Universiteit Leiden

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Edmund Amann

Professor of Brazilian Studies

Prof.dr. E. Amann
+31 71 527 1007

Edmund Amann is Professor of Brazilian Studies at Leiden University and Visiting Professor at SAIS, Johns Hopkins University. Previously he was Reader in Development Economics at the University of Manchester and a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.

More information about Edmund Amann


Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Economy (ed. with C.Azzoni and W. Baer), New York, Oxford University Press (2018)

‘O difcil recomeço’, p.22-8 Exame CEO, September 2018

Guest editor, Special Issue 'Is there a Brazilian Development Model?’’ Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 62 November, 2016 pp. 7-11

Innovative Firms in Emerging Market Countries (ed. with J. Cantwell), Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2012 (paperback version published in 2013)  


PhD (Economics), University of Manchester (1996)

M.A (Econ), University of Manchester (1992)

B.A (Hons) Economics, University of Cambridge (1989)

Previous employment and appointments held

2000 – 2016
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer then Reader in Development Economics and Head of Economics, University of Manchester

1999 to 2000
University Lecturer in Economics, Institute for Latin American Studies, University of London (held simultaneously with Oxford post)

1996 to 2000
Temporary Lecturer then Research Fellow in the Economics of Brazil, St. Antony’s College. University of Oxford

Management Development Programme Trainee, Barclays Bank Plc, UK

Key Publications

Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Economy (with C.Azzoni and W. Baer), New York, Oxford University Press, 2018

Innovative Firms in Emerging Market Countries (with J. Cantwell), Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2012 (paperback version published in 2013)

Economic Liberalisation and Industrial Performance in Brazil, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2000

Description of my research

Prof. Amann's research centres on regulation, innovation and foreign direct investment in a developing country context. Much of his work focuses on the experiences of Latin America, especially Brazil. He has published in a wide range of development and economics journals including World Development and Oxford Development Studies. He is joint editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Economy (OUP, 2018)

PhD supervision

I am currently supervising three PhD students working on Brazil-related development and public policy themes 

The Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Economy can be found here.

Professor of Brazilian Studies

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Latijns-Amerika studies

Work address

Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Room number 1.07



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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