Ben Smit
- Name
- Dr. B.H.J. Smit
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3498
- 0000-0002-6144-6490

Ben Smit (1958) graduated in 1985 as a psychologist at Leiden University, with a major in educational studies and minors in educational sociology and computers & education. After graduating he worked as a researcher and project leader, first at the Leiden Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (LICOR) and later at the Leiden Institute for Social Science Research (LISWO), where he specialised in the fields of educational policy research, student careers in higher education and teacher education.
Since 1995 he has worked at ICLON Graduate School of Teaching at Leiden University as a advisor/researcher in the field of research on teachers and teacher education. From 2008 until 2011 he combined his position at ICLON with activities as an advisor/researcher in a newly established research group at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education. Furthermore, from 2010 to 2024 he was an International Coordinator of the Pedagogy, Education & Praxis (PEP) research programme and active member of the PEP Theme Group 'Learning & Didaktik/Professional Learning’.
In the last 15 years, Ben’s research interests circle around action research and practitioner research in educational settings, specifically in teacher education. Beside methodological issues related to this type of research, student participation and the changing position of participants in educational research have become the focus of his research. In 2023, Ben finished his PhD project Teachers and students as partners in researching educational practice. He is currently working on practical applications of the findings from this research, among other things.
- Onderzoek
- Klunder S. & Smit B. (2024), Meedoen op afstand in een hybride klas: interactie met leerlingen met een chronische aandoening. Tilburg. [lecture].
- Klunder S. & Smit B.H.J. (18 September 2024), Meedoen op afstand in een hybride klas : interactie met leerlingen met een chronische aandoening. Ziezon-dag. [lecture].
- Schenke W. & Smit B.H.J.. The teacher as a participatory researcher in the school. ICO Research School (Masterclasses). Utrecht. [teaching].
- Smit B.H.J. (25 November 2024), Educating preservice teachers for a democratic educational practice through action research with students. NZARE 2024. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J. (6 December 2020), Source, respondent, or partner? Involvement of secondary school students in Participatory Action Research. online conference. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2018), Docenten en leerlingen als mede-onderzoekers: Participatory Action Research in de lerarenopleiding. Nijmegen. [lecture].
- Hardy I., Jakhelln R. & Smit B.H.J. (3 December 2018), The policy and politics of teachers’ initial learning: Netherlands, Norway and Australia. Sydney, Australia. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (3 December 2018), From PAR to Partnership: design of a teacher education program preparing for student participation in schools. Sydney, Australia. [lecture].
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (30 June 2017), Voorbij de kloof tussen onderwijsonderzoek en de onderwijspraktijk. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017. Antwerpen. [lecture].
- Hardy I.J., Olin A., Heikkinen H., Jakhelln R., Smit B.H.J. & Tyren L. (2017), The Policy, Politics, Practice and Praxis of Teachers’ Initial and Continuing Learning [in Symposium: The Politics and Practices of Teacher Professional Learning (Part II): Current Policy Conditions in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Australia; chair: Ian Hardy]. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].
- Olin A., Jakhelln R. & Smit B.H.J. (2017), Understanding ‘Research-based educational practice’ in Initial and Continuing Teacher Professional Learning [in Symposium: The Politics and Practices of Teacher Professional Learning (Part II): Current Policy Conditions in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Australia; chair: Ian Hardy]. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].
- Smit B.H.J., Admiraal W.F. & Berry A.K. (2017), ‘Focus on the Learner’ in Teacher Education: PAR as a Strategy to Enable Student Voice in Schools. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].
- Kan C. van, Brouwer P., Smit B.H.J., Spreeuwenberg L., Swet J. van & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Moving Beyond the Research-practice Gap: Impact of Teacher Research on Professional Development and Knowledge Utilization in Schools. ECER 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. [lecture].