Alwin Kloekhorst
Professor Anatolian Linguistics
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Kloekhorst
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7977
- 0000-0002-8338-1560

Alwin Kloekhorst is professor of Anatolian Linguistics within the Comparative Indo-European Linguistics section at LUCL. His research focuses of the Indo-European language of Ancient Anatolia (Hittite, Luwian, Lydian, Lycian, Carian, etc.) and the genealogical position of this Anatolian branch within the Indo-European language family at large. More specifically, he is concerned with historical phonology and morphology of Anatolian and Indo-European, the Indo-Anatolian Hypothesis, and the Indo-Anatolian homeland question. He also works on the synchronic philology of the Anatolian languages as well as on (Old) Hittite history.
Fields of interest
Comparative Indo-European linguistics; Hittitology (historical linguistics and philology); Historical linguistics and philology of the other Anatolian languages (Luwian, Lycian, Carian etc.).
At the moment I am mainly working on a monograph on the accentual system of Hittite. Other topics of interest are the phonological interpretation of the Hittite consonants, the historical morphology of Anatolian, the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European ablaut-accent paradigms, and the early split up of the Indo-European language family.
Grants and awards
- 2019-present: Member of Academia Europaea (section Classics and Oriental Studies).
- 2016-2019: HERA Joint Research Program 'Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe' (co-applicant).
- 2015-2020: NWO-VIDI 'Spltting the Mother Tongue: the Position of Anatolian in the Dispersal of the Indo-European Language Family' (PI).
- 2008-2011: NWO-VENI 'Stressing the Facts: Accentuation in Hittite' (PI).
- 2002-2007: PhD Grant CNWS 'Integrated Etymological Treatment of the Hittite Vocabulary of Indo-European Origin'.
Curriculum vitae
2023-present | Professor of Anatolian Linguistics, LUCL |
2019-2023 | Associate Professor, LUCL |
2012-2019 | Assistant Professor LUCL |
2007 | PhD (with distinction), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University. |
2002 |
Advanced Master's (with distinction), CNWS, Leiden University. |
Key publications
- Kloekhorst, A., 2019, Kanišite Hittite: The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European (= Handbuch der Orientalistik 1.132), Leiden - Boston: Brill, xii + 303 p.
- Kloekhorst, A., 2014, Accent in Hittite. A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics, and Metrics (= Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten 56), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, xxxvi + 716 p.
- Kloekhorst, A., 2008, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon (= Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 5), Leiden - Boston: Brill, xiii + 1162 p.
Professor Anatolian Linguistics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- Adviseur op het gebied van Hittitisch en Indo-Europees
- Etymologisch adviseur