Frank Baas
Professor emeritus Molecular Genetic Diagnostics
- Name
- Prof.dr. F. Baas
- 0000-0003-3912-5428

Frank Baas (25 februari, 1956) is Professor of Molecular Genetic Diagnostics and head of the laboratory for genome diagnostics (LDGA) of the Department of Clinical Genetics. He is also visting scientist at the Koch Institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-founder of Regenesance and Complement Pharma BV. He is member of the scientic advisory boards of Stichting MS Research, the American Charcot-Marie-Tooth organisation and ad hoc member of review committies of the Belgian FWO and the Portugese FCT.
Frank Baas (25 februari, 1956) is Professor of Molecular Genetic Diagnostics and head of the laboratory for genome diagnostics (LDGA) of the Department of Clinical Genetics. He is also visting scientist at the Koch Institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-founder of Regenesance and Complement Pharma BV.
He is member of the scientic advisory boards of Stichting MS Research, the American Charcot-Marie-Tooth organisation and ad hoc member of review committies of the Belgian FWO and the Portugese FCT.
Genome diagnostics
Genome diagnostics plays an important role in society. Genetic factors are not only determinants of hereditary disorders but also contribute to susceptibility and disease progression. The genetic constitution of an individual is thus important. The chair of Genome diagnostics concerns studies on the role of the genetic make-up of an individual in relation to disease. To this end new technologies for detection and analysis of genetic variability are developed and implemented in a diagnostic setting.
Academic career
Professor Frank Baas obtained his MD (1982) and his PhD (The structure of the human thyroglubilin gene, 1986) at the University of Amsterdam. He was visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cancer Centre and Harvard Medical School and was a scientist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Division of Molecular Biology, where he identified a new mechanism for multidrug resistance. In 1991 he moved to the University of Amsterdam to specialise in human (neuro) genetics and was appointed professor of Neurogenetics at the University of Amsterdam in 2002. He is a board certified Clinical Molecular geneticist and is a leading scientist in the field of neurogenetics. He has published over 300 peer reviewed papers and has 2 granted patents on neuroregeneration. He aims to understand the genetic basis of neurological disorders and define a novel concept for understanding the onset and progression of neurodegenerative disorders, with the ultimate goal of developing better-targeted therapies.
Prizes and honourable appointments
Frank Baas received a Constantijn and Christiaan Huygens Fellowship form the NWO, received the Amsterdam Inventor Award in 2009 and was President of the Dutch Society for Human Genetics from 2012-2016.
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Professor emeritus Molecular Genetic Diagnostics
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Lid wetenschappelijk adviesraad
- adviseur
- Wetenschappelijk directeur
- Adviseur
- Ad hoc adviseur projectbeoordeling