Anneke Kramer
Professor emeritus General Practice, in particular research on training
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.W.M. Kramer
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Anneke W.M. Kramer is professor by special appointment in General Practice. Her focus is medical education research, especially in the field of postgraduate primary care education. From 2015 till 2020 she was head of the institute for General Practice training at the department of Public Health and Primary Care (PHEG) of the LUMC. One day per week she works as a GP in Healthcare Centre Ondiep, Utrecht. She is member of the Supervisory Board of Pharos (national expertise centre for health inequity).
More information about Anneke Kramer
The research program aims at examining ‘becoming a professional’. Becoming a professional means learning how to apply theoretical knowledge and skills in practice, to develop professional skills in practice and professional identity formation. The focus is therefore on the apprenticeships/master and postgraduate education. Although the emphasis is on primary care education, Kramer focusses on how all medical students and doctors can learn the principles of general practice (personal, integrated, continuous and community oriented care). Also, the three important aspects of medicine, prevention, cure and quality of live, are addressed.
A second focus is on evidence-based educational practice. How can evidence-based insights and developments help to innovate medical education.
Academic career
Anneke W.M Kramer absolved Medical School at Utrecht University. She performed her doctoral research at Maastricht University. The title of her doctoral thesis (2003) reads: Acquisition of Clinical Competence during Postgraduate Training in General Practice.
Subsequently she worked as senior-researcher and program leader ‘Educational research’ at the department of Primary Care and Public Health of the Radboudumc. In February 2016 she was appointed Professor in General Practice of the LUMC. The title of her inaugural lecture was: Training to become a specialist, in particular the GP generalist.
Professor emeritus General Practice, in particular research on training
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Public Health en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde
- Groot, E. de; Vossen, M.M. van der; Slootweg, I.; Çorum, M.; Kramer, A.; Muris, J.; Scherpbier, N.; Thoonen, B. & Damoiseaux, R. (2024), Advancing collaboration in health professions education in the general practice domain, developing a national research agenda, Advances in Health Sciences Education 29(4): 1417-1434.
- Walinga, C.W.; Barnhoorn, P.C.; Essers, G.T.J.M.; Schaepkens, S.P.C. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2023), 'You are not alone.' An exploratory study on open-topic, guided collaborative reflection sessions during the General Practice placement, BMC Medical Education 23(1).
- Meljes, I.; Slootweg, I.; Nierkens, V.; Bogaard, M. van den & Kramer, A. (2023), Learning in a real-life escape room, BMC Primary Care 24(1).
- Moll-Jongerius, A.; Langeveld, K.; Helmich, E.; Masud, T.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Achterberg, W.P. (2023), Becoming a physician for older patients, BMC Medical Education 23(1).
- Gulden, R. van der; Timmerman, A.A.; Sagasser, M.H.; Kramer, A.; Scherpbier-de Haan, N.; Thoonen, B. & Heeneman, S. (2023), How does portfolio use support self-regulated learning during general practitioner specialty training?, BMJ Open 13(2).
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge M.W., Steinert Y., Hoeven I. van der, Kramer, A.W.M. & Rijst R.M. van der (2022), How learning-centred beliefs relate to awareness of educational identity and mission: an exploratory study among medical educators, Medical Teacher 44(12): 1354-1361.
- Bonnie, L.H.A.; Cremers, G.R.; Nasori, M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Dijk, N. van (2022), Longitudinal training models for entrusting students with independent patient care?: A systematic review, Medical Education 56(2): 159-169.
- Bonnie, L.H.A.; Nasori, M.; Visser, M.R.M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Dijk, N. van (2022), Feasibility, and validity aspects of Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)-based assessment in general practice training, Education for Primary Care 33(2): 69-76.
- Jonge, L.P.J.W.M. de; Minkels, F.N.E.; Govaerts, M.J.B.; Muris, J.W.M.; Kramer, A.W.M.; Vleuten, C.P.M. van der & Timmerman, A.A. (2022), Supervisory dyads' communication and alignment regarding the use of workplace-based observations, BMC Medical Education 22(1).
- Looman, N.; Graaf, J. de; Thoonen, B.; Asselt, D. van; Groot, E. de; Kramer, A.; Scherpbier, N. & Fluit, C. (2022), Designing the learning of intraprofessional collaboration among medical residents, Medical Education 56(10): 1017-1031.
- Bever, S. de; Rhijn, S.C. van; Kramer, A.W.M.; Bont, J.; Dijk, N. van & Visser, M.R.M. (2022), Complaint-driven preferences & trust, Education for Primary Care 33(2): 85-91.
- Baghus, A.; Giroldi, E.; Timmerman, A.; Schmitz, E.; Erkan, F.; Rohlinger, D.; Pieterse, A.; Dielissen, P.; Kramer, A.; Rietmeijer, C.; Muris, J. & Weijden, T. van der (2022), Identifying residents' educational needs to optimising postgraduate medical education about shared decision-making, Patient Education and Counseling 105(10): 3086-3095.
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge, M.W.; Steinert, Y.; Hoeven, I. van der; Kramer, A.W.M. & Rijst, R.M. van der (2022), How learning-centred beliefs relate to awareness of educational identity and mission, Medical Teacher 44(12): 1354-1361.
- Jonge, L.P.J.W.M. de; Govaerts, M.J.B.; Timmerman, A.A.; Muris, J.W.M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (2022), Supervisors' approaches to the early entrustment of clinical tasks, BMJ Open 12(8).
- Barnhoorn, P.C.; Nierkens, V.; Numans, M.E.; Steinert, Y.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Mook, W.N.K.A. van (2022), General practice residents' perspectives on their professional identity formation, BMJ Open 12(7).
- Ottenhoff M.W., Hoeven I. van der, Gesundheit N., Rijst R.M. van der & Kramer A.W.M. (2021), Medical educators’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge: development of a new framework, BMC Medical Education 21: 1-13 (176).
- Derksen, F.A.W.M.; Hartman, T.C.O.; Lagro-Janssen, A.L.M. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2021), Clinical empathy in GP-training: Experiences and needs among Dutch GP-trainees , Patient Education and Counseling 104(12): 3016-3022.
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge, M.W.; Hoeven, I. van der; Gesundheit, N.; Rijst, R.M. van der & Kramer, A.W.M. (2021), Medical educators' beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge, BMC Medical Education 21(1).
- Rietmeijer, C.B.T.; Blankenstein, A.H.; Huisman, D.; Horst, H.E. van der; Kramer, A.W.M.; Vries, H. de; Scheele, F. & Teunissen, P.W. (2021), What happens under the flag of direct observation, and how that matters, Medical Teacher 43(8).
- Barnhoorn, P.C.; Essers, G.T.J.M.; Nierkens, V.; Numans, M.E.; Mook, W.N.K.A. van & Kramer, A.W.M. (2021), Patient complaints in general practice seen through the lens of professionalism, British Journal of General Practice 5(3).
- Bonnie, L.H.A.; Visser, M.R.M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Dijk, N. van (2020), Insight in the development of the mutual trust relationship between trainers and trainees in a workplace-based postgraduate medical training programme, BMJ Open 10(4).
- Jonge, L.P.J.W.M. de; Mesters, I.; Govaerts, M.J.B.; Timmerman, A.A.; Muris, J.W.M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (2020), Supervisors' intention to observe clinical task performance, BMC Medical Education 20(1).
- Houwink, E.J.F.; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Alpay, L.; Pearce, C.; Butler-Henderson, K.; Meijer, E.; Kampen, S. van; Versluis, A.; Bonten, T.N.; Dalfsen, J.H. van; Peet, P.G. van; Koster, Y.; Hierckg, B.P.; Jeeninga, I.; Luenen, S. van; Kleij, R.M.J.J. van der; Chavannes, N.H. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2020), SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 3: eHealth education in primary care, European Journal of General Practice 26(1): 108-118.
- Gulden, R. van der; Heeneman, S.; Kramer, A.W.M.; Laan, R.F.J.M.; Scherpbier-de Haan, N.D. & Thoonen, B.P.A. (2020), How is self-regulated learning documented in e-portfolios of trainees?, BMC Medical Education 20(1).
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge M.W., Rijst R.M. van der, Gesundheit N., Staveren L.N. van, Assendelft W.J.J., Dekker F.W., Scherpbier A.J.J.A. & Kramer A.W.M. (2019), From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics, BMC Medical Education 19: 268.
- Bever, S. de; Rhijn, S.C. van; Dijk, N. van; Kramer, A. & Visser, M.R.M. (2019), Professionals' perspectives on factors affecting GP trainees' patient mix: results from an interview and focus group study among professionals working in Dutch general practice, BMJ Open 9(12).
- Bonnie, L.H.A.; Visser, M.R.M.; Bont, J.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Dijk, N. van (2019), Trainers' and trainees' expectations of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) in a primary care training programme, Education for Primary Care 30(1): 13-21.
- Barnhoorn, P.C.; Houtlosser, M.; Ottenhoff-de Jonge, M.W.; Essers, G.T.J.M.; Numans, M.E. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2019), A practical framework for remediating unprofessional behavior and for developing professionalism competencies and a professional identity, Medical Teacher 41(3): 303-308.
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge, M.W.; Rijst, R.M. van der; Gesundheit, N.; Staveren, L.N. van; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2019), From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics, BMC Medical Education 19.
- Rietmeijer, C.B.T.; Huisman, D.; Blankenstein, A.H.; Vries, H. de; Scheele, F.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Teunissen, P.W. (2018), Patterns of direct observation and their impact during residency: general practice supervisors' views, Medical Education 52(9): 981-991.
- Jonge, L.P.J.W.M. de; Timmerman, A.A.; Govaerts, M.J.B.; Muris, J.W.M.; Muijtjens, A.M.M.; Kramer, A.W.M. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (2017), Stakeholder perspectives on workplace-based performance assessment: towards a better understanding of assessor behaviour, Advances in Health Sciences Education 22(5): 1213-1243.
- Sagasser, M.H.; Fluit, C.R.M.G.; Weel, C. van; Vleuten, C.P.M. van der & Kramer, A.W.M. (2017), How Entrustment Is Informed by Holistic Judgments Across Time in a Family Medicine Residency Program: An Ethnographic Nonparticipant Observational Study, Academic Medicine 92(6): 792-799.
- Sagasser, M.H.; Kramer, A.W.M.; Fluit, C.R.M.G.; Weel, C. van & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (2017), Self-entrustment: how trainees' self-regulated learning supports participation in the workplace, Advances in Health Sciences Education 22(4): 931-949.
- Essers, G.; Dielissen, P.; Weel, C. van; Vleuten, C. van der; Dulmen, S. van & Kramer, A. (2015), How do trained raters take context factors into account when assessing GP trainee communication performance? An exploratory, qualitative study, Advances in Health Sciences Education 20(1): 131-147.
- Sagasser, M.H.; Kramer, A.W.M.; Weel, C. van & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (2015), GP supervisors' experience in supporting self-regulated learning: a balancing act, Advances in Health Sciences Education 20(3): 727-744.
- Kramer, A.W.M. (2015), Too much control diverts from the essence of learning and teaching, Perspectives on Medical Education 4(5): 272-274.
- Huisarts