Daisy Smeets
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. D.J.H. Smeets
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6621
- dsmeets@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-4548-614X

Daisy Smeets is assistant professor of Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies. Her research and expertise focus on youth protection, with a focus on, among other things, out-of-home placement and foster care.
Daisy Smeets is assistant professor of Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies. Her research and expertise focus on youth protection, with a focus on, among other things, out-of-home placement and foster care.
Academic career
2013 – present
Assistant professor of Forensic family studies, Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University
Doctorate degree (PhD) at Leiden University, Institute of Education and Child Studies, department of Learning Problems and Impairments. Thesis: Storybook Apps As A Tool For Early Literacy Development.
PhD student at Leiden University, Institute of Education and Child Studies, department of Learning Problems and Impairments.
M. Sc. Developmental Psychology (cum laude) at Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology
B. Sc. Biological Psychology at Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology
Research topics
- Adoption and Foster care. Recent study: teachers’ challenges when foster children enter their classroom. See www.raadpleeg.org: website to support teachers - in Dutch
- Pedagogical insights regarding legal and forensic procedures. Recent study: legal position of minors in Dutch family law proceedings - in collaboration with Leiden Law School, among others.
Contributions in many courses throughout the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Education and Child Studies at Leiden University.
- Introduction to Psychology
- Practicing Research
- Legal and Ethical Procedures
- Forensic Aspects of Child Abuse
- Adoption and Foster Care
- Digital media in the family: opportunities and challenges
- Master theses
Award for 'Excellent teacher 2016-2017’ of the Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden.
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.
- Zon K.A.M. van der & Smeets D.J.H. (2024), Het gedragen kind: Prevalentie en Praktijk van Draagmoederschap in Nederland. WODC Rapport no. 3557. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H. & Bolscher K.G.A. (2022), Child Participation in Dutch Family Law and Child Protection Proceedings. In: Paré M., Bruning M.R., Moreau T. & Siffrein-Blanc C. (Eds.), Children's Access to Justice: A Critical Assessment. Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago: Intersentia. 25-37.
- Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H. & Bolscher K.G.A. (2022), La participation des enfants dans les procédures familiales et de protection de l’enfance aux Pays-Bas. In: Paré M., Bruning M.R., Moreau T. & Siffrein-Blanc C. (Eds.) L'accès des enfants à la justice: bilan critique. Thèmes et commentaires Paris: Dalloz. 15-27.
- Bruning M.R., Zon K.A.M. van der, Smeets D.J.H. & Boven H.J. van (2022), Eindevaluatie Wet herziening kinderbeschermingsmaatregelen: nieuwe rechtsgronden in een haperend jeugdbeschermingsstelsel. WODC Rapport no. 3169. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch.
- Zon K.A.M. van der, Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H. & Boven H.J. van (2022), De Wet herziening kinderbeschermingsmaatregelen geëvalueerd: een overzicht van de belangrijkste bevindingen, Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2022(11): 316-323 (FJR 2022/62).
- Smeets D.J.H. (2022), Help je pleegkind veerkrachtig zijn, 2022(4): .
- Smeets D.J.H. (2022), Beslissen over kinderen doe je met kinderen: het belang van jongerenparticipatie bij juridische beslissingen, 2022(3): .
- Smeets D.J.H. & Rap S. (2021), Child participation in family law proceedings: pedagogical insights on why and how to involve children. In: Schrama W., Freeman M., Taylor N. & Bruning M. (Eds.), International handbook on child participation in family law. European Family Law no. 51. Cambridge: Intersentia Ltd. 41-66.
- Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H., Bolscher K.G.A., Peper J.S. & Boer R. de (2020), Kind in proces: van communicatie naar effectieve participatie - het hoorrecht en de procespositie van minderjarigen in familie- en jeugdzaken. Meijers-reeks no. 335. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
- Smeets D.J.H., Bruning M.R., Boer R. de & Bolscher K.G.A. (2020), Praktijkonderzoek naar ervaringen met de civiele procespositie van minderjarigen. In: Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H., Bolscher K.G.A., Peper J.S. & Boer R. de (Eds.), Kind in proces: van communicatie naar effectieve participatie: Het hoorrecht en de procespositie van minderjarigen in familie- en jeugdzaken. Meijers-reeks no. 335. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers. 161-234.
- Bruning M.R., Smeets D.J.H., Bolscher K.G.A., Peper J.S. & Boer R. de (2020), Het hoorrecht van de procespositie van minderjarigen in familie- en jeugdzaken geëvalueerd, Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht 2020(4): 96-104 (FJR 2020/24).
- Smeets D.J.H. & Bruning M.R. (3 March 2020), Beslissen over kinderen… met kinderen. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog. [blog entry].
- Meulen G. ter, Smeets D. & Juffer F. (2019), The relation between adult adoptees' feelings about relinquishment, adoption and satisfaction with life, Adoption and Fostering 43(2): 192-209.
- Smeets D.J.H. & Bus A.G. (2015), The interactive animated e-book as a word learning device for kindergartners, Applied Psycholinguistics 36: 899-920.
- Smeets D.J.H., Van Dijken M.J. & Bus A.G. (2014), Using electronic storybooks to support word learning in children with severe language impairments, Journal of Learning Disabilities 47(5): 435-449.
- Smeets D.J.H. & Bus A.G. (2013), Picture storybooks go digital: Pros and cons. In: Neuman S.B., Gambrell L.B. & Masssey C. (Eds.), Quality reading instruction in the age of common core standards. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. 176-189.
- Smeets D.J.H. & Bus A.G. (2013), Digitale prentenboeken, JSW: Jeugd in School en Wereld 97(10): 38-41.
- Smeets D.J.H. (20 December 2012), Storybook apps as a tool for early literacy development (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bus A.G.
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