Dimiter Toshkov
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. D.D. Toshkov
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9391
- d.d.toshkov@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7444-9340

Dimiter Toshkov's main fields of research are European Union politics, comparative public policy, and research methodology. His earlier research focused on the implementation of EU law in the post-communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe.
More information about Dimiter Toshkov
Dr. Dimiter Toshkov is Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. His main fields of research are European Union politics, comparative public policy, and research methodology. He is also affiliated with the Central and East European Studies Centre (CEES) and the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.
He teaches courses on public policy and research design and regularly gives talks on data visualization, policy evaluation, research methodology, European integration and game theory.
He is also Chair of the Admissions Board of the Institute of Public Administration.
Dimiter Toshkov studied public administration at Sofia University and Leiden University and completed professional training at the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methodology (University of Michigan), European University Institute (Florence), and ETH (Zurich). He obtained a PhD degree from Leiden University in 2009 with a dissertation on the implementation of EU law in the post-communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe. His research has won prizes for best article in European Union Politics (2011) and Public Administration (2013).
In 2016 Dimiter Toshkov published a widely-used textbook on Research Design in Political Science (Palgrave Macmillan).
Dimiter Toshkov was Jean Monnet fellow at the Rober Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence (2018/2019). Since September 2022, he is Vice-Chair of the Standing Group on the European Union of the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research).
You can find more about his research at: https://www.dimiter.eu
Grants and awards
- World Data Visualization Prize (2019)
- LEGITIMULT (Horizon Europe project) (2022-2025)
- CHARLIO (The Challenge of Enforcing Rule of Law in International Organizations: Winning the Public and Resisting Populist Attacks) (2022)
Associate Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Toshkov D.D., Mazepus H., Yordanova N. & Piqani D. (2025), Enforcement and public opinion: the perceived legitimacy of rule of law sanctions, Journal of European Public Policy 32(2): 550-577.
- Brummel L. & Toshkov D. (30 January 2025), Demonstratierecht in tijden van affectieve polarisatie: recht voor ons, niet voor hen?. Demonstratierecht in tijden van affectieve polarisatie: recht voor ons, niet voor hen?: Montesquieu Instituut. [blog entry].
- Mazepus H., Osmundsen Mathias, Bang Petersen Michael, Toshkov D.D. & Dimitrova A.L. (2024), Correction: information battleground: conflict perceptions motivate the belief in and sharing of misinformation about the adversary, PLoS ONE 19: e0302621.
- Carroll B.J. Brummel L. Toshkov D.D. Yesilkagit K. (2024), Multilevel governance and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review, Regional & Federal Studies : 1-22.
- Toshkov D.D. (2024), The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries, European Union Politics : .
- Toshkov D.D. Cretti G. (2024), Who is Afraid of More Women in Politics, and Why? An Analysis of Public Opinion in 28 European Countries, JOURNAL OF WOMEN POLITICS & POLICY 45(3): 296-314.
- Brummel L., Toshkov. D., Carroll B. & Yesilkagit K. (2024), Polarisatie in de provincie Zuid-Holland: Resultaten van een enquête-onderzoek naar dimensies van politieke polarisatie in de provincie Zuid-Holland uitgevoerd in de periode mei 2023 . Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Mazepus H., Osmundsen M., Petersen M.B., Toshkov D.D. & Dimitrova A.L. (2023), Information battleground: conflict perceptions motivate the belief in and sharing of misinformation about the adversary, PLoS ONE : .
- Toshkov D.D. Mazepus H. (2023), Does the Election Winner-Loser Gap Extend to Subjective Health and Well-Being?, Political Studies Review 21(4): 783-800.
- Toshkov D.D. (2023), Explaining the gender gap in COVID-19 vaccination attitudes, European Journal of Public Health 33(3): 490-495.
- Toshkov D.D. (2023), What accounts for the variation in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Eastern, Southern and Western Europe?, Vaccine 41(20): 3178-3188.
- Mazepus H. & Toshkov D.D. (2022), Standing up for democracy? : explaining citizens’ support for democratic checks and balances, Comparative Political Studies 55(8): 1271-1297.
- Toshkov D.D. & Mazepus H. (2022), Does the election winner–loser gap extend to subjective health and well-being?, Political Studies Review : .
- Toshkov D.D. & Mazepus H. (31 October 2022), Als de rechtsstaat op het spel staat, steunen veel mensen sancties, zelfs tegen hun eigen staat. De Hofvijver: 1-3.
- Toshkov D.D., Mazepus H., Yordanova N. & Piqani D. (26 September 2022), When the rule of law is at stake, many people support sanctions even against their own state. Leiden Security and Global Affairs Blog. The Hague: Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Toshkov D. & Krouwel A. (2022), Beyond the U-curve: citizen preferences on European integration in multidimensional political space, European Union Politics 23(3): 462-488.
- Toshkov D.D. (2022), The relationship between age and happiness varies by income, Journal of Happiness Studies 23(3): 1169-1188.
- Toshkov D.D., Carroll B.J. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2022), Government capacity, societal trust or party preferences: what accounts for the variety of national policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe?, Journal of European Public Policy 29(7): 1009-1028.
- Mazepus H., Dimitrova A.L., Frear M.J., Toshkov D.D. & Onopriychuk N. (2021), When business and politics mix: local networks and socio-political transformations in Ukraine, East European Politics and Societies 35(2): 437-459.
- Dimitrova A., Mazepus H., Toshkov D., Chulitskaya T., Rabava N. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2021), The dual role of state capacity in opening socio-political orders: assessment of different elements of state capacity in Belarus and Ukraine, East European Politics 37(1): 19-42.
- Costello R., Toshkov D., Bos B. & Krouwel A. (2021), Congruence between voters and parties: the role of party-level issue salience, European Journal of Political Research 60(1): 92-113.
- Toshkov D., Dimitrova A.L. & Börzel T.A. (2021), Towards open access social orders in Eastern Europe, East European Politics 37(1): 1-18.
- Vries E.E. de, Pol L.D. van der, Toshkov D.D., Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2021), Fathers, faith, and family gender messages: are religiosity and gender talk related to children’s gender attitudes and preferences? , Early Childhood Research Quarterly 59: 21-31.
- Toshkov D.D. & Romeijn J. (2021), How to estimate the policy preferences of party supporters: disaggregating data from voting advice applications versus modeling survey responses, Electoral Studies 74: 102403.
- Toshkov D. (2021), Enhancing access to EU law: why bother?. European Central Bank (Ed.), ESCB Legal Conference 2020. ESCB Legal Conference 11 September 2020 - 2 November 2020. Frankfurt: European Central Bank. 47-60.
- Toshkov D., Yesilkagit K. & Carroll B. (2020), Government Capacity, Societal Trust or Party Preferences? What Accounts for the Variety of National Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe?. Center for Open Science. [other].
- Toshkov D.D., Mazepus H., Ramasheuskaya I., Chulitskaya T. & Rabava N. (2019), Scientific cooperation in the Eastern neighbourhood. EU-STRAT Policy Brief Series no. 7. Berlin: EU-STRAT.
- Toshkov D.D. (2019), Does euroscepticism influence compliance and enforcement of EU law in the member states?. In: Rauchegger C. & Wallerman A. (Eds.), The eurosceptic challenge: national implementation and interpretation of EU law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Toshkov D.D., Mazepus H., Chulitskaya T., Ramasheuskaya I. & Rabava N. (2019), Effects of Limited Access Orders on Science Policy and Scientific Cooperation. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Rasmussen A., Reher, S. & Toshkov D.D. (2019), The opinion‐policy nexus in Europe and the role of political institutions, European Journal of Political Research 58(2): 412-434.
- Mazepus H., Toshkov D., Chulitskaya T. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2018), The Effects of the EU’s Scientific Cooperation on the Eastern Partnership Countries: Development Impact of the Integration into European Scientific Community. In: Cucerescu V., Amaral C.E.P., Gabrichidze G., Horga I., Kruglashov A., Latoszek E. & Pachocka M. (Eds.), The European Union and the Eastern Partnership: Security Challenges. Chișinău-Cernăuți-Tbilisi: ECSA Moldova. 421-450.
- Rasmussen A., Romeijn J. & Toshkov D. (2018), Dynamics of Regulatory Policymaking in Sweden - The Role of Media Advocacy and Public Opinion, Scandinavian Political Studies 41(1): 49 - 74.
- Toshkov D., Mazepus H. & Dimitrova A. (2018), What Kinds of Messages Can Influence Citizen Support for Closer Cooperation with the European Union? Evidence from the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Dimitrova A., Toshkov D., Mazepus H., Maniokas K., Boroda M., Chulitskaya T., Grytsenko O., Rabava N., Ramasheuskaya I. & Wolczuk K. (2018), Statehood, State Capacity and Limited Access Orders: Comparing Belarus and Ukraine. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Mazepus H., Dimitrova A., Toshkov D., Chulitskaya T. & Frear M.J. (2018), Getting the message across: How can the EU bolster its soft power in the Eastern Neighbourhood? no. 3. [policy paper].
- Toshkov D.D., Mäder L. & Rasmussen A. (2018), Party Government and Policy Responsiveness. Evidence from Three Parliamentary Democracies, Journal of Public Policy : .
- Rasmussen A., Reher S. & Toshkov D.D. (2018), The opinion‐policy nexus in Europe and the role of political institutions, European Journal of Political Research 58(3): 412-434.
- Toshkov D.D., Schmidt E. & Berg C.F. van den (2018), Slanker maar topzwaar, meer vrouwen maar vergrijsd: het veranderende gezicht van de rijksoverheid, 2002-2015, Beleid en Maatschappij 45(1): 23-43.
- Toshkov D.D. (2018), Research Design. In: Lowndes V., Marsh D. & Stoker G. (Eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science: Palgrave Macmillan. 219-236.
- Toshkov D.D. (7 December 2018), Does immigration explain the comeback of the radical right in Spain?. EUROPP European Politics and Policy: LSE. [blog entry].
- Toshkov D.D. (12 November 2018), The political geography of human development. RE-DESIGN. [blog entry].
- Toshkov D.D. (2017), The Impact of the Eastern Enlargement on the Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy 24(2): 177-196.
- Toshkov D.D., There is no evidence of a structural East-West divide in the EU. EUROPP European Politics and Policy: LSE. [blog entry].
- Chulitskaya T., Mazepus H., Ramasheuskaya I. & Toshkov D.D. (2017), Science Policies and International Cooperation in the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union: An Overview. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series. [working paper].
- Dimitrova A.L., Frear M.J., Mazepus H., Toshkov D.D., Boroda M., Chulitskaya T., Grytsenko O., Munteanu I., Parvan T. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2017), The Elements of Russia’s Soft Power: Channels, Tools, and Actors Promoting Russian Influence in the Eastern Partnership Countries. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Mazepus H., Toshkov D.D., Chulitskaya T. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2017), The Effects of the EU’s Scientific Cooperation Programmes on the Eastern Partnership Countries: Scientific Output and Broader Societal Impact. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Toshkov D.D., QCA solution types and causal analysis. RE-DESIGN. [blog entry].
- Toshkov D.D. (2017), The European Union Could Be Simple, Inclusive, or Effective. Pick Two. Washington D.C.: Atlantic Council.
- Toshkov D.D. (2016), No, Accession to the European Union Does Not Increase the Homicide Rate, European Sociological Review 32(3): 405-410.
- Toshkov D. (2016), Research Design in Political Science. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Toshkov D.D. (2016), Regulation, Implementation, and European Integration – Analyzing the Evolving Institutional Framework for Enforcing EU Law. In: Steunenberg B., Voermans W. & Bogaert S. van den (Eds.), Fit for the Future? Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU. Leiden: Eleven International Publishing. 89-102.
- Alexandrova P., Rasmussen A. & Toshkov D.D. (2016), Agenda Responsiveness in the European Council: Public Priorities, Policy Problems and Political Attention, West European Politics 39(4): 605-627.
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L. & Kortenska EG. (2016), Consolidating and Revitalizing Enlargement: Further Insights from MAXCAP. Berlin: MAXCAP Policy Task Force, Freie Universitat Berlin. [other].
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E.G. & MAXCAP Policy Task Force (2016), What Do Citizens’ Opinions and Perceptions Mean for EU Enlargement?. MAXCAP Policy Briefs no. 3. Berlin: MAXCAP Policy Task Force, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E. & Fagan A. (2016), The 'Old' and the 'New' Europeans: Analyses of Public Opinion on EU Enlargement in Review. In: Dimitrova Antoaneta & Dimitrova G. (Eds.), Has the EU's Eastern Enlargement Brought Europe Together? Southeastern Perspectives. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
- Toshkov D.D. (2016), Can the Eastern European states block European Integration?, De Hofvijver 6(70): .
- Van Loon A. & Toshkov D.D. (2015), Adopting open source software in public administration: The importance of boundary spanners and political commitment, Government Information Quarterly 32(2): 207-215.
- Toshkov D.D. (2015), Exploring the performance of multilevel modeling and poststratification with eurobarometer data, Political Analysis 23(3): 455-460.
- Toshkov D.D. & Kortenska E. (2015), Does immigration undermine public support for integration in the European Union?, Journal of Common Market Studies 53(4): 910-925.
- Dorrenbacher N., Mastenbroek E. & Toshkov D.D. (2015), National parliaments and transposition of EU law: a matter of coalition conflict?, Journal of Common Market Studies 53(5): 1010-1026.
- Schimmelfennig F., Börzel T., Kortenska E.G., Langbein J. & Toshkov D.D. (2015), Enlargement and the Integration Capacity of the EU. Interim Scientific Results. MAXCAP Reports no. 1.
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E.G. & et al (2015), Reinvigorating the Enlargement Process and Strengthening the EU’s Integration Capacity: Insights from MAXCAP. [other].
- Toshkov D.D. (2015), The Effects of the Eastern Enlargement on the Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy 2(1): 1-51.
- Toshkov D.D. (2014), The dynamic relationship between asylum applications and asylum recognition rates, European Union Politics 15(2): 192-214.
- Toshkov D.D., Kortenska E.G., Dimitrova Antoaneta & Fagan A. (2014), The 'Old' and the 'New' Europeans: Analyses of Public Opinion on Enlargement in Review. Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Working Paper Series no. 2014/2. Berlin: MAXCAP working papers.
- Rasmussen A. & Toshkov D.D. (2013), The Effect of Stakeholder Involvement: Consultation of External Actors and Legislative Duration, European Union Politics 14(3): 366-387.
- Toshkov D.D. & Haan L. de (2013), The Europeanization of Asylum Policy: An assessment of the EU impact on asylum applications and recognition rates, 20(5): 661-83.
- Toshkov D.D. (2013) Policy without Politicians: Bureaucratic Influence in Comparative Perspective. Review of: Page E.C. (2012), Policy without Politicians: Bureaucratic Influence in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press 36(5): 1107-1108.
- Toshkov D.D., Lowery D., Carroll B. & Berkhout J. (2013), Timing is Everything? Organized Interests and the Timing of Legislative Activity, Interest Groups and Advocacy 2(1): 48-70.
- Toshkov D.D. (2013), Policy Making Beyond Political Ideology: The Adoption of Smoking Bans in Europe, Public Administration 91(2): 448-68.
- Toshkov D.D. & Rasmussen A. (2012), Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the European Union, European Integration Online Papers 16(11): .
- Toshkov D.D. (2012), The Disaster that Didn't Happen: Compliance with EU Law in Central and Eastern Europe, L'Europe en formation. Revue d'études sur la construction européenne et le fédéralisme 2012/2(364): 91-109.
- Rasmussen A. & Toshkov D.D. (2012), The inter-institutional division of power and time allocation in the European Parliament. In: Rasmussen A. & Naurin D. (Eds.), Dynamics of change in the European Union. London: Routledge.
- Toshkov D.D. & Rasmussen A. (2012), Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the EU. In: Rasmussen A. & Naurin D. (Eds.), Dynamics of change in the European Union. London: Routledge.
- Toshkov D.D. (2012) ‘The Political Economy of Noncompliance: Adjusting to the Single European Market’ by S. Siegel. Book review. Review of: , The Political Economy of Noncompliance: Adjusting to the Single European Market no. 4. West European Politics 35: 933-934.
- Toshkov D.D. (2011), Public opinion and policy output in the European Union: A lost relationship, European Union Politics 12(2): 169-191.
- Häge F.M. & Toshkov D.D. (2011), Anticipating resistence: The effect of member state preferences on the European Commission's agenda-setting activity. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick. [other].
- Rasmussen A. & Toshkov D.D. (2011), The inter-institutional division of power and time allocation in the European Parliament, West European Politics 34(1): 71-96.
- Toshkov D.D. (2010), Connecting the Dots: Case Studies and EU Implementation Research, Institute for European Integration Research Working Paper Series WP 10/2010: 1-32.
- Toshkov D.D. (2010), Taking Stock: A Review of Quantitative Studies of Transposition and Implementation of EU Law, Institute for European Integration Research Working Paper Series WP 01/2010: 1-44.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Toshkov D.D. (2009), Post-Accession Transposition and Implementation between Administrative Coordination and Political Bargaining, European Integration Online Papers 13(2): 1-18.
- Steunenberg B. & Toshkov D.D. (2009), Comparing transposition in the 27 member states of the EU: The impact of discretion and legal fit, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 16(7): 951-970.
- Toshkov D.D. (25 March 2009), Between politics and administration : compliance with EU Law in Central and Eastern Europe (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Steunenberg B., Dimitrova A.L.
- Toshkov D.D. (2008), Embracing European law: Compliance with EU directives in Central and Eastern Europe, European Union Politics 9(3): 379-402.
- Toshkov D.D. (2007), In search of the worlds of compliance: Culture and transposition performance in the European Union, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 14(6): 933-954.
- Toshkov D.D. (2007) Book review of D. Riley and B. Brophy-Baermann: Bureaucracy and the policy process: Keeping the promisses. Review of: Riley D. & Brophy-Baermann B., Bureaucracy and the policy process: Keeping the promises no. 1. Political Studies Review 5: 119-120.
- Toshkov D.D. (2007), Transposition of EU social policy in the new member states, Journal of European Social Policy 17(4): 335-348.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Toshkov D.D. (2007), The dynamics of domestic coordination of EU policy in the new member states: Impossible to lock in?, West European Politics 30(5): 961-986.
- Toshkov D.D. (2007), In search of the worlds of compliance? A response, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 14(6): 958-959.
- Toshkov D.D. (2005) Book review of L. Andonova: Transnational politics of the environment: the European Union and the environmental policy in Central and Eastern Europe. . Review of: Andonova L., Transnational politics of the environment: the European Union and the environmental policy in Central and Eastern Europe. no. 2. Political Studies Review 3: 262.
- Chair of the Steering Committee
- Associate Editor
- Member of the Editorial Board