Carlo Beenakker
Professor of Theory of condensed matter
- Name
- Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5532
- 0000-0003-4748-4412

Carlo Beenakker knows all about the quantum world. He looks at the behaviour of quantum particles and considers how this knowledge can be used to develop new technologies. He is currently considering how to build a quantum computer in a laboratory.
More information about Carlo Beenakker
PhD Candidates
In the media
Former PhD candidates
Dmytro Oriekhov
Gal Lemut
Yevheniia Cheipesh
Xavier Bonet-Monroig
Michat Pacholski
Mark Steudtner
Viacheslav Ostroukh
Nicandro Bovenzi
Paul Baireuther
Marco Marciani
Brian Tarasinski
Shuo Mi
Mathias Diez
Bernarnd van Heck
Ion Cosma
Dmitry Pikulin
Jan Dahlhaus
Mariya Medvedyeva
Anton Akhmerov
Christoph Groth
Ruslan Sepkhanov
Jens Bardarson
Izak Snyman
Björn Michaelis
Marlies Goorden
Joris van Velsen
Alireza Tajic
Our world is shrinking, or at least our electronic devices are. From PCs to mobile phones: everything is smaller and thinner. The smaller the chip, the better it can conduct electricity and pass on information. We are able to make these chips smaller, because our knowledge about the smallest particles in the world, such as electrons and protons, is increasing. How small are these particles? Imagine the tip of a human hair but then thousands of times smaller. Leiden physicist Carlo Beenakker knows all about this world. He looks at the behaviour of these particles and considers how this knowledge can be used to develop new technologies. He is currently considering how to build a quantum computer in a laboratory (see picture).
Professor of Theory of condensed matter
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2024), Topologically protected Casimir effect for lattice fermions, Physical Review Research 6(2): 023058.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2024), Chiral edge mode for single-cone Dirac fermions, Physical Review B 110(16): 165421.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2024), Josephson effect in a junction coupled to an electron reservoir, Applied Physics Letters 125(12): 122601.
- Zakharov V.A., Polla S., Donis Vela A., Emonts P., Pacholski M.J., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2024), Luttinger liquid tensor network: Sine versus tangent dispersion of massless Dirac fermions, Physical Review Research 6(4): 043059.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2024), Poor man's Majorana edge mode enabled by specular Andreev reflection, Physical Review B 110(18): L180402.
- Zakharov V., Tworzydło J., Beenakker C.W.J. & Pacholski M.J. (2024), Helical luttinger liquid on a space-time lattice, Physical Review Letters 133: 116501.
- Lemut G., Pacholski M.J., Plugge S., Beenakker C.W.J. & Adagideli I. (2023), Magnus effect on a Majorana zero mode, Physical Review B 107(20): 205420.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2023), Pair correlation function of the one-dimensional Riesz gas, Physical Review Research 5(1): 013152.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Vakhtel T. (2023), Phase-shifted Andreev levels in an altermagnet Josephson junction, Physical Review B 108(7): 075425.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Donis Vela A., Lemut G., Pacholski M.J. & Tworzydło J. (2023), Tangent fermions: dirac or majorana fermions on a lattice without fermion doubling, Annalen der Physik 535(7): 2300081.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2023), Casimir-Josephson force on a point contact between two superconductors, Physical Review B 108(19): 195422.
- Flór I.M., Donís Vela A., Beenakker C.W.J. & Lemut G. (2023), Dynamical simulation of the injection of vortices into a Majorana edge mode, Physical Review B 108(23): 235309.
- Oriekhov D., Osterholt T.T., Vakhtel T., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport: a magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length, Physical Review B 106(23): 235413.
- Vakhtel T., Oriekhov D. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Bloch oscillations in the magnetoconductance of twisted bilayer graphene, Physical Review B 105(24): L241408.
- Donís Vela A., Pacholski M.J., Lemut G., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Massless dirac fermions on a space‐time lattice with a topologically protected dirac cone, Annalen der Physik 534(12): 2200206.
- Donis Vela A., Lemut G., Pacholski M.J., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Reflectionless Klein tunneling of Dirac fermions: comparison of split-operator and staggered-lattice discretization of the Dirac equation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34(36): 364003.
- Lemut G., Pacholski M.J., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Supercell symmetry modified spectral statistics of Kramers-Weyl fermions, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55(23): 234003.
- Oriekhov D., Osterholt T.T., Vakhtel T., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2022), Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport: a magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length, Physical Review B 106(23): 235413.
- Lemut G., Pacholski M.J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2021), Chiral charge transfer along magnetic field lines in a Weyl superconductor, Physical Review B 104(12): 125444.
- Dónis Vela A., Lemut G., Pacholski M.J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2021), Chirality inversion of Majorana edge modes in a Fu-Kane heterostructure, New Journal of Physics 23(10): 103006.
- Pacholski M.J., Lemut G., Ovdat O., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2021), Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level, Physical Review Letters 126(22): 226801.
- Oriekhov D.O., Cheipesh Y. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2021), Voltage staircase in a current-biased quantum-dot Josephson junction, Physical Review B 103(9): 094518.
- Pacholski M.J., Lemut G., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2021), Generalized eigenproblem without fermion doubling for Dirac fermions on a lattice, SciPost Physics 11(6): 105.
- Adagideli I., Hassler F., Grabsch A., Pacholski M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2020), Time-resolved electrical detection of chiral edge vortex braiding, SciPost Physics 8: 013.
- Grabsch A.E.S., Cheipesh Y. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2020), Dynamical signatures of ground-state degeneracy to discriminate against Andreev levels in a Majorana fusion experiment, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3(1): 1900110.
- Hassler F., Grabsch A., Pacholski M.J., Oriekhov D.O., Ovdat O., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2020), Half-integer charge injection by a Josephson junction without excess noise, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 102(4): 045431.
- Lemut G., Pacholski M.J., Ovdat O., Grabsch A.E.S., Tworzydło J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2020), Localization landscape for Dirac fermions, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 101(8): 081405.
- Lemut G., Donís Vela A., Pacholski M.J., Tworzydło J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2020), Magnetic breakdown spectrum of a Kramers–Weyl semimetal, New Journal of Physics 22(9): 093022.
- Pacholski M.J., Beenakker C.W.J. & Adagideli I. (2020), Universal chiral magnetic effect in the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor, Annals of Physics 417: 168103.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Oriekhov D.O. (2020), Shot noise distinguishes Majorana fermions from vortices injected in the edge mode of a chiral p-wave superconductor, SciPost Physics 9(5): 080.
- Baireuther P., Caio M.D., Criger B., Beenakker C.W.J. & O'Brien T.E. (2019), Neural network decoder for topological color codes with circuit level noise, New Journal of Physics 21: 013003.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Baireuther P., Herasymenko Y., Adagideli I., Wang L. & Akhmerov A.R. (2019), Deterministic creation and braiding of chiral edge vortices, Physical Review Letters 122(14): 146803.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Grabsch A. & Herasymenko Y. (2019), Electrical detection of the Majorana fusion rule for chiral edge vortices in a topological superconductor, SciPost Physics 6: 022.
- Lemut G., Pacholski M.J., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2019), Effect of charge renormalization on the electric and thermoelectric transport along the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor, Physical Review B 100(3): 035417.
- Grabsch A., Cheipesh Y. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2019), Pfaffian Formula for Fermion Parity Fluctuations in a Superconductor and Application to Majorana Fusion Detection, Annalen der Physik 531(10): 1900129.
- Spitz S.T., Tarasinski B., Beenakker C.W.J. & O'Brien T.E. (2018), Adaptive weight estimator for quantum error correction in a time-dependent environment, Advanced Quantum Technologies 1(1): 1800012.
- Baireuther P., O'Brien T.E., Tarasinski B.M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2018), Machine-learning-assisted correction of correlated qubit errors in a topological code, Quantum 2: 48.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Gnezdilov N.V., Dresselhaus E., Ostroukh V.P., Herasymenko Y., Adagideli I. & Tworzydlo J. (2018), Valley switch in a graphene superlattice due to pseudo-Andreev reflection, Physical Review B 97(24): 241403.
- Bovenzi N., Breitkreiz M., O'Brien T.E., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2018), Twisted Fermi surface of a thin-film Weyl semimetal, New Journal of Physics 20: 023023.
- Pacholski M.J., Beenakker C.W.J. & Adagideli I. (2018), Topologically Protected Landau Level in the Vortex Lattice of a Weyl Superconductor, Physical Review Letters 121(3): 037701.
- Gamayun O., Ostroukh V., Gnezdilov N., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2018), Valley-momentum locking in a graphene superlattice with Y-shaped Kekulé bond texture, New Journal of Physics 20: 023016.
- Gnezdilov N.V., Hutasoit J.A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2018), Low-high voltage duality in tunneling spectroscopy of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, Physical Review B 98(8): 081413(R).
- Kallosh R., Linde A., Roest D., Westphal A., Yamada Y. & Beenakker C.J. (2018), Fibre inflation and α-attractors, Journal of High Energy Physics 2018: 117.
- Baireuther P.S., Tworzydlo J., Breitkreiz M., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2017), Weyl-Majorana solenoid, New Journal of Physics 19: 025006.
- Bovenzi N., Breitkreiz M., Baireuther P.S., O'Brien T.E., Tworzydlo J., Adagedeli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2017), Chirality blockade of Andreev reflection in a magnetic Weyl semimetal, Physical Review B 96(3): 035437.
- O'Brien T.E., Beenakker C.W.J. & Adagideli I. (2017), Superconductivity provides access to the chiral magnetic effect of an unpaired Weyl cone, Physical Review Letters 118: 207701.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Kouwenhoven L. (2016), A road to reality with topological superconductors, Nature Physics 12: 618-621.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Bringing order to the expanding fermion zoo. Crystallography provides an inventory of the electron-like particles that emerge in a lattice world, Science 353(6299): 539-540.
- Gerasimenko Y., Tarasinski B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Attractor-repeller pair of topological zero modes in a nonlinear quantum walk, Physical Review A 93: 022329.
- Marciani M., Schomerus H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Effect of a tunnel barrier on the scattering from a Majorana bound state in an Andreev billiard, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 77: 54-64.
- O'Brien T.E., Diez M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Magnetic breakdown and Klein tunneling in a type-II Weyl semimetal, Physical Review Letters 116(23): 236401.
- Ostroukh V.P., Baxevanis B., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Two-dimensional Josephson vortex lattice and anomalously slow decay of the Fraunhofer oscillations in a ballistic SNS junction with a warped Fermi surface, Physical Review B 94: 094514.
- Gnezdilov N., Diez M., Pacholski M.J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Wiedemann-Franz-type relation between shot noise and thermal conduction of Majorana surface in a three-dimensional topological superconductor, Physical Review B 94: 115415.
- Baireuther P.S., Hutasoit J.A., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2016), Scattering theory of the chiral magnetic effect in a Weyl semimetal: Interplay of bulk Weyl cones and surface Fermi arcs, New Journal of Physics 18: 45009.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors, Reviews of Modern Physics 87: 1037-1066.
- Baireuther P.S., Hyart T.T., Tarasinski B.M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Andreev-Bragg reflection from an Amperian superconductor, Physical Review Letters 115(9): 097001.
- Baxevanis B., Ostroukh V.P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Even-odd flux quanta effect in the Fraunhofer oscillations of an edge-channel Josephson junction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91(4): 041409.
- Diez M., Monteiro A.M.R.V.L., Mattoni G., Cobanera E., Hyart T., Mulazimoglu E., Bovenzi N., Beenakker C.W.J. & Caviglia A.D. (2015), Giant negative magnetoresistance driven by spin-orbit coupling at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, Physical Review Letters 115(1): 016803.
- Heck B. van, Hyart T.T. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Minimal circuit for a flux-controlled Majorana qubit in a quantum spin-Hall insulator, Physica Scripta 2015(T164): 014007.
- Gnezdilov N.V., Heck B. van, Diez M., Hutasoit J.A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Topologically protected charge transfer along the edge of a chiral p-wave superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92: 121406.
- Milsted A., Seabra L., Fulga I.C., Beenakker C.W.J. & Cobanera E. (2015), Statistical translation invariance protects a topological insulator from interactions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92(8): 085139.
- Schomerus H., Marciani M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Effect of chiral symmetry on chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes, Physical Review Letters 114(16): 160803.
- Tarasinski B.M., Chevallier D.F., Hutasoit J.A., Baxevanis B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2015), Quench dynamics of fermion-parity switches in a Josephson junction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92(14): 144306.
- Baireuther P.S., Edge J.M., Fulga I.C., Beenakker C.W.J. & Tworzydlo J. (2014), Quantum phase transitions of a disordered antiferromagnetic topological insulator, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 89(3): 035410.
- Diez M., Dahlhaus J.P., Wimmer M.T. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Emergence of massless Dirac fermions in graphene’s Hofstadter butterfly at switches of the quantum Hall phase connectivity, Physical Review Letters 112(19): 196602.
- Pikulin D., Hyart T.T., Mi S., Tworzydlo J., Wimmer M.T. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Disorder and magnetic-field-induced breakdown of helical edge conduction in an inverted electron-hole bilayer, Physical Review B 89(16): 161403.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Annihilation of colliding Bogoliubov quasiparticles reveals their Majorana nature, Physical Review Letters 112(7): 070604.
- Mi S., Pikulin D.I., Marciani M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), X-shaped and Y-shaped Andreev resonance profiles in a superconducting quantum dot, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (JETP) 119(6): 1018-1027.
- Diez M., Fulga I.C., Pikulin D., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Bimodal conductance distribution of Kitaev edge modes in topological superconductors, New Journal of Physics 16: 063049.
- Ortiz Cabello P., Dukelsky J., Cobanera E., Esebbag C. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Many-body characterization of particle-conserving topological superfluids, Physical Review Letters 113(26): 267002.
- Marciani M., Brouwer P.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2014), Time-delay matrix, midgap spectral peak, and thermopower of an Andreev billiard, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 90(4): 045403.
- Hyart T.T., Heck B. van, Fulga I.C., Burrello M., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2013), Flux-controlled quantum computation with Majorana fermions, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 88(3): 035121.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Pikulin D., Hyart T.T., Schomerus H. & Dahlhaus J.P. (2013), Fermion-parity anomaly of the critical supercurrent in the quantum spin-Hall effect, Physical Review Letters 110(1): 017003.
- Diez M., Fulga I.C., Pikulin D., Wimmer M.T., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2013), Phase-locked magnetoconductance oscillations as a probe of Majorana edge states, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 87(12): 125406.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2013), Search for Majorana fermions in superconductors, Annual review of condensed matter physics 4: 113-136.
- Mi S., Pikulin D., Wimmer M.T. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2013), Proposal for the detection and braiding of Majorana fermions in a quantum spin Hall insulator, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 87(24): 241405.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Edge J.M., Dahlhaus J.P., Pikulin D., Mi S. & Wimmer M. (2013), Wigner-Poisson statistics of topological transitions in a Josephson junction, Physical Review Letters 111(3): 037001.
- Groth C.W., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Transmission probability through a Lévy glass and comparison with a Lévy walk, Physical Review E 85: 021138.
- Nieuwenburg E.P.L., Edge J.M., Dahlhaus J.P., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Metal-topological insulator transition in the quantum kicked rotator with Z(2) symmetry, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85: 165131.
- Diez M., Dahlhaus J.P., Wimmer M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor with chiral symmetry, Physical Review B 86(9): 094501.
- Pikulin D.I., Dahlhaus J.P., Wimmer M., Schomerus H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), A zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire, New Journal of Physics 14: 125011.
- Dahlhaus J.P., Gibertini M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Scattering theory of topological invariants in nodal superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86(17): 174520.
- Fulga I.C., Akhmerov A.R., Tworzydlo J., Beri B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Thermal metal-insulator transition in a helical topological superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86(5): 054505.
- Edge J.M., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Metallic phase of the quantum Hall effect in four-dimensional space, Physical Review Letters 109(13): 135701.
- Heck B. van, Akhmerov A.R., Hassler F., Burrello M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Coulomb-assisted braiding of Majorana fermions in a Josephson junction array, New Journal of Physics 14: 035019.
- Enk S.J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2012), Measuring tr rho(n) on single copies of rho using random measurements, Physical Review Letters 108(11): 110503.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Dahlhaus J.P., Wimmer M. & Akhmerov A.R. (2011), Random-matrix theory of Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83(8): 085413.
- Fulga I.C., Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Topological quantum number and critical exponent from conductance fluctuations at the quantum Hall plateau transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84: 245447.
- Wimmer M., Akhmerov A.R., Dahlhaus J.P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Quantum point contact as a probe of a topological superconductor, New Journal of Physics 13: 053016.
- Ostaay J.A.M. van, Akhmerov A.R., Beenakker C.W.J. & Wimmer M. (2011), Dirac boundary condition at the reconstructed zigzag edge of graphene, Physical Review B 84(19): 195434.
- Heck B. van, Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Coulomb stability of the 4pi-periodic Josephson effect of Majorana fermions, Physical Review B 84(18): 180502.
- Asboth J.K., Akhmerov A.R., Medvedyeva M.V. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Effects of disorder on the transmission of nodal fermions through a d-wave superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83(13): 134519.
- Dahlhaus J.P., Edge J.M., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Quantum Hall effect in a one-dimensional dynamical system, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84(11): 115133.
- Fulga I.C., Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Scattering formula for the topological quantum number of a disordered multimode wire, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83(15): 155429.
- Choy T.P., Edge J.M., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Majorana fermions emerging from magnetic nanoparticles on a superconductor without spin-orbit coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84(19): 195442.
- Akhmerov A.R., Dahlhaus J.P., Hassler F., Wimmer M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Quantized Conductance at the Majorana Phase Transition in a Disordered Superconducting Wire, Physical Review Letters 106(5): 057001.
- Ostaay J.A.M. van, Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Spin-triplet supercurrent carried by quantum Hall edge states through a Josephson junction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83(19): 195441.
- Pikulin D., Hou C-Y & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), Nernst effect beyond the relexation-time approximation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84(4): 035133.
- Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2011), The top-transmon: a hybrid superconducting qubit for parity-protected quantum computation, New Journal of Physics 13: 095004.
- Fulga I.C., Hassler F. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Nonzero temperature effects on antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81(11): 115331.
- Dahlhaus J.P., Hou C-Y., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Geodesic scattering by surface deformations of a topological insulator, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82(8): 085312.
- Medvedyeva M.V., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Effective mass and tricritical point for lattice fermions localized by a random mass, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81(21): 214203.
- Serban I., Beri B., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Domain wall in a chiral p-wave superconductor: A pathway for electrical current, Physical Review Letters 104(14): 147001.
- Wimmer M., Akhmerov A.R., Medvedyeva M.V., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors with electrostatic defects, Physical Review Letters 105(4): 046803.
- Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Flat-lens focusing of electrons on the surface of a topological insulator, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82: 125423.
- Hassler F., Akhmerov A.R., Hou C-Y & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Anyonic interferometry without anyons: how a flux qubit can read out a topological qubit, New Journal of Physics 12: 125002.
- Bardarson J.H., Medvedyeva M.V., Tworzydlo J., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Absence of a metallic phase in charge-neutral graphene with a random gap, Physical Review B 81(12): 121414.
- Dahlhaus J.P., Beri B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2010), Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82(1): 014536.
- Akhmerov A.R., Nilsson J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2009), Electrically detected interferometry of Majorana fermions in a topological insulator, Physical Review Letters 102(21): 216404.
- Akhmerov A.R., Groth C.W., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2009), Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80 (19)(195320): .
- Groth C.W., Wimmer M., Akhmerov A.R., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2009), Theory of Topological Anderson Insulator, Physical Review Letters 103(19): 196805.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Venderbos J.W.F. & Exter M.P. van (2009), Two-photon speckle as a probe of multi-dimensional entanglement, Physical Review Letters 102(19): 193601.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Groth C.W. & Akhmerov A.R. (2009), Nonalgebraic length dependence of transmission through a chain of barriers with a Levy spacing distribution, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79(2)(024204): .
- Beenakker C.W.J., Sepkhanov R.A., Akhmerov A.R. & Tworzydlo J. (2009), Quantum Goos-Hänchen effect in graphene, Physical Review Letters 102(14): 146804.
- Béri B., Kupferschmidt J.N., Beenakker C.W.J. & Brouwer P.W. (2009), Quantum limit of the triplet proximity effect in half-metal-superconductor junctions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79 (2)(024517): .
- Sepkhanov R.A., Ossipov A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2009), Extinction of coherent backscattering by a disordered photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum, Europhysics Letters 85 (1)(14005): .
- Nilsson J., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Splitting of a Cooper pair by a pair of Majorana bound states, Physical Review Letters 101(12): 120403.
- Snyman I., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Calculation of the conductance of a graphene sheet using the Chalker-Coddington network model, Physical Review B 78(4): 045118.
- Sepkhanov R.A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Numerical test of the theory of pseudo-diffusive transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure, Optics Communications 281(20): 5267-5270.
- Akhmerov A.R., Bardarson J.H., Rycerz A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Theory of the valley-valve effect in graphene nanoribbons, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77(20): .
- Beenakker C.W.J., Akhmerov A.R., Recher P. & Tworzydlo J. (2008), Correspondence between Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in bipolar graphene, Physical Review B 77(7): 075409.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in graphene, Reviews of Modern Physics 80(4): 1337-1354.
- Béri B., Bardarson J.H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Splitting of Andreev levels in a Josephson junction by spin-orbit coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77(4): .
- Tworzydlo J., Groth C.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Finite difference method for transport propertiesof massless Dirac fermions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78(23): .
- Groth C.W., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors, Physical Review Letters 100(17): 176804.
- Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Boundary conditions for Dirac fermions on a terminated honeycomb lattice, Physical Review B 77(8): 085423.
- Sepkhanov R.A., Nilsson J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2008), Proposed method for detection of the pseudospin-1/2 Berry phase in a photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78(4): .
- Béri B., Bardarson J.H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Effect of spin-orbit coupling on the excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75(16): 1-5.
- Snyman I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Ballistic transmission through a graphene bilayer, Physical Review B 75(4): 045322.
- Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Detection of valley polarization in graphene by a superconducting contact, Physical Review Letters 98(15): 157003.
- Rycerz A., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Anomalously large conductance fluctuations in weakly disordered graphene, Europhysics Letters 79(5): 1-5.
- Bardarson J.H., Tworzydlo J., Brouwer P.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), One-parameter scaling at the Dirac point in graphene, Physical Review Letters 99(10): 106801.
- Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Pseudodiffusive conduction at the Dirac point of a normal-superconductor junction in graphene, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75(4): .
- Sepkhanov R.A., Bazaliy Y.B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Extremal transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure, Physical Review A 75(6): 063813.
- Ossipov A., Titov M.L. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Reentrance effect in a graphene n-p-n junction coupled to a superconductor, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75(24): 1-4.
- Rycerz A., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Valley filter and valley valve in graphene, Nature Physics 3(3): 172-175.
- Titov M.L., Ossipov A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Excitation gap of a graphene channel with superconducting boundaries, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75(4): .
- Tworzydlo J., Snyman I., Akhmerov A.R. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2007), Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene p-n junction, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76(3): 1-4.
- Titov M.L. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Josephson effect in ballistic graphene, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74(4): .
- Michaelis B.D., Emary C. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), All-electronic coherent population trapping in quantum dots, Europhysics Letters 73(5): 677-683.
- Tworzydlo J., Trauzettel B., Titov M.L., Rycerz A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Sub-Poissonian shot noise in graphene, Physical Review Letters 96(24): 246802.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Excess conductance of a spin-filtering quantum dot, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73(20): .
- Groth C.W., Michaelis B.D. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots, Physical Review B 74(12): 125315.
- Trauzettel B., Jordan A.N., Beenakker C.W.J. & Buttiker M. (2006), Parity meter for charge qubits: An efficient quantum entangler, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73(23): .
- Ament L.J.P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Deterministic quantum state transfer from an electronic charge qubit to a photonic polarization qubit, Physical Review B 73(12): 121307.
- Michaelis B.D. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Voltage probe model of spin decay in a chaotic quantum dot with applications to spin-flip noise and entanglement production, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73(11): .
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2006), Specular Andreev reflection in graphene, Physical Review Letters 97(6): 067007.
- Bardarson J.H., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2005), Stroboscopic model of transport through a quantum dot with spin-orbit scattering, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(6): .
- Goorden M.C., Jacquod P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2005), Quantum-to-classical crossover for Andreev billiards in a magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72(6): .
- Titov M.L., Trauzettel B., Michaelis B.D. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2005), Transfer of entanglement from electrons to photons by optical selection rules, New Journal of Physics 7: 186.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Titov M.L. & Trauzettel B. (2005), Optimal spin-entangled electron-hole pair pump, Physical Review Letters 94(18): 186804.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Michaelis B.D. (2005), Stub model for dephasing in a quantum dot, Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General 38(49): 10639-10646.
- Emary C., Trauzettel B. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2005), Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots, Physical Review Letters 95(12): 127401.
- Tworzydlo J., Tajic A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Quantum-to-classical crossover of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69: 165318.
- Emary C. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Relation between entanglement measures and Bell inequalities for three qubits, Physical Review A 69: 032317.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Schomerus H. (2004), Antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium, Physical Review Letters 93(9): 096801.
- Velsen J.L. van & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Transition from pure-state to mixed-state entanglement by random scattering, Physical Review A 70: 032325.
- Tworzydlo J., Tajic A., Schomerus H., Brouwer P.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Exponential sensitivity to dephasing of electrical conduction through a quantum dot, Physical Review Letters 93(18): 186806.
- Beenakker C.W.J., DiVincenzo D.P., Emary C. & Kindermann M. (2004), Charge detection enables free-electron quantum computation, Physical Review Letters 93(2): 020501.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Kindermann M., Marcus C.M. & Yacoby A. (2004), Entanglement production in a chaotic quantum dot. In: Lerner I.V. & Altshuler B.L. (Eds.), Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics: Interactions and Decoherence 167-177.
- Tworzydlo J., Tajic A. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Weak localization of the open kicked rotator, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70: 205324.
- Lebedev A.V., Blatter G., Beenakker C.W.J. & Lesovik G.B. (2004), Entanglement in mesoscopic structures: Role of projection, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69: 235312.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Kindermann M. (2004), Quantum teleportation by particle-hole annihilation in the Fermi sea, Physical Review Letters 92(5): 056801.
- Kindermann M., Nazarov Y.V. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Feedback of the electromagnetic environment on current and voltage fluctuations out of equilibrium, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69: 035336.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Emary C. & Kindermann M. (2004), Production and detection of three-qubit entanglement in the Fermi sea, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69: 115320.
- Kindermann M., Nazarov Y.V. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2004), Distribution of voltage fluctuations in a current-biased conductor, Physical Review Letters 90(24): 246805.
- Velsen J.L. van, Kindermann M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Dephasing of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas, Turkish Journal of Physics 27: 323-329.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Schönenberger C. (2003), Quantum shot noise, Physics Today 56(5): 37-42.
- Jacquod P., Schomerus H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Quantum Andreev map: A paradigm of quantum chaos in superconductivity, Physical Review Letters 90(20): 207004.
- Silvestrov P., Goorden M.C. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Noiseless scattering states in a chaotic cavity, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67(241301 (R)): .
- Beenakker C.W.J., Kindermann M. & Nazarov Y.V. (2003), Temperature-dependent third cumulant of tunneling noise, Physical Review Letters 90(17): 176802.
- Velsen J.L. van, Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Scattering theory of plasmon-assisted entanglement transfer and distillation, Physical Review A 68: 043807.
- Jacquod P., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Anomalous power law of quantum reversibility for classically regular dynamics, Europhysics Letters 61: 729-735.
- Tworzydlo J., Tajic A., Schomerus H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Dynamical model for the quantum-to-classical crossover of shot noise, Physical Review B 68(11): 115313.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Emary C., Kindermann M. & Velsen J.L. van (2003), Proposal for production and detection of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas, Physical Review Letters 91(14): 147901.
- Silvestrov P., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Hypersensitivity to perturbations of quantum-chaotic wave-packet dynamics, Physical Review E 67(025204 (R)): .
- Silvestrov P., Goorden M.C. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Adiabatic quantization of Andreev quantum billiard levels, Physical Review Letters 90(11): 116801.
- Silvestrov P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Reply to comment of S. Tomsovic and E.J. Heller on "Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems", Physical Review E 68(038202): .
- Goorden M.C., Jacquod P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Quasiclassical fluctuations of the superconductor proximity gap in a chaotic system, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 68(220501 (R)): .
- Crawford M.G.A., Brouwer P.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2003), Crossover from weak localization to weak antilocalization in a disordered microbridge, Physical Review B 67(11): 115313.
- Kindermann M., Nazarov Y.V. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Manipulation of photon statistics of highly degenerate incoherent radiation, Physical Review Letters 88(6): 063601.
- Bemmel K.J.H. van, Titov M.L. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Dynamic effect of phase conjugation on wave localization, Physical Review B 65(17): 174203.
- Schomerus H., Titov M.L., Brouwer P.W. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Mircroscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in one-dimensional localization, Physical Review B : Condensed Matter 65(121101): .
- Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Short biography of J. Droste, General Relativity and Gravitation 34: 1543.
- Schomerus H., Noat Y., Dalibard J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Multiple-path interferometer with a single quantum obstable, Europhysics Letters 57: 651-657.
- Silvestrov P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems, Physical Review E 65(035208(R)): .
- Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Quantum optical communication rates through an amplifying random medium, Physical Review Letters 89(4): 043902.
- Schomerus H., Noat Y., Dalibard J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Multiple-path interferometer with a single quantum obstacle, Europhysics Letters 57: 651-657.
- Shytov A.V., Levitov L.S. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Electromechanical noise in a diffusive conductor, Physical Review Letters 88(22): 228303.
- Tajic A., Kindermann M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Momentum noise in a quantum point contact, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 66(241301(R)): .
- Jacquod P., Adagideli I. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Decay of the Loschmidt Echo for quantum states with sub-Planck scale structures, Physical Review Letters 89(15): 154103.
- Kindermann M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Quantum theory of electromechanical noise and momentum transfer statistics, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 66(224106): .
- Titov M.L., Jacquod P. & Beenakker C.W.J. (2002), Negative superfluid density: Mesoscopic fluctuations and reverse of the supercurrent through a disordered Josephson junction, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 65(012504): .
- Patra M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Long-range correlation of thermal radiation, Physical Review A 59: R43-R46.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Photon statistics of a random laser in: Diffuse waves in complex media, NATO ASI Series : .
- Schomerus H. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards with a mixed phase space, Physical Review Letters 82(14): 2951-2954.
- Patra M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Excess noise for coherent radiation propagating through amplifying random media, Physical Review A 60: 4059-4060.
- Langen S.A. van, Knops H.P.A., Paasschens J.C.J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Berry phase and adiabaticity of a spin diffusing in a nonuniform magnetic field, Physical Review B 59(3): 2102-2110.
- Mishchenko E.G. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Radiative transfer theory for vacuum fluctuations, Physical Review Letters 83(26): 5475-5478.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Sub-poissonian shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors, Physical Review Letters 82(13): 2761-2763.
- Schomerus H., Mishchenko E.G. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Kinetic theory of shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 60: 5839-5850.
- Leyronas X., Tworzydlo J. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Non-Cayley-tree model for quasiparticle decay in a quantum dot, Physical Review Letters 82(24): 4894-4897.
- Brouwer P.W., Frahm K.M. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1999), Distribution of the quantum mechaical time-delay matrix for a chaotic cavity, Waves in Random Media 9: 91-104.
- Beenakker C.W.J. & Patra M. (1999), Photon shot noise, Modern Physics Letters B 13: 337-347.
- Beenakker C.W.J., Bemmel K.J.H. van & Brouwer P.W. (1999), High-frequency dynamics of wave localization, Physical Review E 60: R6313-R6315.
- Langen S.A. van, Silvestrov P.G. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1998), Thermopower of single-channel disordered and chaotic conductors, Superlattices and Microstructures 23: 691-698.
- Beenakker C.W.J. (1998), Thermal radiation and amplified spontaneous emission from a random medium, Physical Review Letters 81(9): 1829-1832.
- Misirpashaev T.Sh. & Beenakker C.W.J. (1998), Lasing threshold and mode competition in chaotic cavities, Physical Review A 57: 2041-2045.
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