Gabriele Landucci
Senior fellow / Guest
- Name
- Dr. G. Landucci
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9605
- 0000-0002-0212-3253

Gabriele Landucci graduated in Chemical Engineering (Bachelor in 2002 and Master in 2005) from the University of Pisa, where he completed the PhD in Chemical and Material Science Engineering (2009). His research and teaching activities focus on industrial safety and risk assessment in the framework of critical installations, with particular reference to chemical and process industries.
More information about Gabriele Landucci
Gabriele Landucci graduated in Chemical Engineering (Bachelor in 2002 and Master in 2005) from the University of Pisa, where he completed the PhD in Chemical and Material Science Engineering (2009). Since 2011 he is Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering. He was visiting researcher in several important institutions such as Delft University of Technology (2016), SINTEF (Trondheim, 2014), Queen’s University (Kingston, 2013), Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, 2008) and TNO (Apeldoorn, 2007).
From January 2018, he is associate professor of Safety at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University.
His research and teaching activities focus on industrial safety and risk assessment in the framework of critical installations, with particular reference to chemical and process industries.
His theoretical and practical research framework deal with i) the performance assessment of safety barriers for process equipment, with particular reference to passive fire protection systems; ii) risk assessment of cascading events triggered by process accidents (domino effect), natural events (NaTech) and external attacks or acts of interference (integrated safety and security); iii) the development of quantitative methods for hazard analysis and for design support of inherent safety application.
He is co-author of several contributions to international peer-reviewed journals and technical conferences and he was coordinator of University of Pisa research team in several National and European research projects focused on industrial safety. He is currently associate editor of the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries and of the Journal of Integrated Security Science. He is Co-Chair of the Technical Committee in Chemical and Process Industry of ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association).
Selected Publications
G. Landucci, A. Tugnoli, V. Busini, M. Derudi, R. Rota, V. Cozzani, The Viareggio LPG accident: Lessons learnt, J of Loss Prev Proc Ind 2011; 24(4): 466-476.
G. Landucci, A. Necci, G. Antonioni, A. Tugnoli, V. Cozzani, Release of hazardous substances in flood events: Damage model for horizontal cylindrical vessels, Rel Eng Syst Safety 2014, 132:125-145.
G. Landucci, G. Reniers, V. Cozzani, E. Salzano, Vulnerability of industrial facilities to attacks with improvised explosive devices aimed at triggering domino scenarios, Rel Eng Syst Safety 2015; 143:53-62.
G. Landucci, N. Paltrinieri, A methodology for frequency tailorization dedicated to the Oil & Gas sector, Proc Safety Env Prot 2016; 104:123-141.
G. Landucci, A. Necci, G. Antonioni, F. Argenti, V. Cozzani, Risk assessment of mitigated domino scenarios in process facilities, Rel Eng Syst Safety 2017; 160: 37-53.
Senior fellow / Guest
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Ovidi F., Vlies A.V. van der, Kuipers S.L. & Landucci G. (2019), HazMat transportation safety assessment: Analysis of a “Viareggio-like” incident in the Netherlands, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 63: .
- Broekema W. & Landucci G., Interdisciplinary teaching of safety: Adopting the Fukushima I nuclear disaster case. Leiden Safety and Security Blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Teaching in postgraduate courses