Bart Roep
Professor Diabetology, in particular the immunopathology of type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Name
- Prof.dr. B.O. Roep
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 3869
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Dr. Bart O. Roep is Professor of Diabetology, Immunopathology & Intervention and Director of the National Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands and Visiting Professor of the Danish Diabetes Academy. He is also Founding Chair and Professor of Medicine of the Department of Diabetes Immunology, and holds the Chan Soon-Shiong Shapiro Distinguished Chair in Diabetes at the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope in Los Angeles.
Dr. Bart O. Roep is Professor of Diabetology, Immunopathology & Intervention and Director of the National Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands and Visiting Professor of the Danish Diabetes Academy. He is also Founding Chair and Professor of Medicine of the Department of Diabetes Immunology, and holds the Chan Soon-Shiong Shapiro Distinguished Chair in Diabetes at the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope in Los Angeles.
Type 1 diabetes
Dr. Roep’s mission is to understand the cause of type 1 diabetes in humans, and translate this knowledge into innovative strategies for immune intervention therapy aiming at a cure for type 1 diabetes.
Academic career
After studying medical sciences at the University of Amsterdam, he obtained his PhD in medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center. Dr. Roep was postdoc at the University of California in San Francisco in 1990 and 1991, after which he continued his career in the LUMC. In 2016, he joined the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at the Beckman Diabetes Institute and National Medical Center at the City of Hope in Los Angeles to lead the Wanek Family Project to cure type 1 diabetes.
Dr. Roep discovered the role of T cells in diabetes and focused on defining human cellular immune responses, autoantigen identification, and islet transplantation and the design, execution and immunological monitoring of immune intervention strategies in clinical type 1 diabetes and beta-cell replacement therapies, including pioneering trials on tissue-specific tolerance induction, clinical islet transplantation, and gene and stem cell therapy. He is founder and director of the national platform for clinical immune intervention therapy in The Netherlands and published more than 350 original articles on his discoveries. He received many prestigious awards, including the Minkowski Prize, the VICI award and a Fellowship of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Prizes and honourable appointments
- Eli Lilly Diabetes Award 1990-1991
- Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow 1993
- Marie Parijs Prize for Innovative Clinical Research 1999
- Minkowski Prize 2002
- Mary Jane Kugel Research Award, JDRF, New York 2007
- Vici Award ZonMW 2007
- Presidential Lecture, EASD-AIDPIT Society, Igles-Innsbruck, 2010, 2013, 2014
- Dutch Diabetes Patient Society Award 2010
- Corona-Gallina Prize 2011
- JDRF Netherlands Award for T1D Scientific Excellence, 2013
- Gerold & Kayla Grodsky Award 2014
- Elected Member of the Danish Diabetes Academy 2015
- Lifetime Achievement Award from the JDRF Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors 2016
- Poll Visiting Scholar at the University of Washington’s Diabetes Research Center, 2017
- Endowment Chan Soon-Shiong Shapiro Distinguished Chair in Diabetes, 2017
More information
Professor Diabetology, in particular the immunopathology of type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Immunologie
- Roep, B.O.; Wheeler, D.C.S. & Peakman, M. (2019), Antigen-based immune modulation therapy for type 1 diabetes: the era of precision medicine, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 7(1): 65-74.
- Triolo, T.M.; Fouts, A.; Pyle, L.; Yu, L.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Steck, A.K.; Greenbaum, C.J.; Atkinson, M.; Baidal, D.; Battaglia, M.; Becker, D.; Bingley, P.; Bosi, E.; Buckner, J.; Clements, M.; Colman, P.; DiMeglio, L.; Gitelman, S.; Goland, R.; Gottlieb, P.; Goland, R.; Gottlieb, P.; Herold, K.; Knip, M.; Krischer, J.; Lernmark, A.; Moore, W.; Moran, A.; Muir, A.; Palmer, J.; Peakman, M.; Philipson, L.; Raskin, P.; Redondo, M.; Rodriguez, H.; Russell, W.; Spain, L.; Schatz, D.A.; Sosenko, J.; Wentworth, J.; Wherrett, D.; Wilson, D.; Winter, W.; Ziegler, A.; Anderson, M.; Antinozzi, P.; Benoist, C.; Blum, J.; Bourcier, K.; Chase, P.; Clare-Salzler, M.; Clynes, R.; Eisenbarth, G.; Fathman, C.G.; Grave, G.; Hering, B.; Insel, R.; Kaufman, F.; Kay, T.; Leschek, E.; Mahon, J.; Marks, J.B.; Nanto-Salonen, K.; Nepom, G.; Orban, T.; Parkman, R.; Pescovitz, M.; Peyman, J.; Pugliese, A.; Roep, B.; Roncarolo, M.; Savage, P.; Simell, O.; Sherwin, R.; Siegelman, M.; Skyler, J.S.; Steck, A.; Thomas, J.; Trucco, M.; Wagner, J.; Krischer, J.P.; Leschek, E.; Rafkin, L.; Bourcier, K.; Cowie, C.; Foulkes, M.; Insel, R.; Krause-Steinrauf, H.; Lachin, J.M.; Malozowski, S.; Peyman, J.; Ridge, J.; Savage, P.; Skyler, J.S.; Zafonte, S.J.; Rafkin, L.; Sosenko, J.M.; Kenyon, N.S.; Santiago, I.; Krischer, J.P.; Bundy, B.; Abbondondolo, M.; Adams, T.; Amado, D.; Asif, I.; Boonstra, M.; Burroughs, C.; Cuthbertson, D.; Deemer, M.; Eberhard, C.; Fiske, S.; Ford, J.; Garmeson, J.; Guillette, H.; Geyer, S.; Hays, B.; Henderson, C.; Henry, M.; Heyman, K.; Hsiao, B.; Karges, C.; Keaton, N.; Kinderman, A.; Law, P.; Leinbach, A.; Liu, S.; Lloyd, J.; Malloy, J.; Maddox, K.; Martin, J.; Miller, J.; Milliot, E.; Moore, M.; Muller, S.; Nguyen, T.; O'Donnell, R.; Roberts, A.; Sadler, K.; Stavros, T.; Tamura, R.; Wood, K.; Xu, P.; Young, K.; Alies, P.; Badias, F.; Baker, A.; Bassi, M.; Beam, C.; Boulware, D.; Bounmananh, L.; Bream, S.; Freeman, D.; Gough, J.; Ginem, J.; Granger, M.; Kieffer, M.H.M.; Lane, P.; Linton, C.; Nallamshetty, L.; Oduah, V.; Parrimon, Y.; Paulus, K.; Pilger, J.; Ramiro, J.; Ritzie, A.L.; Sharma, A.; Shor, A.; Song, X.; Terry, A.; Weinberger, J.; Wootten, M.; Lachin, J.M.; Foulkes, M.; Harding, P.; Krause-Steinrauf, H.; McDonough, S.; Mcgee, P.F.; Hess, K.O.; Phoebus, D.; Quinlan, S.; Raiden, E.; Batts, E.; Buddy, C.; Kirpatrick, K.; Ramey, M.; Shultz, A.; Webb, C.; Romesco, M.; Fradkin, J.; Leschek, E.; Spain, L.; Savage, P.; Aas, S.; Blumberg, E.; Beck, G.; Brillon, D.; Gubitosi-Klug, R.; Laffel, L.; Vigersky, R.; Wallace, D.; Braun, J.; Lernmark, A.; , B. lo; Mitchell, H.; Naji, A.; Nerup, J.; Orchard, T.; Steffes, M.; Tsiatis, A.; Veatch, R.; Zinman, B.; Loechelt, B.; Baden, L.; Green, M.; Weinberg, A.; Marcovina, S.; Palmer, J.P.; Weinberg, A.; Yu, L.; Babu, S.; Winter, W.; Eisenbarth, G.S.; Bingley, P.; Clynes, R.; DiMeglio, L.; Eisenbarth, G.; Hays, B.; Leschek, E.; Marks, J.; Matheson, D.; Rafkin, L.; Rodriguez, H.; Spain, L.; Wilson, D.; Redondo, M.; Gomez, D.; McDonald, A.; Pena, S.; Pietropaolo, M.; Shippy, K.; Batts, E.; Brown, T.; Buckner, J.; Dove, A.; Hammond, M.; Hefty, D.; Klein, J.; Kuhns, K.; Letlau, M.; Lord, S.; McCulloch-Olson, M.; Miller, L.; Nepom, G.; Odegard, J.; Ramey, M.; Sachter, E.; St Marie, M.; Stickney, K.; VanBuecken, D.; Vellek, B.; Webber, C.; Allen, L.; Bollyk, J.; Hilderman, N.; Ismail, H.; Lamola, S.; Sanda, S.; Vendettuoli, H.; Tridgell, D.; Monzavi, R.; Bock, M.; Fisher, L.; Halvorson, M.; Jeandron, D.; Kim, M.; Wood, J.; Geffner, M.; Kaufman, F.; Parkman, R.; Salazar, C.; Goland, R.; Clynes, R.; Cook, S.; Freeby, M.; Gallagher, M.P.; Gandica, R.; Greenberg, E.; Kurland, A.; Pollak, S.; Wolk, A.; Chan, M.; Koplimae, L.; Levine, E.; Smith, K.; Trast, J.; DiMeglio, L.; Blum, J.; Evans-Molina, C.; Hufferd, R.; Jagielo, B.; Kruse, C.; Patrick, V.; Rigby, M.; Spall, M.; Swinney, K.; Terrell, J.; Christner, L.; Ford, L.; Lynch, S.; Menendez, M.; Merrill, P. & Pesc (2019), Identical and Nonidentical Twins: Risk and Factors Involved in Development of Islet Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 42(2): 192-199.
- Atkinson, M.A.; Roep, B.O.; Posgai, A.; Wheeler, D.C.S. & Peakman, M. (2019), The challenge of modulating beta-cell autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 7(1): 52-64.
- Oram R. A., McDonald T. J., Sabbah S., Bloem S., Shields B., Hill A., Bolt R., Begom S., Khatri L., Tree T., Roep B. O. & Hattersley A. T. (2018), Older age of diagnosis is the major feature of persistent long term endogenous insulin secretion in type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 61: S210-S210.
- Odorico, J.; Markmann, J.; Melton, D.; Greenstein, J.; Hwa, A.; Nostro, C.; Rezania, A.; Oberholzer, J.; Pipeleers, D.; Yang, L.H.; Cowan, C.; Huangfu, D.W.; Egli, D.; Ben-David, U.; Vallier, L.; Grey, S.T.; Tang, Q.Z.; Roep, B.; Ricordi, C.; Naji, A.; Orlando, G.; Anderson, D.G.; Poznansky, M.; Ludwig, B.; Tomei, A.; Greiner, D.L.; Graham, M.; Carpenter, M.; Migliaccio, G.; D'Amour, K.; Hering, B.; Piemonti, L.; Berney, T.; Rickels, M.; Kay, T. & Adams, A. (2018), Report of the Key Opinion Leaders Meeting on Stem Cell-derived Beta Cells, Transplantation 102(8): 1223-1229.
- Balke, E.M.; Demeester, S.; Lee, D.; Gillard, P.; Hilbrands, R.; Velde, U. van de; Auwera, B.J. van der; Ling, Z.D.; Roep, B.O.; Pipeleers, D.G.; Keymeulen, B. & Gorus, F.K. (2018), SLC30A8 polymorphism and BMI complement HLA-A*24 as risk factors for poor graft function in islet allograft recipients, Diabetologia 61(7): 1623-1632.
- James, E.A.; Abreu, J.R.F.; McGinty, J.W.; Odegard, J.M.; Fillie, Y.E.; Hocter, C.N.; Culina, S.; Ladell, K.; Price, D.A.; Alkanani, A.; Rihanek, M.; Fitzgerald-Miller, L.; Skowera, A.; Speake, C.; Gottlieb, P.; Davidson, H.W.; Wong, F.S.; Roep, B.; Mallone, R. & Immunology Diabet Soc T Cell (2018), Combinatorial detection of autoreactive CD8(+) T cells with HLA-A2 multimers: a multi-centre study by the Immunology of Diabetes Society T Cell Workshop, Diabetologia 61(3): 658-670.
- Antvorskov, J.C.; Halldorsson, T.I.; Josefsen, K.; Svensson, J.; Granstrom, C.; Roep, B.O.; Olesen, T.H.; Hrolfsdottir, L.; Buschard, K. & Olsen, S.F. (2018), Association between maternal gluten intake and type 1 diabetes in offspring: national prospective cohort study in Denmark, BMJ 362.
- Megen, K.M. van; van't Wout, E.J.T.; Forman, S.J. & Roep, B.O. (2018), A Future for Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Zaldumbide, A. (2018), Bioluminescent reporter assay for monitoring ER stress in human beta cells, Scientific Reports 8.
- Laban, S.; Suwandi, J.S.; Unen, V. van; Pool, J.; Wesselius, J.; Hollt, T.; Pezzotti, N.; Vilanova, A.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Roep, B.O. (2018), Heterogeneity of circulating CD8 T-cells specific to islet, neo-antigen and virus in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, PLoS ONE 13(8).
- Thomaidou, S.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2018), Islet stress, degradation and autoimmunity, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 20: 88-94.
- Torren, C.R. van der; Zaldumbide, A.; Duinkerken, G.; Brand-Schaaf, S.H.; Peakman, M.; Stange, G.; Martinson, L.; Kroon, E.; Brandon, E.P.; Pipeleers, D. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Immunogenicity of human embryonic stem cell-derived beta cells, Diabetologia 60(1): 126-133.
- Tan, S.L.; Li, Y.; Xia, J.X.; Jin, C.H.; Hu, Z.; Duinkerken, G.; Li, Y.Y.; Maharlooei, M.K.; Chavez, E.; Nauman, G.; Danzl, N.; Nakayama, M.; Roep, B.O.; Sykes, M. & Yang, Y.G. (2017), Type 1 diabetes induction in humanized mice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(41): 10954-10959.
- Suwandi, J.S.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Translating Mechanism of Regulatory Action of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells to Monitoring endpoints in Clinical Trials, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Battaglia, M.; Anderson, M.S.; Buckner, J.H.; Geyer, S.M.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Kay, T.W.H.; Lernmark, A.; Muller, S.; Pugliese, A.; Roep, B.O.; Greenbaum, C.J. & Peakman, M. (2017), Understanding and preventing type 1 diabetes through the unique working model of TrialNet (Pg 2139, Vol 60, 2017), Diabetologia 60(12): 2540-2540.
- Bloem, S.J. & Roep, B.O. (2017), The elusive role of B lymphocytes and islet autoantibodies in (human) type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 60(7): 1185-1189.
- Megen, K.M. van; Spindler, M.P.; Keij, F.M.; Bosch, I.; Sprangers, F.; Royen-Kerkhof, A. van; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Relapsing/remitting type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 60(11): 2252-2255.
- Michels, A.W.; Landry, L.G.; McDaniel, K.A.; Yu, L.P.; Campbell-Thompson, M.; Kwok, W.W.; Jones, K.L.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Kappler, J.W.; Tang, Q.Z.; Roep, B.O.; Atkinson, M.A.; Mathews, C.E. & Nakayama, M. (2017), Islet-Derived CD4 T Cells Targeting Proinsulin in Human Autoimmune Diabetes, Diabetes 66(3): 722-734.
- Malmegrim, K.C.R.; Azevedo, J.T.C. de; Arruda, L.C.M.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Couri, C.E.B.; Oliveira, G.L.V. de; Palma, P.V.B.; Scortegagna, G.T.; Stracieri, A.B.P.L.; Moraes, D.A.; Dias, J.B.E.; Pieroni, F.; Cunha, R.; Guilherme, L.; Santos, N.M.; Foss, M.C.; Covas, D.T.; Burt, R.K.; Simoes, B.P.; Voltarelli, J.C.; Roep, B.O. & Oliveira, M.C. (2017), Immunological Balance Is Associated with Clinical Outcome after Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Greenbaum, C.; Atkinson, M.; Baidal, D.; Battaglia, M.; Bingley, P.; Bosi, E.; Buckner, J.; Clements, M.; Colman, P.; DiMeglio, L.; Evans-Molina, C.; Gitelman, S.; Goland, R.; Gottlieb, P.; Herold, K.; Knip, M.; Krischer, J.; Lernmark, A.; Moore, W.; Moran, A.; Muir, A.; Palmer, J.; Peakman, M.; Philipson, L.; Raskin, P.; Redondo, M.; Rodriguez, H.; Russell, W.; Spain, L.; Schatz, D.A.; Sosenko, J.; Wherrett, D.; Wilson, D.; Winter, W.; Ziegler, A.; Anderson, M.; Antinozzi, P.; Benoist, C.; Blum, J.; Bourcier, K.; Chase, P.; Clare-Salzler, M.; Clynes, R.; Cowie, C.; Eisenbarth, G.; Fathman, C.G.; Grave, G.; Harrison, L.; Hering, B.; Insel, R.; Jordan, S.; Kaufman, F.; Kay, T.; Kenyon, N.; Klines, R.; Lachin, J.; Leschek, E.; Mahon, J.; Marks, J.B.; Monzavi, R.; Nanto-Salonen, K.; Nepom, G.; Orban, T.; Parkman, R.; Pescovitz, M.; Peyman, J.; Pugliese, A.; Ridge, J.; Roep, B.; Roncarolo, M.; Savage, P.; Simell, O.; Sherwin, R.; Siegelman, M.; Skyler, J.S.; Thomas, J.; Trucco, M.; Wagner, J.; Bourcier, K.; Greenbaum, C.J.; Krischer, J.P.; Leschek, E.; Rafkin, L.; Spain, L.; Cowie, C.; Foulkes, M.; Insel, R.; Krause-Steinrauf, H.; Lachin, J.M.; Malozowski, S.; Peyman, J.; Ridge, J.; Savage, P.; Skyler, J.S.; Zafonte, S.J.; Greenbaum, C.J.; Rafkin, L.; Sosenko, J.; Skyler, J.S.; Kenyon, N.S.; Santiago, I.; Krischer, J.P.; Bundy, B.; Abbondondolo, M.; Adams, T.; Asif, D.A.I.; Boonstra, M.; Boulware, D.; Bundy, B.; Burroughs, C.; Cuthbertson, D.; Eberhard, C.; Fiske, S.; Ford, J.; Garmeson, J.; Guillette, H.; Geyer, S.; Hays, B.; Henderson, C.; Henry, M.; Heyman, K.; Hsiao, B.; Karges, C.; Kinderman, A.; Lane, L.; Leinbach, A.; Liu, S.; Lloyd, J.; Malloy, J.; Maddox, K.; Martin, J.; Miller, J.; Moore, M.; Muller, S.; Nguyen, T.; O'Donnell, R.; Parker, M.; Pereyra, M.J.; Reed, N.; Roberts, A.; Sadler, K.; Stavros, T.; Tamura, R.; Wood, K.; Xu, P.; Young, K.; Alies, P.; Badias, F.; Baker, A.; Bassi, M.; Beam, C.; Boulware, D.; Bounmananh, L.; Bream, S.; Deemer, M.; Freeman, D.; Gough, J.; Ginem, J.; Granger, M.; Holloway, M.; Kieffer, M.; Lane, P.; Law, P.; Linton, C.; Nallamshetty, L.; Oduah, V.; Parrimon, Y.; Paulus, K.; Pilger, J.; Ramiro, J.; Ritzie, A.Q.L.; Sharma, A.; Shor, A.; Song, X.H.; Terry, A.; Weinberger, J.; Wootten, M.; Lachin, J.M.; Harding, M.F.P.; Krause-Steinrauf, H.; McDonough, S.; Mcgee, P.F.; Hess, K.O.; Phoebus, D.; Quinlan, S.; Raiden, E.; Fradkin, J.; Leschek, E.; Spain, L.; Cowie, C.; Malozowski, S.; Savage, P.; Beck, G.; Blumberg, E.; Gubitosi-Klug, R.; Laffel, L.; Veatch, R.; Wallace, D.; Braun, J.; Brillon, D.; Lernmark, A.; , B. lo; Mitchell, H.; Naji, A.; Nerup, J.; Orchard, T.; Steffes, M.; Tsiatis, A.; Zinman, B.; Loechelt, B.; Baden, L.; Green, M.; Weinberg, A.; Marcovina, S.; Palmer, J.P.; Weinberg, A.; Yu, L.P.; Winter, W.; Shultz, A.; Batts, E.; Fitzpatrick, K.; Ramey, M.; Guerra, R.; Webb, C.; Caffey, F.; Carr, L.; Ergun-Longmire, B.; Fenton, C.; Giebner, D.; Johnson, J.; Maglionico, D.; Marinelli, M.; Martin, K.; Minnozzi, E.; Riley, W.; Wilson, M.; Gougeon, C.; Ho, J.; Huang, C.; Pacaud, D.; Virtanen, H.; Craig, C.; Ghatak, A.; Henderson, T.; Leyland, H.; Padmore, K.; Paul, P.; Brickman, W.; Halsey-Lyda, M.; Petrie, P.; Rizzo, D.; Steuer, R.; Suchyta, K.; Torchen, L.; Zimmerman, D.; Bode, B.; Dial, M.; Gazaway, K.; Hosey, R.; Alkanani, A.; Barker, J.; Barr, M.; Blau, A.; Burdick, P.; Burke, B.; Chase, H.; Drye, M.; Eisenbarth, G.; Escobar, E.; Fitzgerald-Miller, L.; Fouts, A.; Gage, V.; Gall, E.; Goettle, H.; Gottlieb, P.; Harris, S.; Ketchum, K.; King, M.; Klingensmith, G.; Lehr, D.; Lehr, J.; Lewis, L.; Logsden-Sackett, N.; Lykens, J.; Maahs, D.; Michels, A.; Pelletier, S.; Rihanek, M.; Rodriguez, P.; Schauwecker, A.; Simmons, K.; Smith, J.; Steck, A.; Tran, B.; Tran, T.; Wadwa, P.; Wagner, R.; Wright, H.; Betancourt, J.; Bui, V.; DeSalvo, D.; Gomez, D.; Jake, K.; Lynds, J.; McCartney, T.; McDonald, A.; Pena, S.; Pietropaolo, M.; Redondo, M. & Sh (2017), Effect of Oral Insulin on Prevention of Diabetes in Relatives of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes A Randomized Clinical Trial, Journal of the American Medical Association 318(19): 1891-1902.
- Torren, C.R. van der; Suwandi, J.S.; Lee, D.; van't Wout, E.J.T.; Duinkerken, G.; Swings, G.; Mulder, A.; Claas, F.H.J.; Ling, Z.D.; Gillard, P.; Keymeulen, B.; in't Ved, P. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Identification of Donor Origin and Condition of Transplanted Islets In Situ in the Liver of a Type 1 Diabetic Recipient, Cell Transplantation 26(1): 1-9.
- Groot, P.F. de; Belzer, C.; Aydin, O.; Levin, E.; Levels, J.H.; Aalvink, S.; Boot, F.; Holleman, F.; Raalte, D.H. van; Scheithauer, T.P.; Simsek, S.; Schaap, F.G.; Damink, S.W.M.O.; Roep, B.O.; Hoekstra, J.B.; Vos, W.M. de & Nieuwdorp, M. (2017), Distinct fecal and oral microbiota composition in human type 1 diabetes, an observational study, PLoS ONE 12(12).
- Nikolic, T.; Woittiez, N.J.C.; Slik, A. van der; Laban, S.; Joosten, A.; Gysemans, C.; Mathieu, C.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Koeleman, B. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Differential transcriptome of tolerogenic versus inflammatory dendritic cells points to modulated T1D genetic risk and enriched immune regulation, Genes and Immunity 18(3): 176-183.
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Lummel, M. van; Nikolic, T.; Joosten, A.M.; Laban, S.; Slik, A.R. van der; Veelen, P.A. van; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Autoimmunity against a defective ribosomal insulin gene product in type 1 diabetes, Nature Medicine 23(4): 501-+.
- Battaglia, M.; Anderson, M.S.; Buckner, J.H.; Geyer, S.M.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Kay, T.W.H.; Lernmark, A.; Muller, S.; Pugliese, A.; Roep, B.O.; Greenbaum, C.J. & Peakman, M. (2017), Understanding and preventing type 1 diabetes through the unique working model of TrialNet, Diabetologia 60(11): 2139-2147.
- Demeester, S.; Balke, E.M.; Auwera, B.J. van der; Gillard, P.; Hilbrands, R.; Lee, D.; Velde, U. van de; Ling, Z.D.; Roep, B.O.; Pipeleers, D.G.; Gorus, F.K. & Keymeulen, B. (2016), HLA-A*24 Carrier Status and Autoantibody Surges Posttransplantation Associate With Poor Functional Outcome in Recipients of an Islet Allograft, Diabetes Care 39(6): 1060-1064.
- Torren, C.R. van der; Zaldumbide, A.; Roelen, D.L.; Duinkerken, G.; Brand-Schaaf, S.H.; Peakman, M.; Czernichow, P.; Ravassard, P.; Scharfmann, R. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Innate and adaptive immunity to human beta cell lines: implications for beta cell therapy, Diabetologia 59(1): 170-175.
- Roep, B.O. (2016), Insulitis Revisited, Diabetes 65(3): 545-547.
- Marchand, L.; Nicolino, M.; Fablen, N.; Roep, B.O. & Thivolet, C. (2016), Multiple autoantibodies at onset do not accurately predict long-term pancreatic beta-cell fate in a 13-year-old obese child with immediate insulin-requiring diabetes, Diabetes and Metabolism 42(1): 69-70.
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Neoantigens and Microenvironment in Type 1 Diabetes: Lessons from Antitumor Immunity, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 27(6): 353-362.
- Torren, C.R. van der; Stuart, A.A.V.; Lee, D.; Meerding, J.; Velde, U. van de; Pipeleers, D.; Gillard, P.; Keymeulen, B.; Jager, W. de & Roep, B.O. (2016), Serum Cytokines as Biomarkers in Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes, PLoS ONE 11(1).
- Jong, V.M. de; Silk, A.R. van der; Laban, S.; Slot, R. van 't; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Survival of autoreactive T lymphocytes by microRNA-mediated regulation of apoptosis through TRAIL and Fas in type 1 diabetes, Genes and Immunity 17(6): 342-348.
- Jong, V.M. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Slik, A.R. van der; Laban, S.; Koeleman, B.P.C. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Variation in the CTLA4 3 ' UTR has phenotypic consequences for autoreactive T cells and associates with genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, Genes and Immunity 17(1): 75-78.
- McLaughlin, R.J.; Spindler, M.P.; Lummel, M. van & Roep, B.O. (2016), Where, How, and When: Positioning Posttranslational Modification Within Type 1 Diabetes Pathogenesis, Current Diabetes Reports 16(7).
- Finken, M.J.J.; Schrevel, M.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Dekker, F.W.; Koeleman, B.P.; Roep, B.O. & Wit, J.M. (2016), Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and growth until adulthood after very premature birth, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 34(5): 564-570.
- McLaughlin, R.J.; Haan, A. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Koning, E.J. de; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Lummel, M. van & Roep, B.O. (2016), Human islets and dendritic cells generate post-translationally modified islet autoantigens, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 185(2): 133-140.
- Lummel, M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Ru, A.H. de; Janssen, G.M.C.; Pool, J.; Laban, S.; Joosten, A.M.; Nikolic, T.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Aanstoot, H.J.; Peakman, M. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Dendritic Cells Guide Islet Autoimmunity through a Restricted and Uniquely Processed Peptidome Presented by High-Risk HLA-DR, Journal of Immunology 196(8): 3253-3263.
- Roep, B.O.; Kracht, M.J.L.; Lummel, M. van & Zaldumbide, A. (2016), A roadmap of the generation of neoantigens as targets of the immune system in type 1 diabetes, Current Opinion in Immunology 43: 67-73.
- Lummel, M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Ru, A.H. de; Pool, J.; Nikolic, T.; Laban, S.; Joosten, A.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Gomez-Tourino, I.; Arif, S.; Aanstoot, H.J.; Peakman, M. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Discovery of a Selective Islet Peptidome Presented by the Highest-Risk HLA-DQ8trans Molecule, Diabetes 65(3): 732-741.
- Suwandi, J.S.; Toes, R.E.M.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2015), Inducing tissue specific tolerance in autoimmune disease with tolerogenic dendritic cells, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 33(4): S97-S103.
- Hoelen, H.; Zaldumbide, A.; Leeuwen, W.F. van; Torfs, E.C.W.; Engelse, M.A.; Hassan, C.; Lebbink, R.J.; Koning, E.J. de; Resssing, M.E.; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Wiertz, E.J.H.J. (2015), Proteasomal Degradation of Proinsulin Requires Derlin-2, HRD1 and p97, PLoS ONE 10(6).
- Gibson, V.B.; Nikolic, T.; Pearce, V.Q.; Demengeot, J.; Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2015), Proinsulin multi-peptide immunotherapy induces antigen-specific regulatory T cells and limits autoimmunity in a humanized model, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 182(3): 251-260.
- Beringer, D.X.; Kleijwegt, F.S.; Wiede, F.; Slik, A.R. van der; Loh, K.L.; Petersen, J.; Dudek, N.L.; Duinkerken, G.; Laban, S.; Joosten, A.; Vivian, J.P.; Chen, Z.J.; Uldrich, A.P.; Godfrey, D.I.; McCluskey, J.; Price, D.A.; Radford, K.J.; Purcell, A.W.; Nikolic, T.; Reid, H.H.; Tiganis, T.; Roep, B.O. & Rossjohn, J. (2015), T cell receptor reversed polarity recognition of a self-antigen major histocompatibility complex, Nature Immunology 16(11): 1153-1161.
- Woittiez, N.J.C. & Roep, B.O. (2015), Impact of disease heterogeneity on treatment efficacy of immunotherapy in Type 1 diabetes: different shades of gray, Immunotherapy 7(2): 163-174.
- Babad, J.; Mukherjee, G.; Follenzi, A.; Ali, R.; Roep, B.O.; Shultz, L.D.; Santamaria, P.; Yang, O.O.; Goldstein, H.; Greiner, D.L. & DiLorenzo, T.P. (2015), Generation of beta cell-specific human cytotoxic T cells by lentiviral transduction and their survival in immunodeficient human leucocyte antigen-transgenic mice, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 179(3): 398-413.
- Maziarz, M.; Hagopian, W.; Palmer, J.P.; Sanjeevi, C.B.; Kockum, I.; Breslow, N.; Lernmark, A.; Swedish Childhood Diabet Register; Diabet Incidence Sweden Study Grp & T1DGC (2015), Non-HLA type 1 diabetes genes modulate disease risk together with HLA-DQ and islet autoantibodies, Genes and Immunity 16(8): 541-551.
- Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Romanos, J.; Bakker, S.F.; Kumar, V.; Haas, E.C. de; Trynka, G.; Ricano-Ponce, I.; Steck, A.; Chen, W.M.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Simsek, S.; Rewers, M.; Mulder, C.J.; Liu, E.; Rich, S.S.; Wijmenga, C. & Type 1 Diabet Genetics Consortium (2015), Contrasting the Genetic Background of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease Autoimmunity, Diabetes Care 38: S37-S44.
- Brorsson, C.A.; Pociot, F. & Type 1 Diabet Genetics Consortium (2015), Shared Genetic Basis for Type 1 Diabetes, Islet Autoantibodies, and Autoantibodies Associated With Other Immune-Mediated Diseases in Families With Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 38: S8-S13.
- Brorsson, C.A.; Onengut, S.; Chen, W.M.; Wenzlau, J.; Yu, L.P.; Baker, P.; Williams, A.J.K.; Bingley, P.J.; Hutton, J.C.; Eisenbarth, G.S.; Concannon, P.; Rich, S.S.; Pociot, F. & Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortiu (2015), Novel Association Between Immune-Mediated Susceptibility Loci and Persistent Autoantibody Positivity in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes 64(8): 3017-3027.
- Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Chen, W.M.; Burren, O.; Cooper, N.J.; Quinlan, A.R.; Mychaleckyj, J.C.; Farber, E.; Bonnie, J.K.; Szpak, M.; Schofield, E.; Achuthan, P.; Guo, H.; Fortune, M.D.; Stevens, H.; Walker, N.M.; Ward, L.D.; Kundaje, A.; Kellis, M.; Daly, M.J.; Barrett, J.C.; Cooper, J.D.; Deloukas, P.; Todd, J.A.; Wallace, C.; Concannon, P.; Rich, S.S. & Type 1 Diabet Genetics Consortium (2015), Fine mapping of type 1 diabetes susceptibility loci and evidence for colocalization of causal variants with lymphoid gene enhancers, Nature Genetics 47(4): 381-U199.
- Roep, B.O. & Tree, T.I.M. (2014), Immune modulation in humans: implications for type 1 diabetes mellitus, Nature Reviews Endocrinology 10(4): 229-242.
- Lummel, M. van; Duinkerken, G.; Veelen, P.A. van; Ru, A. de; Cordfunke, R.; Zaldumbide, A.; Gomez-Tourino, I.; Arif, S.; Peakman, M.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Roep, B.O. (2014), Posttranslational Modification of HLA-DQ Binding Islet Autoantigens in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes 63(1): 237-247.
- Janetzki, S.; Britten, C.M.; Davis, M.M.; Hoos, A.; Huber, C.; Kalos, M.; Levitsky, H.I.; Maecker, H.T.; Melief, C.J.M.; O'Donnell-Tormey, J.; Odunsi, K.; Old, L.; Ottensmeier, C.; Roep, B.O.; Romero, P.; Burg, S. van der; Walter, S. & MIATA Core Team (2014), The role of the reporting framework MIATA within current efforts to advance immune monitoring, Journal of Immunological Methods 409: 6-8.
- Kleijwegt, F.S.; Jansen, D.T.S.L.; Teeler, J.; Joosten, A.M.; Laban, S.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Tolerogenic dendritic cells impede priming of naïve CD8(+) T cells and deplete memory CD8(+) T cells., European Journal of Immunology 43(1): 85-92.
- Jong, V.M. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Slik, A.R. van der; Persengiev, S.P.; Roep, B.O. & Koeleman, B.P.C. (2013), Post-transcriptional control of candidate risk genes for type 1 diabetes by rare genetic variants., Genes and Immunity 14(1): 58-61.
- Roep, B.O. (2013), beta-Cells, Autoimmunity, and the Innate Immune System: "un Menage a Trois"?, Diabetes 62(6): 1821-1822.
- Kleijwegt, F.S. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Infectious Tolerance as Candidate Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes: Transfer of Immunoregulatory Properties from Human Regulatory T Cells to Other T Cells and Proinflammatory Dendritic Cells, Critical Reviews in Immunology 33(5): 415-434.
- Jong, V.M. de; Abreu, J.R.F.; Stuart, A.A.V.; Slik, A.R. van der; Verhaeghen, K.; Engelse, M.A.; Blom, B.; Staal, F.J.T.; Gorus, F.K. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Alternative splicing and differential expression of the islet autoantigen IGRP between pancreas and thymus contributes to immunogenicity of pancreatic islets but not diabetogenicity in humans., Diabetologia.
- Hilbrands, R.; Gillard, P.; Torren, C.R. van der; Ling, Z.D.; Verheyden, S.; Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen, D.; Roep, B.O.; Claas, F.H.J.; Demanet, C.; Gorus, F.K.; Pipeleers, D. & Keymeulen, B. (2013), Predictive Factors of Allosensitization After Immunosuppressant Withdrawal in Recipients of Long-Term Cultured Islet Cell Grafts, Transplantation 96(2): 162-169.
- Abreu, J.R.F. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Immune Monitoring of Islet and Pancreas Transplant Recipients, Current Diabetes Reports 13(5): 704-712.
- Zaldumbide, A.; Alkemade, G.; Carlotti, F.; Nikolic, T.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Engelse, M.A.; Skowera, A.; Koning, E.J. de; Peakman, M.; Roep, B.O.; Hoeben, R.C. & Wiertz, E.J.H.J. (2013), Genetically Engineered Human Islets Protected From CD8-mediated Autoimmune Destruction In Vivo, Molecular Therapy 21(8): 1592-1601.
- Lummel, M. van; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Changing faces, unmasking the beta-cell: post-translational modification of antigens in type 1 diabetes, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 20(4): 299-306.
- Torren, C. van der; Duinkerken, G.; Czernichow, P.; Ravassard, P.; Scharfmann, R. & Roep, B. (2013), Human Beta-Cell Lines as Tools to Study Immune Protection Strategies in Diabetes, Transplantation 96(6): S62-S62.
- Roep, B.O. (2013), Immune intervention therapy in type 1 diabetes: safety first, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 1(4): 263-265.
- Kleijwegt, F.S.; Jansen, D.T.S.L.; Teeler, J.; Joosten, A.M.; Laban, S.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Tolerogenic dendritic cells impede priming of naive CD8+T cells and deplete memory CD8+T cells, European Journal of Immunology 43(1): 85-92.
- Ringers, J.; Torren, C.R. van der; Linde, P. van de; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Mallat, M.J.K.; Bonifacio, E.; Roep, B.O. & Fijter, J.W. de (2013), Pretransplantation GAD-Autoantibody Status to Guide Prophylactic Antibody Induction Therapy in Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation, Transplantation 96(8): 745-752.
- Alkemade, G.M.; Clemente-Casares, X.; Yu, Z.G.; Xu, B.Y.; Wang, J.G.; Tsai, S.; Wright, J.R.; Roep, B.O. & Santamaria, P. (2013), Local Autoantigen Expression as Essential Gatekeeper of Memory T-Cell Recruitment to Islet Grafts in Diabetic Hosts, Diabetes 62(3): 905-911.
- Kuijk, L.M.; Verstege, M.I.; Rekers, N.V.; Bruijns, S.C.; Hooijberg, E.; Roep, B.O.; Gruijl, T.D. de; Kooyk, Y. van & Unger, W.W.J. (2013), Notch controls generation and function of human effector CD8(+) T cells, Blood 121(14): 2638-2646.
- Jong, V.M. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Slik, A.R. van der; Persengiev, S.P.; Roep, B.O. & Koeleman, B.P.C. (2013), Post-transcriptional control of candidate risk genes for type 1 diabetes by rare genetic variants, Genes and Immunity 14(1): 58-61.
- Herrath, M. von; Peakman, M. & Roep, B. (2013), Progress in immune-based therapies for type 1 diabetes, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 172(2): 186-202.
- Abreu, J.R.F. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Targeting proinsulin-reactive CD8+T cells: a new direction for Type 1 diabetes treatment, Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 9(11): 1001-1003.
- Roep, B.O.; Solvason, N.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Harrison, L.C.; Eisenbarth, G.S.; Yu, L.P.; Leviten, M.; Hagopian, W.A.; Buse, J.B.; Herrath, M. von; Quan, J.; King, R.S.; Robinson, W.H.; Utz, P.J.; Garren, H.; Steinman, L. & BHT-3021 Investigators (2013), Plasmid-Encoded Proinsulin Preserves C-Peptide While Specifically Reducing Proinsulin-Specific CD8(+) T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes, Science Translational Medicine 5(191).
- Mallone, R. & Roep, B.O. (2013), Biomarkers for immune intervention trials in type 1 diabetes, Clinical Immunology 149(3): 286-296.
- Roep, B.; Buckner, J.; Sawcer, S.; Toes, R. & Zipp, F. (2012), The problems and promises of research into human immunology and autoimmune disease., Nature Medicine 18(1): 48-53.
- Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Ridder, M.A.J. de; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Veeze, H.J.; Bruining, G.J.; Roep, B.O. & Koeleman, B.P.C. (2012), Genetic correlates of early accelerated infant growth associated with juvenile-onset type 1 diabetes, Pediatric Diabetes 13(3): 266-271.
- Zaldumbide, A.; Carlotti, F.; Goncalves, M.A.; Knaan-Shanzer, S.; Cramer, S.J.; Roep, B.O.; Wiertz, E.J.H.J. & Hoeben, R.C. (2012), Adenoviral Vectors Stimulate Glucagon Transcription in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Expressing Pancreatic Transcription Factors, PLoS ONE 7(10): -.
- Abreu, J.R.F.; Martina, S.; Stuart, A.A.V.; Fillie, Y.E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Roep, B.O. (2012), CD8 T cell autoreactivity to preproinsulin epitopes with very low human leucocyte antigen class I binding affinity, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 170(1): 57-65.
- Cooper, J.D.; Howson, J.M.M.; Smyth, D.; Walker, N.M.; Stevens, H.; Yang, J.H.M.; She, J.X.; Eisenbarth, G.S.; Rewers, M.; Todd, J.A.; Akolkar, B.; Concannon, P.; Erlich, H.A.; Julier, C.; Morahan, G.; Nerup, J.; Nierras, C.; Pociot, F.; Rich, S.S. & Type 1 Diabet Genetics Consortium (2012), Confirmation of novel type 1 diabetes risk loci in families, Diabetologia 55(4): 996-1000.
- Unger, W.W.J.; Pearson, T.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Laban, S.; Slik, A.R. van der; Mulder-van der Kracht, S.; Kester, M.G.D.; Serreze, D.V.; Shultz, L.D.; Griffioen, M.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Greiner, D.L. & Roep, B.O. (2012), Islet-specific CTL cloned from a type 1 diabetes patient cause beta-cell destruction after engraftment into HLA-A2 transgenic NOD/scid/IL2RG null mice., PLoS ONE 7(11): e49213.
- Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2012), Antigen targets of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity., Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 2(4): a007781.
- van der Torren CR & Roep BO (2012), [Immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1)].
- Roep, B.; Buckner, J.; Sawcer, S.; Toes, R. & Zipp, F. (2012), The problems and promises of research into human immunology and autoimmune disease, Nature Medicine 18(1): 48-53.
- Huurman, V.A.L.; Torren, C.R. van der; Gillard, P.; Hilbrands, R.; Meer-Prins, E.P.M.W. van der; Duinkerken, G.; Gorus, F.K.; Claas, F.H.J.; Keymeulen, B.; Roelen, D.L.; Pipeleers, D.G.; Roep, B.O. & JDRF Ctr Beta Cell Therapy Diabet (2012), Immune responses against islet allografts during tapering of immunosuppression--a pilot study in 5 subjects., Clinical and Experimental Immunology 169(2): 190-8.
- Woude, D. van der; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Morgan, A.; Worthington, J.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Roep, B.O.; Toes, R.M. & Vries, R.R.P. de (2012), THE CONTRIBUTION OF GENETIC RISK FACTORS OTHER THAN THE HLA SHARED EPITOPE ALLELES TO THE GENETIC VARIANCE OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71: A52-A52.
- Huurman, V.A.L.; Torren, C.R. van der; Gillard, P.; Hilbrands, R.; Meer-Prins, E.P.M.W. van der; Duinkerken, G.; Gorus, F.K.; Claas, F.H.J.; Keymeulen, B.; Roelen, D.L.; Pipeleers, D.G.; Roep, B.O. & JDRF Ctr Beta Cell Therapy Diabet (2012), Immune responses against islet allografts during tapering of immunosuppression - a pilot study in 5 subjects, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 169(2): 190-198.
- Kaas, A.; Pfleger, C.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Schloot, N.C.; Hansen, L.; Buschard, K.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Roep, B.O.; Mortensen, H.B.; Alizadeh, B.Z. & Hvidoere Study Grp Childhood (2012), Association between age, IL-10, IFN gamma, stimulated C-peptide and disease progression in children with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes.
- Britten, C.M.; Janetzki, S.; Butterfield, L.H.; Ferrari, G.; Gouttefangeas, C.; Huber, C.; Kalos, M.; Levitsky, H.I.; Maecker, H.T.; Melief, C.J.M.; O'Donnell-Tormey, J.; Odunsi, K.; Old, L.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Ottensmeier, C.; Pawelec, G.; Roederer, M.; Roep, B.O.; Romero, P.; Burg, S.H. van der; Walter, S.; Hoos, A. & Davis, M.M. (2012), T Cell Assays and MIATA: The Essential Minimum for Maximum Impact, Immunity 37(1): 1-2.
- Howson, J.M.M.; Cooper, J.D.; Smyth, D.J.; Walker, N.M.; Stevens, H.; She, J.X.; Eisenbarth, G.S.; Rewers, M.; Todd, J.A.; Akolkar, B.; Concannon, P.; Erlich, H.A.; Julier, C.; Morahan, G.; Nerup, J.; Nierras, C.; Pociot, F.; Rich, S.S. & Type 1 Diabet Genetics Consortium (2012), Evidence of Gene-Gene Interaction and Age-at-Diagnosis Effects in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes 61(11): 3012-3017.
- Ferreira, G.B.; Kleijwegt, F.S.; Waelkens, E.; Lage, K.; Nikolic, T.; Hansen, D.A.; Workman, C.T.; Roep, B.O.; Overbergh, L. & Mathieu, C. (2012), Differential Protein Pathways in 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D-3 and Dexamethasone Modulated Tolerogenic Human Dendritic Cells, Journal of Proteome Research 11(2): 941-971.
- Coppieters, K.T.; Dotta, F.; Amirian, N.; Campbell, P.D.; Kay, T.W.H.; Atkinson, M.A.; Roep, B.O. & Herrath, M.G. von (2012), Demonstration of islet-autoreactive CD8 T cells in insulitic lesions from recent onset and long-term type 1 diabetes patients.
- Lummel, M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Zaldumbide, A.; Ru, A. de; Janssen, G.M.C.; Moustakas, A.K.; Papadopoulos, G.K.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Roep, B.O. & Koning, F. (2012), Type 1 Diabetes-associated HLA-DQ8 Transdimer Accommodates a Unique Peptide Repertoire, Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(12): 9514-9524.
- Kleijwegt, F.S.; Laban, S.; Duinkerken, G.; Joosten, A.M.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Transfer of Regulatory Properties from Tolerogenic to Proinflammatory Dendritic Cells via Induced Autoreactive Regulatory T Cells, Journal of Immunology 187(12): 6357-6364.
- Euser, A.M.; Finken, M.J.J.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Roep, B.O.; Meulenbelt, I.; Dekker, F.W. & Wit, J.M. (2011), IGF1 Promoter Polymorphism and Cranial Growth in Individuals Born Very Preterm, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 76(1): 27-34.
- Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2011), Diabetogenic T lymphocytes in human Type 1 diabetes, Current Opinion in Immunology 23(6): 746-753.
- Michels, A.W.; Ostrov, D.A.; Zhang, L.; Nakayama, M.; Fuse, M.; McDaniel, K.; Roep, B.O.; Gottlieb, P.A.; Atkinson, M.A. & Eisenbarth, G.S. (2011), Structure-Based Selection of Small Molecules To Alter Allele-Specific MHC Class II Antigen Presentation, Journal of Immunology 187(11): 5921-5930.
- Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2011), Diabetogenic T lymphocytes in human Type 1 diabetes.
- Titulaer, M.J.; Maddison, P.; Sont, J.K.; Wirtz, P.W.; Hilton-Jones, D.; Klooster, R.; Willcox, N.; Potman, M.; Smitt, P.A.E.S.; Kuks, J.B.M.; Roep, B.O.; Vincent, A.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dijk, J.G. van; Lang, B. & Verschuuren, J.J.G.M. (2011), Clinical Dutch-English Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) Tumor Association Prediction Score Accurately Predicts Small-Cell Lung Cancer in the LEMS., Journal of Clinical Oncology 29(7): 902-8.
- Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Lummel, M. van; Moustakas, A.K.; Schweizer, J.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.J.; Roep, B.O.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Papadopoulos, G.K.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2011), Gluten-Specific T Cells Cross-React between HLA-DQ8 and the HLA-DQ2 alpha/DQ8 beta Transdimer, Journal of Immunology 187(10): 5123-5129.
- Coppieters, K.T.; Roep, B.O. & Herrath, M.G. von (2011), Beta cells under attack: toward a better understanding of type 1 diabetes immunopathology, Seminars in Immunopathology 33(1): 1-7.
- Eerligh, P.; Lummel, M. van; Zaldumbide, A.; Moustakas, A.K.; Duinkerken, G.; Bondinas, G.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Papadopoulos, G.K. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Functional consequences of HLA-DQ8 homozygosity versus heterozygosity for islet autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes, Genes and Immunity 12(6): 415-427.
- Roep, B.O. (2011), New hope for immune intervention therapy in type 1 diabetes, Lancet 378(9789): 376-378.
- Unger, W.W.; Velthuis, J.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Laban, S.; Quinten, E.; Kester, M.G.D.; Reker-Hadrup, S.; Bakker, A.H.; Duinkerken, G.; Mulder, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Hilbrands, R.; Keymeulen, B.; Peakman, M.; Ossendorp, F.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Schumacher, T.N. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Discovery of low-affinity preproinsulin epitopes and detection of autoreactive CD8 T-cells using combinatorial MHC multimers, Journal of Autoimmunity 37(3): 151-159.
- Alkemade, G.M.; Hilbrands, R.; Vandemeulebroucke, E.; Pipeleers, D.; Waldmann, H.; Mathieu, C.; Keymeulen, B. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Preservation of recall immunity in anti-CD3-treated recent onset type 1 diabetes patients., Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 27(8): 925-7.
- Kleijwegt, F.S.; Laban, S.; Duinkerken, G.; Joosten, A.M.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Transfer of regulatory properties from tolerogenic to proinflammatory dendritic cells via induced autoreactive regulatory T cells.
- Kaas, A.; Pfleger, C.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Schloot, N.C.; Hansen, L.; Buschard, K.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Roep, B.O.; Mortensen, H.B.; Alizadeh, B.Z. & Hvidoere Study Grp Childhood (2011), Association between age, IL-10, IFNγ, stimulated C-peptide and disease progression in children with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes., Diabetic Medicine.
- Lummel, M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Zaldumbide, A.; Ru, A. de; Janssen, G.M.C.; Moustakas, A.K.; Papadopoulos, G.K.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Roep, B.O. & Koning, F. (2011), The type 1 diabetes associated HLA-DQ8-trans dimer accomodates a unique peptide repertoire., Journal of Biological Chemistry.
- Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Lummel, M. van; Moustakas, A.K.; Schweizer, J.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.J.; Roep, B.O.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Papadopoulos, G.K.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2011), Gluten-specific T cells cross-react between HLA-DQ8 and the HLA-DQ2α/DQ8β transdimer.
- Eerligh, P.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Lie, B.A.; Roep, B.O. & Thorsby, E. (2011), No extreme genetic risk for type 1 diabetes among DR3/4-DQ8 siblings sharing both extended HLA haplotypes with their diabetic proband, Tissue Antigens 77(4): 338-340.
- Eerligh, P.; Lummel, M. van; Zaldumbide, A.; Moustakas, A.K.; Duinkerken, G.; Bondinas, G.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Papadopoulos, G.K. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Functional consequences of HLA-DQ8 homozygosity versus heterozygosity for islet autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes., Genes and Immunity 12(6): 415-27.
- Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Ridder, M.A.J. de; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Veeze, H.J.; Bruining, G.J.; Roep, B.O. & Koeleman, B.P.C. (2011), Genetic correlates of early accelerated infant growth associated with juvenile-onset type 1 diabetes., Pediatric Diabetes.
- Mehers, K.L.; Long, A.E.; Slik, A.R. van der; Aitken, R.J.; Nathwani, V.; Wong, F.S.; Bain, S.; Gill, G.; Roep, B.O.; Bingley, P.J. & Gillespie, K.M. (2011), An increased frequency of NK cell receptor and HLA-C group 1 combinations in early-onset type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 54(12): 3062-3070.
- Alkemade, G.M.; Hilbrands, R.; Vandemeulebroucke, E.; Pipeleers, D.; Waldmann, H.; Mathieu, C.; Keymeulen, B. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Preservation of recall immunity in anti-CD3-treated recent onset type 1 diabetes patients.
- Buschard, K.; Hansen, A.K.; Jensen, K.; Lindenbergh-Kortleve, D.J.; Ruiter, L.F. de; Krohn, T.C.; Hufeldt, M.R.; Vogensen, F.K.; Aasted, B.; Osterbye, T.; Roep, B.O.; Haar, C. de & Nieuwenhuis, E.E. (2011), Alcohol Facilitates CD1d Loading, Subsequent Activation of NKT Cells, and Reduces the Incidence of Diabetes in NOD Mice, PLoS ONE 6(4): -.
- Britten, C.M.; Janetzki, S.; Burg, S.H. van der; Huber, C.; Kalos, M.; Levitsky, H.I.; Maecker, H.T.; Melief, C.J.M.; O'Donnell-Tormey, J.; Odunsi, K.; Old, L.J.; Pawelec, G.; Roep, B.O.; Romero, P.; Hoos, A. & Davis, M.M. (2011), Minimal information about T cell assays: the process of reaching the community of T cell immunologists in cancer and beyond, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60(1): 15-22.
- Roep, B.O. (2011), New hope for immune intervention therapy in type 1 diabetes.
- Unger, W.W.; Velthuis, J.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Laban, S.; Quinten, E.; Kester, M.G.D.; Reker-Hadrup, S.; Bakker, A.H.; Duinkerken, G.; Mulder, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Hilbrands, R.; Keymeulen, B.; Peakman, M.; Ossendorp, F.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Schumacher, T.N. & Roep, B.O. (2011), Discovery of low-affinity preproinsulin epitopes and detection of autoreactive CD8 T-cells using combinatorial MHC multimers., Journal of Autoimmunity 37(3): 151-9.
- Kurreeman, F.A.S.; Goulielmos, G.N.; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Rueda, B.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.; Sanchez, E.; Bevova, M.; Radstake, T.R.; Vonk, M.C.; Galanakis, E.; Ortego, N.; Verduyn, W.; Zervou, M.I.; Roep, B.O.; Dema, B.; Espino, L.; Urcelay, E.; Boumpas, D.T.; Berg, L.H. van den; Wijmenga, C.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Toes, R.E.M.; Martin, J.; AADEA Grp & SLEGEN Consortium (2010), The TRAF1-C5 region on chromosome 9q33 is associated with multiple autoimmune diseases, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 696-699.
- Woude, D. van der; Lie, B.A.; Lundstrom, E.; Balsa, A.; Feitsma, A.L.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Verduijn, W.; Nordang, G.B.N.; Alfredsson, L.; Klareskog, L.; Pascual-Salcedo, D.; Gonzalez-Gay, M.A.; Lopez-Nevot, M.A.; Valero, F.; Roep, B.O.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kvien, T.K.; Martin, J.; Padyukov, L.; Vries, R.R.P. de & Toes, R.E.M. (2010), Protection Against Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody-Positive Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Predominantly Associated With HLA-DRB1*1301 A Meta-Analysis of HLA-DRB1 Associations With Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody-Positive and Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody-Negative Rheumatoid Arthritis in Four European Populations, Arthritis and Rheumatism 62(5): 1236-1245.
- Roep, B.O.; Kleijwegt, F.S.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Bonato, V.; Boggi, U.; Vendrame, F.; Marchetti, P. & Dotta, F. (2010), Islet inflammation and CXCL10 in recent-onset type 1 diabetes, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 159(3): 338-343.
- Velthuis, J.H.; Unger, W.W.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Duinkerken, G.; Franken, K.; Peakman, M.; Bakker, A.H.; Reker-Hadrup, S.; Keymeulen, B.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Schumacher, T.N. & Roep, B.O. (2010), Simultaneous detection of circulating autoreactive CD8+ T-cells specific for different islet cell-associated epitopes using combinatorial MHC multimers.
- Woude, D. van der; Lie, B.A.; Lundstrom, E.; Balsa, A.; Feitsma, A.L.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Verduijn, W.; Nordang, G.B.N.; Alfredsson, L.; Klareskog, L.; Pascual-Salcedo, D.; Gonzalez-Gay, M.A.; Lopez-Nevot, M.A.; Valero, F.; Roep, B.O.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Kvien, T.K.; Martin, J.; Padyukov, L.; Vries, R.R.P. de & Toes, R.E.M. (2010), Protection against anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive rheumatoid arthritis is predominantly associated with HLA-DRB1*1301: a meta-analysis of HLA-DRB1 associations with anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive and anti-citrullinated protein antibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis in four European populations., Arthritis and Rheumatism 62(5): 1236-45.
- Skowera, A.; Arif, S.; Zaremba, A.; Dayan, C.; Roep, B.; Sewell, A. & Peakman, M. (2010), Direct ex vivo Enumeration of CD8 T Cells Specific for beta-cell Autoantigens by Peptide-HLA Multimers in Type 1 Diabetes, Clinical Immunology 135: S21S21.
- Tree, T.I.M.; Lawson, J.; Edwards, H.; Skowera, A.; Arif, S.; Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2010), Naturally Arising Human CD4 T-Cells That Recognize Islet Autoantigens and Secrete Interleukin-10 Regulate Proinflammatory T-Cell Responses via Linked Suppression, Diabetes 59(6): 1451-1460.
- Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Ridder, M.A.J. de; Roep, B.O.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Bruining, G.J. & Veeze, H.J. (2010), Revisiting infant growth prior to childhood onset type 1 diabetes, Clinical Endocrinology 72(5): 620-624.
- Velthuis, J.H.; Unger, W.W.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Duinkerken, G.; Franken, K.; Peakman, M.; Bakker, A.H.; Reker-Hadrup, S.; Keymeulen, B.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Schumacher, T.N. & Roep, B.O. (2010), Simultaneous Detection of Circulating Autoreactive CD8(+) T-Cells Specific for Different Islet Cell-Associated Epitopes Using Combinatorial MHC Multimers, Diabetes 59(7): 1721-1730.
- Roep, B.O. & Peakman, M. (2010), Surrogate end points in the design of immunotherapy trials: emerging lessons from type 1 diabetes, Nature Reviews Immunology 10(2): 145-152.
- Kurreeman, F.A.S.; Goulielmos, G.N.; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Rueda, B.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.; Sanchez, E.; Bevova, M.; Radstake, T.R.; Vonk, M.C.; Galanakis, E.; Ortego, N.; Verduyn, W.; Zervou, M.I.; Roep, B.O.; Dema, B.; Espino, L.; Urcelay, E.; Boumpas, D.T.; Berg, L.H. van den; Wijmenga, C.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Toes, R.E.M.; Martin, J.; AADEA Grp & SLEGEN Consortium (2010), The TRAF1-C5 region on chromosome 9q33 is associated with multiple autoimmune diseases., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(4): 696-699.
- Kleijwegt, F.S.; Laban, S.; Duinkerken, G.; Joosten, A.M.; Zaldumbide, A.; Nikolic, T. & Roep, B.O. (2010), Critical Role for TNF in the Induction of Human Antigen-Specific Regulatory T Cells by Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells, Journal of Immunology 185(3): 1412-1418.
- Eerligh, P.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Lie, B.A.; Roep, B.O. & Thorsby, E. (2010), No confirmation of extreme genetic risk for type 1 diabetes (T1D) in DR3/4-DQ8 siblings sharing both extended HLA haplotypes with their diabetic proband, Tissue Antigens 75(5): 620-620.
- Persengiev, S.; Koeleman, B.P.C.; Downes, K.; Valdigem, G.; Slik, A.R. van der; Eerligh, P.; Monsuur, A.; Bruining, G.J.; Wijmenga, C.; Todd, J.A.; Roep, B.O. & Alizadeh, B.Z. (2010), Association analysis of myosin IXB and type 1 diabetes, Human Immunology 71(6): 598-601.
- Kaas, A.; Pfleger, C.; Hansen, L.; Buschard, K.; Schloot, N.C.; Roep, B.O.; Mortensen, H.B. & Hvidore Study Grp Childhood Diabet (2010), Association of adiponectin, interleukin (IL)-1ra, inducible protein 10, IL-6 and number of islet autoantibodies with progression patterns of type 1 diabetes the first year after diagnosis, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 161(3): 444-452.
- Roelen DL, Huurman VAL, Hilbrands R, Gillard P, Duinkerken G, van der Meer-Prins PWM, Maarschalk MFJVVV, Mathieu C, Keymeulen B & Pipeleers DG (2009), Relevance of cytotoxic alloreactivity under different immunosuppressive regimens in clinical islet cell transplantation, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 156(1): 141-148.
- Huurman VAL, Velthuis JHL, Hilbrands R, Tree TIM, Gillard P, van der Meer-Prins PMW, Duinkerken G, Pinkse GGM, Keymeulen B & Roelen DL (2009), Allograft-Specific Cytokine Profiles Associate with Clinical Outcome After Islet Cell Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 9(2): 382-388.
- Kaas A, Pfleger C, Hougaard P, Hansen L, Schloot NC, Roep BO & Mortensen HB (2009), Association of adiponectin, IL-1ra, IP10 and number of islet autoantibodies with progression patterns of type 1 diabetes the first year after diagnosis, Diabetologia 52: S195S195.
- Cernea S, Raz I, Herold KC, Hirshberg B, Roep BO, Schatz DA, Fleming GA, Pozzilli P, Little R, Schloot NC, Leslielo RDG, Skyler JS & Palmer JP (2009), Challenges in developing endpoints for type 1 diabetes intervention studies, Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 25(8): 694-704.
- Eisenbarth G, Colman P, Gottlieb P, Harrison L, Quan J, Roep B, Solvason N, Steinman L & Garren H (2009), Interim Results of a Phase I/II Clinical Trial of a DNA Plasmid Vaccine (BHT-3021) for Type 1 Diabetes.
- Abreu, J.; Velthuis, J.; Unger, W.; Franken, K.; Schumacher, T. & Roep, B. (2009), Detection of Islet-specific Autoreactive T Cells by a Novel Robust and High Throughput Screening Strategy in Stored Blood Samples of Type 1 Diabetic Patients.
- Gottlieb P, Eisenbarth G, Harrison L, Colman P, Roep B, Quan J, Solvason N, Steinman L & Garren H (2009), Interim results of a phase I/II clinical trial of a DNA plasmid vaccine (BHT-3021) for type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 52: S83-S83.
- Harlan DM, Kenyon NS, Korsgren O & Roep BO (2009), Current Advances and Travails in Islet Transplantation, Diabetes 58(10): 2175-2184.
- Tack CJ, Kleijwegt FS, Van Riel PLCM & Roep BO (2009), Development of type 1 diabetes in a patient treated with anti-TNF-alpha therapy for active rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetologia 52(7): 1442-1444.
- Hilbrands R, Huurman VAL, Gillard P, Velthuis JHL, De Waele M, Mathieu C, Kaufman L, Pipeleers-Marichal M, Ling ZD & Movahedi B (2009), Differences in Baseline Lymphocyte Counts and Autoreactivity Are Associated With Differences in Outcome of Islet Cell Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetic Patients, Diabetes 58(10): 2267-2276.
- Hilbrands R, Huurman VAL, Gillard P, Velthuis JHL, De Waele M, Mathieu C, Kaufman L, Pipeleers-Marichal M, Movahedi B & Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen D (2009), DIFFERENCES IN BASELINE LYMPHOCYTE COUNTS AND AUTOREACTIVITY ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DIFFERENCES IN OUTCOME OF ISLET CELL TRANSPLANTATION IN TYPE 1 DIABETIC PATIENTS, Transplant International 22: 46-46.
- Gillard P, Roep BO, Huurman V, Gorus F, Van der Auwera B, Mathieu C, Decallonne B, Pipeleers D, Poppe K & Keymeulen B (2009), Graves Hyperthyroidism After Stopping Immunosuppresive Therapy in Type 1 Diabetic Islet Cell Recipients With Pretransplant TPO Autoantibodies, Diabetes Care 32(10): 1817-1819.
- Unger WWJ, Laban S, Kleijwegt FS, van der Slik AR & Roep BO (2009), Induction of Treg by monocyte-derived DC modulated by vitamin D-3 or dexamethasone: Differential role for PD-L1, European Journal of Immunology 39(11): 3147-3159.
- Chamorro S, Garcia-Vallejo JJ, Unger WWJ, Fernandes RJ, Bruijns SCM, Laban S, Roep BO, 't Hart BA & van Kooyk Y (2009), TLR Triggering on Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Results in TLR2 Up-Regulation and a Reduced Proinflammatory Immune Program, Journal of Immunology 183(5): 2984-2994.
- Velthuis JH, Unger WW, van der Slik AR, Duinkerken G, Engelse M, Schaapherder AF, Ringers J, van Kooten C, de Koning EJ & Roep BO (2009), Accumulation of autoreactive effector T cells and allo-specific regulatory T cells in the pancreas allograft of a type 1 diabetic recipient, Diabetologia 52(3): 494-503.
- Roelen DL, Huurman VAL, Hilbrands R, Gillard P, Duinkerken G, Meer-Prins PWMD, Versteegi MFJ, Mathieu C, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers DG, Roep BO & Claas FHJ (2008), Relevance of cytotoxic alloreactivity under different immunosuppressive regimens in clinical islet cell transplantation, Tissue Antigens 71(4).
- Sanda S, Roep BO & von Herrath M (2008), Islet antigen specific IL-10(+) immune responses but not CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) cells at diagnosis predict glycemic control in type 1 diabetes, Clinical Immunology 127(2).
- Gillard P, Ling Z, Mathieu C, Crenier L, Lannoo M, Maes B, Roep B, Gorus F, Pipeleers D & Keynieulen B (2008), Comparison of sirolimus alone with sirolimus plus tacrolimus in type 1 diabetic recipients of cultured islet cell grafts, Transplantation 85(2).
- Kharagjitsingh AV, Prinsen K, Lemkes HHPJ, De Vries RRP, Roep BO & Buschard K (2008), Reduced frequency of blood group Lewis a(-)b(-) in female Type 1 diabetes patients, Diabetic Medicine 25(2).
- Huurman VAL, Hilbrands R, Pinkse GGM, Gillard P, Duinkerken G, van de Linde P, van der Meer-Prins PMW, Maarschalk MFJV, Verbeeck K, Alizadeh BZ, Mathieu C, Gorus FK, Roelen DL, Claas FHJ, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers DG & Roep BO (2008), Cellular Islet Autoimmunity Associates with Clinical Outcome of Islet Cell Transplantation, PLoS ONE 3(6): -.
- Huurman VAL, van der Meide PE, Duinkerken G, Willemen S, Cohen IR, Elias D & Roep BO (2008), Immunological efficacy of heat shock protein 60 peptide DiaPep277 (TM) therapy in clinical type I diabetes, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 152(3).
- Roep BO (2008), Islet autoreactive CD8 T-cells in type 1 diabetes - Licensed to kill?, Diabetes 57(5).
- Pfleger C, Mortensen HB, Hansen L, Herder C, Roep BO, Hoey H, Aanstoot HJ, Kocova M & Schloot NC (2008), Association of IL-1ra and adiponectin with C-peptide and remission in patients with type 1 diabetes, Diabetes 57(4).
- Unger W, Laban S, van der Slik A & Roep B (2008), Modulation of dendritic cells as intervention strategy in type 1 diabetes, Clinical Immunology 127.
- Skowera A, Ellis RJ, Varela-Calvino R, Arif S, Huang GC, Van-Krinks C, Zaremba A, Rackham C, Allen JS, Tree TIM, Zhao M, Dayan CM, Sewell AK, Unger W, Drijfhout JW, Ossendorp F, Roep BO & Peakman M (2008), CTLs are targeted to kill beta cells in patients with type 1 diabetes through recognition of a glucose-regulated preproinsulin epitope, Journal of Clinical Investigation 118(10).
- Santiago JL, Alizadeh BZ, Martinez A, Espino L, de la Calle H, Fernandez-Arquero M, Figueredo MA, de la Concha EG, Roep BO, Koeleman BPC & Urcelay E (2008), Study of the association between the CAPSL-IL7R locus and type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 51(9).
- Pfleger C, Kaas A, Hansen L, Alizadeh B, Hougaard P, Holl R, Kolb H, Roep BO, Mortensen HB & Schloot NC (2008), Relation of circulating concentrations of chemokine receptor CCR5 ligands to C-peptide, proinsulin and HbA1c and disease progression in type 1 diabetes, Clinical Immunology 128(1).
- Roelen DL, Huurman VAL, Hilbrands R, Gillard P, Duinkerken G, van der Meer-Prins EMW, Maarschalk MFJVVDV, Mathieu C, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers DG, Roep BO & Claas FHJ (2008), Relevance of cytotoxic alloreactivity under different immunosuppressive regimens in clinical islet cell transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 8.
- Huurman V, Hilbrands R, Pinkse G, Gillard P, Duinkerken G, Van der Linde P, Meer-Prins EV, Maarschalk MVVV, Verbeeck K, Alizadeh B, Mathieu C, Gorus F, Roelen D, Claas F, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers D & Roep B (2008), Cellular islet autoimmunity influences clinical outcome of islet cell transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 8.
- Dotta F, Van Halteren AGS, Bonato V, Vendrame F, Marchetti P & Roep BO (2007), Islet inflammation and T-CELL autoreactivity in pancreas-draining lymph nodes during recent onset type 1 diabetes, Acta Diabetologica 44.
- Huurman VAL, Unger WWJ, Koeleman BPC, Oaks MK, Chandraker AK, Terpstra OT & Roep BO (2007), Differential inhibition of autoreactive memory- and alloreactive naive T cell responses by soluble cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (sCTLA4), CTLA4Ig and LEA29Y, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 150(3).
- Alizadeh BZ, Valdigem G, Coenen MJH, Zhernakova A, Franke B, Monsuur A, van Riel PLCM, Barrera P, Radstake TRDJ, Roep BO, Wijmenga C & Koeleman BPC (2007), Association analysis of functional variants of the FcgRIIa and FcgRIIIa genes with type 1 diabetes, celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis, Human Molecular Genetics 16(21).
- Huurman VAL, Decochez K, Mathieu C, Cohen IR & Roep BO (2007), Therapy with the hsp60 peptide DiaPep277 (TM) in C-peptide positive type 1 diabetes patients.
- Zhernakova A, Alizadeh BZ, Bevova M, van Leeuwen MA, Coenen MJH, Franke B, Franke L, Posthumus MD, van Heel DA, van der Steege G, Radstake TRDJ, Barrera P, Roep BO, Koeleman BPC & Wijmenga C (2007), Novel association in chromosome 4q27 region with rheumatoid arthritis and confirmation of type 1 diabetes point to a general risk locus for autoimmune diseases, American Journal of Human Genetics 81(6).
- Roep BO (2007), Are insights gained from NOD mice sufficient to guide clinical translation? Another inconvenient truth, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1103.
- Unger WWJ, Pinkse GGM, Kracht SMVD, van der Slik AR, Kester MGD, Ossendorp F, Drijfhout JW, Serreze DV & Roep BO (2007), Human clonal CD8 autoreactivity to an IGRP islet epitope shared between mice and men., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1103.
- Bonato V, Gallo R, Candeloro P, Gambelunghe G, Marchetti P, Falorni A, Roep BO & Dotta F (2007), Innate immunity and human insulitis during beta-cell Coxsackie B4 infection, Acta Diabetologica 44.
- van der Slik AR, Alizadeh BZ, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2007), Modelling KIR-HLA genotype disparities in type 1 diabetes, Tissue Antigens 69.
- van Etten E, Verlinden L, Giulietti A, Ramos-Lopez E, Branisteanu DD, Ferreira GB, Overbergh L, Verstuyf A, Bouillon R, Roep BO, Badenhoop K & Mathieu C (2007), The vitamin D receptor gene FokI polymorphism: Functional impact on the immune system, European Journal of Immunology 37(2).
- Roep B (2007), Immunological efficacy of hsp60 peptide DiaPep277 therapy in human type 1 diabetes.
- Sanda S, Roep B & von Herrath M (2007), Reduced foxp3 and interleukin 10 expression during the partial remission phase of type 1 diabetes in children.
- Roep BO (2007), Diabetes - Missing links, Nature 450(7171).
- Roep BO (2007), Autoantibodies against multiple tissues in type I diabetes, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 65(7).
- Schloot NC, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Aabenhus-Andersen N, Alizadeh BZ, Saha MT, Knip M, Devendra D, Wilkin T, Bonifacio E, Roep BO, Kolb H & Mandrup-Poulsen T (2007), Association of immune mediators at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes with later clinical remission, Diabetic Medicine 24(5).
- Dotta F, Censini S, van Halteren AGS, Marselli L, Masini M, Dionisi S, Mosca F, Boggi U, Muda AO, Del Prato S, Elliott JF, Covacci A, Rappuoli R, Roep BO & Marchetti P (2007), Coxsackie B4 virus infection of beta cells and natural killer cell insulitis in recent-onset type 1 diabetic patients, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(12).
- van de Linde P, van der Boog PJM, Tysma OMH, Elliott JF, Roelen DL, Claas FHJ, de Fijter JW & Roep BO (2007), Selective unresponsiveness to beta cell autoantigens after induction immunosuppression in pancreas transplantation with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibody versus anti-thymocyte globulin, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 149(1).
- Alizadeh BZ, Eerligh P, van der Slik AR, Shastry A, Zhernakova A, Valdigem G, Bruining JG, Sanjeevi CB, Wijmenga C, Roep BO & Koeleman BPC (2007), MICA marks additional risk factors for Type 1 diabetes on extended HLA haplotypes: An association and meta-analysis, Molecular Immunology 44(11).
- Di Lorenzo TP, Peakman M & Roep BO (2007), Translational mini-review series on type 1 diabetes: Systematic analysis of T cell epitopes in autoimmune diabetes, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 148(1).
- van der Slik AR, van den Eng I, Eerligh P, Doxiadis IIN, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2007), Sequence variation within the major histocompatibility complex subregion centromeric of HLA class II in type 1 diabetes, Tissue Antigens 69(4).
- Thomson G, Valdes AM, Noble JA, Kockum I, Grote MN, Najman J, Erlich HA, Cucca F, Pugliese A, Steenkiste A, Dorman JS, Caillat-Zucman S, Hermann R, Ilonen J, Lambert AP, Bingley PJ, Gillespie KM, Lernmark A, Sanjeevi CB, Ronningen KS, Undlien DE, Thorsby E, Petrone A, Buzzetti R, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Uyar FA, Gunoz H, Gorodezky C, Alaez C, Boehm BO, Mlynarski W, Ikegami H, Berrino M, Fasano ME, Dametto E, Israel S, Brautbar C, Santiago-Cortes A, de Llado TF, She JX, Bugawan TL, Rotter JI, Raffel L, Zeidler A, Leyva-Cobian F, Hawkins BR, Chan SH, Castano L, Pociot F & Nerup J (2007), Relative predispositional effects of HLA class II DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes and genotypes on type 1 diabetes: a meta-analysis, Tissue Antigens 70(2).
- Tree T, Lawson J, Roep B, Edwards H & Peakman M (2007), Islet antigen specific regulatory T cells isolated from non-diabetic individuals suppress pro-inflammatory responses via cytotoxic mechanisms.
- Titulaer MJ, Wirtz PW, van der Slik AR, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Verschuuren JJGM (2006), HLA and smoking as predictors of small cell lung carcinoma in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Neuromuscular Disorders 16.
- Niks EH, Kuks JBM, Roep BO, Haasnoot GW, Verduijn W, Ballieux BEPB, De Baets MH, Vincent A & Verschuuren JJGM (2006), Strong association of MuSK antibody-positive myasthenia gravis and HLA-DR14-DQ5, Neurology 66(11).
- Zhernakova A, Alizadeh BZ, Eerligh P, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Schloot NC, Diosdado B, Wijmenga C, Roep BO & Koeleman BPC (2006), Genetic variants of RANTES are associated with serum RANTES level and protection for type 1 diabetes, Genes and Immunity 7(7).
- Zhernakova A, Eerligh P, Barrera P, Weseloy JZ, Huizinga TWJ, Roep BO, Wijmenga C & Koeleman BPC (2006), CTLA4 is differently associated with autoimmune diseases in the Dutch population (vol 118, pg 58, 2005), Human Genetics 119(1-2).
- Keymeulen B, Gillard P, Mathieu C, Movahedi B, Maleux G, Delvaux G, Ysebaert D, Roep B, Vandemeulebroucke E, Marichal M, 't Veld PI, Bogdani M, Hendrieckx C, Gorus F, Ling ZD, van Rood J & Pipeleers D (2006), Correlation between beta cell mass and glycemic control in type 1 diabetic recipients of islet cell graft, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(46).
- Huurman VAL, Kalpoe JS, Van de Linde P, Vaessen N, Ringers J, Kroes ACM, Roep BO & De Fijter JW (2006), Choice of antibody immunotherapy influences cytomegalovirus viremia in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant recipients, Diabetes Care 29(4).
- Bouwman LH, Roep BO & Roos A (2006), Mannose-binding lectin: Clinical implications for infection, transplantation, and autoimmunity, Human Immunology 67(4-5).
- van de Linde P, Tysma OMH, Medema JP, Hale G, Waldmann H, Roelen DL & Roep BO (2006), Mechanisms of antibody immunotherapy on clonal islet reactive T cells, Human Immunology 67(4-5).
- Schloot N, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Aabenhus-Andersen N, Alizadeh B, Saha MT, Knip M, Devendra D, Wilkin T, Bonifacio E, Roep B, Kolb H & Mandrup-Poulsen T (2006), Association of immune mediators at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus with later clinical remission.
- Tree TIM, Roep BO & Peakman M (2006), A mini meta-analysis of studies on CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells in human type 1 diabetes - Report of the Immunology of Diabetes Society T Cell Workshop, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1079.
- Pinkse GGM, Boitard C, Tree TIM, Peakman M & Roep BO (2006), HLA class I epitope discovery in type 1 diabetes - Independent and reproducible identification of proinsulin epitopes of CD8 T cells - Report of the IDS T Cell Workshop Committee, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1079.
- Titulaer MJ, Wirtz PW, van der Slik AR, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO, Twijnstra A, ten Velde G & Verschuuren JJGM (2006), Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome favours prognosis of small cell lung carcinoma, Neuromuscular Disorders 16.
- Alizadeh BZ, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Eerligh P, van der Slik AR, Kolb H, Kharagjitsingh AV, Arias AMP, Ronkainen M, Knip M, Bonfanti R, Bonifacio E, Devendra D, Wilkin T, Giphart MJ, Koeleman BPC, Nolsoe R, Poulsen TM, Schloot NC & Roep BO (2006), Association of interferon-gamma and interleukin 10 genotypes and serum levels with partial clinical remission in type 1 diabetes, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 145(3).
- Titulaer MJ, Wirtz PW, van der Slik AR, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Verschuuren JJGM (2006), HLA and smoking as predictors of small cell lung carcinoma in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Journal of Neuroimmunology 174(1-2).
- Durinovic-Bello I, Rosinger S, Olson JA, Congia M, Ahmad RC, Rickert M, Hampl J, Kalbacher H, Drijfhout JW, Mellins ED, Al Dahouk S, Kamradt T, Maeurer MJ, Nhan C, Roep BO, Boehm BO, Polychronakos C, Nepom GT, Karges W, McDevitt HO & Sonderstrup G (2006), DRB1*0401-restricted human T cell clone specific for the major proinsulin73-90 epitope expresses a down-regulatory T helper 2 phenotype, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(31).
- van der Slik AR, van den Eng I, Eerligh P, Doxiadis IIN, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2006), Sequence variation within the extended MHC class II subregion in type 1 diabetes, Tissue Antigens 67(6).
- Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Kappler S, Seissler J, Muller-Scholze S, Martin S, Roep BO, Strassburger K, Kolb H & Schloot NC (2006), Altered chemokine levels in individuals at risk of Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Diabetic Medicine 23(2).
- Schloot NC, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Aabenhus-Andersen N, Alizadeh BZ, Saha MT, Knip M, Devendra D, Wilkin T, Bonifacio E, Roep BO, Kolb H & Mandrup-Poulsen T (2006), Association of immune mediators at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus with later clinical remission, Diabetologia 49.
- Alizadeh B, Moghaddam PH, Eerligh P, van der Slik A, Kharagjitsingh A, Kolb H, Ronkainen M, Knip M, Bonfanti R, Bonifacio E, Devendra D, Wilkin T, Giphart M, Koeleman B, Nolsoe R, Poulsen TM, Schloot N & Roep B (2006), Association of interferon-gamma and interleukin 10 genotypes and serum levels with clinical remission in type 1 diabetes.
- Roos A, Bouwman LH, Terpstra OT, de Knijff P, van Hoek B, Verspaget HW, Berger SP, Daha MR, Frolich M, van der Slik AR, Doxiadis II, Roep BO & Schaapherder AFM (2006), Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms confer a major risk for severe infections after liver transplantation, Molecular Immunology 43(1-2).
- Papadopoulos GK, Moustakas AK, Eerligh P, Duinkerken G, Pinkse G, Koeleman BPC & Roep BO (2005), Identification of insulin B chain epitopes linked to type 1 diabetes susceptible HLA-DQ2 and-DQ8 CIS and trans dimers, Diabetologia 48.
- van Kampen CA, de Linde PV, Duinkerken G, van Schip JJ, Roelen DL, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers DG, Claas FHJ & Roep BO (2005), Alloreactivity against repeated HLA mismatches of sequential islet grafts transplanted in non-uremic type 1 diabetes patients, Transplantation 80(1).
- Lindley S, Dayan CM, Bishop A, Roep BO, Peakman M & Tree TIM (2005), Defective suppressor function in CD4(+)CD25(+) T-cells from patients with type 1 diabetes, Diabetes 54(1).
- Giphart MJ, Van Der Slik AR, Alizadeh BZ, Koeleman BPC & Roep BO (2005), Imbalanced KIR-HLA combinations in type 1 diabetes, Tissue Antigens 66(5).
- Wirtz PW, Willcox N, van der Slik AR, Lang B, Maddison P, Koeleman BPC, Giphart MJ, Wintzen AR, Roep BO & Verschuuren JJGM (2005), HLA and smoking in prediction and prognosis of small cell lung cancer in autoimmune Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Journal of Neuroimmunology 159(1-2).
- Zhernakova A, Eerligh P, Wijmenga C, Barrera P, Roep BO & Koeleman BPC (2005), Differential association of the PTPN22 coding variant with autoimmune diseases in a Dutch population, Genes and Immunity 6(6).
- Pinkse GGM, Tysma OHM, Bergen CAM, Kester MGD, Ossendorp F, van Veelen PA, Keymeulen B, Pipeleers D, Drijfhout JW & Roep BO (2005), Autoreactive CD8 T cells associated with beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(51).
- Orozco G, Eerligh P, Sanchez E, Zhernakova S, Roep BO, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Lopez-Nevot MA, Callejas JL, Hidalgo C, Pascual-Salcedo D, Balsa A, Gonzalez-Escribano MF, Koeleman BPC & Martin J (2005), Analysis of a functional BTNL2 polymorphism in type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus, Human Immunology 66(12).
- Zhernakova A, Eerligh P, Barrera P, Weseloy JZ, Huizinga TWJ, Roep BO, Wijmenga C & Koeleman BPC (2005), CTLA4 is differentially associated with autoimmune diseases in the Dutch population, Human Genetics 118(1).
- Bouwman LH, Eerligh P, Terpstra OT, Daha MR, de Knijff P, Ballieux BEPB, Bruining GJ, van der Slik AR, Roos A & Roep BO (2005), Elevated levels of mannose-binding lectin at clinical manifestation of type 1 diabetes in juveniles, Diabetes 54(10).
- Bouwman LH, Terpstra OT, Schaapherder AFM, Roos A, Berger SP, Daha MR, De Knijff P, Van Hoek B, Verspaget HW, Frolich M, Van der Slik AR, Doxiadis II & Roep BO (2005), Mannose-binding lectin and liver transplantation - Reply, Gastroenterology 129(5).
- Bouwman LH, Roos A, Terpstra OT, De Knijff P, Van Hoek B, Verspaget HW, Berger SP, Daha MR, Frolich M, Van Der Slik AR, Doxiadis II, Roep BO & Schaapherder AFM (2005), Mannose binding lectin gene polymorphisms confer a major risk for severe infections after liver transplantation, Gastroenterology 129(2).
- Halteren AGS, Kardol MJ, Mulder A & Roep BO (2005), Homing of human autoreactive T cells into pancreatic tissue of NOD-scid mice, Diabetologia 48(1).
- Bouwman LH, Ling ZD, Duinkerken G, Pipeleers DG & Roep BO (2005), HLA incompatibility and immunogenicity of human pancreatic islet preparations cocultured with blood cells of healthy donors, Human Immunology 66(5).
- Tree TIM, Duinkerken G, Willemen S, de Vries RRP & Roep BO (2004), HLA-DQ-regulated T-cell responses to islet cell autoantigens insulin and GAD65, Diabetes 53(7).
- Arif S, Tree TI, Astill TP, Tremble JM, Bishop AJ, Dayan CM, Roep BO & Peakman M (2004), Autoreactive T cell responses show proinflammatory polarization in diabetes but a regulatory phenotype in health, Journal of Clinical Investigation 113(3).
- Durinovic-Bello I, Schlosser M, Riedl M, Maisel N, Rosinger S, Kalbacher H, Deeg M, Ziegler M, Elliott J, Roep BO, Karges W & Boehm BO (2004), Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production by autoimmune T cells against preproinsulin in HLA-DRB1*04, DQ8 Type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 47(3).
- Roep BO, Atkinson M & von Herrath M (2004), Satisfaction (not) guaranteed: re-evaluating the use of animal models of type 1 diabetes, Nature Reviews Immunology 4(12).
- Roep BO & Atkinson M (2004), Animal models have little to teach us about Type 1 diabetes: 1. In support of this proposal, Diabetologia 47(10).
- Naik RG, Beckers C, Wentwoord R, Frenken A, Duinkerken G, Brooks-Worrell B, Schloot NC, Palmer JP & Roep BO (2004), Precursor frequencies of T-cells reactive to insulin in recent onset type 1 diabetes mellitus, Journal of Autoimmunity 23(1).
- Eerligh P, Koeleman BPC, Dudbridge F, Bruining GJ, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2004), Functional genetic polymorphisms in cytokines and metabolic genes as additional genetic markers for susceptibility to develop type 1 diabetes, Genes and Immunity 5(1).
- Koeleman BPC, Lie BA, Undlien DE, Dudbridge F, Thorsby E, de Vries RRP, Cucca F, Roep BO, Giphart MJ & Todd JA (2004), Genotype effects and epistasis in type 1 diabetes and HLA-DQ trans dimer associations with disease, Genes and Immunity 5(5).
- Lard LR, Roep BO, Toes REM & Huizinga TWJ (2004), Enhanced concentrations of interleukin 16 are associated with joint destruction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 31(1).
- Tree TIM, Roep BO & Peakman M (2004), Enhancing the sensitivity of assays to detect T cell reactivity - The effect of cell separation and cryopreservation media, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1037.
- Nagata M, Kotani R, Moriyama H, Yokono K, Roep BO & Peakman M (2004), Detection of autoreactive T cells in type 1 diabetes using coded autoantigens and an immunoglobulin-free cytokine ELISPOT assay - Report from the Fourth Immunology of Diabetes Society T Cell Workshop, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1037.
- Eerligh P, Roep BO, Giphart MJ & Koeleman BPC (2004), Insulin-like growth factor 1 promoter polymorphism influences insulin gene variable number of tandem repeat-associated risk for juvenile onset type 1 diabetes, Tissue Antigens 63(6).
- van Halteren AGS, Tysma OM, van Etten E, Mathieu C & Roep BO (2004), 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 or analogue treated dendritic cells modulate human autoreactive T cells via the selective induction of apoptosis, Journal of Autoimmunity 23(3).
- van de Beek WJT, Roep BO, van der Slik AR, Giphart MJ & van Hilten BJ (2003), Susceptibility loci for complex regional pain syndrome, PAIN 103(1-2).
- Eerligh P, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2003), Additional genetic susceptibility of type 1 diabetes lies in combinations of loci rather than in single loci, Genes and Immunity 4.
- van der Slik AR, Koeleman BPC, Verduijn W, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2003), KIR genes in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Genes and Immunity 4.
- Schloot NC, Meierhoff G, Faresjo MK, Ott P, Putnam A, Lehmann P, Gottlieb P, Roep BO, Peakman M & Tree T (2003), Comparison of cytokine ELISpot assay formats for the detection of islet antigen autoreactive T cells - Report of the third immunology of diabetes society T-cell workshop, Journal of Autoimmunity 21(4).
- Roep BO (2003), The role of T-cells in the pathogenesis of Type 1 diabetes: From cause to cure, Diabetologia 46(3).
- van der Slik AR, Koeleman BPC, Verduijn W, Bruining GJ, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2003), KIR in type 1 diabetes: Disparate distribution of activating and inhibitory natural killer cell receptors in patients versus HLA-matched control subjects, Diabetes 52(10).
- Wirtz PW, Willcox N, Roep BO, Lang B, Wintzen AR, Newsom-Davis J & Verschuuren JJ (2003), HLA-B8 in patients with the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome reduces likelihood of associated small cell lung carcinoma, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 998.
- Roep BO (2003), Molecular mimicry in autoimmune neurological disease after viral infection, Current Medicinal Chemistry 10(19).
- Greening JE, Tree TIM, Kotowicz KT, van Halteren AG, Roep BO, Klein NJ & Peakman M (2003), Processing and presentation of the islet autoantigen GAD by vascular endothelial cells promotes transmigration of autoreactive T-cells, Diabetes 52(3).
- Roep BO (2002), Type I diabetes: How to resist a fatal attraction, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 60(7).
- Koeleman BVPC, de Groot KN, van der Slik AR, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2002), Association between D6S2223 and Type I diabetes independent of HLA class II in Dutch families, Diabetologia 45(4).
- Pipeleers D, Keymeulen B, Chatenoud L, Hendrieckx C, Ling ZD, Mathieu C, Roep B & Ysebaert D (2002), A view on beta cell transplantation in diabetes, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 958.
- van Halteren AGS, van Etten E, de Jong EC, Bouillon R, Roep BO & Mathieu C (2002), Redirection of human autoreactive T-cells upon interaction with dendritic cells modulated by TX527, an analog of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D-3, Diabetes 51(7).
- Martorell PM, Roep BO & Smit JWA (2002), Autoimmunity in Addison's disease, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 60(7).
- Roep BO, Kolb H & Martin S (2002), B-cell deficiency and type 1 diabetes. Reply, New England Journal of Medicine 346(7).
- Koeleman BPC, Valdigem G, Eerligh P, Giphart MJ & Roep BO (2002), Seasonality of birth in patients with type 1 diabetes, Lancet 359(9313).
- Roep BO, Hiemstra HS, Schloot NC, de Vries RRP, Chaudhuri A, Behan PO & Drijfhout JW (2002), Molecular mimicry in type 1 diabetes - Immune cross-reactivity between islet autoantigen and human cytomegalovirus but not coxsackie virus, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 958.
- van der Slik AR, Verduijn W, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2002), KIR genes in type 1 diabetes mellitus, Tissue Antigens 59.
- Eerligh P, Valdigem G, Koeleman BPC, Roep BO & Giphart MJ (2002), Association analysis of gene polymorphisms with functional relevance in type 1 diabetes (T1D), Tissue Antigens 59.
- Roep BO, van den Engel NK, van Halteren AGS, Duinkerken G & Martin S (2002), Modulation of autoimmunity to beta-cell antigens by proteases, Diabetologia 45(5).
- Roep BO (2002), Autoreactive T cells in endocrine/organ-specific autoimmunity: why has progress been so slow?, Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 24(3).
- van Halteren AGS, Roep BO, Gregori S, Cooke A, van Eden W, Kraal G & Wauben MHM (2002), Cross-reactive mycobacterial and self hsp60 epitope recognition in I-A(g7) expressing NOD, NOD-asp and Biozzi AB/H mice, Journal of Autoimmunity 18(2).
- Lard LR, Roep BO, Verburgh CA, Zwinderman AH & Huizinga TWJ (2002), Elevated IL-16 levels in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are associated with disease severity but not with genetic susceptibility to lupus, Lupus 11(3).
- Schipper RF, Koeleman BPC, Bruining GJ, Schreuder GMT, Verduijn W, de Vries RRP & Roep BO (2001), HLA class II associations with Type 1 diabetes mellitus: a multivariate approach, Tissue Antigens 57(2).
- Peakman M, Tree TI, Endl J, van Endert P, Atkinson MA & Roep BO (2001), Characterization of preparations of GAD65, proinsulin, and the islet tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 for use in detection of autoreactive T-cells in type 1 diabetes - Report of phase II of the second international immunology of diabetes society workshop for standardization of T-cell assays in type 1 diabetes, Diabetes 50(8).
- Wirtz PW, Roep BO, Schreuder GMT, van Doorn PA, van Engelen BGM, Kuks JB, Twijnstra A, de Visser M, Visser LH, Wokke JH, Wintzen AR & Verschuuren JJ (2001), HLA class I and II in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome without associated tumor, Human Immunology 62(8).
- Hiemstra, H.S.; Schloot, N.C.; Veelen, P.A. van; Willemen, S.J.M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Rood, J.J. van; Vries, R.R.P. de; Chaudhuri, A.; Behan, P.O.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Roep, B.O. (2001), Cytomegalovirus in autoimmunity: T cell crossreactivity to viral antigen and autoantigen glutamic acid decarboxylase, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(7).
- Martin S, Wolf-Eichbaum D, Duinkerken G, Scherbaum WA, Kolb H, Noordzij JG & Roep BO (2001), Brief report - Development of type 1 diabetes despite severe hereditary B-cell deficiency, New England Journal of Medicine 345(14).
- Schloot NC, Willemen SJM, Duinkerken G, Drijfhout JW, de Vries RRP & Roep BO (2001), Molecular mimicry in type 1 diabetes mellitus revisited: T-cell clones to GAD65 peptides with sequence homology to coxsackie or proinsulin peptides do not crossreact with homologous counterpart, Human Immunology 62(4).
- Hiemstra HS, Drijfhout JW & Roep BO (2000), Antigen arrays in T cell immunology.
- van Halteren AGS, Mosselman B, Roep BO, van Eden W, Cooke A, Kraal G & Wauben MHM (2000), T cell reactivity to heat shock protein 60 in diabetes-susceptible and genetically protected nonobese diabetic mice is associated with a protective cytokine profile, Journal of Immunology 165(10).
- van de Beek WJT, van Hilten JJ & Roep BO (2000), HLA-DQ1 associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
- van Hilten JJ, van de Beek WJT & Roep BO (2000), Multifocal or generalized tonic dystonia of complex regional pain syndrome: A distinct clinical entity associated with HLA-DR13.
- Atkinson M, Honeyman M, Peakman M & Roep B (2000), T-cell markers in Type I diabetes: progress, prospects and realistic expectations.
- van Essen EHR, Roep BO, 't Hart LM, Jansen JJ, Van den Ouweland JMW, Lemkes HHPJ & Maassen JA (2000), HLA-DQ polymorphism and degree of heteroplasmy of the A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation in maternally inherited diabetes and deafness, Diabetic Medicine 17(12).
- Roep BO (2000), T-cell reactivity to beta-cell antigens in human insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus - Implications for diagnosis and therapy, Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 19(3).
- Hawkes CJ, Schloot NC, Marks J, Willemen SJM, Drijfhout JW, Mayer EK, Christie MR & Roep BO (2000), T-cell lines reactive to an immunodominant epitope of the tyrosine phosphatase-like autoantigen IA-2 in type 1 diabetes.
- Vreugdenhil GR, Schloot NC, Hoorens A, Rongen C, Pipeleers DG, Melchers WJG, Roep BO & Galama JMD (2000), Acute onset of type I diabetes mellitus after severe echovirus 9 infection: Putative pathogenic pathways, Clinical Infectious Diseases 31(4).
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Willemen SJM, Benckhuijsen WE, Geluk A, Roep BO & Drijfhout JW (2000), An HLA class II restricted T-cell is able to recognize about a million different peptides, PEPTIDES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: 681-682.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Geluk A, Schloot NC, de Vries RRP, Ottenhoff THM, Roep BO & Drijfhout JW (1999), Limitations of homology searching for identification of T-cell antigens with library derived mimicry epitopes, Vaccine 18(3-4): 204-208.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Willemen SJM, Benckhuijsen WE, Geluk A, de Vries RRP, Roep BO & Drijfhout JW (1999), Quantitative determination of TCR cross-reactivity using peptide libraries and protein databases, European Journal of Immunology 29(8): 2385-2391.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Schloot NC, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Willemen SJM, Leunissen JAM, Benckhuijsen WE, Amons R, de Vries RRP, Roep BO, Ottenhoff THM & Drijfhout JW (1998), Definition of natural T cell antigens with mimicry epitopes obtained from dedicated synthetic peptide libraries, Journal of Immunology 161(8): 4078-4082.
- Afdelingshoofd Department Diabetes Immunology