Ebbe Rogge
Associate professor
- Name
- E. Rogge MSc MA LLM PhD
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- e.rogge@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6344-5398

Ebbe Rogge is an Associate Professor at the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law.
Studies and career
Dr Rogge currently works as a Senior Policy Advisor at the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets. Before that, he worked for several years as a Technical Specialist within Specialist, Wholesale, and Investment Supervision at the Financial Conduct Authority. As a Senior Policy Advisor, he has extensive experience with EU institutions and decision making. He worked for various investment banks in the City of London, where he led quant teams developing pricing and risk management models for complex derivatives.
Dr Rogge studied Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente (ingenieur, equivalent to MSc). Returning to university at a later stage, he obtained an MA in Japanese Studies (with distinction) from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and an LL.M. in International Corporate Governance, Financial Regulation, and Economic Law (with distinction) from the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London. He returned to the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, where he obtained his PhD in law for his thesis on improving corporate governance at UK banks, including a comparative legal study with changes to corporate governance in Japan.
Ebbe was called to the Bar of England & Wales as a Prince of Wales Scholar by Gray’s Inn (he currently does not hold a practising certificate).
Dr Rogge's areas of interests include financial services regulation, capital markets and corporate governance. He is particularly interested in comparative legal perspectives and maintains a keen interest in East Asia.
Before taking up his position at Leiden Law School, Dr Rogge taught a wide variety of law and business courses at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, at both undergraduate and post graduate level.
Associate professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Financieel Recht
- Contreras Kong V. & Rogge E. (2024), Sustainability-linked products: international private law standards, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 39(2): 55-63.
- Rogge E. (29 February 2024), A consolidated tape for the EU capital markets union and for the UK. Oxford Business Law Blog. Oxford: Oxford University. [blog entry].
- Rogge E. (2024), The European energy crisis, the Dutch TTF, and the market correction mechanism: a financial markets perspective, Journal of World Energy Law & Business 17(3): 184-200.
- Rank W.A.K. & Rogge E. (2024), Shortening the settlement cycle to T+1: not if but when, Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 39(7): 476-478.
- Priem R. & Rogge E. (2024), Do Single-name CDS Markets Lead Equity and Bond Markets?: A Literature Review. S&P Global Market Intelligence Research Paper Series. SSRN (S&P Global Market Intelligence). [working paper].
- Rogge E. (2023), The MiFIR review and a European Consolidated Tape: the next step towards a Capital Markets Union, ERA Forum: Journal of the Academy of European Law 24(1): 119-134.
- Rogge E. (2023), Climate change stress testing for the banking system, European Company and Financial Law Review 20(4): 717-744.
- Geest L.B.J. van, Rogge E. & Wessel G.I.J. (2023), Van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving naar impact. In: Abma R., Gruijters R.J. & Kleef D.P. van (Eds.), De beursvennootschap en de institutionele belegger: naar een nieuwe balans: bundel ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig bestaan van Eumedion. Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut no. 185. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 71-92.
- Rijsbergen M.P.M. van & Rogge E. (2023), De integratie van duurzaamheid in MiFID II ken-uw-cliënt- en productontwikkelingsbepalingen. In: Strijbos F.P.C., Schuijling B.A., Bierens B. & Cent P.E.H. (Eds.), Duurzaam bankieren. Serie Onderneming en Recht no. 143. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 151-164.
- Rogge E. (2022), Sustainable finance meets financial innovation: from green investments to ESG derivatives, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 37(3): 103-110.
- Rogge E., Sivro M. & Smit D. (2022), Privacy, Cyber Security en Compliance - Redactioneel, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2022(1): 3 (UDH:TvCo/17069).
- Grocz A.I. & Rogge E. (2022), De bankierseed en het bancaire tuchtrecht: drie rapporten, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2022(2): 59-65 (UDH:TvCo/17143).
- Rogge E., Weerstra B. & Wilmink A.L. (2022), Cultuur, ethiek en compliance: redactioneel, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2022(2): 39-40 (UDH:TvCo/17139).
- McGinley O.J. & Rogge E. (2022), The Competing EU and UK Influence on Corporate Governance in Ireland Following Brexit, Business Law Review 43(3): 104-113.
- Rogge E. (17 June 2022), Execution Data and the Development of a European Consolidated Tape [Panel Discussion] (Lecture). Amsterdam: Institutional Investor, European Fixed Income Trading Summit.
- Rogge E. & Hartman L.G.L. (2022), The role of ESG Rating Agencies and market efficiency in Europe’s climate policy, Hastings Environmental Law Journal 28(2): 113-147.
- Rijsbergen M.P.M. van & Rogge E. (2022), Changes to the European financial supervisory agencies’ soft law powers: legitimacy problems solved or new puzzles created?, European Journal of Legal Studies 14(1): 219-254.
- Raas R.P. & Rogge E. (2022), Duurzaamheidsregelgeving. In: Haentjens M., Raas R.P. & Rank W.A.K. (Eds.), Compendium Financieel Recht. Compendia. Den Haag: Sdu. 347-368.
- Loonen A.J.C.C.M. & Rogge E. (2022), Beleggingsdiensten, financiële instrumenten en financiële producten. In: Haentjens M., Raas R.P. & Rank W.A.K. (Eds.), Compendium Financieel Recht. Compendia. Den Haag: Sdu. 45-83.
- Rogge E. (2021), Regulating Multinational Banks. In: , Multinational Enterprises and the Law [Third edition]. Oxford International Law Library. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 385-424.
- Mak K.W. & Rogge E. (2021), Comparative Studies between UK-Listed and Japan-Listed Banks, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 8(4): 359-395.
- Ohnesorge L.G.L. & Rogge E. (2021), Europe's Green Policy: Towards a Climate Neutral Economy by Way of Investors' Choice, European Company Law 18(1): 34-39.
- Rogge E. (2021), Corporate Governance en Compliance: twee stukjes van een verschillende puzzel?, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2021(2): 83-89 (UDH:TvCo/16670).
- Koper A., Rogge E., Segers F. & Blaauw J. (2021), The Governance of Compliance - Redactioneel, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2021(2): 75-76.
- Rogge E. (2020), Review of: Busch D., Ferrarini G. & Solinge G. van (2019), Governance of Financial Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Common Market Law Review 57(4): 1318-1320.
- Kroesemeijer R., Rogge E. & Veenker J. (2020), Standaardisatie en transparantie bij duurzame obligaties, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2020(5): 251-258 (UDH:TvCo/16362).
- Loonen A.J.C.C.M. & Rogge E. (2019), Beleggingsdiensten, financiële instrumenten en financiële producten. In: Haentjens M., Raas R.P. & Rank W.A.K. (Eds.), Compendium Financieel Recht. Den Haag: Sdu. 37-74.
- Rogge E. (2019), Review of: Wolff A.K. (2019), Cooperation Mechanisms within the Administrative Framework of European Financial Supervision. Schriften zum Finanzrecht und Währungsrecht no. 10. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Common Market Law Review 56(5): 1433-1435.
- Campuzano N.A. & Rogge E. (2019), Marktmisbruik bij grensoverschrijdende overnames, Tijdschrift voor Compliance 2019(6): 403-411.
- Rogge E. (2019), Transnational Financial Rulemaking: An Application of Comparative Law & Global Legal Pluralism, Review of Banking and Financial Law 39(1): 499-547.
- Rogge E. (2018), Review of: Ventoruzzo M. & Mock S. (2017), Market Abuse Regulation. Commentary and Annotated Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Common Market Law Review 55(5): 1672-1673.
- Rogge E. (30 November 2016), Better Banking for Britain (Dissertatie, School of Law, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Muchlinski P.T., Foster N.H.
- Rogge E. (2015), Tackling Tax Evasion, Gray’s Inn Student Law Journal VII: 43-52.
- Friend A. & Rogge E. (2005), Correlation at First Sight, Economic Notes 34(2): 155-183.
- Rogge E. & Schönbucher P.J. (2003), Modelling Dynamic Portfolio Credit Risk. [working paper].
- Senior Beleidsadviseur