Universiteit Leiden

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Erik Danen

Professor of Cancer Drug Target Discovery / Dean Graduate School of Science

Prof.dr. E.H.J. Danen
+31 71 527 4486

Erik Danen (Ph.D) is Professor of Cancer Drug Target Discovery at the Division of Drug Discovery & Safety.

More information about Erik Danen

After postdocs at NIH, Bethesda MD and NKI/AVL, Amsterdam NL, Erik Danen moved to Leiden University as tenure track Assistant Prof. and became tenured Associate Prof. in 2012, and full professor in 2018. He has managed biomedical research as PI, work package leader, or co-investigator in grants funded by the Dutch Scientific Organization (NWO), the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), the European Union (FP7), the Netherlands Genomics Initiative, and Leiden University. His research centers on mechanisms underlying cancer metastasis and therapy resistance. It involves 2D and 3D tissue modeling and automated real time confocal microscopy. Much of the work takes place in the Leiden University Cell Observatory where high throughput RNAi / compound screening is applied. In collaboration with the Institute of Biology a pipeline for automated whole animal bioimaging of cancer growth and dissemination using zebrafish xenograft models has been established. In collaboration with the Institute of Physics in UL methodology has been developed to study the biophysical aspects of cell adhesion and cell migration.

Professor of Cancer Drug Target Discovery / Dean Graduate School of Science

  • Science
  • Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
  • LACDR/Toxicology

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number GE2.15


Dean Graduate School of Science

  • Science
  • Faculteit Algemeen


  • NWO Lid ENW Tafel Life Sciences
  • Research and Innovation Foundation Cyprus Reviewing
  • Foundation for Science and Technology Reviewing
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