Bert Fraussen
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. B. Fraussen
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-4423-6184

Bert Fraussen's (associate professor) research agenda focuses on interest representation and lobbying, as well as how policymakers can ensure the effective and inclusive engagement of societal stakeholders in public governance.
More information about Bert Fraussen
My research and teaching focuses on lobbying and interest representation. I study the internal organization and development of political organizations, such as interest groups and think tanks, and for instance analyze how these organizations change over time, the way in which they involve their members, or how they determine their policy agenda. At the same time, my research also examines the different ways in which interest groups and think tanks engage with policymakers in order to shape public policy. A key question here is how policymakers can ensure the inclusive and effective engagement of societal stakeholders in public governance.
I believe that it is important to connect academic research with the perspectives of practitioners and the challenges they face. For this reason , I co-founded the Policy Advocacy Lab together with Professor Darren Halpin (Australian National University) and Dr Herschel Thomas (University of Texas at Arlington). The Policy Advocacy Lab is a platform through which we engage in research-led education, organize workshops with practitioners and contribute to public debates. In 2019, I also co-organized the first "Night of the Lobbyist" in The Hague in collaboration with a Public Affairs Agency. The aim of this annual event is to facilitate and encourage discussions about lobbying among scientists, public affairs professionals, policymaker, journalists and students.
I also write a regular “Research in the Spotlight” Column in Community, the professional magazine of the Belgian Society of Association Executives, in which I discuss recent academic publications and clarify their implications for practitioners. In addition, I regularly provide Workshops and Masterclasses to advocacy groups, public affairs professionals and public officials. Fundamental research provides the foundation for all these activities, which I consider as unique opportunities to disseminate research findings and to learn from practitioners.
I am a member of the Editorial Board of Interest Groups & Advocacy, the official journal of the Political Organizations and Parties section of the American Political Science Association. Furthermore, I am a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp. I hold degrees in Global Management (Antwerp Management School), Public Administration (KU Leuven) and Political Science (University of Antwerp). From 2006 until 2008, I worked part-time as an assistant to a Member of the European Parliament.
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Fraussen Bert Pattyn Valerie (2023), The niche of think tanks in a consensus - seeking and neo-corporatist policy advisory system, International Review of Administrative Sciences : .
- Müller M., Braun C. & Fraussen B. (2022), Cautious communicators: strategic communication of European Union commissioners in regulatory decision-making, European Union Politics 23(3): 509-528.
- Paulissen T., Fraussen B. & Van Hecke S. (2022), Individual and collective representation: the organisational form of higher education lobbying in the European Union, European Journal of Higher Education : .
- Fraussen B. (2022), Consultation tools and agenda-setting . In: Howlett M. (Ed.) The Routledge handbook of policy tools.: Routledge.
- Fraussen B., Albareda A., Braun C.H.J.M. & Maloney W. (2021), A matter of information, discussion and consequences? : exploring the accountability practices of interest groups in the EU, Interest Groups and Advocacy 10: 114-136.
- Halpin D. & Fraussen B. (2021), Interest groups and agenda-setting styles. In: Howlett J. & Tosun J. (Eds.), The routledge handbook of policy styles . London: Routledge.
- Fraussen B., Halpin D.R. & Nownes A.J. (2020), Why do interest groups prioritise some policy issues over others? Explaining variation in the drivers of policy agendas, Journal of Public Policy : 1-20.
- Fraussen B., Albareda A. & Braun C. (2020), Conceptualizing consultation approaches: identifying combinations of consultation tools and analyzing their implications for stakeholder diversity, Policy Sciences 53: 473-493.
- Fraussen B. (2020), Organization of interest groups. In: Harris P., Bitonti A., Fleisher C.S. & Binderkrantz A. (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs : Palgrave.
- Braun C., Albareda A., Fraussen B. & Müller M. (2020), Bandwagons and Quiet Corners in Regulatory Governance: On regulation-specific and institutional drivers of stakeholder engagement, International Review of Public Policy 2(2): 209-232.
- Halpin. D.R., Fraussen B. & Ackland R. (2020), Which audiences engage with advocacy groups on twitter? : explaining the online engagement of elite, peer, and mass audiences with advocacy groups, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50(4): 842-865.
- Fraussen B. & Halpin D. (2020), Interest groups, the bureaucracy and issue prioritization. In: Peters G. & Thynne I. (Eds.), The Oxford encyclopedia of public administration: Oxford University Press.
- Schmidt J.E.T., Kuipers B.S., Groeneveld S.M., Fraussen B., Ashikali T., Laterveer H. & Slooff A. (2019), Publiek leiderschap en maatschappelijke meerwaarde. The Hague: Leiden Leadership Centre.
- Kuipers B.S., Ashikali A., Fraussen B. & Groeneveld S.M. (2018), Verder met publiek leiderschap. Onderzoeks- en ontwikkelagenda. The Hague: Leiden Leadership Centre.
- Fraussen B. & Braun C. (2018), ’De Lobby’ aan Banden’? Over het ongelijk speelveld en de regulering van belangenvertegenwoordiging, Tijdschrift voor Toezicht 9(4): 103-113.
- Halpin D. & Fraussen B. (2018), Interest Groups and the Election. In: Gauja J., Chen P., Curtin J. & Pietsch J. (Eds.), The 2016 Australian Federal Election. Canberra: ANU Press. 381-396.
- Daugbjerg C., Fraussen B. & Halpin D.R. (2018), Interest Groups and Policy Capacity: Modes of Engagement, Policy Goods and Networks. In: Daugbjerg C., Fraussen B. & Halpin D.R. (Eds.), Policy Capacity and Governance. Assessing Governmental Competences and Capabilities in Theory and Practice. Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy: Palgrave MacMillan. 243-261.
- Fraussen B., Graham T. & Halpin D.R. (2018), Assessing the prominence of interest groups in parliament: a supervised machine learning approach, Journal of Legislative Studies 24(4): 450-474.
- Heylen F., Fraussen B. & Beyers J. (2018), Live to Fight Another Day? Organizational Maintenance and Mortality Anxiety of Civil Society Organizations, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 47(6): 1249-1270.
- Fraussen B. & Braun C.H.J.M. (2018), ‘De lobby’ aan banden? Over het ongelijk speelveld en de regulering van belangenvertegenwoordiging, Tijdschrift voor Toezicht 9(4): .
- Fraussen B. (2017), Think tanks and strategic policy-making: the contribution of think tanks to policy advisory systems, Policy Sciences 50(1): 105-124.
- Halpin D.R. & Fraussen B. (2017), Conceptualising the policy engagement of interest groups: Involvement, access and prominence, European Journal of Political Research 56(3): 723–732.
- Fraussen B. (2017), The balancing act of establishing a policy agenda: Conceptualizing and measuring drivers of issue prioritization within interest groups, Governance 31(2): 215-237.
- Fraussen B., Bossens N., Wilson A. & Keating M. (2017), Interest groups and policy analysis in Belgium. In: Fraussen B., Bossens N., Wilson A. & Keating M. (Eds.), Policy analysis in Belgium. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Fraussen B., Pattyn V. & Lawaree J. (2017), Thinking in splendid isolation? The organisation and policy engagement of think tanks in Belgium. In: Fraussen B., Pattyn Valerie & Lawaree J. (Eds.), Policy Analysis in Belgium. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Fraussen B. & Halpin D.R. (2017), How do interest groups legitimate their policy advocacy? Reconsidering linkage and internal democracy in times of digital disruption, Public Administration 96(1): 23-35.
- Fraussen B. (2017) Uitgelezen: Lobbyen in de Wetstraat. Review of: Soenens D. (2017), Lobbyen in de Wetstraat. Berchem: Epo 24(8): 86-88.
- Halpin D.R. & Fraussen B. (2017), Laying the Groundwork: Linking Internal Agenda-Setting Processes Of Interest Groups to Their Role in Policy Making, Administration & Society 51(8): 1337-1359.
- Fraussen B. & Halpin D. (2016), Assessing the Composition and Diversity of the Australian Interest Group System, Australian Journal Of Public Administration 75(4): 476-491.
- Fraussen B. & Halpin D.R. (2016), Political Parties and Interest Organizations at the Crossroads: Perspectives on the Transformation of Political Organizations, Political Studies Review : .
- Fraussen B. & Beyers J. (2016), Who's in and who's out? Explaining access to policy-makers in Belgium, Acta Politica 51(2): 214-236.
- Fraussen B. & Pattyn V.E. (2016), Denktanks in België: onbekend en onbemind?, Samenleving en Politiek 23(5): 70-78.
- Fraussen B. & Donas T. (2015), Regions lobbying the European Union: Organizational Forms, Policy Portfolios and Venue Selection. In: Shotton P.A. & Nixon P.G. (Eds.), Lobbying in the European Union: Changing Minds, Changing Times: Routledge. 85-96.
- Beyers J., Donas T. & Fraussen B. (2015), No place like home? Explaining venue selection of regional offices in Brussels, Journal of European Public Policy 22(5): 589-608.
- Fraussen B., Beyers J. & Donas T. (2015), The Expanding Core and Varying Degrees of Insiderness: Institutionalised Interest Group Access to Advisory Councils, Political Studies 63(3): 569-588.
- Fraussen B. & Wouters R. (2015), Aandacht trekken of advies verstrekken? De aanwezigheid van middenveldorganisaties in adviesraad-en beeldbuispolitiek, Res Publica 57(2): 159-183.
- Fraussen B. (2014), The visible hand of the state : on the organizational development of interest groups, Public Administration 92(2): 406-421.
- Donas T., Beyers J. & Fraussen B. (2014), It's not all about the money: Explaining varying policy portfolios of regional representations in Brussels, Interest Groups and Advocacy 3(1): 79-98.
- Fraussen B. (2012), Interest Group Politics: Change and Continuity, Journal of European Integration 34(5): 523-529.
- Fraussen B. (2011), Belgian Parties, Interest Groups, Media and Public Opinion and the Presidency: A Non-Issue for Non-State Actors?. In: Hecke S. van & Burdens P. (Eds.), Readjusting the Council Presidency. Belgian Leadership in the EU. Brussel: ASP. 79-100.