Corrie Bakels
Emeritus professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. C.C. Bakels
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2393

Corrie Bakels is an emeritus professor in paleoeconomy.
More information about Corrie Bakels
Current PhD candidates
My current research concerns:
1. the influence of human beings on their environment, from Neandertals up to the 19th century.
2. farming practices.
Teaching activities
I don't teach anymore, but I have the supervision of a PhD student and answer all kinds of questions put forward by other students.
Curriculum vitae
Trained as a specialist in water management and water purification my hobby brought me a job in archaeology. I have worked as a biologically trained archaeologist from 1968 onwards, first in the Interfaculty of Prehistory and later in the Faculty of Archaeology. My PhD thesis was on the Linearband Culture. I ended as a professor of paleoeconomy and continue working as a professor emeritus.
Emeritus professor
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Bio-Archaeology
- Ahituv H., Henry A.G., Melamed Y., Goren-Inbar N., Bakels C., Shumilovskikh L., Cabanes D., Stone J.R., Rowe W. F. & lperson-Afil N. (2025), Starch-rich plant foods 780,000 y ago: Evidence from Acheulian percussive stone tools, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122(3): e2418661121.
- Bakels C.C. (2024), Traces left by ards and a mouldboard plough in the prehistory of the Netherlands, especially in its western coastal areas, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 54(1): 15-25.
- Bakels C. (2024), The hoard with dirk from Ommerschans: a reconstruction of the place of deposition. In: Amkreutz L.W.S.W. & Fontijn D. (Eds.), Larger than Life: The Ommerschans hoard and the role of giant swords in the European Bronze Age (1500-1100 BC). Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities no. 30: Sidestone Press. 75-84.
- Sevink J., Haas T.C.A. de, Alessandri L., Bakels C.C. & Mario F. di (2023), The Pontine Marshes: an integrated study of the origin, history, and future of a famous coastal wetland in Central Italy, The Holocene 33(9): 1087-1106.
- Pearce E.A., Mazier F., Normand S., Fyfe R., Andrieu. V., Bakels C.C., Zofia Balwierz Z., Bińka K., Boreham S., Borisova O.K., Brostrom A., Beaulieu J.-L. de, Gao C., González-Sampériz P., Granoszewski W., Hrynowiecka A., Kołaczek P., Kuneš P., Magri D, Malkiewicz M., Mighall T., Milner A.M., Möller P., Nita M., Noryśkiewicz B., Pidek I.A., Reille M.Robertsson A.-M., Sakari Salonen J., Schläfl P., Schokker J., Scussolini P. Šeirienė V., Strahl J., Urban B., Winter H. & Svenning J.-C. (2023), Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterized the temperate forest biome before Homo sapiens, Science Advances 9(45): eadi9135.
- Bakels C.C. (2023), Cereal production in the Late Bronze Age to Mamluk periods in the Zerqa Triangle, Jordan, based on irrigation, rainfed farming or a combination of the two?, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 50: 104075.
- Bakels C.C. (2023), Lastig onkruid? : Nee, eerbiedwaardige plant: Zwaluwtong — Fallopia convolvulus (VIII, 569 – 1844). In: Gelder E. van & Peeters N. (Eds.), Flora Batava 1800-1934: de wilde planten van Nederland: Lannoo. 321-321.
- Bakels C.C. (2023), De eerste boom na de ijstijd: Jeneverbes - Juniperus communis (XIV.1057-1872). In: Gelder E. van & Peeters N. (Eds.), Flora Batava 1800-1934: de wilde planten van Nederland: Lannoo. 500-500.
- Sevink J., Wallinga J., Reimann T., Geel B. van, Brinkkemper O., Jansen B., Romar M. & Bakels C.C. (2023), A multi-staged drift sand geo-archive from the Netherlands: new evidence for the impact of prehistoric land use on the geomorphic stability, soils, and vegetation of aeolian sand landscapes, Catena 224: 106969.
- Bakels C.C. (2022), De Nederlandse akkerflora, een geschiedenis van toenemende rijkdom, Gorteria 44: 10-15.
- Ilett M., Gransar F., Allard P., Bakels C.C., Hachem L., Hamon C., Maigrot Y. & Naze Y. (2022), L'occupation néolithique de Menneville "La Bourguignotte" (Aisne), Revue Archéologique de Picardie 2022(1/2): 37-77.
- H. Fokkens (2021), Archeologisch onderzoek langs de Rikkert in Enkhuizen. Campagne 2013-2015 [Farmers of the coast] (translation: Roessingh W., Valentijn P.C.J., Fokkens H., Bakels C.C., Verschoof W. & Zijverden W.K. van). Leiden: Faculteit der Archeologie.
- MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Veen E. van, Vaesen K., Roebroeks W. & Bakels C.C. (2021), Middle Pleistocene fire use: the first signal of widespread cultural diffusion in human evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(31): e2101108118.
- Bruin J. de, Bakels C.C. & Theuws F.C.W.J. (2021), Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system. Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries no. 7. Bonn: Habelt-Verlag.
- Bakels C.C. (2021), Merovingian Oegstgeest: the setting. In: Bruin, Bakels C. & Theuws F. (Eds.) Oegstgeest, a riverine settlement in the early medieval world system. Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries. 8-11.
- Bakels C.C. (2021), The Merovingian settlement at Oegstgeest: the vegetation in its vicinity and the plants used by its inhabitants. In: Bruin J. de, Bakels C.C. & Theuws F. (Eds.), Oegstgeest, a riverine settlement in the early medieval world system 388-397.
- Bakels C. (2021), De vegetatiegeschiedenis van Sittard aan de hand van een pollendiagram, Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 110(7): 165-172.
- Sevink J., Bakels C.C., Hall R.L. van & Dee M.W. (2021), Radiocarbon dating distal tephra from the Early Bronze Age Avellino eruption (Eu-5) in the coastal basin of southern Lazio (Italy): uncertainties, results, and implications for dating distal tephra, Quaternary Geochronology 63(101154): .
- Roebroeks J.W.M., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Bakels C.C., Kindler L., Nikulina A., Pop E. & Gaudzinski-Windheuser. S. (2021), Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals, Science Advances 7(51): .
- Roebroeks W., MacDonald K., Scherjon F., Bakels C.C, Kindler L., Nikulina A., Pop E.A.L. & Gaudzinski-Windheuser S. (2021), Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals, Science Advances 7(51): eabj5567.
- Spelde F.J. van, Bakels C.C. & Kootker L.M. (2020), An unusual Late Iron Age or Early Roman burial discovered at Oegstgeest, the Netherlands. In: Hendriksen M., Norse E. & Vries N. de (Eds.), Metaaltijden. Metaaltijden: bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden no. 7. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 81-88.
- Bakels Corrie (2020), Pollen and Archaeology. In: Henry A.G. (Ed.), Handbook for the Analysis of Micro-Particles in Archaeological Samples. Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Cham: Springer Nature. 203-224.
- Bakels Corrie C. (2020), Man: Manipulator of his Physical Environment. Kroon-voordrachten no. 42. Huizen: Drukkerij J. Bout & zn..
- Attema P., Alessandri L., Bakels C., Doorenbosch M., Field M., Gorp W. van, Haas T. de, Leusen M. van, Tol G. & Sevink J. (2019), VECCHIE E NUOVE RICERCHE MULTIDISCIPLINARI NEL TERRITORIO DI SEZZE E NELLE ZONE ADIACENTI (AGRO PONTINO, LAZIO), IpoTesi di Preistoria 11(1): 103-118.
- Sevink J., Bakels C.C., Attema P., Vito M. di & Arienzo I. (2019), Holocene vegetation record of upland northern Calabria, Italy: Environmental change and human impact, The Holocene 29(4): 633-647.
- Bakels C.C. (2019), Een ijzertijdboer zaait huttentut (Camelina sativa). In: Arnoldussen S., Ball E.A.G., Dijk J. van, Norde E. & Vries N. de (Eds.), Metaaltijden 6 no. 6. Leiden: Sidestone. 185-191.
- Bakels C.C. (2019), Vegetation and crops in Oss-North, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia : 127-153.
- Bakels C.C. (2018), Baselines for delta15N values of cereals retrieved from archaeological excavations, Archaeometry 61(2): 470-477.
- Sevink J., Bakels C.C., Isola I., Gorp W. van, Doorenbosch M., Kuijper W.J. & Zanchetta G. (2018), Isotope and pollen records from lacustrine marls with EU-5 tephra from the Avellino eruption (1995 +/- 10 calBC) in the Agro Pontino, Lazio, Italy: The 4.2 ka BP event recorded?. 4.2 KA BP EVENT INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, Pisa. 10 January 2018 - 10 January 2018. [conference poster].
- Sevink J., Di Vito M.A., Piochi M., Mormone A., Gorp W. van & Bakels C.C. (2018), A rare Mid-Würmian lithoid tuff in the Agro Pontino graben (Southern Lazio, Italy) and its identification as an Albano 5-7 related distal tephra deposit (40-36 kaBP): characteristics, provenance and palaeogeographical implications, Annals of Geophysics 61(1): 1-15.
- Bakels C.C. (2018), Maintaining fertility of Bronze Age arable land in the northwest Netherlands. In: Bakels C.C., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (Eds.), Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 49: Sidestone Press. 65-76.
- Jansen R. & Bakels C. (2018), And the river meanders on...the intertwined occupation and vegetation history of the river area Maaskant and adjacent sand area of Oss (Netherlands) in Late Prehistory till Early Roman Period. In: Bakels C.C., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (Eds.), Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 49 105-129.
- Bakels C.C., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (Eds.) (2018), Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 49. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Vos W.K., Bakels C.C. & Goossens T.A. (Eds.) (2017), The Roman Villa at Maasbracht, the archaeology and history of a Roman settlement on the banks of the river Meuse (Province of Limburg, the Netherlands. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 46. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Bakels C.C. (2017), Spelt in Nederland, een 'vergeten' graansoort?. In: Aalbersberg G., Boersma S. & Schepers M. (Eds.), Paleo-Palfenier: met Rita van Egypte tot Ezinge: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Barkhuis. 115-120.
- Bakels C.C. (2017), Een komen en gaan van gewassen, Vork juli 2017: 22-27.
- Bakels C., Jagt I. van der & Jansen R. (2017), Livestock and plant resources in rural sites on sandy soil in the very north of northeastern Gaul. In: , Productions agro-pastorales, pratiques culturales et élevage dans le nord de la Gaule du deuxième siècle avant J.-C. à la fin de la période romaine. Quint-Fonsegrives: éditions Mergoil. 75-84.
- Bakels C. & Groen-Houchin R. (2017), Socio-economic status and plant remains: Maastricht (the Netherlands), Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47: 259-269.
- Kamermans H. & Bakels C.C. (Eds.) (2017), Excerpta Archaeologica Leidensia II (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47). Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 47.
- Bakels C.C. (2016), Growing grain for deltaN values International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany Paris poster, : .
- Bakels C.C. (2016), Posterholt, a late Pleistocene-Holocene record of the vegetation history in and around the valley of the Vlootbeek, a tributary of the river Meuse (southeastern Netherlands), Netherlands Journal of Geosciences : 1-8.
- Bakels C., Brinkkemper O. & Out W. (2016), Vuursteen verzameld: Archeobotanie. In: Amkreutz L., Brounen F., Deeben J., Machiels R., Oorsouw M.F. van & Smit B. (Eds.), Vuursteen verzameld. Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten no. 50 263-269.
- Bakels C.C. (2016), Mediëval impacts on the vegetation around the confluence of the river Meuse and its tributary the Swalm, the Netherlands, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences : 1-9.
- Bakels C.C. (2016), Settlement dynamics on the Cannerberg (Maastricht, the Netherlands), The Linearbandkeramik fruits and seeds; Fruits and seeds from the Iron Age. In: Wijk I.M. van (Ed.), Settlement dynamics on the Cannerberg. Archol rapport no. 300. Leiden: Archol. 211-213; 267-268.
- Pop E., Bakels C., Kuijper W., Mücher H. & Dijk M. van (2015), The dynamics of small postglacial lake basins and the nature of their archaeological record: a case study of the Middle Palaeolithic site Neumark-Nord 2, Germany, Geoarchaeology 30: 1-21.
- Scherjon F., Bakels C.C., MacDonald K. & Roebroeks W. (2015), Burning the Land. An Ethnographic Study of Off-Site Fire Use by Current and Historically Documented Foragers and Implications for the Interpretation of Past Fire Practices in the Landscape, Current Anthropology 56(3): 299-326.
- Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (2015), Excerpta Archaeologica Leidensia. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 45. Leiden: P.J.R. Modderman Stichting.
- Roebroeks W. & Bakels C. (2015), 'Forest Furniture'or 'Forest Managers'? On Neanderthal presence in last interglacial environments. In: Coward F., Hosfield R., Pope M. & Wenban-Smith F. (Eds.), Settlement, Society and Cognition in Human Evolution, landscapes in mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 174-188.
- Bakels C.C., Sevink J., Kuijper W. & Kamermans H. (2015), The Agro Pontino region, refuge after the Early Bronze Age Avellino eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Italy?. In: Bakel C.C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), Excerpta Archaeologica Leidensia. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 45. Leiden: P.J.R. Modderman Stichting. 55-68.
- Doorenbosch M., Field M.H., Alessandri L., Attema P.A.J., Bakels C.C., Gorp W. van, Leusen M. van & Sevink J. (2015), The Avellino event: distal palaeoecological impacts of the great Bronze Age eruption of Mount Vesuvius. MediterraneanPalynology Symposium 2015, Rome. 8 September 2015 - 10 September 2015. [conference poster].
- Pop E., Bakels C., Kuijper W., Mücher H. & Dijk M. van (2015), The Dynamics of Small Postglacial Lake Basins and the Nature of Their Archaeological Record: A Case Study of the Middle Palaeolithic Site Neumark-Nord 2, Germany, Geoarchaeology 30: 393–413.
- Pop E. & Bakels C. (2015), Semi-open environmental conditions during phases of hominin occupation at the Eemian Interglacial basin site Neumark-Nord 2 and its wider environment, Quaternary Science Reviews 117: 72-81.
- Bakels C.C., Langeveld M. & Tulder I. van (2015), Clearance for a medieval curtis, Black Death and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench): vegetation history of the area around the confluence of the rivers Swalm and Meuse, the Netherlands, AD 800-1900, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 123-131.
- Bakels C.C. (2014), Liquorice Allsorts in an Italian marsh. In: Bakels C.C., Fennema K., Porck J.F. & Wansleeben M. (Eds.), We discovered that...times are a-changin and much stays the same. Contributions on the occasion of the retirement of Hans Kamermans.. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology. 29-32.
- Bakels C.C. (2014), Ongepubliceerde plantenresten uit bandkeramische nederzettingen in Zuid-Limburg. In: Wijk I. van, Amkreutz L. & Velde P. van de (Eds.), "Vergeten" Bandkeramiek, een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning van Nederland.. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 427-436.
- Bakels C.C. & Gijn A.L. van (2014), The mystery of the missing sickles in the northwest Michelsberg Culture in Limburg, the Netherlands. In: Gijn Annelou van, Whittaker John & Anderson Patricia C. (Eds.), Exploring and explaining diversity in agricultural technology. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 109-111.
- Bakels C.C. (2014), Van berken tot boekweit: de vegetatie van de Maaskant. In: , De archeologische schatkamer Maaskant, bewoning van het Noordoost-Brabantse rivierengebied tussen 3000 v. en 1500 n.Chr., Jansen R. (red.). Leiden: Sidestone Press. 51-63.
- Bakels C.C. (2014), A reconstruction of the vegetation in and around the Neumark-Nord 2 basin, based on pollen diagram from the key section HP7 supplemented by section HP10. In: Gaudzinski-Windheuser S. & Roebroeks W. (Eds.), Multidisciplinary studies of the Middle Palaeolithic record from Neumark-Nord (Germany) no. 1. Halle Germany: Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte. 97-107.
- Bakels C.C. (2014), Choice of a crop and its underlying reasons: examples from Western central Europe 500 BCE-CE 900. In: Chevalier A., Marinova E. & Pena-Chocarro L. (Eds.), Plants and people, choices and diversity through time.. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. 101-106.
- Bakels C.C., Fennema K., Porck J.F. & Wansleeben M. (Eds.) (2014), We discovered that...times are a-changin and much stays the same. Contributions on the occasion of the retirement of Hans Kamermans. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology.
- Bakels C.C. (2013), Nijmegen Late Roman plant remains from grave B 298. Steures D.C. (Ed.), The Late Roman cemeteries of Nijmegen, stray finds and excavations 1947-1983. . Nijmegen: Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen-Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel erfgoed, Amersfoort. 266.
- Scherjon F., Bakels C.C., MacDonald K. & Roebroeks W. (2013), Burning the land: an ethnographic study of non-domestic fire use by recent and sub-recent foragers and implications for the interpretation of past fire practices in the landscape. Proceedings of the European society for the Study of Human Evolution 2. European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE) 21 September 2017 - 23 September 2017: European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE). 199.
- Bakels C.C. (2013), Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica [L.] P. Beauv.) in Western Central Europe. Carnap-Bornheim C. von, Dörfler W., Kirleis W., Müller J. & Müller U. (Eds.), Von Sylt bis Kastanas (Offa 69/70). . Neumünster: Wachholtz Verlag Neumünster. 139-145.
- Sevink J., Plicht J. van der, Feiken H., Leusen P.M. & Bakels C.C. (2013), The Holocene of the Agro Pontino graben: Recent advances in its palaeogeography, palaeoecology and tephrostratigraphy, Quaternary International 303: 153-162.
- Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (2012), The end of our fifth decade. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.
- Bakels C.C. (2012), Avoiding crop failure in the Iron Age: maslins and emergency crops on the loess soils of western continental Europe, with a special note on oat (Avena sativa) and foxtail millet (Setaria italica). In: Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), The end of our fifth decade. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden university. 177-182.
- Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (2012), Editorial. In: Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), The End Of Our Fifth Decade. Leiden: Leiden University. IX-X.
- Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Bakels C.C., Brounen F., Dijkman W., Gijn A.L. van, Grooth M. de, Hendrix W., Reus T. de., Schmitz H., Velde P. van de, Verbaas A., Vromen H., Warrimont J.P. de & Wijk I. van (2012), An Odyssey along the river Meuse. New perspective on old Dutch LBK research (1925-2001). In: , Notae Praehistoricae. Notae Praehistoricae. Brugge 51-71.
- Bakels C.C. (2012), Sittard-Geleen 'Hof van Limburg', plantenresten uit sporen van de Stein-groep, de Vroege IJzertijd en de Romeinse tijd met speciale aandacht voor het gewas trosgierst (Setaria italica [L.] P. Beauv.). Hoof L.G.L. van, Wijk I.M. van & Linde C.M. van der (Eds.), Zwervende erven op de löss? Onderzoek van een nederzetting uit de vroege ijzerijd en van sporen uit de Steingroep te Hof van Limburg (gemeente Sittard-Geleen). . Leiden: ARCHOL. 108-112.
- Bakels C.C. (2012), Driven away by a rising sea level: three case-studies taken from the Dutch past. Stobbe A. & Tegtmeier U. (Eds.), Verzweigungen, eine Würdigung für A.J.Kalis und J. Meurers-Balke. . Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt. 49-58.
- Bakels C.C. (2012), The early history of Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.) in the Netherlands, Acta Palaeobotanica 52(1): 25-31.
- Bakels C.C. (2012), Non-pollen palynomorphs from the Eemian pool Neumark-Nord 2: Determining water quality and the source of high pollen-percentages of herbaceous taxa, Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 186: 58-61.
- Sier M., Roebroeks W., Bakels C.C., Dekkers M.J., Bruehl E., De Loecker D., Gaudzinski S., Hesse N., Jagich A.P., Kindler L., Kuijper W.J., Laurat T., Mucher H., Penkman K.E.H., Richter D. & Van Hinsbergen D.J.J. (2011), Direct Terrestrial-Marine Correlation Demonstrates Surprisingly Late Onset of the Last Interglacial in Central Europe, Quaternary Research 75(1): 213-218.
- Moree J.M, Bakels C.C., Bloo S.B.C, Brinkhuizen D.M., Houkes R.A., Jongste P.F.B., Trierum M.C. van, Verbaas A. & Zeiler J.T. (2011), Barendrecht-Carnisselande: bewoning van een oeverwal vanaf het Laat Neolithicum tot in de Midden-Bronstijd, BOORbalans 7:Archeologisch onderzoek in de gemeente Barendrecht. . Rotterdam: BOOR. 15-154.
- Bakels C.C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.) (2011), Miscellania Archaeologica Leidensia. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology.
- Bakels C.C. (2011), Crop remains from Schwanfeld, Ldkr. Schweinfurt, Germany, a site occupied by, successively, Earliest Linearbandkeramik, Grossgartach and Bernburg farmers. Lüning Jens (Ed.), Schwanfeldstudien zur Ältesten Bandkeramik. no. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie Band 196. Bonn 223-231.
- Bakels C.C. (2011), Beek en de planten en dieren van zijn bandkeramische bewoners, Becha 25(4): 55-56.
- Bakels C.C. (2011), Crops grown on the sandy soils of Eastern Brabant (the Netherlands) before, during and after the Roman occupation, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 41(2009): 57-72.
- Sier M., Roebroeks W., Dekkers M.J., Bakels C.C. & Gaudzinski-Windheuser S. (2011), Mismatch between MIS 5e and the Last Interglacial (Eemian) of Central Europe, Geophysical research abstracts 13: .
- Bakels C.C., Fennema K., Out W.A. & Vermeeren C. (2010), Van Planten en Slakken/Of Plants and Snails. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Bakels C.C. (2010), Le site rubané de Ormeignies "La petite Rosière", les graines carbonisées. In: Burnez-Lanotte L., Constantin C. & Hauzeur A. (Eds.), le Néolithique Ancien de Belgique, sites du Hainaut et de Hesbaye. Amay: Cercle archéologique Hesbaye-Condroz. 130-133.
- Bakels C.C. (2010), Le site rubané d'Aubechies "Coron-Maton" (Hainaut), fouilles de 1984 à 2002: Fruits et graines carbonisées. In: Burnez-Lanotte L., Constantin C. & Hauzeur A. (Eds.), Le Néolithique Ancien de Belgique, sites du Hainaut et de Hesbaye. Amay: Cercle archéologique Hesbaye-Condroz. 57-61.
- Bakels C.C. (2010), pollen analysis. In: Fontijn D. (Ed.), Living near the Dead, the barrow excavations of Rhenen-Elst. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 107-108.
- Bakels C.C. (2010), De vroegste vondsten van bolderik (Agrostemma githago L.) in Nederland/The earliest finds of corncockle (Agrostemma githago L.) in the Netherlands. Bakels C., Fennema K., Out W.A. & Vermeeren C. (Eds.), Van Planten en Slakken/Of Plants and Snails. . Leiden: Sidestone Press. 13-20.
- Bakels C.C. (2009), The Western European loess belt; Agrarian history, 5300 BC - AD 1000. Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer.
- Bakels C.C. (2009), Maastricht-Passage A2: pollenonderzoek. In: Meurkens L., Heunks E. & Wijk I.M. van (Eds.), Bewoning, infrastructuur en begraving van ijzertijd tot middeleeuwen in het toekomstig tracé van de A2 Passage bij Maastricht. Leiden: Archol bv. 121-121.
- Lodewijckx M. & Bakels C.C. (2009), Frontier settlements of the LBK in central Belgium. Hofmann D. & Bickle P. (Eds.), Creating communities. New advances in Central European Neolithic research. . Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. 32-49.
- Bakels C.C. (2009), Études sur les plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen Âge en France septentrionale, Revue archéologique de Picardie 2009(1/2): 63-68.
- Constantin C., Demarez L., Bakels C.C., Deramaix I., Hachem L. & Salavert A. (2009), L'enceinte Michelsberg de Blicquy - La Couture du Couvent, Anthropologica et Praehistorica 120: 151-202.
- Bakels C.C. (2008), Aspects of crops and crop processing in the Linearbandkeramik settlement of Geleen-Janskamerveld, the Netherlands. In: Velde Pieter van de (Ed.), Excavations at Geleen-Janskamerveld 1990/1991 91-99.
- Bakels C.C. (2008), Maastricht-Vogelzang, the Netherlands, a Michelsberg site in the valley of the Meuse seen from a botanical angle. In: Fokkens Harry, Coles Bryonu, Gijn Annelou van, Kleijne Jos, Ponjee Hedwig & Slappendel Corijanne (Eds.), Between Foraging and Farming 111-123.
- Bakels C.C. (2008), The Linearbandkeramik settlement at Geleen-Janskamperveld: the adzes. In: Velde Pieter van de (Ed.), Excavations at Geleen-Janskamperveld 1990/1991.
- Bakels C.C. (2008), L’agriculture rubanée-postrubanée, continuité ou discontinuité ?. In: Lanotte L., Ilett M. & Allard P. (Eds.), Fin des traditions danubiennes dans le Néolitique du bassin parisien et de la Belgique (5100-4700 av. J.-C.), autour des recherches de Claude Constantin. 191-195.
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