Universiteit Leiden

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Eveline de Boer

Knowledge valorization staff member

Dr. E. de Boer
+31 71 527 1748

Eveline studied Biology at Leiden University. Her thesis was about evolution and development, with a special interest in ageing. After she graduated in 2008, she attended ICLON to become a biology teacher. She is currently teaching at Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest, where she also is a member of the (G)MR.

In 2013 Eveline received a scholarship of the NWO to explore the use of a practical teaching model by beginning teachers. This model could help beginning teachers designing lessons. Different components of the models are examined such as goals, content, teaching methods, the educational process and control. Innovative is the fact that there are choices for all components, creating a model with the character of building blocks. Also the self-efficacy of the beginning teachers is an important aspect of this research project.

Knowledge valorization staff member

  • Nascholing en Wetenschapsorientatie

Work address

Willem Einthoven
Kolffpad 1
2333 BN Leiden
Room number B4.10



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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