Dario Fazzi
Professor by special appointment Transatlantic Environmental History
- Name
- Prof.dr. D. Fazzi
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2704
- d.fazzi@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-8348-9483

Dario Fazzi is Professor of Transatlantic Environmental History at Leiden University and the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies in Middelburg, the Netherlands. He is the author of "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Anti-Nuclear Movement: The Voice of Conscience" (Palgrave, 2016) and "Smoke on the Water: Incineration at Sea and the Birth of a Transatlantic Environmental Movement (Columbia University Press, 2023). Dario has published extensively on transatlantic protests, U.S. global base politics, and anti-toxics campaigns.
More information about Dario Fazzi
PhD candidates
I am a historian of the US who is interested in transatlantic crossings among social, mostly environmentalist and pacifist, movements.
Fields of interest
My main field of research lies in environmental and transatlantic history. My work is situated at the crossroads between diplomatic and environmental studies.
I am interested in studying how the transformation of American democracy at home and the evolution of the projection of US power abroad have both intersected the dynamics of the Anthropocene and have affected the global ecosystem. More specifically, I study how the growth and expansion of the US military-industrial complex throughout the twentieth century has impacted planetary landscapes and waterscapes.
Teaching activities and supervision
I teach courses on US history, transatlantic relations, peace history, environmental history, and thesis seminars. I coordinate a number of Virtual Exchanges on environmental democracy. I am also project assitant of the "Rooseveltian Century" MOOC (Coursera-Leiden University).
Grants and awards
- Two VIS (Virtual Exchanges) Grants (30,000EUR): Blue Acceleration, Toxic Degradation, and Environmental Democracy in Delta Regions
- KIEM Grant (10,000EUR): Beyond Risk? Understanding the Threats of the Anthropocene
- ECOLE Teaching Innovation Grant (5,000EUR): Immersive Learning and VR
Curriculum Vitae
2007-2010: Ph.D. History, University of Bologna, Italy
2004-2006: M.A. Summa cum Laude, International Relations, University of Roma Tre, Italy
2001-2004: B.A, International Relations and Diplomatic Studies, University of Bologna, Italy
2023-Present: Professor by Special Appointment in Transatlantic Environmental History, Leiden University
2021-2023: Assistant Professor, Leiden University
2015-2023: Senior Researcher, Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS), the Netherlands
2015-2016: Lecturer in US History, Leiden University, the Netherlands
2016-2018: Lecturer in International History, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2015-2016: Visiting Professor, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
2014-2015: Visiting Professor, Ghent University, Belgium
2014-2015: Lecturer, University College Roosevelt, the Netherlands 2012-2015: Postdoctoral Researcher, Roosevelt Study Center, the Netherlands
2010-2012: Research Associate, University of Bologna, Italy
Key publications
- D. Fazzi, Smoke on the Water: Incineration at Sea and the Birth of a Transatlantic Environmental Movement (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023)
- D. Fazzi, Eleanor Roosevelt and the Anti-Nuclear Movement: The Voice of Conscience (New York: Palgrave, 2016)
- G. Scott-Smith, G. Di Tommaso, D. Fazzi (eds.), Public Health and the American State, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming)
- D. Fazzi, A. Luscombe (eds.), The Global Citizen: Eleanor Roosevelt’s Views on Diplomacy and Democracy (Palgrave: New York: 2020)
- “The Most Exceptional First Lady: Eleanor Roosevelt at the White House and beyond,” in Maarten Zwiers and Jelte Olthof (eds.), Profiles in Power: Reassessing Presidential Persona and Agency (Leiden: Brill, 2019)
- “Human Rights vs. Human Life: The US-Soviet Bottom-Line,” in Alex van Stipriaan, Gijsbert Oonk, Sandra Manickam, Histories of Encounters (ESHCC: Rotterdam, 2018)
- “The Nuclear Freeze: Transnational Pursuit of Positive Peace, 1979-1983,” in William Knoblauch, Michael Loadenthal, Christian P. Peterson (eds.), The Routledge History of World Peace since 1750 (London: Routledge, 2018)
- “The Nuclear Freeze Generation: The Early 1980s Anti-Nuclear Youth Revolt between ‘Carter’s Vietnam’ and ‘Euroshima’,” in Knud Andresen and Bart van der Steen (eds.), A European Youth Revolt in 1980-1981 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2016)
- “Embodying the American Century: The Long-Lasting US Military Presence in Europe and the Case of Schinnen,” in Frank Mehring and Jorrit van den Berk (eds.), “Forging the American Century,” in
International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, 2019
- “A Voice of Conscience. How Eleanor Roosevelt Popularized the Nuclear Debate in the Fifties,” in Journal of American Studies, Volume 50, Issue 3, August 2016, pp. 699-730
- “The Blame and the Shame: Kennedy’s Choice to Resume Nuclear Tests,” in Peace and Change, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 1-22
- “La Storia della pace. Tradizioni e orientamenti nella storiografia anglosassone” [“Peace History. Traditions and Tendencies within the Anglo-American Historiography”], in Ricerche di Storia Politica, Volume 15, Issue 1, April 2012, pp. 49-62
Professor by special appointment Transatlantic Environmental History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Geschiedenis diversen
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Fazzi D., Di Tommaso G & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2024), Public Health and the American State. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Fazzi D. (2024), An army of students: the College of Special and Continuation Studies and transatlantic cultural relations, 1950–1960, Journal of Transatlantic Studies 22(2): 103-123.
- Fazzi D. (2024), Better dead than red, or not?: nuclear physics and public health at the dawn of the Cold War. In: Di Tommado G., Fazzi D. & Scott-Smith G. (Eds.), Public health and the American State. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 124-142.
- Fazzi D. (2023), ‘Ban the burn’: At-sea Incineration, trans-local activism, and ocean health, Journal of Contemporary History : .
- Fazzi D. (2023), Tone-Deaf Propaganda: American Perceptions and Misperceptions of Italy during the Great War, Contemporary European History 2023: 1-12.
- Fazzi D. (2023), Smoke on the water: incineration at sea and the birth of a transatlantic environmental movement. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Fazzi D. (2021), Imperial Constraints: Labor and U.S. Military Bases in Italy, 1954–1979, Diplomatic History 45(4): 743-766.
- Fazzi D. (2021), Ban the Burn: The Trans-Local Campaign against Ocean Incineration, 1983–1988, Arcadia: explorations in environmental history 19: .
- Fazzi D. (2021), Ban the burn: the trans-local campaign against ocean incineration, 1983–1988, Arcadia: explorations in environmental history 2021(19): .
- Fazzi D. (2020), People's histories of the US empire: a trans-local approach to study the environment and the Cold War, USAbroad: Journal of American History and Politics 3(1S): 98-106.
- Fazzi D. & Luscombe A. (Eds.) (2020), Eleanor Roosevelt's Views on Diplomacy and Democracy : The Global Citizen. The World of the Roosevelts. New York: Palgrave.
- Fazzi D. (2019), Embodying the American century: the long-lasting U.S. military presence in Europe and the case of Schinnen, International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 7: 653-672.
- Fazzi D. (2018), The Nuclear Freeze : Transnational pursuit of positive peace. In: Peterson C.P., Knoblauch W.M. & Loadenthal M. (Eds.) The Routledge History of World Peace Since 1750. London: Routledge.
- Fazzi D. (2018), Human rights vs. human life: the US-Soviet bottom-line. In: Stipriaan Luïscius A.A., Oonk G. & Manickam S.K. (Eds.) History @ Erasmus: histories of encounters..
- Luscombe A. & Fazzi D. (2017), Eleanor Roosevelt and diplomacy in the public interest, European Journal of American Studies 12(1): 1-5.
- Fazzi D. (2017), Eleanor Roosevelt’s peculiar pacifism: activism, pragmatism, and political efficacy in interwar America, European Journal of American Studies 12(1): .
- Fazzi D. (2016), Eleanor Roosevelt and the Anti-Nuclear Movement: The Voice of Conscience. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fazzi D. (2016), A Voice of Conscience: How Eleanor Roosevelt Helped to Popularize the Debate on Nuclear Fallout, 1950–1954, Journal of American Studies 50(3): 699-730.
- Fazzi D. (2014), The Blame and the Shame: Kennedy's Choice to Resume Nuclear Tests in 1962, Peace & Change 39(1): 1-22.