmans, I.W.; Goede, A.A. de; Aulin, L.B.S.; Pedersen, T.H. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2024), Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of a First-in-Class ClC-1 Inhibitor to Enhance Muscle Excitability: Phase I Randomized Controlled Trial, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Thijssen E, Tuk B, Cakici M, van Velze V, Klaassen E, Merkus F, van Laar T, Kremer PHC & Groeneveld GJ. (2024), First-in-human study evaluating apomorphine oromucosal solution in Parkinson’s disease patients, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Kruithof, A.C.; Moerland, M.; Walker, M.; Dudgeon, L.; Justman, C.; Solomini, I.; Splitalny, L.; Leymarie, N.; Khatri, K.; Cullen, V.C.; Hilt, D.C.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Lansbury, P. (2023), A Phase 1B trial in GBA1 Associated Parkinson's disease of BIA-28-6156, a glucocerebrosidase activator, Movement Disorders 38(7): 1197-1208.
- Koopmans, I.; Doll, R.J.; Wall, H. van der; Kam, M. de; Groeneveld, G.J.; Cohen, A. & Zuiker, R. (2023), Fit for purpose of on-the-road driving and simulated driving, PLoS ONE 18(2).
- Brown, A.A.; Fernandez-Tajes, J.J.; Hong, M.G.; Brorsson, C.A.; Koivula, R.W.; Davtian, D.; Dupuis, T.; Sartori, A.; Michalettou, T.D.; Forgie, I.M.; Adam, J.; Allin, K.H.; Caiazzo, R.; Cederberg, H.; Masi, F. de; Elders, P.J.M.; Giordano, G.N.; Haid, M.; Hansen, T.; Hansen, T.H.; Hattersley, A.T.; Heggie, A.J.; Howald, C.; Jones, A.G.; Kokkola, T.; Laakso, M.; Mahajan, A.; Mari, A.; McDonald, T.J.; McEvoy, D.; Mourby, M.; Musholt, P.B.; Nilsson, B.; Pattou, F.; Penet, D.; Raverdy, V.; Ridderstråle, M.; Romano, L.; Rutters, F.; Sharma, S.; Teare, H.; Hart, L. 't; Tsirigos, K.D.; Vangipurapu, J.; Vestergaard, H.; Brunak, S.; Franks, P.W.; Frost, G.; Grallert, H.; Jablonka, B.; McCarthy, M.; Pavo, I.; Pedersen, O.; Ruetten, H.; Walker, M.; Adamski, J.; Schwenk, J.M.; Pearson, E.R.; Dermitzakis, E.T.; Viñuela, A.; Adragni, K.; Allesoe, R.L.L.; Artati, A.A.; Arumugam, M.; Atabaki-Pasdar, N.; Baltauss, T.; Banasik, K.; Barnett, A.L.; Baum, P.; Bell, J.D.; Beulens, J.W.; Bianzano, S.B.; Bizzotto, R.; Bonnefond, A.; Cabrelli, L.; Dale, M.; Dawed, A.Y.; Preville, N. de; Dekkers, K.F.; Deshmukh, H.A.; Dings, C.; Donnelly, L.; Dutta, A.; Ehrhardt, B.; Engelbrechtsen, L.; Eriksen, R.; Fan, Y.; Ferrer, J.; Fitipaldi, H.; Forman, A.; Fritsche, A.; Froguel, P.; Gassenhuber, J.; Gough, S.; Graefe-Mody, U.; Grempler, R.; Groeneveld, L.; Groop, L.; Gudmundsdóttir, V.; Gupta, R.; Hennige, A.M.H.; Hill, A.V.; Holl, R.W.; Hudson, M.; Jacobsen, U.P.; Jennison, C.; Johansen, J.; Jonsson, A.; Karaderi, T.; Kaye, J.; Kennedy, G.; Klintenberg, M.; Kuulasmaa, T.; Lehr, T.; Loftus, H.; Lundgaard, A.T.T.; Mazzoni, G.; McRobert, N.; McVittie, I.; Nice, R.; Nicolay, C.; Nijpels, G.; Palmer, C.N.; Pedersen, H.K.; Perry, M.H.; Pomares-Millan, H.; Prehn, C.P.; Ramisch, A.; Rasmussen, S.; Robertson, N.; Rodriquez, M.; Sackett, P.; Scherer, N.; Shah, N.S.; Sihinevich, I.; Slieker, R.C.; Sondertoft, N.B.; Steckel-Hamann, B.; Thomas, M.K.; Thomas, C.E.E.; Thomas, E.L.L.; Thorand, B.; Thorne, C.E.; Tillner, J.; Tura, A.; Uhlen, M.; Leeuwen, N. van; Oort, S. van; Verkindt, H.; Vogt, J.; Sackett, P.W.W.; Wesolowska-Andersen, A.; Whitcher, B. & White, M.W. (2023), Genetic analysis of blood molecular phenotypes reveals common properties in the regulatory networks affecting complex traits, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Quiroz, J.; Ruijs, T.; Gronnebaek, T.S.; Cuba, K. de; Heuberger, J.; Kam, M. de; Koopmans, I.; Goede, A. de; Tannemaat, M.; Vershuuren, J.; Bold, J.; Jensen, K.; Flagstad, P.; Petersen, T.; Chin, E.; Hutchison, J.; Groeneveld, G. & Pedersen, T. (2023), NMD670, a novel first-in-class muscle ClC-1 inhibitor, improves symptoms of myasthenia gravis: a randomized, single-dose, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Neuromuscular Disorders 33: S178-S178.
- Quiroz, J.A.; Titia, R.Q.; Gronnebæk, T.S.; Cuba, K. de; Heuberger, A.A.C.; Kam, M.L. de; Koopmans, I.W.; Goede, A.A. de; Tannemaat, M.; Vershuuren, J.; Bold, J.; Jensen, K.G.; Flagstad, P.; Petersen, T.K.; Chin, E.; Hutchison, J.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Pedersen, T.H. (2023), NMD670, a Novel First-in-Class Skeletal Muscle ClC-1 Inhibitor, Improves Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis: A Randomized, Single-Dose, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Study, Annals of Neurology 94: S245-S246.
- Sun, L.; Tsai, R.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Fanok, M.; Vissers, M.; Heuberger, J.; Flores, B.; Huang, F.; Kane, L.; Cohen, I.; Dhuria, S.; Fang, M.; Estrada, A.; Osipov, M.; Willman-Yoswa, B.; Maciuca, R.; Dobbins, S.; Chau, R.; Earr, T.; Nguyen, H.; Lopez, I.; Scearce-Levie, K.; Bunte, T.; Berg, L. van den; Ho, C.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Troyer, M. (2023), The Integrated Stress Response Is Modulated by eIF2B Agonist DNL343: Results From Phase 1 Healthy Subject and Phase 1b ALS Patient Studies, Neurology 100(17).
- Koopmans, I.; Geerse, D.; Onverwagt, E.; Ridder, L. de; Roerdink, M.; Juachon, M.; Muehlan, C.; Dingemanse, J.; Gerven, J. van; Groeneveld, G.J. & Zuiker, R. (2023), The interactive walkway provides sensitive biomarkers for drug effects on (adaptive) walking in healthy elderly volunteers, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(3): 1231-1232.
- Prins, M.L.M.; Plas, J.L. van der; Vissers, M.F.J.M.; Berends, C.L.; Tresch, G.; Soergel, M.; Fernández, E.; Berge, N. van den; Duijsings, D.; Zitt, C.; Stavropoulou, V.; Zimmermann, M.; Drake, R.F.; Burggraaf, J.; Groeneveld, G.H. & Kamerling, I.M.C. (2023), Viral clearance, pharmacokinetics and tolerability of ensovibep in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(3): 1105-1114.
- Vissers, M.F.J.M.; Troyer, M.D.; Thijssen, E.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Huntwork-Rodriguez, S. (2023), A leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) pathway biomarker characterization study in patients with Parkinson's disease with and without LRRK2 mutations and healthy controls, Clinical and Translational Science.
- Prins, S.; Borghans, L.; Kam, M.L. de; Groeneveld, G.J. & Gerven, J. van (2023), Cognitive performance in healthy clinical trial participants and patients with the NeuroCart, a neurodegenerative disease measured with an automated neuropsychological and neurophysiological test battery, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 449.
- Zeeman, A.D.; Jonker, J.; Groeneveld, L.; Krijger, E.M. de & Meijer, E. (2023), 'Clients are the problem owners', Advances in Mental Health.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Cullen, V.C.; Pereira, D.R.; Yavuz, Y.; Kam, M.L. de; Grievink, H.W.; Moerland, M.; Leymarie, N.; Khatri, K.; Sollomoni, I.; Spitalny, L.; Dungeon, L.; Hilt, D.C.; Justman, C.; Lansbury, P. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2023), A biomarker study in patients with GBA1-parkinson's disease and healthy controls, Movement Disorders 38(5): 783-795.
- Kanhai K.M.S., Goulooze S.C., Grond J. van der, Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Verma A., Dent G., Chavez J., Meijering H. & Groeneveld G.J. (2022), Kinetics of myelin breakdown products: a labeling study in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis, Clinical and Translational Science 15(3): 638-648.
- Ruijs, T.Q.; Koopmans, I.W.; Kam, M.L. de; Esdonk, M.J. van; Koltzenburg, M.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Heuberger, J.A.A.C. (2022), Effects of mexiletine and lacosamide on nerve excitability in healthy subjects, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 112(5).
- Vasylyev, M.; Wit, F.; Jordans, C.; Soetekouw, R.; Lelyveld, S. van; Kootstra, G.; Delsing, C.; Ammerlaan, H.; Kasteren, M. van; Brouwer, E.; Leyten, E.; Claassen, M.; Hassing, R.; Hollander, J. den; Berge, M. van den; Roukens, A.; Vonderen, M. van; Bierman, W.; Groeneveld, P.; Lowe, S.; Welzen, B. van; Richel, O.; Nellen, J.; Berk, G. van den; Valk, M. van der; Rijnders, B. & Rokx, C. (2022), Dolutegravir/lamivudine is clinically non-inferior to dolutegravir-based triple drug antiretroviral therapy: 1-year results of the DUALING real-world nationwide prospective matched cohort study, Journal of the International AIDS Society 25: 78-79.
- Vissers, M.F.J.M.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Nijhuis, J.O.; Deyn, P.P. de; Hadi, S.; Harris, J.; Tsai, R.M.; Cruz-Herranz, A.; Huang, F.; Tong, V.; Erickson, R.; Zhu, Y.D.; Scearce-Levie, K.; Hsiao-Nakamoto, J.; Tang, X.Y.; Chang, M.; Fox, B.M.; Pomponio, R.J.; Alonso-Alonso, M.; Zilberstein, M.; Atassi, N.; Troyer, M.D. & Ho, C. (2022), Safety, pharmacokinetics and target engagement of novel RIPK1 inhibitor SAR443060 (DNL747) for neurodegenerative disorders, Clinical and Translational Science 15(8): 2010-2023.
- Olofsen, E.; Algera, M.H.; Moss, L.; Dobbins, R.L.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Velzen, M. van; Niesters, M.; Dahan, A. & Laffont, C.M. (2022), Modeling buprenorphine reduction of fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, JCI Insight 7(9).
- Radanovic, I.; Klarenbeek, N.; Rissmann, R.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Moerland, M. & Bosch, J.J. (2022), Integration of healthy volunteers in early phase clinical trials with immuno-oncological compounds, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Prins, S.; Kam, M.L. de; Teunissen, C.E. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Inflammatory plasma biomarkers in subjects with preclinical Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 14(1).
- Thijssen, E.; Makai-Boloni, S.; Brummelen, E. van; Heijer, J. den; Yavuz, Y.; Doll, R.J. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), A Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Sensitivity of Finger Tapping to Medication Effects in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 9(8).
- Moss, L.M.; Algera, M.H.; Dobbins, R.; Gray, F.; Strafford, S.; Heath, A.; Velzen, M. van; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Niesters, M.; Olofsen, E.; Laffont, C.M.; Dahan, A. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Effect of sustained high buprenorphine plasma concentrations on fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, PLoS ONE 17(1).
- Thijssen, E.; Heijer, J.; Puibert, D.; Moss, L.; Lei, M.Z.; Hasegawa, D.; Keum, K.; Mochel, K.; Sharaf, M.E.; Alfredson, T.; Zeng, W.X.; Brummelen, E.; Naranda, T. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), A randomized trial assessing the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy during morning off of AZ-009, Movement Disorders 37(4): 790-798.
- Hijma, H.; Koopmans, I.; Klaassen, E.; Doll, R.J.; Zuiker, R. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), A crossover study evaluating the sex-dependent and sensitizing effects of sleep deprivation using a nociceptive test battery in healthy subjects, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(1).
- Sleutjes, B.T.H.M.; Garcia, D.J.L.S.; Kovalchuk, M.O.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Franssen, H. & Berg, L.H. van den (2022), Acute retigabine-induced effects on myelinated motor axons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Pharmacology Research and Perspectives 10(4).
- Yu, H.J.; Thijssen, E.; Brummelen, E. van; Plas, J.L. van der; Radanovic, I.; Moerland, M.; Hsieh, E.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Dodart, J.C. (2022), A randomized first-in-human study with UB-312, a UBITh (R) alpha-synuclein peptide vaccine, Movement Disorders 37(7): 1416-1424.
- Baakman, A.C.; Gavan, C.; Doeselaar, L. van; Kam, M. de; Broekhuizen, K.; Bajenaru, O.; Camps, L.; Swart, E.L.; Kalisvaart, K.; Schoonenboom, N.; Lemstra, E.; Scheltens, P.; Cohen, A.; Gerven, J. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Acute response to cholinergic challenge predicts long-term response to galantamine treatment in patients with Alzheimer's disease, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88(6).
- Moss, L.M.; Berends, C.L.; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Kamerling, I.M.C.; Klaassen, E.S.; Bergmann, K.; Ville, V.; Juarez-Perez, V.; Benichou, A.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), First-in-human trial to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of STR-324, a dual enkephalinase inhibitor for pain management , British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88(1): 103-114.
- Berg, B. van den; Hijma, H.J.; Koopmans, I.; Doll, R.J.; Zuiker, R.G.J.A.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Buitenweg, J.R. (2022), Simultaneous measurement of intra-epidermal electric detection thresholds and evoked potentials for observation of nociceptive processing following sleep deprivation, Experimental Brain Research 240(2): 631-649.
- Ruijs, T.Q.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Goede, A.A. de; Ziagkos, D.; Otto, M.E.; Doll, R.J.; Putten, M.J.A.M. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Transcranial magnetic stimulation as biomarker of excitability in drug development, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88(6).
- Thijssen, E.; Heijer, J.M. den; Puibert, D.; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Naranda, T. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2022), Safety and pharmacokinetics of multiple dosing with inhalable apomorphine (AZ-009), and its efficacy in a randomized crossover study in Parkinson's disease patients, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 97: 84-90.
- Kanhai, K.M.S.; Goulooze, S.C.; Grond, J. van der; Harms, A.C.; Hankemeier, T.; Verma, A.; Dent, G.; Chavez, J.; Meijering, H. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), Kinetics of myelin breakdown products, Clinical and Translational Science 15(3).
- Hijma, H.J.; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Siebenga, P.S. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), A phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-and multiple dose escalation study evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of VX-128, a highly selective Na(v)1.8 inhibitor, in healthy adults, Clinical and Translational Science.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Kruithof, A.C.; Amerongen, G. van; Kam, M.L. de; Thijssen, E.; Grievink, H.W.; Moerland, M.; Walker, M.; Been, K.; Skerlj, R.; Justman, C.; Dudgeon, L.; Lansbury, P.; Cullen, V.C.; Hilt, D.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), A randomized single and multiple ascending dose study in healthy volunteers of LTI-291, a centrally penetrant glucocerebrosidase activator, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(9).
- Bakker, C.; Esdonk, M.J. van; Stuurman, R.E.; Borghans, L.G.J.M.; Kam, M.L. de; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), Biperiden challenge model in healthy elderly as proof-of-pharmacology tool, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 61(11): 1466-1478.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Schmitz, A.; Lansbury, P.; Cullen, V.C.; Hilt, D.C.; Bonifati, V. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), False negatives in GBA1 sequencing due to polymerase dependent allelic imbalance, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Bakker, C.; Tasker, T.; Liptrot, J.; Hart, E.P.; Klaassen, E.S.; Prins, S.; Doef, T.F.; Brown, G.A.; Brown, A.; Congreve, M.; Weir, M.; Marshall, F.H.; Cross, D.M.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Nathan, P.J. (2021), First-in-man study to investigate safety, pharmacokinetics and exploratory pharmacodynamics of HTL0018318, a novel M-1-receptor partial agonist for the treatment of dementias, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(7): 2945-2955.
- O'Sullivan, J.M.; Heijer, J.M. den; Groeneveld, G.J. & Cooper, A.A. (2021), Intronic haplotypes in GBA modify age at diagnosis of Parkinson's, Movement Disorders 36(6).
- Mellion, M.L.; Ronco, L.; Berends, C.L.; Pagan, L.; Brooks, S.; Esdonk, M.J. van; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Odueyungbo, A.; Thompson, L.A.; Hage, M.; Badrising, U.A.; Raines, S.; Tracewell, W.G.; Engelen, B. van; Cadavid, D. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), Phase 1 clinical trial of losmapimod in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy: Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and target engagement, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(12): 4658-4669.
- Bakker, C.; Tasker, T.; Liptrot, J.; Hart, E.P.; Klaassen, E.S.; Doll, R.J.; Brown, G.A.; Brown, A.; Congreve, M.; Weir, M.; Marshall, F.H.; Cross, D.M.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Nathan, P.J. (2021), Safety, pharmacokinetics and exploratory pro-cognitive effects of HTL0018318, a selective M-1 receptor agonist, in healthy younger adult and elderly subjects, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 13(1).
- Bakker, C.; Prins, S.; Liptrot, J.; Hart, E.P.; Klaassen, E.S.; Brown, G.A.; Brown, A.; Congreve, M.; Weir, M.; Marshall, F.H.; Stevens, J.; Cross, D.M.; Tasker, T.; Nathan, P.J. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of HTL0009936, a selective muscarinic M-1-acetylcholine receptor agonist, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(11): 4439-4449.
- Bakker, C.; Aart, J. van der; Labots, G.; Liptrot, J.; Cross, D.M.; Klaassen, E.S.; Dickinson, S.; Tasker, T. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), Safety and pharmacokinetics of HTL0018318, a novel M-1 receptor agonist, given in combination with donepezil at steady state, Drugs in R&D 21(3): 295-304.
- Makai-Boloni, S.; Thijssen, E.; Brummelen, E.M.J. van; Groeneveld, G.J. & Doll, R.J. (2021), Touchscreen-based finger tapping, PLoS ONE 16(12).
- Prins, S.; Zhuparris, A.; Hart, E.P.; Doll, R.J. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2021), A cross-sectional study in healthy elderly subjects aimed at development of an algorithm to increase identification of Alzheimer pathology for the purpose of clinical trial participation, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Cullen, V.C.; Quadri, M.; Schmitz, A.; Hilt, D.C.; Lansbury, P.; Berendse, H.W.; Berg, W.D.J. van de; Bie, R.M.A. de; Boertien, J.M.; Boon, A.J.W.; Contarino, M.F.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hoff, J.I.; Mierlo, T. van; Munts, A.G.; Plas, A.A. van der; Ponsen, M.M.; Baas, F.; Majoor-Krakauer, D.; Bonifati, V.; Laar, T. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), A large-scale full GBA1 gene screening in Parkinson's disease in the Netherlands., Movement Disorders 35(9): 1667-1674.
- Diemen, M.P.J. van; Hart, E.P.; Abbruscato, A.; Mead, L.; Beelen, I. van; Bergheanu, S.C.; Hameeteman, P.W.; Coppen, E.; Winder, J.Y.; Moerland, M.; Kan, H.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of SBT-020 in patients with early stage Huntington's disease, a 2-part study, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87.
- Kruizinga, M.D.; Zuiker, R.G.J.A.; Sali, E.; Kam, M.L. de; Doll, R.J.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Santen, G.W.E. & Cohen, A.F. (2020), Finding suitable clinical endpoints for a potential treatment of a rare genetic disease, Neurotherapeutics 17.
- Leijenaar, J.F.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Klaassen, E.S.; Leeuwis, A.E.; Scheltens, P.; Weinstein, H.C.; Gerven, J.M.A. van; Barkhof, F.; Flier, W.M. van der & Prins, N.D. (2020), Methylphenidate and galantamine in patients with vascular cognitive impairment-the proof-of-principle study STREAM-VCI, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 12(1).
- Diemen, M.P.J. van; Hart, E.P.; Hameeteman, P.W.; Coppen, E.M.; Winder, J.Y.; Heijer, J. den; Moerland, M.; Kan, H.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Roos, R.A.C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Brain Bio-Energetic State Does Not Correlate to Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Huntington's Disease, Journal of Huntington's Disease 9(4): 335-344.
- Algera, M.H.; Olofsen, E.; Moss, L.; Dobbins, R.L.; Niesters, M.; Velzen, M. van; Groeneveld, G.J.; Heuberger, J.; Laffont, C.M. & Dahan, A. (2020), Tolerance to opioid-induced respiratory depression in chronic high-dose opioid users, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109(3).
- Heijer, J.M. den; Hilten, J.J. van; Kievit, A.J.A.; Bonifati, V. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Experience in genetic counseling for GBA1 variants in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 8(1).
- Heijer, J. den; Cullen, V.; Quadri, M.; Schmitz, A.; Hilt, D.; Lansbury, P.; Berendse, H.; Berg, W. de; Bie, R. de; Boertien, J.; Boon, A.; Contarino, M.; Hilten, J. van; Hoff, J.; Mierlo, T. van; Munts, A.; Plas, A.D.; Ponsen, M.; Baas, F.; Majoor-Krakauer, D.; Bonifati, V.; Laar, T. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), A large-scale full GBA1 gene screening in Parkinson's disease in the Netherlands: 18 novel and 1 'Dutch' variant, Movement Disorders 35: S197-S198.
- Grievink, H.W.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Huang, F.; Chaudhary, R.; Birkhoff, W.A.J.; Tonn, G.R.; Mosesova, S.; Erickson, R.; Moerland, M.; Haddick, P.C.G.; Scearce-Levie, K.; Ho, C. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), DNL104, a centrally penetrant RIPK1 inhibitor, inhibits RIP1 kinase phosphorylation in a randomized phase I ascending dose study in healthy volunteers, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 107(2): 406-414.
- Eijk, R.P.A. van; Eijkemans, M.J.C.; Nikolakopoulos, S.; Jansen, M.D.; Westeneng, H.J.; Eijk, K.R. van; Spek, R.A.A. van der; Vugt, J.J.F.A. van; Piepers, S.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den & Es, M.A. van (2020), Pharmacogenetic interactions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Pharmacogenomics Journal 20(2): 220-226.
- Thijssen, E.; Heijer, J. den; Puibert, D.; Lei, M.; Hasegawa, D.; Keum, K.; Mochel, K.; Roset, P.; Brummelen, E. van; Naranda, T. & Groeneveld, G. (2020), Randomized, placebo-controlled study investigating the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of inhaled apomorphine in Parkinson's disease patients, Movement Disorders 35: S428-S428.
- Bakker, C.; Aart, J. van der; Hart, E.P.; Klaassen, E.S.; Bergmann, K.R.; Esdonk, M.J. van; Kay, D.G. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of Gln-1062, a prodrug of galantamine, Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 6(1).
- Qin, T.; Prins, S.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Westen, G. van; Vries, H.E. de; Wong, Y.C.; Bischoff, L.J.M. & Lange, E.C.M. de (2020), Utility of animal models to understand human Alzheimer's disease, using the mastermind research approach to avoid unnecessary further sacrifices of animals, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(9).
- Vissers, M.F.J.M.; Cohen, A.F.; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), The impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on the conduct of clinical trials, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(3).
- Hijma, H.J.; Moss, L.M.; Gal, P.; Ziagkos, D.; Kam, M.L. de; Moerland, M. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Challenging the challenge , Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 88: 515-528.
- Kruizinga, M.D.; Stuurman, F.E.; Exadaktylos, V.; Doll, R.J.; Stephenson, D.T.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Driessen, G.J.A. & Cohen, A.F. (2020), Development of Novel, Value-Based, Digital Endpoints for Clinical Trials: A Structured Approach Toward Fit-for-Purpose Validation, Pharmacological Reviews 72(4): 899-909.
- Bechakra, M.; Nieuwenhoff, M.D.; Rosmalen, J. van; Groeneveld, G.J.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Zeeuw, C.I. de; Doorn, P.A. van & Jongen, J.L.M. (2020), Pain-related changes in cutaneous innervation of patients suffering from bortezomib-induced, diabetic or chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy, Brain Research 1730.
- Berg, B. van den; Doll, R.J.; Mentink, A.L.H.; Siebenga, P.S.; Groeneveld, G.J. & Buitenweg, J.R. (2020), Simultaneous tracking of psychophysical detection thresholds and evoked potentials to study nociceptive processing, Behavior Research Methods 52(4): 1617-1628.
- Radanovic, I.; Likic, R. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Spotlight Commentary, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(4).
- Hart, E.P.; Alvarez-Jimenez, R.; Davidse, E.; Doll, R.J.; Cohen, A.F.; Gerven, J.M.A. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2019), A Computerized Test Battery to Study Pharmacodynamic Effects on the Central Nervous System of Cholinergic Drugs in Early Phase Drug Development, Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Siebenga, P.S.; Amerongen, G. van; Okkerse, P.; Denney, W.S.; Dua, P.; Butt, R.P.; Hay, J.L. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2019), Reproducibility of a battery of human evoked pain models to detect pharmacological effects of analgesic drugs., European Journal of Pain.
- Simpraga, S.; Mansvelder, H.D.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Prins, S.; Hart, E.P.; Poil, S.S. & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2018), An EEG nicotinic acetylcholine index to assess the efficacy of pro-cognitive compounds.
- Kovalchuk, M.O.; Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Sleutjes, B.T.H.M.; Ziagkos, D.; Berg, L.H. van den; Ferguson, T.A.; Franssen, H. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2018), Acute Effects of Riluzole and Retigabine on Axonal Excitability in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 104(6): 1136-1145.
- Jacobs Milou, Hart Ellen P., Miranda Yuri Mejia, Groeneveld Geert Jan, van Gerven Joop M. A. & Roos Raymund A. C. (2018), DRIVING PERFORMANCE OF HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE GENE CARRIERS, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89: A87-A87.
- Esdonk, M.J. van; Lindeman, I.; Okkerse, P.; Kam, M.L. de; Groeneveld, G.J. & Stevens, J. (2018), Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Nociceptive Pain Models Following an Oral Pregabalin Dose Administration to Healthy Subjects, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 7(9): 573-580.
- Baakman AC, {\textquotesingle}t Hart E, Kay DG, Stevens J, Klaassen ES, Maelicke A & Groeneveld GJ (2016), First in human study with a prodrug of galantamine: Improved benefit-risk ratio?, Alzheimer{\textquotesingle}s {&} Dementia: Translational Research {&} Clinical Interventions 2(1): 13--22.
- Hay, J.L.; Okkerse, P.; Amerongen, G. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2016), Determining Pain Detection and Tolerance Thresholds Using an Integrated, Multi-Modal Pain Task Battery., Journal of Visualized Experiments 110.
- Okkerse, P.; Hay, J.L.; Versage, E.; Tang, Y.Q.; Galluppi, G.; Ravina, B.; Verma, A.; Williams, L.; Aycardi, E. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2016), Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of multiple doses of BG00010, a neurotrophic factor with anti-hyperalgesic effects, in patients with sciatica., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 82(1).
- Doll, R.J.; Amerongen, G. van; Hay, J.L.; Groeneveld, G.J.; Veltink, P.H. & Buitenweg, J.R. (2016), Responsiveness of electrical nociceptive detection thresholds to capsaicin (8 %)-induced changes in nociceptive processing., Experimental Brain Research 234(9): 2505-2514-2514.
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- van Kan HJM, van den Berg LH, Groeneveld GJ, van der Straaten RJHM, van Vught PWJ, Lie-A-Huen L & Guchelaar HJ (2008), Pharmacokinetics of riluzole: Evidence for glucuronidation as a major metabolic pathway not associated with UGT1A1 genotype, Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 29(3).
- Groeneveld GJ, van Kan H, Lie-A-Huen L, Guchelaar HJ & van den Berg LH (2008), An association study of riluzole serum concentration and survival and disease progression in patients with ALS, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 83(5).
- Veldink JH, Kalmijn S, Groeneveld GJ, Titulaer MJ, Wokke JHJ & van den Berg LH (2005), Physical activity and the association with sporadic ALS, Neurology 64(2).
- van Kan HJM, Groeneveld GJ, Kalmijn S, Spieksma M, van den Berg LH & Guchelaar HJ (2005), Association between CYP1A2 activity and riluzole clearance in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59(3).
- van Kan HJM, Groeneveld GJ, Torano JS, Spieksma M, van den Berg LH & Guchelaar HJ (2004), Correlation between riluzole clearance and CYP1A2 activity in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 57(3).
- van Kan HJM, Spieksma M, Groeneveld GJ, Torano JS, van den Berg LH & Guchelaar HJ (2004), A validated HPLC assay to monitor riluzole plasma or serum concentrations in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Biomedical Chromatography 18(9).
- Groeneveld GJ, Van Kan HJM, Kalmijn S, Veldink JH, Guchelaar HJ, Wokke JHJ & Van den Berg LH (2003), Riluzole serum concentrations in patients with ALS - Associations with side effects and symptoms, Neurology 61(8).
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