Universiteit Leiden

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Egbert Koops

Professor of Legal History

Prof.mr. E. Koops
+31 71 527 7527

Egbert Koops was appointed Professor of Legal History at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Study of the Law on 1 March 2014.

More information about Egbert Koops

Prof. dr. E. (Egbert) Koops (1979) studied Civil Law and Notarial Law at Leiden University, where he obtained his doctorate under prof. Willem Zwalve with the highest distinction in 2010. His dissertation Vormen van Subsidiariteit (Boom, 2010), on the history of the subsidiarity principle as applied to security interests, won the international ‘Premio Speciale dell’Università di Camerino, intitolato Alan Rodger’ in 2013. Koops has edited books on The Past and Future of Money (Boom, 2008), Massificatie in het privaatrecht (Kluwer, 2010) and Law & Equity: Approaches in Roman Law and Common Law (Brill, 2014). From 2010 to 2013, he received an NWO-grant to conduct research at Leiden University on the legal position of slaves under the Roman Empire. In 2013-2014, he was attached to Groningen University as an assistant professor of Property Law.

Koops is Professor of Legal History at Leiden University and head of the legal history department. His research is directed mainly to Roman law and comparative legal history, and especially to security interests, land rights, citizenship and slavery.

Koops teaches the first-year course on Legal History and (compulsory) elective courses on the History of Private Law in Europe (BA-II/III) and Comparative and International Private Law (BA-III). In addition, he gives honours classes on Slavery and the Human Person (BA-II/III) and Markets, Technologies and Law in the 19 th Century (BA-II/III), as well as a tutorial in the MA-track Civil Law.

Professor of Legal History

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Metajuridica
  • Rechtsgeschiedenis

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number A3.08



  • Stichting Pro Bibliotheca E.M. Meijers Bestuurslid
  • Leidse Studentenvereniging Minerva Commissie van Advies
  • Stichting 3 Oktoberviering Toezicht op activiteiten en organisatie 3 October Vereeniging
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