Bart Krans
Professor of Private Law and Civil Procedure
- Name
- H.B. Krans
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4783
- 0000-0001-7212-3665
- Overview
- Profile
- Contact
- Publications
- Activities
- Ancillary activities
- Krans H.B. 14 February 2024 - 16 February 2024. Supreme Courts in Comparative Perspective. Universiteit Leiden. Leiden. Organisator. [contribution to an event].
- Krans H.B. (16 February 2024), The changing role and position of the Dutch Supreme Court in civil cases. Supreme Courts in Comparative Perspective. Universiteit Leiden, Leiden. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (27 May 2024), The Dutch preliminary rulings procedure. PPJ Conference - Judicial Precedents: Uniformity and Pluralism, Dubrovnik. [lecture].
- Krans H.B.. De Brauw. Amsterdam. Mede-organisator seminar promovendi burgerlijk procesrecht. [contribution to an event].
- Krans H.B. (2024), ‘Het is goed voor ons te weten wat er in de praktijk speelt’: interview over post academisch onderwijs voor de Leiden Law Academy. Interviewed by Kramp M. for Leidraad: 30. [interview].
- Krans H.B. (12 September 2024), SMEs in Dutch civil procedure law: some developments and some questions. International workshop: SMEs and access to justice, University of Bergen, Bergen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (9 March 2023), Position of the Judicial Officer in the Netherlands. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (9 March 2023), The Dutch preliminary procedure: questions from lower courts to the Dutch Supreme Court. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (13 March 2023), Covid-19 and digitisation of civil proceedings. International Workshop: E-Justice, Information Technology and Human Rights, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (20 June 2023), The Dutch preliminary ruling procedure: questions from lower courts to the Dutch Supreme Court. Summer School of Post Doctoral Students, Complutense Universidad, Madrid. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (1 September 2023), Consumer dispute resolution in the Netherlands: current issues. International workshop on consumer dispute resolution, University of Bergen, Bergen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (7 November 2023), Digitisation of civil proceedings: findings from the Netherlands and the influence of Fundamental Procedural Rights. Colloquium Challenges of the Digitization of Procedural Law from a Comparative Law Perspective, Georg August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B.. Hoge Raad. Den Haag. Mede-organisator seminar promovendi burgerlijk procesrecht. [contribution to an event].
- Krans H.B. (14 June 2022), Procedural Agreements and Ex Officio Application of EU Law. Bergen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (2 September 2022), De teleurgestelde schuldeiser en het recht op prijsvermindering: [lezing voor het tijdschrift TPR]. Koksijde. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (18 October 2022), Inpendence, impartiality and civil liability for court decisions. Ludwig Maximilians Universität - International Symposium ‘European requirements for the organisation of civil courts’, München. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. & Nylund A. (25 May 2021), Covid as catalizor for procedural reform. Book presentation: Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19 (Bart Krans & Anna Nylund eds.). Inter University Centre Dubrovnik, Public and Private Justice Conference: 'Civil Procedure – what after Covid?'. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (11 May 2021), Openingslezing: 'Noviteiten in het burgerlijk procesrecht' op het congres 'Het civiele procesrecht in een nieuw jasje'. Suum Cuique, Leiden. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (17 September 2021), Kommentar - Online-Symposium zum 160-jährigen Jubiläum der deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen "Digitalisierung im Zivilprozess unter den Aspekten von Demokratie, Rechtsstaat und Menschenrechten". Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (12 February 2020), Ex officio application of EU Law. Uppsala. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (15 May 2020), Covid-19 and Civil Justice: three remarks. Online conference Covid-19 and Civil Justice, Montreal. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (8 November 2019), The EAPO: a view from the Netherlands. International Colloquium “Effective Enforcement of Creditor’s Rights in Civil Execution through Effective Discovery of Debtor’s Assets”, Kyoto. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (4 November 2019), Organiser and moderator “Open Afternoon”. Kobe. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (3 October 2019), Ex officio application of EU law: the Dutch perspective. International symposium on Procedural Autonomy of Member States in Consumer Law Cases, Gent. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (24 March 2018), Ambtshalve toetsing van algemene voorwaarden door geschillencommissies (Congres Algemene Voorwaarden). Juridisch PAO, Leiden. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (16 May 2018), Gastcollege 'EU law and national civil procedure law' voor Engelstalig mastervak burgerlijk procesrecht - Universiteit Leuven. Universiteit Leuven. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (6 July 2018), Verhaal op bitcoins; lezing op het symposium ‘Met Flach en wimpel’ ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van dr. René Flach bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (22 November 2018), Procedural Autonomy of the Member States: a perspective from the Netherlands. international seminar 'Procedural Autonomy: Room for Manoeuvre?', Universiteit Leiden. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (13 January 2017), Van verzuim van rechtswege? Kop d’r veur. RUG afdeling privaatrecht. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (1 September 2017), EU driven-judicial activism. Symposium: Civil Procedure inside and outside the EU. Tromso, Noorwegen. [lecture].
- Krans H.B. (28 October 2016), De partijgetuige: huismus of paradijsvogel?. Universiteit Leiden. [lecture].