Universiteit Leiden

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Eveline Bleiker

Professor by special appointment Psychology of clinical genetics, in particular oncogenetics

Prof.dr. E.M.A. Bleiker
+31 71 526 8033

Eveline Bleiker is professor at the department of Clinical Genetics of the Leiden University Medical Centre. She is also group leader at the division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology of the Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam.

More information about Eveline Bleiker

See also

Psychology of Clinical Genetics

In the next years, dealing with the increasing number and types of genetic test results, including results of panel testing and polygenic risk scores, will be a challenge for counselors and patients. This research will investigate how counselors and patients can benefit most from these new developments.

Risk communication, shared decision making, the use of decision aids, and timely identification of psychosocial problems in those at risk for cancer are central themes within this research line on the “Psychology of Clinical Genetics, specifically in onco-genetics”.   

Acadamic career

Eveline Bleiker graduated in 1990 in clinical- and health psychology at the University of Leiden.

She obtained her PhD-degree at the Vrije University of Amsterdam in 1995, with her thesis entitled: “Personality factors and breast cancer. A prospective study of the relationship between psychological factors and the development of breast cancer”. In the same year, she received  a fellowship of the Dutch Cancer Society on Psychosocial aspects of presymptomatic DNA-testing in individuals at increased risk of cancer.

Since 1997, she has been working as a researcher at the Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam.  She became a group leader within the Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology in 2008.  

On 1 July 2018, she was appointed professor in Psychology of Clinical Genetics, in particular Oncogenetics , at the department of Clinical Genetics of the Leiden University Medical Center.

Professor by special appointment Psychology of clinical genetics, in particular oncogenetics

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Klinische Genetica


  • Nederlands Kanker Instituut-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Groepsleider binnen de afdeling Psychosociaal Onderzoek en Epidemiologie (PSOE)
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