Gavin Robinson
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. G.L. Robinson
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0009-0007-9210-055X
Dr Gavin Robinson PhD LLM is Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Digital Technologies at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University.
More information about Gavin Robinson
Dr Gavin Robinson PhD LLM is Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Digital Technologies at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University. He does research on digital crime (especially economic, financial and AI-facilitated crimes), transnational (cyber-) investigation, comparative criminal procedure, police, judicial and public-private cooperation, data protection law and criminal online content.
Gavin has contributed as co-coordinator, expert or national reporter to international, multidisciplinary research projects run from the Netherlands (funded by the European Commission and NWO), Luxembourg (FNR), Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS and ULiège), Italy (European Commission, FP7) and the United Kingdom (EPSRC), as well as for the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.
He has co-edited two volumes – one on legal innovation, and one on conflicts of jurisdiction in EU criminal law – and published in scientific and professional outlets on the tensions between data-driven law enforcement, the gathering of electronic evidence, and antiterrorism and the rights to a fair trial, to private life, to data protection, and to freedom of expression online.
Gavin has presented collective and individual research at events in Australia, China, India, Singapore, Latin America and at conferences throughout Europe. Prior to joining eLaw, he worked for the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology at Utrecht University, whilst serving on the board of the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE). In 2023, he was visiting scholar at the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation (UNSW Sydney).
At eLaw, Gavin coordinates the Master Thesis programme for the Advanced LLM in Law and Digital Technologies (LDT). He also lectures on the Cybercrime and Cybersecurity course within LDT, and runs a module on Digital Technologies and Power for the LDE (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus) Minor in Responsible Innovation. An experienced Master’s thesis supervisor and PhD mentor, Gavin has created, coordinated and delivered LLB and LLM courses on data retention, data protection for law enforcement, corruption, money laundering, market abuse, cryptocrime, terrorist content and CSAM, corporate criminal liability and comparative state theory.
He holds a PhD and a bilingual LLM in European Law (Specialisation: Droit pénal européen des affaires / European Economic and Financial Criminal Law) from the University of Luxembourg, and an LLB (Hons) from Edinburgh Law School. In Luxembourg, Gavin interned at the Court of Justice of the European Union and in the compliance and risk department of a fund services firm. He has intermediate Dutch and is fluent in Spanish and French.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Robinson G.L. (2025), Effective Data Protection and Direct Cooperation on Digital Evidence. In: Franssen V. & Tosza S. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations. Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 68-103.
- Robinson G.L. (2023), Targeted Retention of Communications Metadata: Future-proofing the Fight against Serious Crime in Europe?, European Papers 8(2): 713-740.
- Robinson G.L., Vries S. de & Duivenvoorde B. (2023), Introduction: future-proof regulation and enforcement for the digitalised age, European Papers 8(2): 579-582.
- Robinson G.L. (2023), Where Engel fears to tread?: Applicable law, choice of forum and ne bis in idem in a composite administrative punitive legal order. In: Luchtman M., Ligeti K. & Vervaele J. (Eds.), EU enforcement authorities: punitive law enforcement in a composite legal order. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law no. 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 197-224.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2023), Composite enforcement and comprehensive judicial protection. In: Luchtman M., Ligeti K. & Vervaele J. (Eds.), EU enforcement authorities: punitive law enforcement in a composite legal order. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law no. 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 65-106.
- Masson A. & Robinson G.L. (Eds.) (2021), Mapping legal innovation: trends and perspectives. Cham: Springer.
- Robinson G.L. (2021), Notes on the ECHR and the Disunited Kingdom ‘after’ Brexit: in memoriam Scott Crosby, New Journal of European Criminal Law 12(1): 4-13.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2021), Sword, shield and cloud: toward a European system of public-private orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters?. In: Mitsilegas V. & Vavoula N. (Eds.), Surveillance and privacy in the Digital Age: European, Transatlantic and Global Perspectives. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 27-70.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2021), The handling of digital evidence in Luxembourg. In: Caianiello M. & Camon A. (Eds.), Digital forensic evidence: towards common European standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations. Collezione di Giustizia Penale no. 7. Milano: Wolters Kluwer - CEDAM. 123-162.
- Robinson G.L. (22 May 2021), Digital forensics standards: enforcement under the radar of EU plans for electronic evidence. RENFORCE Blog. Utrecht: The Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) (Utrecht University). [blog entry].
- Robinson G.L. (2020), Review of: Lennon G., King C. & McCartney C. (eds.) (2019), Counter-terrorism, constitutionalism and miscarriages of justice: a Festschrift for professor Clive Walker. Oxford: Hart Publishing. New Journal of European Criminal Law 11(2): 258-261.
- Robinson G.L. (2 March 2020), Crime, security, and data adequacy in the UK: the next sting in Brexit’s tail. Blog of the DCU Brexit Institute. Dublin: Dublin City University. [blog entry].
- Robinson G.L. (2019), A democratic dénouement?: The European Union vs terrorist content online [Um desfecho democrático? União Europeia vs conteúdo terrorista online], Revista Publicum 5(2): 184-200.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2019), Overprosecution and negotiated justice in Europe. In: Kempen P.H. van & Jendly M. (Eds.), Overuse in the criminal justice system: on criminalization, prosecution and imprisonment. International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation no. 47. Cambridge: Intersentia. 101-128.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (Eds.) (2018), Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law: a European Law Institute instrument. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Robinson G.L. (2018), Choice of forum and cybercrime. In: Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (Eds.), Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law: a European Law Institute instrument. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 182-203.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2018), Transnational enforcement of production orders for electronic evidence: beyond mutual recognition?. In: Kert R. & Lehner A. (Eds.), Vielfalt des Strafrechts im internationalen Kontext: Festschrift für Frank Höpfel zum 65. Geburtstag. Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. 625-644.
- Robinson G.L. (2018), The European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum 2018(4): 234-240.
- Marriott J. & Robinson G.L. (2017), To score and to protect?: Big data (and privacy) meet SME credit risk in the UK, International Data Privacy Law 7(1): 48-69.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), "Bespoke" UK-EU police and judicial cooperation post-Brexit, Criminology in Europe: Newsletter of the European Society of Criminology 16(2): 11-14.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Cross-border access to electronic evidence: policy and legislative challenges. In: Carrera S. & Mitsilegas V. (Eds.), Constitutionalising the Security Union: effectiveness, rule of law and rights in countering terrorism and crime. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. 99-111.
- Schmitz S. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Das NetzDG und die CPS Guidelines zur Verfolgung strafbarer Inhalte in sozialen Medien. In: Taeger J. (Ed.), Recht 4.0 - Innovationen aus den rechtswissenschaftlichen Laboren: Tagungsband DSRI-Herbstakademie 2017. Oldenburg: Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht. 289-304.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Transversal report on judicial protection. In: Luchtman M. & Vervaele J. (Eds.), Investigatory powers and procedural safeguards: Improving OLAF’s legislative framework through a comparison with other EU law enforcement authorities (ECN/ESMA/ECB). Utrecht: Utrecht University / RENFORCE. 219-246.
- Robinson G.L. (2014), Review of: Campbell L. (2013), Organised crime and the law: a comparative analysis. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh-Hart. New Journal of European Criminal Law 5(1): 110-114.
- Robinson G.L. (2012), Data protection reform, passenger name record and telecommunications data retention: mass surveillance measures in the E.U. and the need for a comprehensive legal framework, Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 95(4): 394-416.