Cynthia van Vonno
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. C.M.C. van Vonno
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-6123-8886
Cynthia van Vonno is assistant professor at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science.
More information about Cynthia van Vonno
Selected publications
PhD Candidates
Cynthia van Vonno is assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science. Her research focuses on representation, parliamentary politics, and political parties. In 2013, she won the Casimir Prize, the award of Leiden's Faculty of Social Sciences for excellence in teaching.
PhD supervision
Cynthia van Vonno is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- Parliaments, parliamentary party groups and Members of Parliaments (MPs)
- Theory and practice of political representation in Western (European) democracies
See for more information on PhD positions:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2024), Parliamentary Politics in the Netherlands. In: Lange S. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 105-123.
- Kopecky P., Louwerse T.: Mickler T., Nagtzaam M., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van , Rudy Andeweg: een veelzijdig en betrokken politicoloog. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2021), Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection, Journal of Legislative Studies : .
- Louwerse T., Otjes S. & Vonno C. van (2018), The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset, Acta Politica 53(1): 149-166.
- Andeweg R.B. & Van Vonno C.M.C. (2018), Kamerleden over regionale vertegenwoordiging. Enkele cijfers uit het Parlementsonderzoek. In: Bos A., Brouwer J.W., Goslinga H., Merriënboer J. van, Oddens J. & Ramakers J. (Eds.), Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis 2018: Regio versus Randstad. Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis 66-67.
- Andeweg R.B. & Van Vonno C.M.C. (2018), Kamervragen. Een enquête onder Leden van Eerste en Tweede Kamer. Parlementsonderzoek 2017: Verslag aan de Staatscommissie Parlementair Stelsel. Universiteit Leiden: Staatscommissie Universitair Stelsel.
- Louwerse T. & Van Vonno C. (2017), Naar nieuwe verhoudingen tussen Kamer en kabinet?. In: Andeweg R.B. & Leyenaar M. (Eds.), Alle Stemmen Tellen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2017), Party Cohesion at Three Levels of Dutch Government. 2017 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nottingham, UK, Workshop title: Rethinking Intra-Party Cohesion in Times of Party Transformation, Nottingham. 2017 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nottingham, UK, Workshop title: Rethinking Intra-Party Cohesion in Times of Party Transformation. 25 April 2017 - 25 April 2017.
- Vonno C.M.C. van (2 March 2016), Achieving party unity : a sequential approach to why MPs act in concert (Dissertatie. Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Andeweg R.B.
- Pohl B., Van Willigen N. & Van Vonno C.M. (2015), Governmental interest, new liberalism, and the CSDP. In: Cladi L. & Locatelli A. (Eds.), International Relations Theory and European Security: We thought we knew. London: Routledge. 65-82.
- Van Vonno C.M.C. & Andeweg R.B. (2014), Fractiediscipline: Van de bok dromen?. In: Lange S.L. de, Leyenaar M. & Jong P. de (Eds.), Politieke Partijen: Overbodig of Nodig?. Den Haag: Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur. 111-124.
- Van Vonno C.M.C., Itzkovitch-Malka R., Depauw S., Hazan R.Y. & Andeweg R.B. (2014), Agreement, loyalty, and discipline: A sequential approach to party unity. In: Deschouwer K. & Depauw S. (Eds.), Representing the people; A survey among members of statewide and sub-state parliaments. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 110-136.
- Van Willigen N.J.G. & Van Vonno C.M.C. (2014), Coalition government politics and Foreign Policy Analysis; Towards a new research program? Paper for the annual ISA Convention, 25-29 March 2014, Toronto. 55th Annual ISA Convention 25 March 2014 - 29 March 2014.
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2012), Role-Switching in the Dutch Parliament: Reinvigorating Role Theory?, Journal of Legislative Studies 18(2): 119-136.
- Louwerse T.P. & Vonno C.M.C. van (2012), Candidate selection, parliamentary activity and party orientation. Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, Amsterdam, 31 May-1 June 2012. [other].
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2011), Representational Roles in Unitary Systems – The Case of the Netherlands. [other].
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2011), Party agreement, party loyalty and party discipline: an exploration of the comparative process approach. [other].
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2010), Party Unity – Afraid of the Consequences? Parliamentary Party Group Voting Unity and Members’ Perception of Disciplinary Measures. [other].
- Van Vonno C.M.C. (2007), Extreme Parties and European Integration – The Inverted U-Curve. [other].