Ben Smit
- Name
- Dr. B.H.J. Smit
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3498
- 0000-0002-6144-6490

Ben Smit (1958) graduated in 1985 as a psychologist at Leiden University, with a major in educational studies and minors in educational sociology and computers & education. After graduating he worked as a researcher and project leader, first at the Leiden Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (LICOR) and later at the Leiden Institute for Social Science Research (LISWO), where he specialised in the fields of educational policy research, student careers in higher education and teacher education.
Since 1995 he has worked at ICLON Graduate School of Teaching at Leiden University as a advisor/researcher in the field of research on teachers and teacher education. From 2008 until 2011 he combined his position at ICLON with activities as an advisor/researcher in a newly established research group at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education. Furthermore, from 2010 to 2024 he was an International Coordinator of the Pedagogy, Education & Praxis (PEP) research programme and active member of the PEP Theme Group 'Learning & Didaktik/Professional Learning’.
In the last 15 years, Ben’s research interests circle around action research and practitioner research in educational settings, specifically in teacher education. Beside methodological issues related to this type of research, student participation and the changing position of participants in educational research have become the focus of his research. In 2023, Ben finished his PhD project Teachers and students as partners in researching educational practice. He is currently working on practical applications of the findings from this research, among other things.
- Onderzoek
- Smit B.H.J., Tigelaar D.E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2024), Teacher educators’ views on educating pre-service teachers for participatory action research in secondary schools, Teaching and Teacher Education 141: 104460.
- Smit B.H.J. (2024), Onderzoeksrapport 2023 - Een kwalitatief onderzoek met behulp van Evi: monitoring en evaluatie - cultuureducatie met kwaliteit – Den Haag. Leiden: ICLON, Universiteit Leiden.
- Smit B.H.J. (6 September 2023), Dimensions of student participation: participatory action research in a teacher education context (Dissertatie. Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K., Tigelaar E.H.
- Klunder S., Smit B.H.J, Slegers K., Saab N., Nahon A., Mainhard M.T. & Admiraal W (2023), Meedoen op afstand in een hybride klas: Interactie met leerlingen met een chronische aandoening. Leiden: ICLON, Universiteit Leiden.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A., Tigelaar E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Principles for school student participation in pre-service teacher action research: a practice architecture’s perspective, Educational Action Research : 1-21.
- Droppers A., Ermers C., Gruijthuijzen R.-J., Jonker R., Meijer L., Nicolasen I., Overdiep C., Roon L., Smit B.H.J. & Snoek M. (2021), Grenzen verleggen: professionalisering tijdens innovaties door leraren. Den Haag: CAOP/LerarenOntwikkelFonds.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2020), Source, respondent, or partner? Involvement of secondary school students in participatory action research, International Journal of Educational Research 100: 1-12.
- Hardy I. Jakhelln R. Smit B. (2020), The policies and politics of teachers’ initial learning: the complexity of national initial teacher education policies, Teaching Education : 1-23.
- Vereijken Mayke, Saab Nadira, Smit Ben, Van Schijndel Tessa, Van Driel Jan, Berry Amanda & Admiraal Wilfried (2018), Delen van kennis: Samen professionaliseren rond inquiry-based teaching op internationale scholen; Het Sharing Knowledge Project [Eindrapport project 405-15-813]. Den Haag: NRO.
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (2018), From master student to master teacher: The meaning of teacher research for school practice. EAPRIL 2018, Portoroz. 12 November 2018 - 14 November 2018. [conference poster].
- Admiraal W.F., Vugt F. van, Kranenburg F., Koster B., Smit B., Weijers S. & Lockhorst D. (2017), Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology into K-12 instruction: Evaluation of a technology-infused approach, Technology, Pedagogy and Education 26(1): 105-120.
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2016), “Let’s find out together!”: Participatory action research by student teachers and school students in secondary education. AARE 2016 27 November 2016 - 1 December 2016.
- Meirink J.A., Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F., Sligte H., Emmelot Y., Schenke W. & Buisman M. (2016), Het mes snijdt aan twee kanten? De mogelijke bijdrage van onderzoek aan de optimalisering van Professionele Leergemeenschappen in het VO. Velon 2016 4 February 2016 - 5 February 2016.
- Admiraal W.F., Kruiter J., Lockhors D., Schenke W., Sligte H., Smit B., Tigelaar D. & Wit W. de (2016), Affordances of teacher professional learning in secondary schools, Studies in Continuing Education 38(3): 281-298.
- Zwart R.C., Smit B.H.J. & Admiraal W.F. (2015), Docentonderzoek nader bekeken: een reviewstudie naar de aard en betekenis van onderzoek door docenten, Pedagogische Studiën 92(2): 131-148.
- Schenke W., Sligte H., Admiraal W.F., Buisman M., Emmelot Y., Meirink J.A. & Smit B.H.J. (2015), Scan School als Professionele Leergemeenschap. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A. & Emmelot Y. (2015), Interventies in school ter bevordering van een school als professionele leergemeenschap. .
- Smit Ben & Verbeek Gijs (2014), Een palet van mogelijkheden: Leerlingonderzoek in Australië. In: Verbeek Gijs & Ponte Petra (Eds.), Participatie in het onderwijs: Onderzoek met en door leerlingen. Den Haag: Boom Lemma Uitgevers. 133-158.
- Smit Ben H.J., Olin Anette, Edwards-Groves Christine, Furu Moksnes Eli & Karlberg-Granlund Gunilla (2014), Dialogue and recognition in educational partnerships: A five nation study. APERA-HKERA Conference 2014 19 November 2014 - 21 November 2014.
- Admiraal Wilfried, Smit Ben H.J. & Zwart Rosanne (2014), Models and design principles for teacher research, IB Journal of Teaching Practice 2(1): 1-6.
- Smit Ben (15 May 2014), Pupil participation is not a favour to students, it is their right. ICLON Research Blog. Leiden, The Netherlands: ICLON, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. [blog entry].
- Smit B.H.J. (2013), Teachers and students as co-researching partners: pupil participation in an educational action research project. CARN 2013 Annual Conference 7 November 2013 - 9 November 2013.
- Ponte Petra & Smit Ben H.J. (2013), Education for All as praxis: consequences for the profession, Professional Development in Education 39(4): 455-469.
- Smit B.H.J. (2013), Young people as co-researchers: enabling student participation in educational practice, Professional Development in Education 29(4): 550-573.
- van Swet Jacqueline, Smit Ben H.J., Corvers Louise & van Dijk Ineke (2009), Critical friendship as a contribution to master’s‐level work in an international programme of study, Educational Action Research 17(3): 339-357.