Bart de Smit
Vice Dean / professor of Algebra and number theory
- Name
- Prof.dr. B. de Smit
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-1241-3016

Bart de Smit is Vice Dean and Director of education at the Faculty of Science. As the vice chairman of the Faculty Board he is responsible for bachelor's and master's education within the faculty. As a Professor at the Mathematical Institute he specialises in Algebra and number theory.
More information about Bart de Smit
Faculty Board members
Personal webpage
Former PhD candidates
Faculty Board
The faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, consisting of the Dean (research portfolio and also chairman), a board member with the portfolio education (also Vice Dean), a board member with the portfolio of financial management and a student member (the assessor). The Faculty Board is responsible for the strategic policy of the faculty as a whole, the areas of education, research and management. The Assessor is responsible to the Departmental Board in particular the interests of students. The Faculty Board meets weekly, these meetings are not public.
Vice Dean / professor of Algebra and number theory
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut