Bleda Düring
Professor Archaeology of West Asia
- Name
- Prof.dr. B.S. Düring
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6449
- 0000-0001-9874-067X

Bleda Düring is a Professor at the Faculty of Archaeology.
More information about Bleda Düring
PhD candidates
Office days
Monday to Friday
The research of Bleda Düring focuses on the emergence of social complexity and the archaeology of imperialism.
Bleda is currently engaged in two fieldwork projects. First, he is directing a landscape archaeology project (survey) in the Wadi al Jizzi, in the hinterlands of the city of Sohar, Oman. The aim of this project is to better explain the boom and bust phases in the past occupation of this marginal environment and how it was impacted by agricultural innovations, international trade and climatological developments.
Second, Bleda is directing excavations at the Chalcolithic site of Chlorakas-Palloures in Cyprus. The aim of this project is to better understand the emergence of complex societies and the rise of craft specialization and trade networks on the island. Check out the lecture he delivered on this topic at the University of Cyprus in May 2018.
Bleda’s earlier research focused on Neolithic Turkey and the archaeology of imperialism. He was involved in excavations at Çatalhöyük and Barcın Höyük, and went on to direct the Cide Archaeological Project: a 3 year survey project on the Turkish Black Sea. He also directed an ERC Starting Grant project on the Archaeology of (Middle Assyrian) Imperialism focusing on the rich dataset of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria.
Bleda is Chair of Research of the Faculty of Archaeology (from September 2018). He is part of the scientific board of the International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East and the International Association for the Study of Arabia.
Teaching activities
My teaching links up with my research where possible. I recent years I have taught on Arabian Archaeology, the Prehistory of Anatolia and Cyprus and the Archaeology of Imperialism. I teach classes from the BA2 up to the RMA and supervise BA, MA and RMA theses on a variety of topics. I also enjoy training students in the field on my projects in Cyprus and Oman.
Curriculum vitae
Bleda studied Near Eastern Archaeology in Leiden, and went on to do a PhD at the same department. Subsequently he did a postdoc at University College London. This was followed by another postdoc (Veni) at Leiden, after he which he was hired as a member of staff. In 2012 Bleda obtained an ERC Starting Grant on the archaeology of empire.
Bleda has published a series of books and directs two fieldwork projects: one in Oman and one in Cyprus.
Professor Archaeology of West Asia
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
- Düring B.S. (2025), Gatekeepers, Geographies, and Access in the Archaeology of West Asia, Public Archaeology : 1-13.
- Düring B.S. (2024), Erken Ticaret Ağları ve Sosyal Karmaşıklığın Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi [Decentring the archaeology of West Asia : reconsidering early trade networks and social complexities], Arkeoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 4: 100-122.
- Düring B.S. & Plug J.-H. (Eds.) (2024), The archaeology of the 'Margins': studies on ancient West Asia in honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 53. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Düring B.S. (2024), Shifting Societies in Chalcolithic Cyprus. In: Düring B.S. & Plug J.-H. (Eds.), The Archaeology of the 'Margins': Studies on Ancient West Asia in Honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 53. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 195-204.
- During B.S. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (Eds.) (2023), Style and society in the prehistory of West Asia: essays in honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse. Papers on Archaeology from The Leiden Museum of Antiquities no. 29. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Düring B.S. (2023), The remarkable rise of Assyria: a reassessment, The Ancient Near East Today. Newsletter of the American Schools of Oriental Research 11(7): .
- Klinkenberg M.V. & Düring B.S. (2023), The taphonomy of Middle Assyrian cuneiform tablet clusters: archives or refuse?, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 75: 61-73.
- Düring B.S. (2023), Reconsidering cruciform figurines of Chalcolithic Cyprus. In: Düring B.S. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (Eds.), Style and society in the prehistory of West Asia: Essays in honour of Olivier P. Niewenhuyse. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 149-156.
- Düring B.S. (2023), imperial bodies: sex and bodily hygiene in the Early Assyrian Empire. In: Kennedy J.R. & Mullins P. (Eds.), From households to empires: papers in memory of Bradley J. Parker. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 251-261.
- Düring B.S. (2023), Rethinking the emergence of social inequalities: the case of Chalcolithic Cyprus. In: Bürge T. & Recht L. (Eds.), Dynamics and developments of social structures and networks in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus. London: Routledge. 88-100.
- Düring B.S., Klinkenberg M.V., Souter E., Croft P. & Gamble M. (2023), The 2015-2017 excavations at Chalcolithic site of Chlorakas-Palloures on Cyprus, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry: International Scientific Journal 23(1): 165-198.
- Düring B.S. (2022), Çatalhöyük East and Kösk Höyük: a grand connection? . In: Biehl P.F. & Rosenstock E. (Eds.), 6000 BC. Transformation and change in the Near East and Europe . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 125-135.
- Düring B.S. (2022), Haarden, Heuvels en Hoofdmannen - Van Kura-Arax-Cultuur tot Urartu. In: Sanden W.A.B. van der (Ed.), In de ban van de Ararat. Schatten uit het Oude Armenie. Assen: W Books/Drents Museum.
- Düring B.S. (2022), Beyond dots with dates: a landscape approach to the Sohar hinterlands, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 33(1): 170-177.
- Klinkenberg M.V. & Düring B.S. (2022), Inequality before the Bronze Age: the case of Chalcolithic Cyprus, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 42(1): 2-16.
- Biezeveld I. & Düring B. S. (2021), Pre-oil globalization in a rural community: the Late Islamic village of Sahlat in the Suhar region, Journal of Islamic Archaeology 7(2): 199-219.
- Düring B., De Ceuster S., Degryse P. & Kassianidou V. (2021), Transformative copper metallurgy in Chalcolithic Cyprus: a reappraisal, Antiquity 95(381): 670-685.
- During B.S. (2021), Crafting values in Chalcolithic Cyprus and Anatolia. In: S. Gimatzidis and R. Jung (Ed.), The Critique of Archaeological Economy. Cham: Springer. 71-83.
- Düring B.S. (2020), The Imperialisation of Assyria: An Archaeological Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vreeze M. de, Düring B.S. & Olijdam E. (2020), New light on the late Wadi Suq period from the Ṣuhār hinterlands, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Seminar for arabian studies 11 July 2019 - 13 July 2019. Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian Studies no. 50. Oxford: Archaeopress. 141-155.
- Boozer A.L. & Düring B.S. (2020), Conclusion to [Archaeologies of empire. Local participants and imperial trajectories]. In: Boozer Anna L., Düring Bleda S. & Parker Bradley J. (Eds.), Archaeologies of empire. Local participants and imperial trajectories. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series. Santa Fe: University of New Mexico Press. 255-264.
- Düring B.S., Boozer A.L. & Parker B.J. (2020), Archaeologies of empire: an introduction. In: Boozer A.L., Düring B.S. & Parker B.J. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories . School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series no. 21. Santa Fe: University of New Mexico Press ; SAR Press. 1-20.
- Düring B.S. (2020), The Assyrian threshold: explaining imperial consolidation in the Early Assyrian empire . In: Boozer A.L., Düring B.S. & Parker B.J. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire. Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series. Santa Fe: University of New Mexico Press. 145-165.
- Boozer A.L. & During B.S. (2020), Conclusions. In: Boozer A.L., Düring B.S. & Parker B.J. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire. Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories. Santa Fe: School for Advaced Research Press. 255-264.
- Boozer A.L., Düring B.S. & Parker B.J. (Eds.) (2020), Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series: University of New Mexico Press.
- Düring B.S. (2020), Kucuk Asya'nin Tarihoncesi. Karmasik Avci-Toplayicilardan Erken Kentsel Toplumlara [Translation by Azer Keskin]. Istanbul: Koc University Press.
- Düring B.S., Botan S.A., Olijdam E. & Aal J.H.J.M. (2019), The Bronze Age Cultural Landscape of Wadi al-Zahaimi. Eddisford D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Seminar for Arabian Studies 3 August 2018 - 5 August 2018. Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian Studies no. 49. Oxford: Archaeopress. 115-127.
- During B.S. (2019), Het Chalcolithicum: Tradities en Innovaties. In: Halbertsma R.B. & Pilides D. (Eds.), Cyprus. Eiland in Beweging.. Leiden: Sidestone.
- During B.S. (2019), Chlorakas-Palloures, Een Opgraving op Cyprus, RMO magazine 20(48): 16-18.
- Düring B.S., Klinkenberg M.V., Pareskeva C., Croft P., Souter E. & Sonnemann T.F. (2019), Excavations at Chlorakas-Palloures, New Light on Chalcolithic Cyprus, Reports of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus New Series 1: 467-490.
- Düring B.S. (19 November 2019), Een Eigenwijs Eiland vol Koper - Theo Toeboasch. NRC Handelsblad, Wetenscap: 16.
- Düring B.S. (2018), Urbanism in the Ancient Near East. In: Smith C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of global archaeology. New York: Springer. 1-5.
- Düring B.S., Klinkenberg M.V., Paraskeva Ch., Kassianidou V., Souter E., Croft P. & Charalambous A. (2018), Metal Artefacts in Chalcolithic Cyprus: New Data from Western Cyprus, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry: International Scientific Journal 18(1): 11-25.
- Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (2018), Ancient Empires on the Ground: Provincial and Peripheral Perspectives. In: Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-18.
- Düring B.S. (2018), Engineering Empire: A Provincial Perspective on the Middle Assyrian Empire. In: Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 21-47.
- Stek T.D. & Düring B.S. (2018), Towards a Patchwork Perspective on Ancient Empires. In: Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 351-362.
- Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (Eds.) (2018), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..
- Düring B.S. (2018), At the root of the matter: the Middle Assyrian prelude to empire. In: Tyson C. & Herrmann V. (Eds.), Imperial Peripheries in the Neo-Assyrian Period. Louisville: University Press of Colorado. 41-64.
- Düring B.S. & Botan S.A. (2018), The Early Bronze Age settlements of the Sohar hinterlands: scratching the surface. In: Döpper S. (Ed.), Beyond Tombs and Towers – Domestic Architecture of the Umm an-Nar period in Eastern Arabia. Arabia Orientalis. Studien zur Archäologie Ostarabiens no. 4. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 17-27.
- Düring B.S., Olijdam E. & Botan S. (2017), New Iron Age funerary data from collective graves in the Wādī Fizḥ, Northern Oman, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Fiftieth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 29 July 2016 - 31 July 2016. Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian Studies no. 47. Oxford: Archaeopress. 75-92.
- Düring B.S. (2017), Reconsidering the origins of maps in the Near East. In: Kertai D. & Nieuwenhuyse O. (Eds.), From the Four Corners of the Earth: Studies in Iconography and Cultures of the Ancient Near East in Honour of F. A. M. Wiggermann.. Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments no. 441. Münster: Ugarit Verlag. 73-81.
- During B.S. (2017), Review of: Webb J.M. (2014), Structure, measurement and meaning. Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus in honour of David Frankel.. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology no. 143. Uppsala: Äströms Förlag. Bibliotheca Orientalis 74(1-2): 188-190.
- Ploeg Jonathan (16 November 2016), Een Disneyversie van Nimrud brengt de geschiedenis niet terug.
- Düring B.S. (2016), Kucuk Asya'nin Tarihoncesi. Karmasik Avci-Toplayicilardan Erken Kentsel Toplumlara [Translation by Azer Keskin]. Istambul: Koc University Press.
- Theo Toebosch (25 June 2016), Strenge maar soepele meesters. Archeologie De Assyriërs hebben een reputatie als brute bezetters, Toch zou hun rijk niet zo lang hebben standgehouden als ze alleen de stok hadden gebruikt. Archeoloog Bleda During ontdekte de zachte kant van de Assyrische machtspolitiek. NRC Handelsblad.
- Düring B.S. (2016), The 8.2 event and the Neolithic expansion in Western Anatolia. In: Biehl P.F. & Nieuwenhuyse O.P. (Eds.), Climate and cultural change in prehistoric Europe and the Near East. Albany: State University of New York Press. 135-150.
- Düring B.S. (2015), Understanding Hegemonic Practices of the Early Assyrian Empire. Leiden: NINO.
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2015), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open..
- Düring B.S. (2015), Introduction. In: Düring B.S. (Ed.), Düring, B.Understanding Hegemonic Practices of the Early Assyrian Empire. Leiden: NINO. 1-8.
- Düring B.S. (2015), The hegemonic practices of the Middle Assyrian empire in context. In: Düring B.S. (Ed.), Düring, B. S., (2015). Understanding Hegemonic Practices of the Early Assyrian Empire. Leiden: NINO. 289-311.
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2015), The origins and development of the Cide Archaeological Project. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 1-8.
- Glatz C. & Düring B.S. (2015), Conclusions. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 434-443.
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2015), Remote landscapes in flux. The Cide and [S]enpazar region through the ages. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 9-35.
- Karasalihoglu M. & Düring B.S. (2015), Traveller's notes on the Cide region through the ages. In: During B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 36-52.
- Glatz C., Düring B.S. & Wilkinson T. (2015), Developing an adaptive field methodology for challenging landscapes. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 53-103.
- Glatz C. & Düring B.S. (2015), A tale of three landscapes: Okçular, Abdulkadir, and Çamd[i]b[i] in long-term perspective. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 392-433.
- Düring B.S. & Klinkenberg V. (2015), The early Prehistory of the Cide-Senpazar region. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011: Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.. Warsaw / Berlin: De Gruyter Open. 104-150.
- Klinkenberg V. & Düring B.S., [web article].
- Düring B.S. (2015) book review [Barbara Horejs and Mathias Mehofer, eds. Western Anatolia before Troy: Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC?]. Review of: Horejs Barbara & Mehofer Mathias, Western Anatolia before Troy: Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC 18(4): 727-730.
- Düring B.S. (2015), Reassessing the Dunnu Institution in the Context of the Middle Assyrian Empire, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 52(47-68): .
- During B.S. & Olijdam E. (2015), Revisting the Suhar Hinterlands: The Wadi al-Jizi Archaeological Project, Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian Studies 45: 93-106.
- Düring B.S., Visser E. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (2015), Skeletons in the Fortress: The Late Bronze Age Burials of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, Levant 47: 30-50.
- Düring B.S. (2014), Over de oorsprong van oorlog in het oude Nabije Oosten. In: Kaper O.E. & Dercksen J.G. (Eds.), Over de oorsprong van oorlog in het oude Nabije Oosten, in Waar de Geschiedenis Begon.. Leiden: NINO. 141-54.
- During B.S. (2014), Over de oorsprong van oorlog in het oude Nabije Oosten. . In: Kaper O.E. & Dercksen J.G. (Eds.), Waar de Geschiedenis Begon. Nederlandse Onderzoekers in de Ban van Spijkerschrift, Hiërogliefen en Aardewerk.. Leiden: NINO. 141-154.
- Düring B.S. (2014), Urbanism in the Ancient Near East. In: Smith C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. 7568-7572.
- Düring B.S. (2014), Urbanism in the Ancient Near East. In: Smith C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer. 7568-72.
- During B.S. (2014), Material and craft networks in the prehistory of Asia Minor: Transformations in values and societies. In: Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A. & Foxhall L. (Eds.), Knowledge Networks and Craft Traditions in the Ancient World. Material Crossovers.. London: Routledge. 7-22.
- Düring B.S. (2014), Constructing the present past in the Anatolian Neolithic. In: Souvatzi S. & Hadji A. (Eds.), Space and Time in Mediterranean Prehistory. New York and London: Routledge. 120-137.
- Düring B.S. (17 September 2014), Een provinciaal perspectief op het Assyrische Rijk. | Ex Oriente Lux Enschede. [lecture].
- Düring B.S. (13 October 2014), Een provinciaal perspectief op het Assyrische Rijk. | Ex Oriente Lux Leiden. [lecture].
- Düring B.S. (26 November 2014), Een provinciaal perspectief op het Assyrische Rijk. | Ex Oriente Lux Den Bosch. [lecture].
- Düring B.S. (2013), Breaking the bond: Investigating the Neolithic expansion in Asia Minor in the seventh millennium BC , Journal of World Prehistory 26(2): 75-100.
- Düring B.S. (2013), The anatomy of a prehistoric community: Reconsidering Çatalhöyük. In: Birch J. (Ed.), From Prehistoric Villages to Cities. Settlement Aggegration and Community Transformation. New York and London: Routledge. 23-43.
- Düring B.S. & Gratuze B. (2013), Obsidian exchange networks in Prehistoric Anatolia: New data from the Black Sea region, Paleorient 39(2): 173-182.
- Düring B.S. (2012), The trouble with stratigraphy: case studies from the Near East. Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (Eds.), The End of Our Fifth Decade. . Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Leiden University. 325-333.
- Düring B.S., Serifoglu T.E. & Glatz C. (2012), 2010 Cide Arkeoloji Projesi: Ikince Sezon Sonuçlar, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı. 237-250.
- Serifoglu T.E., Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2012), Cide ve Şenpazar 2009-2010 yılı Arkeolojik Araştırmaları, Belleten. 1-36.
- Serifoglu T.E., During B.S. & Glatz C. (2012), Cide Arkeoloji Projesi 2011: Ücüncü ve son sezon sonuçlari. [design].
- Düring B.S., Glatz C. & Serifoglu T.E. (2012), The Cide Archaeological Project 2011: Third Preliminary Report, Anatolia Antiqua 20: 167-175.
- Glatz C., Düring B.S. & Şerifoğlu T.E. (2011), The Cide Archaeological Project 2010: Second preliminary report, Anatolia Antiqua : 279-288.
- Düring B.S., Wossink A. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (2011), Correlates of Complexity: Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer in Honour of his 65th Birthday. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
- Düring B.S. (2011), The Prehistory of Asia Minor, From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Düring B.S. (2011), Fortifications and fabrications: Reassessing the emergence of fortifications in Prehistoric Asia Minor. In: Düring B.S., Wossink A. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (Eds.), Correlates of Complexity: Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer in Honour of his 65th Birthday. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. 69-85.
- Düring B.S. (2011), Millenia in the Middle? Reconsidering the Chalcolithic of Asia Minor. In: Steadman S. & McMahon G. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Anatolian Studies, 8000-323 BC. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 796-812.
- Düring B.S. (2011) [book review of] Bill Finlayson and Graeme Warren (editors), Landscapes in Transition (Levant Supplementary Series 8) Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books, 2010. Review of: (2010), Landscapes in Transition no. 4: Oxbow Books. The Holocene 21: 707-708.
- Düring B. De Ceuster S. Degryse P. & Kassianidou V. (2011), Transformative copper metallurgy in Chalcolithic Cyprus: A reappraisal. , Antiquity : .
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2010), The Cide Archaeological Project 2009: First Results, Anatolia Antiqua 18: 203-213.
- Glatz C., Düring B.S. & Serifoglu T.E. (2010), The Cide Archaeological Project 2010, Anatolian Archaeology. 14-16.
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2010), 2009 Cide Arkeoloji Projesi: İlk Sonuçlar. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantisi, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantisi. 187-201.
- Karauguz G. & Düring B.S. (2009), A Note on the Prehistory of the Devrek Region, Northern Turkey, Anatolica : Annuaire International pour les Civilisations de l'Asie Anterieure 35: 153-165.
- Düring B.S. (2009), Exploring Building Continuity in the Anatolian Neolithic; Functional and Symbolic Aspects. Bachmann M. (Ed.), Bautechnik im antiken und vorantiken Kleinasien. . Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari. 23-37.
- Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (2009), The Cide Archaeological Project 2009, Anatolian Archaeology. 15-16.
- Düring B.S. (2008), The Early Holocene occupation of North-Central Anatolia between 10.000 and 6,000 BC cal: investigating an archaeological terra incognita, Anatolian Studies 58: 15-46.
- Düring B.S. (2008), Sub-Floor Burials at Çatalhöyük: Exploring Relations Between the Dead, Houses, and the Living. Córdoba J.M., Molist M., Pérez M.C., Rubio I. & Martínez S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, volume 3. . Madrid: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. 603-620.
- Düring B.S. (2008), Review of: , Settlement and Society: Essays Dedicated to Robert McCormick Adams edited by Elizabeth C. Stone. BASOR 350: 110-112.
- Düring B.S. (2007), Reconsidering the Çatalhöyük Community: From Households to Settlement Systems, Journal for Mediterranean Archaeology 20(2): 155-182.
- Düring B.S. (2007), The articulation of houses at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey. In: Beck R. (Ed.), The Durable House, House Society Models in Archaeology. Carbondale: Center for Archaeological Investigations. 130-153.
- Düring B.S. (2007), Review of: , Hodder, I. (Ed.) - Changing Materialities at Çatalhöyük, Reports from the 1995-99 Seasons. Bibliotheca Orientalis 64 5/6: 730-735.
- Düring B.S. (2006), Constructing Communities. Clustered Neighboorhood Settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic ca. 8500-5500 CAL BC. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
- Düring B.S. (2006), Studieprijs 2006 van de Stichting Praemium Erasmianum. [other].
- Düring B.S. (2006), Review of: Hodder I. (2005), Inhabiting Catalhöyük: Reports from the 1995-99 seasons. no. 3/4: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Bibliotheca Orientalis 63: 370-373.
- Düring B.S. (16 March 2006), Constructing communities : clustered neighbourhood settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic ca. 8500-5500 Cal. BC (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Bintliff J.L., Meijer D.J.W.
- Düring B.S. (2006), De heilige huisjes van Çatalhöyük, Tijdschrift voor Mediterane Archeologie 36: 9-13.
- Düring B.S. (2005), Building continuity in the Central Anatolian Neolithic: Exploring the meaning of buildings at Asikli Höyük and Çatalhöyük, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 18(1): 3/29.
- Düring B.S. & Marciniak A. (2005), Households and communities in the central Anatolian Neolithic, Archaeological Dialogues 12(2): 165-187.
- Düring B.S. (2003), Burials in context, The 1960s inhumations of Catalhoyuk East, Anatolian Studies 53: 1-15.
- Düring B.S. (2002), Cultural dynamics of the Central Anatolian Neolithic; The Early Ceramic Neolithic-Late Ceramic Neolithic transition. In: Gerard F. & Thissen L. (Eds.), The Neolithic of Central Anatolia, International Developments and External Relations during the 9th-6th Millenia cal.BC.. Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari. 219-236.
- Düring B.S. (2002), Review of: , Tell Sabi AbyadII, The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B settlement. Report on the excavations of the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden in the Balikh Valley, Syria.. Bibliotheca Orientalis LIX/1-2: 135-140.
- Düring B.S. (2001), Social dimensions in the architecture of Neolithic Catalhöyuk, Anatolian Studies 51: 1-18.