Fatima El Bouk
- Name
- F. El Bouk
- Telephone
- 071 5274674
- f.el.bouk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.
- El Bouk F., Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2022), Entrepreneurship: an attractive career path for immigrant vocational students in the Netherlands?: The role of negative and positive stimulating factors, International Journal of Intercultural Relations 88: 22-31.
- El Bouk F., Vedder P. & Te Poel Y. (2013), The networking behavior of Moroccan and Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs in two Dutch neighborhoods: The role of ethnic density, Ethnicities 13(6): 771-794.