André Gerrits
Professor of International Studies and Global Politics
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.W.M. Gerrits
- Telephone
- 071 5272949
- 0000-0003-3693-9186

André Gerrits is Professor Emeritus of International Studies and Global Politics.
More information about André Gerrits
André Gerrits is Professor Emeritus of International Studies and Global Politics.
He held the chair in International Studies and Global Politics (2015 - 2024) and the chair in Russian History and Politics (2010-2015) at the Leiden University the Institute for History and the Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He was also a Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Studies Clingendael and he held research positions at VU University Amsterdam and the University of Groningen. Gerrits was visiting professor at the Reves Center for International Studies / History Department of the College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA. and at the Center for Mediterranean and European Studies of New York University, New York.
At Leiden University Gerrits co-developed and chaired the BA International Studies (2012-2016), the MA International Relations (2011-2016) and the BA Urban Studies (2018-2021). He currently chairs the Research Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and the Supervisory Committee of the Roosevelt Chair.
Gerrits also holds various administrative and advisory positions outside the university, including at the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Amnesty International, the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, and the Foundation for Progressive European Studies.
Gerrits conducted several research projects financed and / or commissioned by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Commission.
Online lecture series on the cold war (in Dutch)
College 1/5: "Wat waren de voordelen van de Koude Oorlog?"
College 2/5: "Hoe kon massamoordenaar Stalin zo populair zijn?"
College 3/5: "Hoe heeft de computer de Sovjet-Unie verwoest?"
College 4/5: "Is Rusland een dictatuur?"
College 5/5: "Hoe lang nog voordat er een nieuwe Koude Oorlog uitbreekt?"
Professor of International Studies and Global Politics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
Emeritus Professor International studies and global politics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
- Gerrits A.W.M., Geopolitiek: een Nederlands idee?: Het verhaal van Spijkman. Clingendael Spectator: Clingendael Institute (Clingendael Institute). [web article].
- Gerrits A.W.M. & Krumm R. (2024), Moscow's turn East: what are the consequences for Russia and the West. Berlin : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2023), The ideological and philosophical context of the war. In: Andor L. & Optenhogel U. (Eds.), Europe and the war in Ukraine: from Russian aggression to a new Eastern policy. Brussels / London: FEPS / London Publishing Partnership. 1-15.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2022), Hoe Amalrik de ondergang van de Sovjetunie voorspelde, Clingendael Spectator : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. & Klijn H. (2022), Central Asia under Brussels's and Moscow's eyes: prospects and realities, Security and Human Rights 32(1-4): 1-16.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2022), Hoe Amalrik de ondergang van de Sovjet-Unie voorspelde, Clingendael Spectator : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2022), Wat het realisme ons leert over de oorlog in Oekraine, Clingendael Spectator : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2021), The crisis of multilateralism and the future of human rights. In: Meyer Th., De Sales Marques J.L. & Telo M. (Eds.), Towards a new multilateralism: Cultural divergence and political convergence?. London and New York: Routledge. 183-196.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2021), The crisis of multilateralism and the future of human rights. In: Meyer Th., De Sales Marques J.L. & Telo M. (Eds.) Towards a new multilateralism: Cultural divergence and political convergence?. London and New York: Routledge. 183-196.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2020), Russia in the changing global order: multipolarity, multilateralism, and sovereignty. In: Hosli M.O. & Selleslaghs J. (Eds.), The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects. United Nations University Series on Regionalism no. 17. Cham: Springer. 85-107.
- Gerrits A.W.M., Ohanjanyan M., Optenhogel U. & Wiersma J.M. (2020), The Geopolitical Environment of the Lands In-Between. In: Ohanjanyan M. (Ed.), What's Left? Trends and Dynamics in Europe's East. Amsterdam: European Forum. 83-102.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2020), Is het einde van de mensenrechten in zicht?, Clingendael Spectator : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2019), Disinformation in international relations: how important is it?, Security and Human Rights 29(1-4): 3-23.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2019), De 'gentrificatie' van Niccolò Machiavelli, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132(1): 95-104.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2019), Het Westen lijdt aan een Rusland syndroom, Clingendael Spectator (August): .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2019), Review of: Hanebrink Paul (2019), A Specter Hanting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 37(3): 361-364.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2018), Confronteer Rusland waar nodig; werk samen waar mogelijk, Clingendael Spectator 2018: .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2018), Russia and Europe after the presidential elections, The Progressive Post : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2018), Rusland en Syrie: Poetin gokte en won, Clingendael Spectator 72(5): .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (1 March 2017), Rusland niet aanstichter maar slechts profiteur van crisis in Europa. Raam op Rusland. [blog entry].
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2016), Nationalism in Europe Since 1945. London: Palgrave / Macmillan.
- Gerrits A.W.M. & Bader M. (2016), Russian patronage over Abkhazia and South Ossetia: implications for conflict resolution, East European Politics 32(3): 297-313.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2015), Rusland en de ramp met de MH-17. In: Brink G. van den (Ed.), Een ramp die Nederland veranderde. Nadenken over vlucht MH-17. Amsterdam: Boom. 59-80.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2015), Rusland in 2015, Internationale Spectator jrg.69: .
- Gerrits A.W.M. & et al. (2015), Instabiliteit rond Europa: Confrontatie met een nieuwe werkelijkheid. Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken-rapporten. Den Haag: Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2014), Solidarity and the European Union: From the Welfare State to the Eurocrisis. In: Hillebrand E. & Kellner A.M. (Eds.), Shaping a Different Europe. Contributions to a Critical Debate.. Berlin: Dietz Verlag. 63-71.
- Gerrits A.W.M., La crisi ucraina: quali opzioni per la Russia e per l’Occidente. , Le Italianieuropai, April 9, (Le Italianieuropai). [web article].
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2014), Ukraine: A Mid-crisis Assessment, Queries (4): 32-33.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2014), Populismus in Europa: Weshalb die praktizierte Entpolitisierung der europäischen Integration den Populisten in die Hände spielt’, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft : .
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2013), Russia. In: Rood J. & Dinnissen R. (Eds.), Een wereld in onzekerheid. Clingendael Strategische Monitor 2013. The Hague: Clingendael. 49-77 (parts).
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2013), The Netherlands, Russia and the European Union. In: Schout Adriaan & Rood Jan (Eds.), The Netherlands as an EU Member: Awkward or Loyal Partner?. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 95-109.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2012), Nationalisme en internationalisme in Europa na 1945. In: Wessels Leo H.M. (Ed.), Nationalisme, naties en staten. Europa vanaf circa 1800 tot heden.. Nijmegen: Van Tilt.. 572-684.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2012), Nationalisme en internationalisme in Europa na 1945. In: Bosch T. & Wessels L.H. (Eds.), Nationalisme, naties en staten. Europa vanaf circa 1800 tot heden. Nijmegen: Van Tilt. 572-684.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2011), Nederland, Rusland en de Europese Unie. In: , De Nederlandse Europese perspectieven.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (Ed.) (2011), . Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2011), Alle kleine beetjes helpen: De 'derde democratische golf' in de Arabische wereld, (7): 6-11.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (15 July 2011), Grootste vijand van zichzelf: Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), diplomaat. NRC Handelsblad: 1.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (12 May 2011), Met dank aan kerk en keizer. NRC Handelsblad: 3.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2011), Rusland en BRIC: van modieus idee tot geopolitieke werkelijkheid?, Internationale Spectator 65: 188-192.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2011), Opvolging, protest en regimeverandering: de betekenis van verkiezingen in Rusland, Internationale Spectator 65(12): 636.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2011), Rusland na de ondergang van de Sovjet-Unie: Over de politieke tijdgeest en de zin van regiostudies, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 40(1): 12-25.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Time, Fortuna and Policy – or How to understand European Integration?, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 125(4): 67-73.
- Burnell P. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Promoting party politics in emerging democracies, Democratization 17(6): 1065-1084.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Explaining democracy in the Russian Federation: Political regime, public opinion and international assistance, Contemporary Politics 16(1): 33-49.
- Burnell P. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Promoting party politics in emerging democracies, Democratization 17(6): 1065-1084.
- Gerrits A.W.M. & Burnell Peter (2010), Promoting Party Politics in Emerging Democracies, Democratization 17(6): 1065-1084.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Rehabilitation of Politics; A few Comments on Tony Judt, ‘Ill Fares the Land’, unknown FGW (2): 41-43.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2010), Het olifantje en de porseleinkast: Over de Europese Unie in de wereldpolitiek en de studie van Europa, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 39(3): 179-193.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2009), Normatieve macht Europa: Kanttekeningen bij een wetenschappelijke en politieke notie, Internationale Spectator 63(11): 574-577.
- Meijer K. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2009), Wit-Rusland: Dictatuur en legitimiteit tussen Rusland en Europa, Internationale Spectator 63(5): 254-258.
- Bader M. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2009), Ruslands positie in de wereld: Grote ambities, beperkte mogelijkheden, Christen Democratische Verkenningen : 144-150.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2009), The myth of Jewish Communism. A historical interpretation. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
- Manners I., Aggestam L., Toje A., Romanova T., Wang Y. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2009), Normative Power Europe in a changing world: A discussion. Clingendael European Papers no. 5. The Hague: Clingendael.
- Bader M., Haas M. de, Jong J. de & Gerrits A.W.M. (2008), The European Union and Russia no. 4. The Hague: Clingendael.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2008), Russia and the OSCE: A story of high expectations, strong disillusionment and obstinate confrontation, Security and Human Rights 19(2): 107-109.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2008), Democratic regression, rising populism and the pitfalls of European integration. In: Swoboda H. & Wiersma J.M. (Eds.), Populism and minority rights. Vienna: Renner Institute. 57-66.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2006), Democratie door interventie. De nieuwe White Man's Burden?. Studies over politieke vernieuwing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2005), Judischer Kommunismus: Der Mythos, die Juden, die Partei. In: Benz W. (Ed.), Jahrbuch fur Antisemitismusforschung. Berlin: Metropol Verlag. 243-264.
- Wolffram D.J. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2005), Political democracy and ethnic diversity in modern European history. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2005), Russia, the European Union and the 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine: The East-West conflict revisited?, International Area Studies Review 8(1): 3-21.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2002), The Social Democratic tradition of East Central Europe, East European Politics and Societies 16(1): 54-108.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (2001), Een bizar experiment: De Sovjet-Unie 1917-1991. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Wilde J. de & Gerrits A.W.M. (2000), Aan het slagveld ontsnapt. Over oorlogen die niet plaatsvonden. Zutphen: Walburg Pers.
- Van den Berg G. & Gerrits A.W.M. (2000), Human rights and legal change in the Russian Federation, Helsinki Monitor 11(3): 6-22.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (1999), Russia, the West, and the loose nukes syndrome, International Relations 14(6): 23-40.
- Rusman P. & Gerrits A.W.M. (1999), The environmental impact of the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons complex of the former Soviet Union. The Hague / Groningen: Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Groningen University.
- Adler N. & Gerrits A.W.M. (1995), Vampires Unstaked: National images, stereotypes and myths in East Central Europe. Verhandelingen Der Koninklijke Netherlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen no. 163. Amsterdam: KNAW.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (1995), Anti-communism and antisemitism. The Judeo-Bolshevism myth in Russia and Eastern Europe, East European Jewish Affairs 25(1): 49-72.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (1993), Paradox of freedom: The 'Jewish Question' in postcommunist East-Central Europe. In: Cuthbertson I. & Leibowitz J. (Eds.), Minorities: The new Europe's old issue. New York: Westview Press. 99-122.
- Gerrits A.W.M. (1988), Limits of influence, Bulletin of peace proposals 19(2): 231-239.
- Prakken J. & Gerrits A.W.M. (1985), Helsinki, Madrid and the working conditions for Western journalists in Eastern Europe. In: Bloed A. (Ed.), Essays on human rights in the helsinki process. Leiden: Brill. 127-161.
- Committee member
- Chair
- Member Scientific Council
- Vice-chair
- Chair and member board special Roosevelt Chair