Bert van Hemert
Professor Psychiatry
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.M. van Hemert
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 3448
- 0000-0003-3421-355X
Albert M. van Hemert is professor of Psychiatry, head of the LUMC department of Psychiatry and also chairman of Division 3. He is leader of the research programme Stress related mental disorders across the lifespan. He is member of the board of the NESDA-consortium and of the LUMC Vrienden Stichting and he is member-professional of the Regional Medical Disciplinary Board The Hague.
More information about Bert van Hemert
Albert M. van Hemert is professor of Psychiatry, head of the LUMC department of Psychiatry and also chairman of Division 3. He is leader of the research programme Stress related mental disorders across the lifespan. He is member of the board of the NESDA-consortium and of the LUMC Vrienden Stichting and he is member-professional of the Regional Medical Disciplinary Board The Hague.
As a psychiatrist-epidemiologist I aim to focus my research on extending our fundamental knowledge of Psychiatry, together with improvements in patient care. Through the years my epidemiological research has focused on a variety of clinical challenges, most of the time with successfully combining extension of knowledge with clinical innovations.
In our current research we focus on emotional dysregulation in mood and other stress related mental disorders. In the complex interaction of biological vulnerability, early adverse experiences and later (traumatic) events, we search for patterns that may guide sensible choices to be made to improve prevention and clinical treatment. The current DSM-classification is to crude for this purpose. Experiences teaches that the disorders we study occur on a spectrum of well-marked episodes the may or may not repeat on the one hand, to a much more chronic and enduring course. At one end of the spectrum treatment can sensibly aim for full recovery of symptoms and function, while at the other end interventions should be developed for (secondary) prevention and rehabilitation. Principles of early detection and ‘Balanced Care’ may be of practical value. In close collaboration with the NESDA-consortium and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry we will move towards the early transition of youth into adulthood to prevent stress related mental disorders.
Academic career
Albert M. van Hemert studied Medicine at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (1977-1984), where he continued his specialization in Epidemiology. He completed his PhD thesis in 1989 (title: Epidemiology of Osteoporosis and the Prediction of fractures). From 1988 until 2003 he was employed in LUMC, initially as an epidemiologist and later as a psychiatrist. His research aimed at the Interconnectedness of somatic and mental disorders. This research evolved into the first evidence based cognitive behavioral therapy for medically unexplained physical symptoms in the Netherlands. From 1994 to 1998 he completed psychiatric training in the Haags-Leids Opleidingsconsortium Psychiatrie (HLOCP).
From 2003 until 2011 he was employed by the Parnassia Group in The Hague, as head of the Psychiatric Emergency Service and Training Officer for Social Psychiatry. The main focus of his research shifted towards the Epidemiology of Public Mental Health. He initiated the psychiatric case register of The Hague and was closely involved with the Suicide-Registration of the municipal health service. As a method to connect with difficult to reach patients he introduced Critical Time Intervention in the Netherlands. He was chairman of the committee for the Multidisciplinary Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Suicidal Behavior. In 2008 he was appointed at the LUMC department of Public Health and Primary Care, as professor by special appointment for the Epidemiology of Public Mental Health.
In 2011 he has returned to LUMC as professor and head of the department of Psychiatry. His responsibility has broadened to the full range of patient care, teaching and research in psychiatry. In the clinic and in his personal research his focus is now on difficult to treat mood disorders. With his motto Academic strong – Socially Involved, he continues to strive to connect basic research with applications in clinical practice.
Professor Psychiatry
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Psychiatrie
- Bles, N.J. de; Puetz, L.E.H.; Ottenheim, N.R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Elzinga, B.M.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Childhood trauma and anger in adults with and without depressive and anxiety disorders, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 148(3): 288-301.
- Bles, N. de; Putz, L.E.; Ottenheim, N.R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Elzinga, B.M.; Penninx, B.W. & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Childhood trauma and anger in adults with and without depressive and anxiety disorders, European Psychiatry 66: S89-S90.
- Mesbah, R.; Koenders, M.A.; Spijker, A.T.; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Dynamic time warp analysis of individual symptom trajectories in individuals with bipolar disorder, Bipolar Disorders 26(1).
- Mesbah, R.; Koenders, M.; Spijker, A.T.; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Dynamic time warp analysis of individual symptom trajectories in patients with bipolar disorder, European Psychiatry 66: S578-S579.
- Faiz, A.; Wang, Y.; Silva, S.B.C. da; Ly, N.; Leijs, A.; Ninaber, D.; Hemert, M. van; Hiemstra, P. & Does, A. van der (2023), RNA-sequencing unravels unique host-response to infection with SARS-CoV-2, Respirology 28: 106-106.
- Solis, E.; Carlier, I.V.; Kamminga, N. & Hemert, A.M. van (2023), The need for self-management in patients with Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) and their caregivers: A qualitative study using Grounded Theory, European Psychiatry 66: S829-S830.
- Leeuw, M. de; Verhoeve, S.I.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Vreugdenhil, E. & Coomans, C.P. (2023), The role of the circadian system in the etiology of depression, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 153.
- Sprang, E.D. van; Maciejewski, D.F.; Milaneschi, Y.; Kullberg, M.L.J.; Elzinga, B.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Hartman, C.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2023), Weighing psychosocial factors in relatives for the risk of psychopathology, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 58(8): 1213-1226.
- Gast, D.A.A.; Didden, R.; Westera, J.J.; Rest, O. van de; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Dietary supplements for aggressive behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 36(1): 122-131.
- Kivelae, L.M.M.; Antypa, N.; Fried, E.I.; Schoevers, R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Does, A.J.W. van der (2023), Suicidal ideation across depressive episodes, BJPsych Open 9(6).
- Kovács, V.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Zitman, F.G.; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Translation and cross-cultural validation of the Turkish, Moroccan Arabic and Moroccan Berber versions of the 48-item Symptom Questionnaire (SQ-48), Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 30(4): 811-825.
- Mudiyanselage, K.W.W.; Bastiaansen, J.A.; Stewart, R.; Wardenaar, K.J.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Schoevers, R.A.; Hemert, A.M. van & Jorg, F. (2022), Identifying mismatch and match between clinical needs and mental healthcare use trajectories in people with anxiety and depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 297: 657-670.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Giltay, E.J.; Spinhoven, P.; Beurs, E. de & Carlier, I.V.E. (2022), Prognostic value of pathological personality traits for treatment outcome in anxiety and depressive disorders, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 210(10): 767-776.
- Difrancesco, S.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Merikangas, K.R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Riese, H. & Lamers, F. (2022), Within-day bidirectional associations between physical activity and affect, Depression and Anxiety 39(12): 922-931.
- Sprang, E.D. van; Maciejewski, D.F.; Milaneschi, Y.; Elzinga, B.M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hartman, C.A.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2022), Familial risk for depressive and anxiety disorders, Psychological Medicine 52(4): 696-706.
- Bles, N.J. de; Rius-Ottenheim, N.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Rest, O. van de; Bogers, J.P.A.M.; Schat, A.; Nijman, H.L.I.; Berg, D. van den; Joos, L.; Strater, A. van; Ridder, T. de; Stolker, J.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2022), Effects of multivitamin, mineral and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on aggression among long-stay psychiatric in-patients, BJPsych Open 8(2).
- Wiebenga, J.X.M.; Heering, H.D.; Eikelenboom, M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Oppen, P. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2022), Associations of three major physiological stress systems with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in patients with a depressive and/or anxiety disorder, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 102: 195-205.
- Kullberg M-L J., van Schie C.C., van Sprang E.D., Hartman C.A., van Hemert A.M., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Why some siblings thrive whereas others struggle: a within-family study on recollections of childhood parental bonding and current adult depressive and anxiety symptoms, Journal of Affective Disorders 281: 413-421.
- Kullberg M.L.J., Schie C.C. van, Sprang E. van, Maciejewski D., Hartman C.A., Hemert B. van, Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), It is a family affair: individual experiences and sibling exposure to emotional, physical and sexual abuse and the impact on adult depressive symptoms, Psychological Medicine 51(12): 2063-2073.
- Kullberg, M.L.; Schie, C. van; Sprang, E. van; Maciejewski, D.; Hartman, C.A.; Hemert, B. van; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Elzinga, B.M. (2021), It is a family affair, Psychological Medicine 51(12): 2063-2073.
- Koenders, M.; Mesbah, R.; Spijker, A.; Boere, E.; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, B. van & Giltay, E. (2021), Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in a preexisting longitudinal study of patients with recently diagnosed bipolar disorder, Brain and Behavior 11(11).
- Sprang, E.D. van; Maciejewski, D.F.; Milaneschi, Y.; Kullberg, M.L.; Hu, M.X.; Elzinga, B.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Hartman, C.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2021), Familial resemblance in mental health symptoms, social and cognitive vulnerability, and personality, Journal of Affective Disorders 294: 420-429.
- Gast, D.A.A.; Wit, G.L.C. de; Hoof, A. van; Vries, J.H.M. de; Hemert, B. van; Didden, R. & Giltay, E.J. (2021), Diet quality among people with intellectual disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 35(2).
- Beurs, E. de; Carlier, I. & Hemert, A. van (2021), Psychopathology and health-related quality of life as patient-reported treatment outcomes, Quality of Life Research 31.
- Kullberg, M.L.J.; Schie, C.C. van; Sprang, E.D. van; Hartman, C.A.; Hemert, A.M. van; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Elzinga, B.M. (2021), Why some siblings thrive whereas others struggle, Journal of Affective Disorders 281: 413-421.
- Bles, N. de; Does, J. van der; Kortbeek, L.; Hofhuis, A.; Grootheest, G. van; Vollaard, A.; Schoevers, R.; Hemert, A. van; Penninx, B. & Giltay, E. (2021), Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders, European Psychiatry 64(Special Issue S1): S75-S75.
- Hogerzeil, S.J.; Hoek, H.W. & Hemert, A.M. van (2021), The impact of study design on schizophrenia incidence estimates: a systematic review of Northern European studies 2008-2019, Schizophrenia Research 231: 134-141.
- Difrancesco, S.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Antypa, N.; Hemert, A.M. van; Riese, H. & Lamers, F. (2021), The day-to-day bidirectional longitudinal association between objective and self-reported sleep and affect, Journal of Affective Disorders 283: 165-171.
- Bergen, A.P.L. van; Loon, A. van; Hoff, S.J.M.; Wolf, J.R.L.M. & Hemert, A.M. van (2021), The cumulation of ill health and low agency in socially excluded city dwellers in the Netherlands, International Journal for Equity in Health 20(1).
- Difrancesco, S.; Riese, H.; Merikangas, K.R.; Shou, H.C.; Zipunnikov, V.; Antypa, N.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Lamers, F. (2021), Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle, sampling, and mental health determinants of 24-hour motor activity patterns, Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(2).
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Giltay, E.J.; Noorden, M.S. van; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2021), Salivary markers of stress system activation and social withdrawal in humans, Journal of Psychiatric Research 136: 435-443.
- Solis, E.C.; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Wardenaar, K.J.; Schoevers, R.A.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Giltay, E.J. (2021), The 9-year clinical course of depressive and anxiety disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders 295: 1269-1279.
- Schoevers, R.A.; Borkulo, C.D. van; Lamers, F.; Servaas, M.N.; Bastiaansen, J.A.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hemert, A.M. van; Smit, J.H.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Riese, H. (2021), Affect fluctuations examined with ecological momentary assessment in patients with current or remitted depression and anxiety disorders, Psychological Medicine 51(11): 1906-1915.
- Mesbah, R.; Bles, N. de; Rius-Ottenheim, N.; Does, A.J.W. van der; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Leeuw, M. de; Giltay, E.J. & Koenders, M. (2021), Anger and cluster B personality traits and the conversion from unipolar depression to bipolar disorder, Depression and Anxiety 38(6): 671-681.
- Rius-Ottenheim, N.; Vermetten, E.; Giltay, E.; Boeschoten, M.; Bles, N. de; Wee, N. van der & Hemert, A. van (2021), Resilient care in times of covid: the stress buddy, European Psychiatry 64(Special Issue S1): S311-S311.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Filali, E. el; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Lamers, F.; Schoevers, R. & Giltay, E.J. (2021), Basal and LPS-stimulated inflammatory markers and the course of anxiety symptoms, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 98: 378-387.
- Mesbah, R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Koenders, M.A.; Giltay, E.J.; Hemert, A.M. van & Leeuw, M. de (2021), Cognitive dysfunctioning and the fronto-limbic network in bipolar disorder patients: A fMRI meta-analysis, Bipolar Disorders 23: 50-50.
- Gast, D.; Didden, R.; Hemert, B. van & Giltay, E. (2021), Reducing aggressive behavior in people with intellectual disability with dietary supplements, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 34(5): 1336-1336.
- Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Eikelenboom, M.; Giltay, E.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Riese, H.; Schoevers, R.A. & Beekman, A.T.F. (2021), Cohort profile of the longitudinal Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA) on etiology, course and consequences of depressive and anxiety disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders 287: 69-77.
- Wardenaar, K.J.; Riese, H.; Giltay, E.J.; Eikelenboom, M.; Hemert, A.J. van; Beekman, A.F.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Schoevers, R.A. (2021), Common and specific determinants of 9-year depression and anxiety course-trajectories, Journal of Affective Disorders 293: 295-304.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Luo, C.; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Penninx, B.W.; Wardenaar, K.J.; Hoos, H. & Giltay, E.J. (2021), Predicting the 9-year course of mood and anxiety disorders with automated machine learning, Psychiatry Research 299.
- Meulen, W.G. ter; Draisma, S.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A.; Kupka, R.W.; Beekman, A.T.F. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2021), Depressive and anxiety disorders in concert-A synthesis of findings on comorbidity in the NESDA study, Journal of Affective Disorders 284: 85-97.
- Gast, D.; Wit, G. de; Hoof, A. van; Vries, J. de; Hemert, B. van; Didden, R. & Giltay, E. (2021), Diet quality among people with intellectual disability and borderline intellectual functioning, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 34(5): 1320-1320.
- Booij, M.M.; Noorden, M.S. van; Vliet, I.M. van; Ottenheim, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2021), Dynamic time warp analysis of individual symptom trajectories in depressed patients treated with electroconvulsive therapy, Journal of Affective Disorders 293: 435-443.
- Bles, N. de; Ottenheim, N.R.; Geleijnse, J.; Rest, O. van de; Bogers, J.; Hout, W. van den; Hemert, A. van & Giltay, E. (2021), Multivitamin, mineral and n-3 pufa supplementation to reduce aggression among chronically admitted psychiatric patients: a randomized clinical trial, European Psychiatry 64: S167-S167.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Lamers, F.; Fried, E.I.; Schoevers, R. & Giltay, E.J. (2020), Basal and LPS-stimulated inflammatory markers and the course of individual symptoms of depression, Translational Psychiatry 10(1).
- Glanville, K.P.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Hanscombe, K.B.; Euesden, J.; Choi, S.W.; Purves, K.L.; Breen, G.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Baune, B.T.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Boomsma, D.I.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Dannlowski, U.; Direk, N.; Dunn, E.C.; Forstner, A.J.; Geus, E.J.C. de; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Jones, I.; Jones, L.A.; Knowles, J.A.; Kutalik, Z.; Levinson, D.F.; Lewis, G.; Lind, P.A.; Lucae, S.; Magnusson, P.K.; McGuffin, P.; McIntosh, A.M.; Milaneschi, Y.; Mors, O.; Mostafavi, S.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Ripke, S.; Shi, J.; Shyn, S.I.; Smoller, J.W.; Streit, F.; Sullivan, P.F.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Auwera, S. van der; Weissman, M.M.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Lewis, C.M.; Wray, N.R.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Agerbo, E.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Bryois, J.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Clarke, T.K.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Dolan, C.V.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Foo, J.C.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Howard, D.M.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jorgenson, E.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Li, Y.H.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.L.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Berger, K.; Cichon, S.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Martin, N.G.; Metspalu, A.; Mortensen, P.B.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Nordentoft, M.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Stefansson, K.; Voelzke, H.; Werge, T.; Borglum, A.D. & Psychiat Genomics Consortium (2020), Classical human leukocyte antigen alleles and C4 haplotypes are not significantly associated with depression, Biological Psychiatry 87(5): 419-430.
- Hijne, K.; Penninx, B.W.; Hemert, A.M. van & Spinhoven, P. (2020), The association of changes in repetitive negative thinking with changes in depression and anxiety, Journal of Affective Disorders 275: 157-164.
- Bauduin, S.; Giltay, E.J.; Noorden, M.S. van; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2020), Salivary Markers of Stress System Activation and Social Withdrawal, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S219-S220.
- Coleman, J.R.I.; Peyrot, W.J.; Purves, K.L.; Davis, K.A.S.; Rayner, C.; Choi, S.W.; Hubel, C.; Gaspar, H.A.; Kan, C.; Auwera, S. van der; Adams, M.J.; Lyall, D.M.; Choi, K.W.; Dunn, E.C.; Vassos, E.; Danese, A.; Maughan, B.; Grabe, H.J.; Lewis, C.M.; O'Reilly, P.F.; McIntosh, A.M.; Smith, D.J.; Wray, N.R.; Hotopf, M.; Eley, T.C.; Breen, G.; Wray, N.R.; Ripke, S.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Agerbo, E.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Bryois, J.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Clarke, T.K.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Foo, J.C.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Howard, D.M.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jones, I.; Jones, L.A.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Kutalik, Z.; Li, Y.H.; Lind, P.A.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.T.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; McIntosh, A.M.; Metspalu, A.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nordentoft, M.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Stefansson, K.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Volzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Werge, T.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Borglum, A.D.; Sullivan, P.F. & Psychiat Genomics Consortium (2020), Genome-wide gene-environment analyses of major depressive disorder and reported lifetime traumatic experiences in UK Biobank, Molecular Psychiatry 25.
- Bles, N. de; Ottenheim, N.R.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Rest, O. van de; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2020), Reducing Aggressive Incidents Among Chronically Admitted Psychiatric Patients Through Nutritional Supplementation: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S329-S329.
- Solis, E.; Carlier, I.; Penninx, B.; Does, W. van der & Hemert, A.M. van (2020), Extended assessment of the association between cognitive reactivity to sad mood and depression onset and relapse., European Psychiatry 63: S117-S118.
- Bles, N.J. de; Hazewinkel, A.W.P.; Bogers, J.P.A.M.; Hout, W.B. van den; Mouton, C.; Hemert, A.M. van; Ottenheim, N.R. & Giltay, E.J. (2020), The incidence and economic impact of aggression in closed long-stay psychiatric wards, International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 255(4).
- Schawo, S.J.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Hemert, A.M. van & Beurs, E. de (2019), Measuring treatment outcome in patients with anxiety disorders: A comparison of the responsiveness of generic and disorder-specific instruments, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 64: 55-63.
- Gerritsen, L.; Staufenbiel, S.M.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Noppe, G.; Rijke, Y.B. de & Rossum, E.F.C. van (2019), Long-term glucocorticoid levels measured in hair in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders, Psychoneuroendocrinology 101: 246-252.
- Carlier, I.V.E.; Eeden, W.A. van; Jong, K. de; Giltay, E.J.; Noorden, M.S. van; Feltz-Cornelis, C. van der; Zitman, F.G.; Kelderman, H. & Hemert, A.M. van (2019), Testing for response shift in treatment evaluation of change in self-reported psychopathology amongst secondary psychiatric care outpatients, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 28(3).
- Difrancesco, S.; Lamers, F.; Riese, H.; Merikangas, K.R.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2019), Sleep, circadian rhythm, and physical activity patterns in depressive and anxiety disorders: A 2-week ambulatory assessment study, Depression and Anxiety 36(10): 975-986.
- Spinhoven, P.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W. (2019), Repetitive negative thinking as a mediator in prospective cross-disorder associations between anxiety and depression disorders and their symptoms, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 63: 6-11.
- Van Eeden W, Luo C, Hoos H, van Hemert A, Carlier I, Penninx B, Wardenaar K & Giltay E (2019), Predicting depression and anxiety comparing machine learning and data modelling approaches: a 9-year follow-up study, European Psychiatry 56: S579-S579.
- Mesbah, R.; Koenders, M.A.; Spijker, A.T.; Leeuw, M. de; Boschloo, L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2019), Personality traits and the risk of incident (hypo)mania among subjects initially suffering from depressive and anxiety disorders in a 9-year cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders 259: 451-457.
- Mesbah R, Koenders MA, Spijker AT, de Leeuw M, Boschloo L, Penninx BWJ, van Hemert AM & Giltay E (2019), Personality traits and the risk of incident (hypo)mania: a 9-year longitudinal cohort study, European Psychiatry 56: S568-S568.
- Rodenburg-Vandenbussche, S.; Carlier, I.; Hemert, I. van; Hemert, A. van; Stiggelbout, A. & Zitman, F. (2019), Patients' and clinicians' perspectives on shared decision-making regarding treatment decisions for depression, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder in specialized psychiatric care, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
- Arnau-Soler, A.; Macdonald-Dunlop, E.; Adams, M.J.; Clarke, T.K.; MacIntyre, D.J.; Milburn, K.; Navrady, L.; Hayward, C.; McIntosh, A.M.; Thomson, P.A.; Wray, N.R.; Ripke, S.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Agerbo, E.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Bryois, J.; Buttenscon, H.N.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Rawford, G.E.C.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Foo, J.C.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jones, I.; Jones, L.A.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Krogh, J.; Kutalik, Z.; Li, Y.H.; Lind, P.A.; Macintyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.L.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.T.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; Metspalu, A.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nordentoft, M.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Stefansson, K.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Volzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Werge, T.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Borglum, A.S.D.; Sullivan, P.F.; Generation Scotland & Psychiat Genomics Consortium (2019), Genome-wide by environment interaction studies of depressive symptoms and psychosocial stress in UK Biobank and Generation Scotland, Translational Psychiatry 9.
- Van Eeden W, van Hemert A, Carlier I, Penninx B, Spinhoven P & Giltay E (2019), Neuroticism and chronicity as predictors of 9-year course of individual depressive symptoms, European Psychiatry 56: S94-S94.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Penninx, B.W.; Spinhoven, P. & Giltay, E.J. (2019), Neuroticism and chronicity as predictors of 9-year course of individual depressive symptoms, Journal of Affective Disorders 252: 484-492.
- Beurs, E. de; Vissers, E.; Schoevers, R.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Hemert, A.M. van & Meesters, Y. (2019), Comparative responsiveness of generic versus disorder-specific instruments for depression, Depression and Anxiety 36(1): 93-102.
- Grove, J.; Ripke, S.; Als, T.D.; Mattheisen, M.; Walters, R.K.; Won, H.; Pallesen, J.; Agerbo, E.; Andreassen, O.A.; Anney, R.; Awashti, S.; Belliveau, R.; Bettella, F.; Buxbaum, J.D.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Cerrato, F.; Chambert, K.; Christensen, J.H.; Churchhouse, C.; Dellenvall, K.; Demontis, D.; Rubeis, S. de; Devlin, B.; Djurovic, S.; Dumont, A.L.; Goldstein, J.I.; Hansen, C.S.; Hauberg, M.E.; Hollegaard, M.V.; Hope, S.; Howrigan, D.P.; Huang, H.; Hultman, C.M.; Klei, L.; Maller, J.; Martin, J.; Martin, A.R.; Moran, J.L.; Nyegaard, M.; Naeland, T.; Palmer, D.S.; Palotie, A.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; dPoterba, T.; Poulsen, J.B.; St Pourcain, B.; Qvist, P.; Rehnstrom, K.; Reichenberg, A.; Reichert, J.; Robinson, E.B.; Roeder, K.; Roussos, P.; Saemundsen, E.; Sandin, S.; Satterstrom, F.K.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Stevens, C.R.; Sullivan, P.F.; Turley, P.; Walters, G.B.; Xu, X.Y.; Stefansson, K.; Geschwind, D.H.; Nordentoft, M.; Hougaard, D.M.; Werge, T.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Neale, B.M.; Daly, M.J.; Borglum, A.D.; Wray, N.R.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Bryois, J.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Clarke, T.K.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Krogh, J.; Kutalik, Z.; Li, Y.; Lind, P.A.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.T.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; McIntosh, A.M.; Metspalu, A.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Volzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Agee, M.; Alipanahi, B.; Auton, A.; Bell, R.K.; Bryc, K.; Elson, S.L.; Fontanillas, P.; Furlotte, N.A.; Hromatka, B.S.; Huber, K.E.; Kleinman, A.; Litterman, N.K.; McIntyre, M.H.; Mountain, J.L.; Noblin, E.S.; Northover, C.A.M.; Pitts, S.J.; Sathirapongsasuti, J.F.; Sazonova, O.V.; Shelton, J.F.; Shringarpure, S.; Tung, J.Y.; Vacic, V.; Wilson, C.H.; Psychiat Genomics Consortium; BUPGEN & 23andMe Re (2019), Identification of common genetic risk variants for autism spectrum disorder, Nature Genetics 51(3): 431-+.
- Beurs, E. de; Carlier, I.V.E. & Hemert, A.M. van (2019), Approaches to denote treatment outcome: Clinical significance and clinical global impression compared, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 28(4).
- Choi, K.W.; Chen, C.Y.; Stein, M.B.; Klimentidis, Y.C.; Wang, M.J.; Koenen, K.C.; Smoller, J.W.; Wray, N.R.; Ripke, S.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Agerbo, E.; Air, T.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Bryois, J.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Hvarregaard, J.; Christensen, J.H.; Clarke, T.K.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.; Krogh, J.; Kutalik, Z.; Li, Y.H.; Lind, P.A.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Marchini, J.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Saeed, S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.L.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.T.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; McIntosh, A.M.; Metspalu, A.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Nordentoft, M.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Stefansson, K.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Volzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Werge, T.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Borglum, A.D.; Sullivan, P.F. & Major Depressive Disorder Working (2019), Assessment of Bidirectional Relationships Between Physical Activity and Depression Among Adults A 2-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study, JAMA Psychiatry 76(4): 399-408.
- Bauduin S, Giltay E, van Noorden M, van der Werff S, de Leeuw M, van Hemert A & van der Wee N (2019), Associations between salivary markers of stress system activation with social withdrawal in humans, European Psychiatry 56: S20-S20.
- Van Eeden W, van Hemert A, Carlier I, Penninx B, Lamers F, Eiko F, Schoevers R & Giltay E (2019), Basal and stimulated inflammation markers and the course of individual symptoms in depressed patients, European Psychiatry 56: S95-S95.
- De Bles N, Ottenheim NR, van Hemert AM, Putz LEH, van der Does AJW, Penninx BWJH & Giltay EJ (2019), Trait anger and anger attacks in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders, European Psychiatry 56: S232-S232.
- De Bles N, Ottenheim NR, van Hemert AM & Giltay EJ (2019), The diet and aggression study: reducing aggression among chronic psychiatric inpatients through nutritional supplementation, European Psychiatry 56: S152-S152.
- Vet, R. de; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Lako, D.A.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Herman, D.B. & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2019), Differences between homeless women and men before and after the transition from shelter to community living: A longitudinal analysis, Health and Social Care in the Community 27(5): 1193-1203.
- Bergen, A.P.L. van; Wolf, J.R.L.M.; Badou, M.; Wilde-Schutten, K. de; IJzelenberg, W.; Schreurs, H.; Carlier, B.; Hoff, S.J.M. & Hemert, A.M. van (2019), The association between social exclusion or inclusion and health in EU and OECD countries: a systematic review, European Journal of Public Health 29(3): 575-582.
- Bles, N.J. de; Ottenheim, N.R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Putz, L.E.H.; Does, A.J.W. van der; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Giltay, E.J. (2019), Trait anger and anger attacks in relation to depressive and anxiety disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders 259: 259-265.
- Solis E, Carlier I & van Hemert AM (2019), Economic evaluation of a self-management intervention (PPEP4ALL) for patients with persistent depressive disorder and their partners: a multi-center pragmatic randomized controlled trial, European Psychiatry 56: S93-S93.
- Jonker, I.E.; Lako, D.A.M.; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Sijbrandij, M.; Hemert, A.M. van & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2019), Factors Related To Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Shelter-Based Abused Women, Violence Against Women 25(4): 401-420.
- Eeden, W.A. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Carlier, I.V.E.; Penninx, B.W. & Giltay, E.J. (2019), Severity, course trajectory, and within-person variability of individual symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 139(2): 194-205.
- Boer, S.; Dekkers, O.M.; Cessie, S. le; Carlier, I.V.E. & Hemert, A.M. van (2019), Prediction of prolonged treatment course for depressive and anxiety disorders in an outpatient setting: The Leiden routine outcome monitoring study, Journal of Affective Disorders 247: 81-87.
- Foo, J.C.; Streit, F.; Frank, J.; Witt, S.H.; Treutlein, J.; Baune, B.T.; Moebus, S.; Jockel, K.H.; Forstner, A.J.; Nothen, M.M.; Rietschel, M.; Sartorius, A.; Kranaster, L.; Wray, N.R.; Ripke, S.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Agerbo, E.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Bryois, J.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Clarke, T.K.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.F.H.; Finucane, H.K.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jones, I.; Jones, L.A.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Krogh, J.; Kutalik, Z.; Li, Y.H.; Lind, P.A.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.C.B.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Traylor, M.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.L.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.J.C. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.A.F.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; McIntosh, A.M.; Metspalu, A.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nordentoft, M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Stefansson, K.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Voelzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Werge, T.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Borglum, A.D.; Sullivan, P.F. & Major Depressive Disorder Worki (2019), Evidence for increased genetic risk load for major depression in patients assigned to electroconvulsive therapy, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 180(1): 35-45.
- Ballegooijen, W. van; Eikelenboom, M.; Fokkema, M.; Riper, H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Kerkhof, A.J.F.M.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Smit, J.H. (2019), Comparing factor structures of depressed patients with and without suicidal ideation, a measurement invariance analysis, Journal of Affective Disorders 245: 180-187.
- Rodenburg-Vandenbussche, S.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Zitman, F.G. (2018), Clinical and sociodemographic associations with treatment selection in major depression, General Hospital Psychiatry 54: 18-24.
- Carlier, I.V.E.; Wiltens, D.H.A.; Rood, Y.R. van; Veen, T. van; Dekker, J. & Hemert, A.M. van (2018), Treatment course and its predictors in patients with somatoform disorders: A routine outcome monitoring study in secondary psychiatric care, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 25(4): 550-564.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2018), The Impact of Depressive Disorder Symptoms and Subtypes on 6-Year Incidence of Somatic Diseases, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 87(5): 308-310.
- Lako, D.A.M.; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Jonker, I.E.; Vet, R. de; Herman, D.B.; Hemert, A.M. van & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2018), The effectiveness of critical time intervention for abused women leaving women's shelters: a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Public Health 63(4): 513-523.
- Bauduin Stephanie, van Noorden M. S., van der Werff S. J. A., de Leeuw M., van Hemert A. M., van der Wee N. J. A. & Giltay E. J. (2018), Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Cortisol in Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder and Other Psychiatric Disorders, Biological Psychiatry 83(9): S184-S185.
- Spinhoven, P.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W. (2018), Repetitive negative thinking as a predictor of depression and anxiety: A longitudinal cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders 241: 216-225.
- Dinga R., Marquand A., Veltman D., Beekman A., Schoevers R., Van Hemert A., Penninx B. & Schmaal L. (2018), Predicting the naturalistic course of depression from a wide range of clinical, psychological and biological data: a machine learning approach, European Neuropsychopharmacology 28: S88-S89.
- Dinga, R.; Marquand, A.F.; Veltman, D.J.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Schoevers, R.A.; Hemert, A.M. van; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Schmaal, L. (2018), Predicting the naturalistic course of depression from a wide range of clinical, psychological, and biological data: a machine learning approach, Translational Psychiatry 8.
- Difrancesco Sonia, Lamers Femke, Riese Harriette, Merikangas Kathleen R., Beekman Aartjan T. F., van Hemert Bert A. M., Schoevers Robert A. & Penninx Brenda W. J. H. (2018), Physical Activity, Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Patterns in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: A 2-Week Ambulatory Assessment Study, Neuropsychobiology 76(1): 14-14.
- Lamers Femke, Difrancesco Sonia, Riese Harriette, van Hemert Bert, Schoevers Robert & Penninx Brenda (2018), Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sleep and its Associations With Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Biological Psychiatry 83(9): S174-S174.
- Wray, N.R.; Ripke, S.; Mattheisen, M.; Trzaskowski, M.; Byrne, E.M.; Abdellaoui, A.; Adams, M.J.; Agerbo, E.; Air, T.M.; Andlauer, T.M.F.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Beekman, A.F.T.; Bigdeli, T.B.; Binder, E.B.; Blackwood, D.R.H.; Bryois, J.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Cai, N.; Castelao, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Clarke, T.K.; Coleman, J.I.R.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Crawford, G.E.; Crowley, C.A.; Dashti, H.S.; Davies, G.; Deary, I.J.; Degenhardt, F.; Derks, E.M.; Direk, N.; Dolan, C.V.; Dunn, E.C.; Eley, T.C.; Eriksson, N.; Escott-Price, V.; Kiadeh, F.H.F.; Finucane, H.K.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gaspar, H.A.; Gill, M.; Giusti-Rodriguez, P.; Goes, F.S.; Gordon, S.D.; Grove, J.; Hall, L.S.; Hannon, E.; Hansen, C.S.; Hansen, T.F.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Horn, C.; Hottenga, J.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Hu, M.; Hyde, C.L.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Jin, F.L.; Jorgenson, E.; Knowles, J.A.; Kohane, I.S.; Kraft, J.; Kretzschmar, W.W.; Krogh, J.; Kutalik, Z.; Lane, J.M.; Li, Y.H.; Li, Y.; Lind, P.A.; Liu, X.X.; Lu, L.N.; MacIntyre, D.J.; MacKinnon, D.F.; Maier, R.M.; Maier, W.; Marchini, J.; Mbarek, H.; McGrath, P.; McGuffin, P.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Mihailov, E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Milani, L.; Mill, J.; Mondimore, F.M.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mostafavi, S.; Mullins, N.; Nauck, M.; Ng, B.; Nivard, M.G.; Nyholt, D.R.; O'Reilly, P.F.; Oskarsson, H.; Owen, M.J.; Painter, J.N.; Pedersen, C.B.; Pedersen, M.G.; Peterson, R.E.; Pettersson, E.; Peyrot, W.J.; Pistis, G.; Posthuma, D.; Purcell, S.M.; Quiroz, J.A.; Qvist, P.; Rice, J.P.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Mirza, S.S.; Saxena, R.; Schoevers, R.; Schulte, E.C.; Shen, L.; Shi, J.X.; Shyn, S.I.; Sigurdsson, E.; Sinnamon, G.B.C.; Smit, J.H.; Smith, D.J.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Stockmeier, C.A.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Tansey, K.E.; Teismann, H.; Teumer, A.; Thompson, W.; Thomson, P.A.; Thorgeirsson, T.E.; Tian, C.; Traylor, M.; Treutlein, J.; Trubetskoy, V.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Umbricht, D.; Auwera, S. van der; Hemert, A.M. van; Viktorin, A.; Visscher, P.M.; Wang, Y.P.; Webb, B.T.; Weinsheimer, S.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Wu, Y.; Xi, H.L.S.; Yang, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.T.; Berger, K.; Boomsma, D.I.; Cichon, S.; Dannlowski, U.; Geus, E.C.J. de; DePaulo, J.R.; Domenici, E.; Domschke, K.; Esko, T.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Hinds, D.A.; Kendler, K.S.; Kloiber, S.; Lewis, G.; Li, Q.Q.S.; Lucae, S.; Madden, P.F.A.; Magnusson, P.K.; Martin, N.G.; McIntosh, A.M.; Metspalu, A.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nordentoft, M.; Nothen, M.M.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Paciga, S.A.; Pedersen, N.L.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Perlis, R.H.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Preisig, M.; Rietschel, M.; Schaefer, C.; Schulze, T.G.; Smoller, J.W.; Stefansson, K.; Tiemeier, H.; Uher, R.; Volzke, H.; Weissman, M.M.; Werge, T.; Winslow, A.R.; Lewis, C.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Breen, G.; Borglum, A.D.; Sullivan, P.F.; EQTLGEN & Major Depressive Disorder Working (2018), Genome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression, Nature Genetics 50(5): 668-+.
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Noorden, M.S. van; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Leeuw, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Giltay, E.J. (2018), Elevated salivary alpha-amylase levels at awakening in patients with depression, Psychoneuroendocrinology 97: 69-77.
- Bauduin S., Van Noorden M., Van der Werff S., Van Hemert B., Van der Wee N. & Giltay E. (2018), Diurnal salivary alpha-amylase and not cortisol differentiates major depressive disorder in out-patients, European Neuropsychopharmacology 28: S71-S72.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Wittenberg, G.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), The role of anxious distress in immune dysregulation in patients with major depressive disorder, Translational Psychiatry 7.
- Bergen, A.P.L. van; Hoff, S.J.M.; Schreurs, H.; Loon, A. van & Hemert, A.M. van (2017), Social Exclusion Index-for Health Surveys (SEI-HS): a prospective nationwide study to extend and validate a multidimensional social exclusion questionnaire, BMC Public Health 17.
- Verduijn, J.; Verhoeven, J.E.; Milaneschi, Y.; Schoevers, R.A.; Hemert, A.M. van; Beekman, A.T.F. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), Reconsidering the prognosis of major depressive disorder across diagnostic boundaries: full recovery is the exception rather than the rule, BMC Medicine 15.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Kent, J.M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Smit, J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), Longitudinal Predictive Validity of the DSM-5 Anxious Distress Specifier for Clinical Outcomes in a Large Cohort of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 78(2): 207-+.
- Gardiner, S.L.; Belzen, M.J. van; Boogaard, M.W.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Rozing, M.P.; Hemert, A.M. van; Smit, J.H.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Grootheest, G. van; Schoevers, R.A.; Voshaar, R.C.O.; Comijs, H.C.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Mast, R.C. van der; Roos, R.A.C. & Aziz, N.A. (2017), Large normal-range TBP and ATXN7 CAG repeat lengths are associated with increased lifetime risk of depression, Translational Psychiatry 7.
- Hogerzeil, S.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Veling, W. & Hoek, H.W. (2017), Incidence of schizophrenia among migrants in the Netherlands: a direct comparison of first contact longitudinal register approaches, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 52(2): 147-154.
- Hogerzeil, S.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Veling, W. & Hoek, H.W. (2017), Incidence of schizophrenia among migrants in the Netherlands: a direct comparison of first contact and longitudinal register approaches (vol 52, pg 147, 2017), Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 52(10): 1329-1329.
- Gardiner, S.L.; Belzen, M.J. van; Boogaard, M.W.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Rozing, M.P.; Hemert, A.M. van; Smit, J.H.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Grootheest, G. van; Schoevers, R.A.; Voshaar, R.C.O.; Roos, R.A.C.; Comijs, H.C.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Mast, R.C. van der & Aziz, N.A. (2017), Huntingtin gene repeat size variations affect risk of lifetime depression, Translational Psychiatry 7.
- Gerritsen, L.; Milaneschi, Y.; Vinkers, C.H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Velzen, L. van; Schmaal, L. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), HPA Axis Genes, and Their Interaction with Childhood Maltreatment, are Related to Cortisol Levels and Stress-Related Phenotypes, Neuropsychopharmacology 42(12): 2446-2455.
- Bigdeli, T.B.; Ripke, S.; Peterson, R.E.; Trzaskowski, M.; Bacanu, S.A.; Abdellaoui, A.; Andlauer, T.F.M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Berger, K.; Blackwood, D.H.R.; Boomsma, D.I.; Breen, G.; Buttenschon, H.N.; Byrne, E.M.; Cichon, S.; Clarke, T.K.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Craddock, N.; Geus, E.J.C. de; Degenhardt, F.; Dunn, E.C.; Edwards, A.C.; Fanous, A.H.; Forstner, A.J.; Frank, J.; Gill, M.; Gordon, S.D.; Grabe, H.J.; Hamilton, S.P.; Hardiman, O.; Hayward, C.; Heath, A.C.; Henders, A.K.; Herms, S.; Hickie, I.B.; Hoffmann, P.; Homuth, G.; Hottenga, J.J.; Ising, M.; Jansen, R.; Kloiber, S.; Knowles, J.A.; Lang, M.; Li, Q.S.; Lucae, S.; MacIntyre, D.J.; Madden, P.A.F.; Martin, N.G.; McGrath, P.J.; McGuffin, P.; McIntosh, A.M.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Middeldorp, C.M.; Milaneschi, Y.; Montgomery, G.W.; Mors, O.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Nauck, M.; Nyholt, D.R.; Nothen, M.M.; Owen, M.J.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Pergadia, M.L.; Perlis, R.H.; Peyrot, W.J.; Porteous, D.J.; Potash, J.B.; Rice, J.P.; Rietschel, M.; Riley, B.P.; Rivera, M.; Schoevers, R.; Schulze, T.G.; Shi, J.; Shyn, S.I.; Smit, J.H.; Smoller, J.W.; Streit, F.; Strohmaier, J.; Teumer, A.; Treutlein, J.; Auwera, S. van der; Grootheest, G. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Volzke, H.; Webb, B.T.; Weissman, M.M.; Wellmann, J.; Willemsen, G.; Witt, S.H.; Levinson, D.F.; Lewis, C.M.; Wray, N.R.; Flint, J.; Sullivan, P.F.; Kendler, K.S. & Converge Consortium (2017), Genetic effects influencing risk for major depressive disorder in China and Europe, Translational Psychiatry 7.
- Spinhoven, P.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), Experiential Avoidance and Bordering Psychological Constructs as Predictors of the Onset, Relapse and Maintenance of Anxiety Disorders: One or Many?, Cognitive Therapy and Research 41(6): 867-880.
- Carlier, I.V.E.; Kovacs, V.; Noorden, M.S. van; Feltz-Cornelis, C. van der; Mooij, N.; Schulte-van Maaren, Y.W.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G. & Giltay, E.J. (2017), Evaluating the Responsiveness to Therapeutic Change with Routine Outcome Monitoring: A Comparison of the Symptom Questionnaire-48 (SQ-48) with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45), Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 24(1): 61-71.
- Vet, R. de; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Jonker, I.E.; Lako, D.A.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Herman, D.B. & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2017), Critical Time Intervention for Homeless People Making the Transition to Community Living: A Randomized Controlled Trial, American Journal of Community Psychology 60(1-2): 175-186.
- Meuldijk, D.; Giltay, E.J.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Hemert, A.M. van & Zitman, F.G. (2017), A Validation Study of the Web Screening Questionnaire (WSQ) Compared With the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview-Plus (MINI-Plus), JMIR Mental Health 4(3).
- Fenema, E. van; Giltay, E.; Noorden, M. van; Hemert, A. van & Zitman, F. (2017), Assessing adherence to guidelines with administrative data in psychiatric outpatients, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 23(1): 5-13.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Kent, J.M.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Smit, J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2017), Anxious distress predicts subsequent treatment outcome and side effects in depressed patients starting antidepressant treatment, Journal of Psychiatric Research 84: 41-48.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Wittenberg, G.; Beekman, A.; Hemert, A. van; Schoevers, R. & Penninx, B. (2017), Anxious distress is associated with increased immune dysregulation in patients with major depressive disorder, European Psychiatry 41: S158-S158.
- Verhoeven, F.E.A.; Swaab, L.S.M.A.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ruhe, H.G.; Schoevers, R.A. & Giltay, E.J. (2017), Agreement between clinical and MINI diagnoses in outpatients with mood and anxiety disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders 221: 268-274.
- Vet, R. de; Lako, D.A.M.; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Dries, L. van den; Conover, S.; Hemert, A.M. van; Herman, D.B. & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2017), Critical Time Intervention for People Leaving Shelters in the Netherlands: Assessing Fidelity and Exploring Facilitators and Barriers, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 44(1): 67-80.
- Sarah L. Gardiner, Martine J. van Belzen, Merel W. Boogaard, Willeke M. C. van Roon-Mom, Maarten P. Rozing, Albert M. van Hemert, Johannes H. Smit, Aartjan T. F. Beekman, Gerard van Grootheest, Robert A. Schoevers, Richard C. Oude Voshaar, Raymund A. C. Roos, Hannie C. Comijs, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx & Roos C. van der Mast and N. Ahmad Aziz (2017), Huntingtin gene repeat size variations affect risk of lifetime depression, Translational Psychiatry 7(12).
- Flens G., Smits N., Carlier I., Hemert A.M. van & Beurs E. de (2016), Simulating computer adaptive testing with the mood and anxiety symptom questionnaire, Psychological Assessment 28(8): 953-962.
- Meuldijk, D.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Veen, T. van; Wolterbeek, R.; Hemert, A.M. van & Zitman, F.G. (2016), The clinical effectiveness of concise cognitive behavioral therapy with or without pharmacotherapy for depressive and anxiety disorders; a pragmatic randomized controlled equivalence trial in clinical practice, Contemporary Clinical Trials 47: 131-138.
- Flens, G.; Smits, N.; Carlier, I.; Hemert, A.M. van & Beurs, E. de (2016), Simulating Computer Adaptive Testing With the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire, Psychological Assessment 28(8): 953-962.
- Spinhoven, P.; Drost, J.; Rooij, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2016), Is Experiential Avoidance a Mediating, Moderating, Independent, Overlapping, or Proxy Risk Factor in the Onset, Relapse and Maintenance of Depressive Disorders?, Cognitive Therapy and Research 40(2): 150-163.
- Pesce, L.; Veen, T. van; Carlier, I.; Noorden, M.S. van; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Hemert, A.M. van & Giltay, E.J. (2016), Gender differences in outpatients with anxiety disorders: the Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 25(3): 278-287.
- Spinhoven, P.; Elzinga, B.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Rooij, M. de & Penninx, B.W. (2016), Childhood maltreatment, maladaptive personality types and level and course of psychological distress: A six-year longitudinal study, Journal of Affective Disorders 191: 100-108.
- Lamers, F.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2016), Six-year longitudinal course and outcomes of subtypes of depression, British Journal of Psychiatry 208(1): 62-68.
- Gaspersz, R.; Lamers, F.; Kent, J.; Beekman, A.; Smit, J.; Hemert, A. van; Schoevers, R. & Penninx, B. (2016), The predictive effect of the DSM-5 anxious distress specifier on treatment outcomes in persons with major depressive disorder, Bipolar Disorders 18: 88-88.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Van Hemert A.M., De Rijk R.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype, oral contraceptives and emotional information processing, Neuroscience 286: 412-422.
- Verduijn, J.; Milaneschi, Y.; Hemert, A.M. van; Schoevers, R.A.; Hickie, I.B.; Penninx, B.W.J.H. & Beekman, A.T.F. (2015), Clinical Staging of Major Depressive Disorder: An Empirical Exploration, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76(9): 1200-1208.
- Spinhoven, P.; Drost, J.; Hemert, B. van & Penninx, B.W. (2015), Common rather than unique aspects of repetitive negative thinking are related to depressive and anxiety disorders and symptoms, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 33: 45-52.
- Meuldijk, D.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2015), Economic Evaluation of Concise Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and/or Pharmacotherapy for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 18(4): 175-183.
- Hovens, J.G.F.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Spinhoven, P.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2015), Impact of Childhood Life Events and Childhood Trauma on the Onset and Recurrence of Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76(7): 931-938.
- Hamstra, D.A.; Kloet, E.R. de; Hemert, A.M. van; Rijk, R.H. de & Does, A.J.W. van der (2015), MINERALOCORTICOID RECEPTOR HAPLOTYPE, ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES AND EMOTIONAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, Neuroscience 286: 412-422.
- Verduijn, J.; Milaneschi, Y.; Schoevers, R.A.; Hemert, A.M. van; Beekman, A.T.F. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2015), Pathophysiology of major depressive disorder: mechanisms involved in etiology are not associated with clinical progression, Translational Psychiatry 5.
- Spinhoven, P.; Penninx, B.W.; Krempeniou, A.; Hemert, A.M. van & Elzinga, B. (2015), Trait rumination predicts onset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through trauma-related cognitive appraisals: A 4-year longitudinal study, Behaviour Research and Therapy 71: 101-109.
- Boschloo, L.; Schoevers, R.A.; Beekman, A.T.F.; Smit, J.H.; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2014), The Four-Year Course of Major Depressive Disorder: The Role of Staging and Risk Factor Determination, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 83(5): 279-288.
- Spinhoven, P.; Elzinga, B.M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Rooij, M. de & Penninx, B.W. (2014), A longitudinal study of facets of extraversion in depression and social anxiety, Personality and Individual Differences 71: 39-44.
- Spinhoven, P.; Penninx, B.W.; Hickendorff, M.; Hemert, A.M. van; Bernstein, D.P. & Elzinga, B.M. (2014), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance, and Validity Across Emotional Disorders, Psychological Assessment 26(3): 717-729.
- Spinhoven, P.; Penninx, B.W.; Hemert, A.M. van; Rooij, M. de & Elzinga, B.M. (2014), Comorbidity of PTSD in anxiety and depressive Prevalence and shared risk factors, Child Abuse and Neglect 38(8): 1320-1330.
- Spinhoven, P.; Drost, J.; Rooij, M. de; Hemert, A.M. van & Penninx, B.W. (2014), A Longitudinal Study of Experiential Avoidance in Emotional Disorders, Behavior Therapy 45(6): 840-850.
- Drost Jolijn, van der Does Willem, van Hemert Albert M., Penninx Brenda W. J. H. & Spinhoven Philip (2014), Repetitive negative thinking as a transdiagnostic factor in depression and anxiety: A conceptual replication, Behaviour Research and Therapy 63: 177-183.
- Fokkema, M.; Smits, N.; Kelderman, H.; Carlier, I.V.E. & Hemert, A.M. van (2014), Combining Decision Trees and Stochastic Curtailment for Assessment Length Reduction of Test Batteries Used for Classification, Applied Psychological Measurement 38(1): 3-17.
- Hogerzeil, S.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Susser, E. & Hoek, H.W. (2014), Direct comparison of first-contact versus longitudinal register-based case finding in the same population: early evidence that the incidence of schizophrenia may be three times higher than commonly reported, Psychological Medicine 44(16): 3481-3490.
- Bergen, A.P.L. van; Hoff, S.J.M.; Ameijden, E.J.C. van & Hemert, A.M. van (2014), Measuring Social Exclusion in Routine Public Health Surveys: Construction of a Multidimensional Instrument, PLoS ONE 9(5).
- Schulte-van Maaren, Y.W.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G.; Waal, M.W.M. de; Rood, Y.R. van & Carlier, I.V.E. (2014), Reference values for the Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI), the Whitely Index (WI), and the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS-20R): The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Journal of Affective Disorders 164: 82-89.
- Milaneschi, Y.; Hoogendijk, W.; Lips, P.; Heijboer, A.C.; Schoevers, R.; Hemert, A.M. van; Beekman, A.T.F.; Smit, J.H. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2014), The association between low vitamin D and depressive disorders, Molecular Psychiatry 19(4): 444-451.
- Schulte-Van Maaren Y.W.M., Carlier I.V.E., Zitman F.G., Van Hemert A.M., De Waal M.W.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Van Noorden M.S. & Giltay E.J. (2013), Reference values for major depression questionnaires: The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Journal of Affective Disorders 149(1-3): 342-349.
- Lako, D.A.M.; Vet, R. de; Beijersbergen, M.D.; Herman, D.B.; Hemert, A.M. van & Wolf, J.R.L.M. (2013), The effectiveness of critical time intervention for abused women and homeless people leaving Dutch shelters: study protocol of two randomised controlled trials, BMC Public Health 13.
- Beurs, D.P. de; Groot, M.H. de; Keijser, J. de; Verwey, B.; Mokkenstorm, J.; Twisk, J.W.R.; Duijn, E. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Verlinde, L.; Spijker, J.; Luijn, B. van; Vink, J. & Kerkhof, A.J.F.M. (2013), Improving the application of a practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior by training the full staff of psychiatric departments via an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 14: -.
- Schulte-van Maaren, Y.W.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G.; Waal, M.W.M. de & Carlier, I.V.E. (2013), Reference values for anxiety questionnaires: The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Journal of Affective Disorders 150(3): 1008-1018.
- Schulte-van Maaren, Y.W.M.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Zitman, F.G.; Hemert, A.M. van; Waal, M.W.M. de; Does, A.J.W. van der; Noorden, M.S. van & Giltay, E.J. (2013), Reference values for major depression questionnaires: The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study, Journal of Affective Disorders 149(1-3): 342-349.
- van Os J, Kahn R, Denys D, Schoevers RA, Beekman AT, Hoogendijk WJ, van Hemert AM, Hodiamont PP, Scheepers F, Delespaul PA & Leentjens AF (2012), [Behavioural standard or coercive measure? Some considerations regarding the special issue on ROM]., Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 54(3): 245-53.
- Schulte-van Maaren, Y.W.M.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Zitman, F.G.; Hemert, A.M. van; Waal, M.W.M. de; Noorden, M.S. van & Giltay, E.J. (2012), Reference values for generic instruments used in routine outcome monitoring: the leiden routine outcome monitoring study., BMC Psychiatry 12: 203.
- Krieke, L. van der; Sytema, S.; Wiersma, D.; Tielen, H. & Hemert, A.M. van (2011), Evaluating the CANSAS self-report (CANSAS-P) as a screening instrument for care needs in people with psychotic and affective disorders, Psychiatry Research 188(3): 456-458.
- Rietdijk, J.; Hogerzeil, S.J.; Hemert, A.M. van; Cuijpers, P.; Linszen, D.H. & Gaag, M. van der (2011), Pathways to psychosis: Help-seeking behavior in the prodromal phase, Schizophrenia Research 132(2-3): 213-219.
- Arnold IA, de Waal MWM, Eekhof JAH, Assendelft WJJ, Spinhoven P & van Hemert AM (2009), Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Primary Care: A Controlled Study on the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment by the Family Physician, Psychosomatics 50(5): 515-524.
- de Waal MWM, Arnold IA, Spinhoven P, Eekhof JAH, Assendelft WJJ & van Hemert AM (2009), The role of comorbidity in the detection of psychiatric disorders with checklists for mental and physical symptoms in primary care, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44(1): 78-85.
- Burger I, van Hemert AM, Schudel WJ & Middelkoop BJC (2009), Suicidal Behavior in Four Ethnic Groups in The Hague, 2002-2004, Crisis - The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 30(2): 63-67.
- De Waal MWM, Arnold IA, Eekhof JAH, Assendelft WJJ & van Hemert AM (2008), Follow-up study on health care use of patients with somatoform, anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care, BMC Family Practice 9.
- Arnold IA, de Waal MWM, Eekhof JAH & van Hemert AM (2006), Somatoform disorder in primary care: Course and the need for cognitive-behavioral treatment, Psychosomatics 47(6).
- Ingrid A, de Waal MWM, Eekhof JAH, Assendelft WJJ, Spinhoven P & van Hemert AM (2006), Medically unexplained physical symptoms and the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural treatment by the GP, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 61(3).
- de Waal MWM, Arnold IA, Eekhof JAH & van Hemert AM (2006), Somatoform disorders in general practice: prevalence, functional limitations and comorbidity with anxiety and depression, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 150(12).
- de Waal MWM, Arnold IA, Spinhoven P, Eekhof JAH & van Hemert AM (2005), The reporting of specific physical symptoms for mental distress in general practice, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 59(2).
- De Waal MWM, Arnold IA, Eekhof JAH & Van Hemert AM (2004), Somatoform disorders in general practice - Prevalence, functional impairment and comorbidity with anxiety and depressive disorders, British Journal of Psychiatry 184: 470-476.
- Biermasz NR, van Thiel SW, Pereira AM, Hoftijzer HC, van Hemert AM, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & Roelfsema F (2004), Decreased quality of life in patients with acromegaly despite long-term cure of growth hormone excess, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89(11).
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- Thomassen R, van Hemert AM, Huyse FJ, van der Mast RC & Hengeveld MW (2003), Somatoform disorders in consultation-liaison psychiatry: a comparison with other mental disorders, General Hospital Psychiatry 25(1).
- de Winter RFP, van Hemert AM, DeRijk RH, Zwinderman KH, Frankhuijzen-Sierevogel AC, Wiegant VM & Goekoop JG (2003), Anxious-retarded depression: Relation with plasma vasopressin and cortisol, Neuropsychopharmacology 28(1).
- Hemert A.M. van (2001), Classificatie en diagnostiek. In: Spinhoven Ph., Bouman T.K & Hoogduin C.A.L. (Eds.), Behandelingsstrategieën bij somatoforme stoornissen. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 1-16.
- Speckens AEM, Spinhoven P, Van Hemert AM & Bolk JH (2000), The Reassurance Questionnaire (RQ): psychometric properties of a self-report questionnaire to assess reassurability.
- Hak AE, Pols HAP, van Hemert AM, Hofman A & Witteman JCM (2000), Progression of aortic calcification is associated with metacarpal bone loss during menopause - A population-based longitudinal study.
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