Femmie Juffer
Professor emeritus of Adoption Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. F. Juffer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- juffer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0246-498X

Academic Career
- Professor of Adoption Studies (2000-2020)
- Cluster head Adoption and Foster Care in PEARL (Program for Emotion regulation and Attachment Research in Leiden)
- Chair of the Centre for Child and Family Studies (2002-2009)
- Staff member Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development
- Associate Professor Leiden University
- Assistant Professor Leiden University (1993)
- Post-doc NWO, Utrecht University (1993-1995)
- PhD. Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University (1993)
The Chair on Adoption Studies was established at Leiden University, Centre for Child and Family Studies, in 2000 by Wereldkinderen The Hague. The inaugural speech took place at the 1st of February, 2002, entitled 'Adoptie, een optie voor kind en gezin?' ('Adoption, an option for child and family?').
Academic awards
- Public Services Award, 2015 (Leiden University)
- Royal decoration of Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau, 2010
- Casimir Award, 2005 (Excellent teacher award Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University)
- Piet Vroon Award, 2004 (Research for practice award, Leiden University)
Teaching and training activities
Until 2016: Several courses for Bachelor, Master, and Research Master students, e.g., Prevention & Intervention, Adoption & Fostering.
Until 2020: Trainer and supervisor of the Leiden attachment-based program Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD). See: Juffer, F., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., & Van IJzendoorn, M.H. (Eds.) (2008). Promoting positive parenting: An attachment-based intervention. New York: Taylor & Francis. See website Vipp.
Main research interests
- (International) adoption and foster care
- Early childhood intervention and attachment-based video-feedback intervention
- Attachment and intervention in adoptive and foster families
- Parental sensitivity and sensitive parenting
- Behavior problems in (early) childhood and adolescence
- Meta-analysis
- Child-rearing in institutions and orphanages
- Longitudinal adoption studies from infancy to adulthood
- Physical growth and stress
- Social-emotional and cognitive development of adopted children/adopted adults
Editorial and administrative activities
- Editor foster care magazine BIJ ONS
- Editor magazine de Pedagoog
- Guest editor special issue of Attachment & Human Development, together with Dr. Miriam Steele (2014)
- Member Editorial Board of Adoption Quarterly (2005-2020)
- Associate editor of Adoptietijdschrift (Dutch journal on adoption) (1998-2010)
- Member Editorial Board of Mobiel, tijdschrift voor Pleegzorg (Dutch journal on foster care) (2008-2021)
- Co-founder and advisor Adoption Research Center (ADOC, in liquidation) at Leiden University (2000-2016)
- Chair ICAR3 (International Conference on Adoption Research), Leiden 2010
- Chair Opleidingscommissie Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Chair Ethiekcommissie Pedagogische Wetenschappen (ethical committee)
- Chair Raad van Advies Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Member Toelatingscommissie Masteropleiding Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Member Commissie Minorstelsel
- Member Expertisenetwerk Pleegzorg (national professional network for foster care)
- Member of the Board of the Nederlandse vereniging van pedagogen en onderwijskundigen (NVO) professional association).
Reviewer for international journals (selection)
Adoption Quarterly; American Journal of Orthopsychiatry; Archives of General Psychiatry; Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine; Attachment and Human Development; Child Abuse and Neglect; Child Development; Child Development Perspectives; Children and Youth Services Review; Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry; Developmental Psychology; Developmental Review; European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Infant Behavior and Development; Infant Mental Health Journal; International Journal of Behavioral Development; Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology; Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology; Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry; Journal of Family Psychology; Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology; Parenting: Science and Practice; Pediatrics; Personal Relationships; Social Development.
See Dutch profile Femmie Juffer
Professor emeritus of Adoption Studies
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Juffer F. (2019), "Acceptatie thuis is de basis". Interview over het opgroeien in een multicultureel adoptie- of pleeggezin. Interviewed by Jans A. for Adoptiemagazine Online. [interview].
- Juffer F. (2019), Aan de andere kant van de tafel. Femmie Juffer "Adoptie heeft een negatief imago, onterecht". Interviewed by Schilperoort L. for Freya Magazine: 20-22. [interview].
- Juffer F. (2014), Weten of niet weten? Dat is de vraag. KRO Spoorloos Magazine. Interviewed by Lelij O. van der. [interview].
- Juffer F. (2014), VIPP: Hoe de camera het kinderleven veiliger maakt. for Leidraad. [interview].
- Juffer F. (2014), Pleidooi voor preventieve adoptienazorg. Interviewed by Olst Marion van for Adoptietijdschrift. [interview].
- Juffer F. (2014), Op weg naar Seoul: Verhaal van een adoptie. Interviewed by Blok Mischa (Radio 1). [interview].
- Juffer F. (8 October 2014), Gehecht aan grootouders. Landelijke Pleeggrootouderdag, Amersfoort, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (15 September 2014), Gehechtheid van levensbelang voor pleegkinderen. PleegOuderRaad van Spirit, jeugdzorgorganisatie Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (30 October 2014), Beslissingen over kinderen: Speelt gehechtheid een rol? Expertmeeting voor kinderrechters en jeugdzorgmedewerkers, Breda, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (15 May 2014), Parenting matters. The role of parenting in children's rights. Seminar Together4Change, The Hague, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (8 November 2014), De kracht van de opvoeding. Zorg voor gezinnen, pleegzorg, adoptie. P-Congres Duurzaamheid in de zorg, Utrecht, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (11 November 2014), Gehechtheid bij juridische beslissingen over kinderen. Gastcollege Rechten, vak Jeugdzorg en Jeugdbescherming, Leiden, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (13 July 2010), Attachment, adoptive parenting, and intervention. Keynote lecture presented at the third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR-3). Leiden, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (13 March 2010), Parenting matters: Supporting adoptive families with an attachment-based intervention. Lezing Seminar at the Centro di Terapia dell' Adolescenza. Milan, Italy. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (22 November 2010), Attachment-based interventions and the development of Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP). VIPP course london. London, England. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (18 May 2009), Academic achievement and social outcomes of adoptees - A meta-perspective. Invited plenary lecture at the International Adoption Conference, International Adoptees: School Performance, Educational Attainment and Social Adjustment. Oslo, Norway. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (13 March 2009), Ontwikkeling en gehechtheid van jonge adoptiekinderen. Studiedag Artsen Jeugdgezondheidszorg Nederland, Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Utrecht, Nederland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (20 February 2009), Family matters: Supporting adoptive families with an attachment-based intervention. Invited plenary addrss at the conference New worlds of adoption: Growing up in complex families, Rudd Adoption Research Program. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (11 October 2008), Attachment and intervention. Invited key note lecture at the 2008 International Adoption Association Annual Conference "Adopted Children - At Home in a Diverse Ireland".. Dublin, Ireland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (4 April 2008), Adoption in international research: Development and adjustment of international adoptees. Invited key note lecture at the EurAdopt Conference "Scenarios and Challenges of Intercountry Adoption".. Fondazione Cini, Venice, Italy. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (14 March 2008), Attachment-Based interventions. Invited lecture at the Emanuel Miller Lecture and Day Conference "Attachment: Current Focus and Future Directions.. London, United Kingdom. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (8 April 2008), Is adoption a successful intervention?. Invited seminar at the Colloquia Psychologica - Seminario Internazionale. Catholic University of Milan, Italy. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (19 November 2008), Attachment and intervention in adoptive families. Invited key note lecture at the I Congresso Internacional de Adopção.. Lisbon, Portugal. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (12 February 2008), Far from their birth country: How do they fare? International research on intercountry adoption. Invited key note lecture at the conference "The Irish Study of Intercountry Adoption: Outcomes in International Context".. Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Tieman W. (14 July 2008), Adopted girls from China: Psychological outcomes and experiences within and outsite the family. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. Würzburg, Germany. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (9 December 2008), Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar adoptie en gehechtheid: Stand van zaken. Lezing gepresenteerd op de studiedag Hechtingsstroornis en verwaarlozing bij kinderen en jongeren - Het brede perspectief.. Centrum Houtrust, Amersfoort, Nederland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (18 September 2008), Adoptie en pleegzorg 2015: Back to the future. Lezing gepresenteerd op het Symposium Pleegzorg 2015.. De Reehorst, Ede, Nederland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Tieman W. (3 November 2007), Het functioneren van adoptiekinderen uit China en de rol van de Chinese cultuur. Lecture at the Themabijeenkomst Adoptievereniging De Rode Draad. Ede, the Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (12 October 2007), Veerkracht en competenties van adoptiekinderen. Lecture at the Studiedag Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen en AdoptieDriehoek OnderzoeksCentrum (ADOC): Weerbaarheid. Afstand en adoptie: tussen kwetsbaarheid en kracht. Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (26 January 2007), Interventions that work in promoting child attachment. One Day Institute 'Attachment relationships and mental health in infancy and beyond'. London, UK. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (25 September 2007), Ontwikkelingen in adoptie- en interventieonderzoek. Lecture at Stichting Adoptievoorzieningen.. Utrecht, the Netherlands. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (19 July 2006), International adoption comes of age: Development of international adoptees from a longitudinal and meta-analytic perspective. Invited keynote lecture at the Second International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR-2). Norwich, UK. [lecture].
- Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Klein Velderman M., Stolk M.N., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Mesman J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (9 July 2006), Attachment-based interventions in infancy: Promoting positive parenting with video feedback. Paper presented at the 10th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH).. Paris, France. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (16 October 2006), Pleegzorg 'Kind van de rekening'. Symposium Kind in de Pleegzorg.. Leiden, Universiteit Leiden. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (27 January 2006), Parenting matters: Adoption and early childhood interventions change children's lives. Invited lecture at the University of Minneapolis. Minnesota, U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (9 July 2006), Myth or reality? The presumed better functioning of adopted children placed as infants. Poster presented at the 10th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH). Paris, France. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (29 September 2005), Adoption: A second chance. Invited lecture presented for 'Save the Children-Finland'.. Helsinki, Finland. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (25 September 2005), Adoptie: Een optie voor kind en gezin. Invited lecture for Vereniging voor Kind en Adoptiegezin (VAG).. Boudewijnseapark, Brugge, België. [lecture].
- Alink L.R.A., Mesman J., Koot H.M., Juffer F., Stolk M.N. & Zeijl J. van (9 April 2005), Parental correlates of aggressive and oppositional behavior in 2-year-old boys and girls. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.. Atlanta (Georgia, USA). [lecture].
- Juffer F. (1 April 2005), De persoonlijkheid van adoptiekinderen. Lezing voor de tweede ADOC Studiedag 'Brug tussen praktijk en wetenschap'. Universiteit Leiden, Leiden. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (9 September 2005), Post-adoption services with video feedback: Evidence from research and practice in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 1st Global Adoption Research Conference and 14th Nordic Meeting.. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (13 July 2004), Psychological adjustment of internationally adopted children. Social and cognitive development, and behavior problems. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Social and Behavioral Development.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (24 April 2004), Adoption: Chances for families. Invited key-note speaker at the EuroAdopt conference 'Adoption as a Lifelong Process'.. Düsseldorf, Germany. [lecture].
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Klein Velderman M., Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (14 July 2004), VIPP. The Leiden Study. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the ISSBD.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Alink L.R.A., Mesman J., Koot H.M., Juffer F., Zeijl J. van, Stolk M.N. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (14 July 2004), Maternal discipline strategies and externalizing problems in 2-year-olds. Poster presented at the ISSBD 18th biennial meeting.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Juffer F., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (23 August 2004), A longitudinal study of adopted children: Early intervention in parent-child relationships. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP). Berlin, Germany. [lecture].
- Jaffari-Bimmel N., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Juffer F. (12 July 2004), Problem Behavior and Heart Rate Reactivity in Adolescents: Longitudinal and Concurrent Relations in an Adoption Design. Poster presented at the ISSBD 18th biennial meeting.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Klein Velderman M., Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mangelsdorf S.C. & Zevalkink J. (12 July 2004), Long-term effects of video feedback (VIPP) and attachment discussions (VIPP-R) on attachment security. Poster presented at the ISSBD 18th biennial meeting.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Mesman J., Koot H.M., Stolk M.N., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Juffer F. (12 July 2004), The developmental significance of preschool oppositional behavior. Paper presented at the 18th biennial meeting of the ISSBD.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Jaffari-Bimmel N., Juffer F., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (1 March 2004), Problem Behavior of Internationally Adopted Adolescents: Do Behavior Problems in Middle Childhood Predict Later Maladjustment?. Poster presented at the SRA Biennial Meeting.. Baltimore, USA. [lecture].
- Juffer F. & Cassiba R. (14 July 2004), Promoting positive parenting and caregiving: Short-term interventions in various cultures and contexts. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Social and Behavioral Development.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Stolk M.N., Mesman J., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F., Koot H.M. & Westenberg P.M. (15 July 2004), Externalizing behavior problems in early childhood (age 1 to 3): Associated parent and child characteristics. Poster presented at the ISSBD 18th biennial meeting.. Ghent, Belgium. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (1 November 2003), Attachment and intervention in the context of adoption. Paper presented at the conference The second chance: Adoption and attachment.. Fölasa, Sweden. [lecture].
- Mesman J., Koot H.M., Stolk M.N., Zeijl J. van, Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F., Westenberg P.M. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (24 April 2003), Externalizing problems at age 1 year compared to ages 2-3 years: Prevalence and correlates. Paper presented at the Congres SRCD. Tampa, USA. [lecture].
- Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (25 April 2003), Preventive intervention in adoptive families: Effects on infant attachment disorganisation. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.. Tampa (Florida) U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (11 April 2003), Adoptie en het belang van ouders en kind. Lezing voor het XIe Symposium Het belang van de ouders of het kind? Studiegroep Onvruchtbaarheid & Reproductieve Technieken.. Universiteit van Amsterdam te Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Stolk M.N., Mesman J., Zeijl J. van, Westenberg P.M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Koot H.M. & Juffer F. (25 April 2003), Characteristics of mothers of preschoolers with externalizing problems. Poster presented at the congres SRCD. Tampa, U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Mesman J., Mulder S., Koot H.M., Stolk M.N., Zeijl J. van, Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F. & Westenberg P.M. (25 April 2003), The development of an observational measure for aggression in 1- to 3-year olds. Poster presented at the congres SRCD. Tampa U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (20 February 2003), Is adoptie een goede optie?. Lezing gehouden op de werkconferentie van het Branbants Afstand en Adoptie Platform.. 's Hertogenbosch. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (3 June 2003), Parent-child relationships in early childhood: Sensitivity and attachment interventions. Paper presented at the Grace Brody Institute, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University.. Cleveland, U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (1 September 2003), Attachment-based parenting interventions: Moving from theory to practice. Paper presented at the Centre for Research on the Child and Family (School of Social Work and Psychosocial Studies) at the University of East Anglica.. Norwich, U.K.. [lecture].
- Zeijl J. van, Mesman J., Stolk M.N., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F., Westenberg P.M. & Koot H.M. (24 April 2003), The development of externalizing problem behaviour in 1-year-old children. Poster presented at the congres SRCD. Tampa, U.S.A.. [lecture].
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (16 July 2002), Sensitivity and attachment: Home based, short-term intervention with insecure mothers. 8th congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH).. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (1 February 2002). Adoptie: een optie voor kind en gezin?. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Juffer F. (28 September 2001), Adoptie en gehechtheid. Colloquium Onderzoek in de Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie. Rotterdam. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (19 January 2001), Meer openheid in adoptie?. Bijeenkomst voor ouders van adoptiekinderen uit Guatamala. Dalfsen. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (6 February 2001), Opvoeding een misverstand? Over de invloed van deprivatie en gehechtheid op kinderen. Gastcollege voor het HOVO (Hoger Onderwijs Voor Ouderen). Leiden. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (14 September 2001), Het alternatieve kind: leven met kinderloosheid. Nacht van de Voortplanting. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (5 June 2001), Adopted children and their "roots". Bijeenkomst vereniging Wereldkinderen. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (13 December 2001), Adoptie en gehechtheid. Conferentie Hechting: Normale ontwikkeling en ontwikkelingspsychopathologie; Onderkenning en interventiemogelijkheden bij 0-12 jarigen. Ede. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (29 November 2001), Adoptiekinderen: gehechtheid en probleemgedrag. Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Instituut. Badhoevedorp. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (5 July 2001), Preventive intervention in new adoptive families. Intern.seminar "Adoption now: A solution for looked-after children?". Londen. [lecture].
- Juffer F., Stams G.J.J.M., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (16 April 1999), In search of the origins of adopted children's behavior problems. Poster presentation. Biennial Meeting of the SRCD. Albuquerque, NM, USA. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (9 September 1999), In search of preventive interventions. Attachment disorganization and psychopathology in development. Leiden, European Science Foundation, int. conf.. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (19 September 1998), Adoptie, afstand en ouderschap doet schrijven ... Lezing voor de Vereniging voor Kind en Adoptiegezin (VAG). Malle, Belgie. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (28 August 1998), Interventions in attachment. Lezing in kader van Cursos de Verano, Harremanak eta Patologia. San Sebastian, Spanje. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (28 August 1998), Disorganized attachment: antecedents and sequelae. Lezing in kader Cursos de Verano, Harremanak eta Patologia. San Sebastian, Spanje. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (27 August 1998), Attachment in context. Lezing in kader van Cursos de Verano, Harremanak eta Patologia. San Sebastian, Spanje. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (2 November 1998), Adoptie van oudere kinderen. Lezing voor de Vereniging Wereldkinderen. Almelo. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (14 January 1997), Adoptie en identiteit. voor Voorlichtingsbureau Interlandelijke Adoptie. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Juffer F., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (6 April 1997), Intervention and infant security: Experiences with a focused, short-term intervention. Biennial Meeting of the SRCD. Washington DC. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (25 June 1997), Gehechtheid in adoptiegezinnen. voor Wereldkinderen regio Brabant. Best. [lecture].
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (6 April 1997), Different reactions to the same intervention: The role of maternal attachment representations. Biennial Meeting of the SRCD. Washington DC. [lecture].
- Juffer F. (25 April 1997), Preventieve ondersteuning van gehechtheid. Congres "Hou me (niet) vast...: Over Hulpverlening en Hechtingsstoornis". Leuven. [lecture].
- Redactielid (Member editorial board Dutch journal on foster care)