Universiteit Leiden

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Frits van der Meer

Professor emeritus Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform

Prof.dr. F.M. van der Meer
+31 71 527 2727

Frits van der Meer holds the endowed CAOP chair ‘Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform’ at the Institute of Public Administration since June 2011. His ongoing research activities concentrate on (comparative) public sector reform, the Enabling State and government performance. This line of research is set in the context of a gradually changing multi-level governance system and the emergence of an enabling state. Themes of interests in this area are, for instance, the analysis of the interrelationship between the changing size, composition and professionality dimensions of governments and civil service systems on the one hand, and their per-formance on the other.

More information about Frits van der Meer

Frits van der Meer holds the endowed CAOP chair ‘Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform’ at the Institute of Public Administration. His ongoing research activities concentrate on (comparative) public sector reform, the Enabling State and government performance. This line of research is set in the context of a gradually changing multilevel governance system and the emergence of an enabling state. Themes of interests in this area are, for instance, the analysis of the interrelationship between the changing size, composition and professionality dimensions of governments and civil service systems on the one hand, and their performance on the other.

He has been involved in international comparative research in this area recently in a project sponsored by the European Union on institutional capacity and performance of the EU member states. In addition he has managed of international research networks, such as the Civil Service Systems Consortium of major international academic experts in this particular field. Besides he is doing research on administrative history.

As director of the Leiden Centre for public sector Reform, he has worked with governments in a wide range of countries and with international organizations on a regular basis. He is also currently in charge of the professional Public Administration master programme.

Frits van der Meer is working at the Institute of Public Administration since 1985. Before he was employed by the Ministry of the Interior (Council on local government). He studied economic history at Leiden University and graduated in 1983. In 1993 he finished his PhD in social science on Ambtenaren in Nederland. Omvang, bureaucratisering en representativiteit van het ambtelijk apparaat. (Civil servants in the Netherlands: Size, bureaucratisation and representativeness of the civil service).

Professor emeritus Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde


  • Meer F.M. van der (29 June 2022), Steeds meer politici bedreigd door demonstranten: 'Ik vraag me af wie straks de politiek nog in wil'. for Eenvandaag (NOS 1). [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Meer F.M. van der (23 September 2022), De compensatiemaatschappij is een doodlopende-weg. Interviewed by Jongsma M., Het Financieele Dagblad. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Meer F.M. van der (12 June 2022), Boerenprotest, stelt hoogleraar, was een vorm van mentale bedreiging. ‘Dit breekt de samenleving af’. Interviewed by Egmond J. van, Trouw. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Meer F.M. van der (12 June 2018), Verminderde aandacht voor ambtelijke kwaliteit. CAOP, Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Kas A. & Meer F.M. van der (26 July 2016), Bezuinigen op het Rijk? Dat lukt dus nooit. Interviewed by Kas Annemarie for NRC Handelsblad, Main paper. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Meer F.M. van der (2015), Het openbaar bestuur als multi level governance systeem: De consequenties voor de relatie tussen politici, ambtenaren en burgers. Openbare lezing 28 mei Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Van der Meer F.M. (2014), Reform and the Democratic Rule of Law: Consequences for the public service. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (2014), Schaalproblemen in het openbaar bestuur. MLG en multischalig besturen , Utrecht Maart 2014. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (31 May 2013), Bureaucracy in systems of multi-level governance: towards a new civil service research project. Conference ramework Paper. Transatlantic Policy Consortium Conference: Civil Service Systems Panel. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (3 May 2013), The Governance of Food Safety in the Netherlands: (De)regulation, (De)centralization and (De)collectivization. IIAs working group Administrative History. Reims. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (27 June 2013), Speaking truth (unto) power. Een historisch en internationaal perspectief. Symposium speaking truth to power ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van hans borstlap als voorzitter van de stichting leerstoelen CAOP. CAOP Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Berg C.F. van den (1 March 2013), Het overheidspersoneel en Rutte II. De omvang van het overheidspersoneel vanuit nationaal en internationaal perspectief in het licht van de voorstellen in het regeerakkoord c.a. en de consequenties daarvan voor de kwaliteit van de ambtelijke dienst en samenleving in onderlinge samenhang bekeken. Brain storm meeting CAOP. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Dijkstra G.S.A. (31 May 2013), Public Sector Reform and the Democratic Rule of Law: Consequences for the Public Service. Transantlantic Policy Consortium Conference: Civil service panel. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berg C.F. van den, Meer F.M. van der & Dijkstra G.S.A. (3 April 2012), The civil service and its (legal) position: an international comparison of quality, integrity and professionalism. 13th International Winelands Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (4 June 2012), 'De ambtenaar in een veranderend openbaar bestuur'. interview. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Meer F.M. van der (28 March 2012), De voorwaardenscheppende staat en de rechtspositie van ambtenaren. CMHP lezing. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (30 April 2012), The Governance of Food Safety in the Netherlands: Two Centuries of Intensifying Regulation and Organization. Paper presented at the meeting of the Working Group History of Administration, International Institute of Administrative Sciences April 30, 2012, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. IIAS working group on Administrative history. Washington DC. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (8 March 2012), De voorwaardenscheppende staat en de gevolgen voor de inrichting en werking van het openbaar bestuur. Symposium Voorwaardenscheppende staat en prestaties. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (28 June 2012), In hoeverre is de huidige Nederlandse (rijks)overheid “groot” dan wel “beperkt” van omvang in vergelijkend perspectief?. Openbaar debat: ambtenaren tussen zorg en trots. Den Haag De Witte. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (24 February 2012). Voorwaarden, waarborgen en ambtenaren. De gevolgen van de opkomst van de voorwaardenscheppende staat voor de publieke dienst, Inaugurele Rede. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Meer F.M. van der (21 June 2012), Publieke sector hervormingen en de democratische rechtsstaat. Openbare bijeenkomst CAOP , opgenomen en geplaatst op youtube. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berg C.F. van den, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Meer F.M. van der (10 April 2012), A comparative historical analysis of the development towards and reappraisal of a protected civil service in France, the UK, Germanic territories and The Netherlands in the 19th and early 20th centuries. ECPR joint sessions. Antwerp. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (4 May 2011), Public sector reform and the rise of an enabling state: queries and conundrums. Key note speech research conference. Speyer. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (6 December 2011), De omvang van de overheid in vergelijkend perspectief. Jaarcongres Albeda Leerstoel: ‘De Staat van de ambtelijke dienst’. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Berg C.F. van den & Dijkstra G.S.A. (24 August 2011), The changing position and (legal) status of top civil servants from a PSB perspective. ECPR conference. Reykjavik. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Dijkstra G.S.A. (15 March 2011), Overheid en ambtenaar nieuwe stijl en integriteit. Voorjaarsbijeenkomst van de Vereniging Ambtenaar & Recht. Zoetermeer. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (7 November 2011), Reform and the post enabling state. Research seminar. Columbus Ohio. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (10 March 2011), Eigene van de overheid vanuit internationaal perspectief. CAOP debat over de rol van de overheid. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Toonen T.A.J. & Raadschelders J.C.N. (25 November 2010), Public sector reform and administrative Models, traditions, and reforms Paper. NIG. Maastricht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (6 October 2010), State of the Public sector reform and traditions, seminar ‘Intergovernmental dimension of public sector reform: A European comparative perspective’. Seminar organized by the Centre for Public Sector Reform, Institute of Public Administration Faculty of Social Sciences. The Hague. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Dijkstra G.S.A. (21 June 2010), Representative bureaucracy and multiculturalism in the Netherlands. Conference. Friedrichshafen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (18 June 2010), Motives and Initiators of Administrative Reform in The Netherlands, 19th-20th C. IIAS Working Group History of Government. Conference IIAS administrative history. University of Linz, Austria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (5 April 2008), The administration of Dutch migration in 19th and 20th centuries. History Public Administration. Paris. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (29 April 2007), Civil servants and leadership. Gastcollege. Tokyo, Japan. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (26 January 1999), Leadership and the Civil Service: The Rise of a New Top Civil Servant in The Netherlands. Congres organized by the 'Civil Service Training and Development Institute'. Hong Kong. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (1 October 1999), Dutch Government Reform and Topdown Politicisation. Paper presented to the Gothenburg Seminar on political-administrative relations. Gothenburg, Sweden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (28 January 1999), Changing Patterns in Training and Development for Public Organizations in The Netherlands. Congres organized by the 'Civil Service Training and Development Institute'. Hong Kong. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (1 March 1999), The Emergence of the Decentralized-Unitary State in the Netherlands, 1702-1848. Paper presented to the Public Administration Theory Conference. Portland, Oregon. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (27 January 1999), The Development and Creation of a Service Orientation in Dutch Public Administration. Congres organized by the 'Civil Service Training and Development Institute'. Hong Kong. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (25 January 1999), The Dutch System of Personnel Management related to the Institutional Design of the Administrative System. Congres organized by the 'Civil Service Training and Development Institute'. Hong Kong. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (12 February 1998), Symposium "Werkende arbeidsverhoudingen". Lezing op symposium "Werkende arbeidsverhoudingen" georganiseerd door het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (1 March 1998), The legislative framework concerning the public service: duties and rights of civil servants. OECD. Llublijana. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Bekke A.J.G.M. & Raadschelders J.C.N. (1 April 1998), Comparative civil service systems: an institutional analysis. Paper presented at the NOB conference Noordwijkerhout. Noordwijkerhout. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (1 April 1998), Comparative civil systems. Lecture to Swedish civil servants. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (28 March 1998), Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. Paper presented at the working group 'History of Administration' meeting. Corfu, Ionean University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (1 March 1998), The comprehensiveness of the Civil service Law: the scope and limitations of the law. OECD. Llublijana. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (28 March 1998), Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. Paper presented at the working group History of Adminstration' meeting. Corfu, Ionean University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (14 March 1997), Administering the Summit in The Netherlands 1795-1995. International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. Brussel. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (14 March 1997), Administering the Summit: Comparative Observations. International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. Brussel. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (21 March 1997), The Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands: A Fragmented Unity. Whitehall Project. Oxford. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Roborgh L.J. (5 April 1997), The Dutch Civil Service System. Paper presented at the Congres Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective. Bloomington. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (15 July 1997), Training higher civil servants for the transition to market economy. Conferentie. Boekarest. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der & Raadschelders J.C.N. (6 June 1997), The Transformation of the Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands after the Second World War. Politicologenetmaal. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Meer F.M. van der (15 October 1997), The institutional organisation of training in the Netherlands for higer civil servants. Paper presented at the OECD-STIGMA and Institute International d'Administration Publique. Paris. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Public Administration Review Associate Editor
  • International Journal Public Policy Member Editorial Board
  • Foundation of Government and Public Administration Palgrave Macmillan series Editorial board
  • International Journal of Public Leadership Lid Editorial board
  • ADMINISTORY Jjournal for the history of public administration Member editorial board
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