Multidisciplinary studies or the Middle Paleolithic record from Neumark-Nord (Germany)
Band 69 | 2014
- Author
- Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Wil Roebroeks (eds.)
- Date
- 01 January 2014

Multidisciplinary studies of the Middle Palaeolithic record from Neumark-Nord (Germany) /Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Wil Roebroeks (eds.), ISBN: 9783939414704 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
Harald Meller:
• Vorwort
Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser & Wil Roebroeks:
• Multidisciplinary studies of the Middle Paleolithic record from Neumark-Nord (Germany). An introduction
Norbert Hesser & Lutz Kindler:
• Geologie und Genese der quartären Beckenfüllung Neumark-Nord 2 und deren Ausgrabung (Geology and development of the quaternary basin infill Neumark-Nord 2 and its excavation)
Herman J. Mücher:
• Neumark Nord 2, a shallow Eemian pool in northern central Germany – a micromorphological stady of its infill
Stefan. Wansa, Jaqueline Strahl & Ivo Rappsilber:
• Korrelation von Schichtenfolgen aus dem Eembecken Neumark-Nord 1 und 2 (Geiseltal) (Correlation of sediment sequences from the Eemian basins Neumark-Nord 1 and 2 (Geisel valley)
Dietrich Mania, Matthias Thomae & Manfred Altermann:
• Forschungsergebnisse und Bibliographie über die Interglazial-Glazialfolgen von Neumark-Nord im Geiseltal (Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland) (Research results and bibliography concerning the Interglacial-Glacial succession from Neumark-Nord in the Geisel Valley)
Wim J. Kuijper:
• Investigation of inorganic, botanical and zoological remains of an exposure of Last Interglacial (Eemian) sediments at Neumark-Nord 2 (Germany)
Corrie C. Bakels:
• A reconstruction of the vegetation in and around the Neumark-Nord 2 basin, based on a pollen diagram from the key section HP7 supplemented by section HP10
Jeanette Hoffmann & Dieter Hans Mai:
• The vegetation of Neumark-Nord 1 – an overview of the botanical remains
Mark J. Sier & Mark J. Deckers:
• Magnetic property analysis as palaeoenvironmental proxy: a case study of the Last Interglacial Middle Palaeolithic site at Neumark-Nord 2 (Germany)
Daniel Richter & Matthias Krbetschek (†):
• Preliminary luminescence dating results for two Middle Palaeolithic occupations at Neumark-Nord 2
Wolf-Dieter Heinrich:
• Remains of small mammals from Pleistocene basin deposits of Neumark-Nord 2, central Germany
Eduard Pop:
• Analysis of the Neumark-Nord 2/2 lithic assemblage: results and interpretations
Lutz Kindler, Geoff Smith & Monika Wagner:
• Introduction to faunal analysis at Neumark-Nord 2
Kate Britton et al.:
• Stable isotope evidence for herbivore palaeoecology at Neumark-Nord 2
Dimitri De Loecker & Wim J. Kuijper:
• Recent bioturbation on the exposed sediment surface and sub-surface find layers at Neumark-Nord 2/0 (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)
Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser & Wil Roebroeks
• Neanderthal activities in a Last Interglacial lake-landscape: the Neumark 2 project