Edmond Rings
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.H.H.M. Rings
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 2824
- e.h.h.m.rings@lumc.nl
- null
Edmond H.H.M. Rings is professor of Pediatrics and chair of the department of Pediatrics at the Willem-Alexander Children’s hospital of the Leiden University Medical Center. He is also professor of Pediatrics and chair of the department of Pediatrics at the Sophia Children’s hospital of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. The 2 department work in an alliance for specialized pediatric care, training, education and research since 2014.
More information about Edmond Rings
Transplantation and immunomodulation
He is programme leader of research line ‘Transplantation and immunomodulation 31301’ and of ‘Development 31303’.
Academic career
He is programme leader of research line ‘Transplantation and immunomodulation 31301’ and of ‘Development 31303’.
Prizes and honourable appointments
May 26, 1994; ‘Lactase gene expression’. University of Amsterdam.
Academic oration
May 18, 2010; ‘Kinder-MDL, door dik en dun’. University of Groningen.
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Willem-Alexander Kinderziekenhuis
- Bestuurslid
- Afdelingshoofd Kindergeneeskunde
- Lid
- Lid