Alwin Kloekhorst
Professor Anatolian Linguistics
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Kloekhorst
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7977
- 0000-0002-8338-1560

Alwin Kloekhorst is professor of Anatolian Linguistics within the Comparative Indo-European Linguistics section at LUCL. His research focuses of the Indo-European language of Ancient Anatolia (Hittite, Luwian, Lydian, Lycian, Carian, etc.) and the genealogical position of this Anatolian branch within the Indo-European language family at large. More specifically, he is concerned with historical phonology and morphology of Anatolian and Indo-European, the Indo-Anatolian Hypothesis, and the Indo-Anatolian homeland question. He also works on the synchronic philology of the Anatolian languages as well as on (Old) Hittite history.
Fields of interest
Comparative Indo-European linguistics; Hittitology (historical linguistics and philology); Historical linguistics and philology of the other Anatolian languages (Luwian, Lycian, Carian etc.).
At the moment I am mainly working on a monograph on the accentual system of Hittite. Other topics of interest are the phonological interpretation of the Hittite consonants, the historical morphology of Anatolian, the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European ablaut-accent paradigms, and the early split up of the Indo-European language family.
Grants and awards
- 2019-present: Member of Academia Europaea (section Classics and Oriental Studies).
- 2016-2019: HERA Joint Research Program 'Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe' (co-applicant).
- 2015-2020: NWO-VIDI 'Spltting the Mother Tongue: the Position of Anatolian in the Dispersal of the Indo-European Language Family' (PI).
- 2008-2011: NWO-VENI 'Stressing the Facts: Accentuation in Hittite' (PI).
- 2002-2007: PhD Grant CNWS 'Integrated Etymological Treatment of the Hittite Vocabulary of Indo-European Origin'.
Curriculum vitae
2023-present | Professor of Anatolian Linguistics, LUCL |
2019-2023 | Associate Professor, LUCL |
2012-2019 | Assistant Professor LUCL |
2007 | PhD (with distinction), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University. |
2002 |
Advanced Master's (with distinction), CNWS, Leiden University. |
Key publications
- Kloekhorst, A., 2019, Kanišite Hittite: The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European (= Handbuch der Orientalistik 1.132), Leiden - Boston: Brill, xii + 303 p.
- Kloekhorst, A., 2014, Accent in Hittite. A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics, and Metrics (= Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten 56), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, xxxvi + 716 p.
- Kloekhorst, A., 2008, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon (= Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 5), Leiden - Boston: Brill, xiii + 1162 p.
Professor Anatolian Linguistics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- Kloekhorst A. (2024), Evidence for a new pre-Proto-Indo-European sound law *-ē̆m > PIE *-ō̆m, Indogermanische Forschungen 129(1): 185-197.
- Kloekhorst A. (2024), The 1pl. and 2pl. personal pronouns in Luwian, Anatolian, and Indo-European. In: Vernet M., Adiego I.-X., García Trabazo J.V., Hoz M.-P. de & Obrador-Cursach B. (Eds.): Gods and Languages in Ancient Anatolia. Barcino monographica orientalia no. 25 453-482.
- Kloekhorst A. (2024), Review of: Bianconi M. (2021), Linguistics and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece. Leiden - Boston: Brill. Bibliotheca Orientalis 81(1-2): 95-98.
- Kloekhorst A. (2023), Proto-Indo-Anatolian, the “Anatolian split” and the “Anatolian trek”: a comparative linguistic perspective. In: Kristiansen K., Kroonen G. & Willerslev E. (Eds.), The Indo-European puzzle revisited: integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Cambridge: CUP. 42-60.
- Kloekhorst A. (2023), New interpretations in Lydian phonology. In: García Trabazo J.V.,Adiego I., Vernet M., Obrador-CursachB. & Soler S. (Eds.), New approaches on Anatolian linguistics. Anatolica et Indogermanica no. 4. Barcelona: Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic. 115-133.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Pluralized collectives in Young Avestan: a morphosyntactic explanation of the replacement of the YAv. endings -ā̆ and -ī̆ by -āiš, -ā̊ and -īš, Iran and the Caucasus 26(2): 162-182.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Luwians, Lydians, Etruscans, and Troy : the linguistic landscape of Northwestern Anatolia in the pre-classical period. In: Hajnal I., Zangger E. & Kelder J. (Eds.), The political geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age. Budapest: Archaeolingua. 201-227.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Ejective stops in Hittite: evidence for a phonemic length distinction, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 85(2): 149-163.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Anatolian. In: Olander T. (Ed.), The Indo-European language family: a phylogenetic perspective. Cambridge: CUP. 63-82.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Evidence for a phonemic glottal stop in Hittite: a reassessment, Historische Sprachforschung 133(1): 111-143.
- Waal. W.J.I. & Kloekhorst A. (2022), Crime and punishment in Hittite Anatolia: a new interpretation of the verb šaku(ua)-/šakuuai- (with an etymological contribution by Alwin Kloekhorst), Journal of Cuneiform Studies 74(1): 75-87.
- Kloekhorst A. (2022), Hittite dapi(a)-, dapit/d-, dapiant– ‘all, every, each; entire’: a logographic interpretation, Hungarian Assyriological Review 3: 203-220.
- Kloekhorst A. (2021), A new interpretation of the Old Hittite Zalpa-text (CTH 3.1): Nēša as the capital under Ḫuzzii̯a I, Labarna I, and Ḫattušili I, Journal of the American Oriental Society 141(3): 557-575.
- Kloekhorst A. (2021), The phonetics and phonology of Hittite intervocalic fortis and lenis stops, Bibliotheca Orientalis 78(3-4): 327-352.
- Kloekhorst A. & Mens E. (2021), CaR vs. Ca-aR spellings in Hittite: evidence for a phonemic distinction between /ə/ and /a/, Hungarian Assyriological Review 2(2): 241-262.
- Kloekhorst A. & Lubotsky A. (2021), Indo-Aryan -(a)u̯artanna in the Kikkuli treatise. In: Fellner H., Malzahn M. & Peyrot M. (Eds.) lyuke wmer ra: Indo-European studies in honor of Georges-Jean Pinault. Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press. 331-336 .
- Kloekhorst A. (2020), The phonetics and phonology of the Hittite dental stops. In: Kim R.I., Mynářová J. & Pavúk P. (Eds.), Hrozný and Hittite: the first hundred years: proceedings of the International Conference Held at Charles University, Prague, 11-14 November 2015. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East no. 107. Leiden - Boston: Brill. 147-175.
- Kloekhorst A. (2020), The authorship of the Old Hittite Palace Chronicle (CTH 8): a case for Anitta, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 72: 143-155.
- Kloekhorst A. (2020), The morphophonological analysis of Hittite šipantaš, šipandaš ‘(s)he libated’, Hungarian Assyriological Review 1: 99-105.
- Kloekhorst A. & Pronk T.C. (2019), Introduction: reconstructing Proto-Indo-Anatolian and Proto-Indo-Uralic. In: Kloekhorst A. & Pronk T. (Eds.), The precursors of Proto-Indo-European: the Indo-Anatolian and Indo-Uralic hypotheses. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 1-14.
- Kloekhorst A. (2019), Hittite ‘water’. In: Bläsing U., Dum-Tragut J. & Lint T.M. van (Eds.), Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European studies: a commemoration volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg. Leuven: Peeters. 143-148.
- Kloekhorst A. & Waal W.J.I. (2019), A Hittite scribal tradition predating the tablet collections of Ḫattuša?: The origin of the ‘cushion-shaped’ tablets KBo 3.22, KBo 17.21+, KBo 22.1, and KBo 22.2, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 109(2): 189-203.
- Kloekhorst A. (2019), Kanišite Hittite: The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European. Handbuch der Orientalistik no. 1.132. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
- Kloekhorst A. & Pronk T. (Eds.) (2019), The Precursors of Proto-Indo-European: The Indo-Anatolian and Indo-Uralic hypotheses. Leiden Studies in Indo-European no. 21. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
- Kloekhorst A. (2019), The etymology of Hieroglyphic Luwian izi(ya)-di ‘to do, to make': an athematic i-present in Anatolian. In: I.-X Adiego et al. (Ed.), Luwic dialects and Anatolian: inheritance and diffusion. Barcino monographica orientalia no. 12. Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. 163-180.
- Kloekhorst A. (2019), The spelling of clusters of dental stop + sibilant in Hittite, Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 73: 55-72.
- Kloekhorst A. (2019), The origin of the phonetic value of the Anatolian hieroglyphic sign *41 (CAPERE / tà), Kadmos 58(1/2): 33-48.
- Kloekhorst A. (2018), The origin of the Proto-Indo-European nominal accent-ablaut paradigms. In: Rieken E. (Ed.), 100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen. Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 23. September 2015 in Marburg. Wiesbaden.
- Kloekhorst A. (2018), The origin of the Hittite ḫi-conjugation. In: Beek L. van, Kloekhorst A., Kroonen G., Peyrot M. & Pronk T. (Eds.), Farnah. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European studies in honor of Sasha Lubotsky. Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press.
- Kloekhorst A. (2018), De oude talen van Turkije: een intrigerende lappendeken. In: Gerritsen F. & Heijden H. van der (Eds.), Standplaats Istanbul. Lange lijnen in de cultuurgeschiedenis van Turkije. Amsterdam: Maas. 174-181.
- Kloekhorst A. (2018), Anatolian evidence suggests that the Indo-European laryngeals *h2 and *h3 were uvular stops, Indo-European Linguistics 6(1): 69-94.
- Beek L. van, Kloekhorst A., Kroonen G., Peyrot M., Pronk T. & Vaan M. de (Eds.) (2018), Farnah. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Sasha Lubotsky. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave.
- Kloekhorst A. (2017), The Old Hittite and the Proto-Indo-European tense-aspect system, Indogermanische Forschungen 122: 295-307.
- Kloekhorst A. (2017), In the footsteps of the Phrygians. Understanding migrations and cross-cultural contacts in Iron Age Anatolia. In: , Aspects of Globalization; Mobility, exchange and the development of multi-cultural states. Leiden: LURIS. 6-11.
- Kloekhorst A. (2017), The Hittite genitive ending -ā̆n. In: Hansen B.S.S., Hyllested A. & et al. (Eds.), Usque Ad Radices: Indo-European studies in honour of Birgit Anette Olsen. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. 385-400.
- Kloekhorst A. (2017), Edition of etymological treatments. In: Hazenbos J. (Ed.), Friedrich J., Kammenhuber A., Hethitisches Wörterbuch, Band IV: I, Lieferung 25.
- Kloekhorst A. (2017), Edition of etymological treatments. In: Giusfredi F. (Ed.), Friedrich J., Kammenhuber A., Hethitisches Wörterbuch, Band V: K, Lieferung 26.
- Kloekhorst A. (2016), The story of Wāšitta and Kumarbi. In: Velhartická Š. (Ed.), Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová. Leiden: Brill. 165-177.
- Kloekhorst A. (2016), The Anatolian stop system and the Indo-Hittite hypothesis, Indogermanische Forschungen 121: 213-247.
- Kloekhorst A. (2015), The Old Phrygian word for 'feet': new readings in the 'podas'-inscription (G-02), Kadmos 54: 107-118.
- Kloekhorst A. & Lubotsky A. (2014), Hittite nai-, nē-, Sanskrit nī-, and the PIE verbal root *(s)neh1-. In: Melchert H.C., Rieken E. & Steer Th. (Eds.), Munus amicitiae. Norbert Oettinger a collegis et amicis dicatum. Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press. 126-137.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Edition of the etymological treatments. In: Hazenbos J. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band IV: I. Lieferung 22.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Accent in Hittite, A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics, and Metrics no. 56. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Proto-Indo-European "thorn"-clusters, Journal of Historical Linguistics 127: 43-67.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Once more on Hittite ā/e-ablauting ḫi-verbs, Indogermanische Forschungen 119: 55-77.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Edition of etymological treatments. In: Hagenbuchner-Dresel A. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band IV: I. Lieferung 24.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), Edition of the etymological treatments. In: Giusfredi F. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band IV: I. Lieferung 23.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), De prehistorie van het Nederlands. De Europese taalfamilie gereconstrueerd, Onze Taal 2014(2/3): 46-48.
- Kloekhorst A. (2014), The Proto-Indo-European acrostatic inflection reconsidered. In: Oettinger N. & Steer T. (Eds.), Das Nomen im Indogermanischen. Morphologie, Substantiv versus Adjektiv, Kollektivum. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 14. bis 16. September 2011 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden 140-163.
- Kloekhorst A. (2013), The signs TA and DA in Old Hittite: evidence for a phonetic difference, Altorientalische Forschungen 40: 125-141.
- Kloekhorst A. (2013), Ликийский язык. In: Koryakov Y.B. & Kibrik A.A. (Eds.), Языки мира: Реликтовые индоевропейские языки Передней и Центральной Азии. Moscow 131-154.
- Kloekhorst A. (2013), Indo-European Nominal Ablaut Patterns: The Anatolian Evidence, Indo-European Accent and Ablaut. 107-128.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), The Language of Troy. In: Kelder J. (Ed.), Troy. City, Homer, Turkey: W-Books. 46-50.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), Hittite “ā/e”-ablauting verbs. Melchert H.C. (Ed.), The Indo-European Verb. Proceedings of the Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies, Los Angeles 13-15 September 2010. 150-160.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), The Phonological Interpretation of Plene and Non-Plene Spelled e in Hittite. Nielsen-Whitehead B. (Ed.), The Sound of Indo-European. Phonetics, Phonemics, and Morphophonemics. 243-261.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), Edition of the etymological treatments. In: Hazenbos J. (Ed.), Friedrich J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band III/2: Ḫ/ḫe- bis ḫu-. Lieferung 20.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), Edition of the etymological treatments. In: Hagenbuchner-Dresel A. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band III/2: Ḫ/ḫe- bis ḫu-. Lieferung 21.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), The origin of the Lydian dat. sg. ending -λ, Kadmos 51: 165-173.
- Kloekhorst A. (2012), Pronominal Morphology in the Anatolian Language Family, Altorientalische Forschungen 39(2): 254-264.
- Kloekhorst A. (2011), Accentuation and Poetic Meter in Hittite. Hutter M. & Hutter-Braunsar S. (Eds.), Hethitische Literatur. Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken. Akten des Symposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn. 157-176.
- Kloekhorst A. (2011), Weise’s Law: Depalatalization of palatovelars in Sanskrit. Krisch T. & Lindner T. (Eds.), Indogermanistik und Linguistik im Dialog, Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September 2008 in Salzburg. 261-270.
- Kloekhorst A. (2011), The accentuation of the PIE word for ‘daughter’. Pronk T. & Derksen R. (Eds.), Accent Matters. Papers on Balto-Slavic Accentology. 235-243.
- Kloekhorst A. (2011), The Opening Formula of Lycian Funerary Inscriptions: mẽti vs. mẽne, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70/1: 235-243.
- Kloekhorst A. (2010), Edition of Etymological treatments. In: Hagenbuchner-Dresel A. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band III/2: Ḫ/ḫe- bis ḫu-. Lieferung 19.
- Kloekhorst A. (2010), Edition of the etymological treatments. In: Hazenbos J. (Ed.), Friedrich, J. & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Band III/2:Ḫ/ḫe- bis ḫu-. Lieferung 18.
- Kloekhorst A. (2010), Hittite mān, maḫḫan, māḫḫan, māḫḫanda and mānḫanda. In: Kim R., Oettinger N., Rieken E. & Weiss M. (Eds.), Ex Anatolia Lux. Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of H. Craig Melchert on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Ann Arbor - New York: Beechstave. 217-226.
- Kloekhorst A. (2010), Review of: Hoffner H.A.Jr. & Melchert H.C. (2008), A Grammar of the Hittite Language. Winona Lake. Kratylos 55: 13-24.
- Kloekhorst A. (2010), Initial stops in Hittite (with an excursus on the spelling of stops in Alalaḫ Akkadian), Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 100: 197-241.
- Kloekhorst A. (2009), Hittite kane/išš-zi ‚to recognize’ and other s-extended verbs. Lühr R. & Ziegler S. (Eds.), Protolanguage and Prehistory, Akten der XII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Krakau, 11. bis 15. Oktober 2004. . Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. 244-254.
- Kloekhorst A. (2009), Review of: Neumann G. (2007), Glossar des Lykischen. Überarbeitet und zum Druck gebracht von Johann Tischler. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Bibliotheca Orientalis 66: 312-316.
- Kloekhorst A. (2008), Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Leiden: Brill.
- Kloekhorst A. (2008), The Hittite 2pl.-ending -šten(i). Archi A. & Francia R. (Eds.), VI Congresso Internazionale di Ittitologia, Roma, 5-9 settembre 2005, Parte 2. . Roma: CNR - Istituto di Studi sule Civiltà dell'Egeo e del Vicino Oriente. 493-500.
- Kloekhorst A. (2008), Čop's Law in Luwian revisited, Die Sprache. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 46: 131-136.
- Kloekhorst A. (2008), Studies in Lycian and Carian phonology and morphology, Kadmos 47: 117-146.
- Kloekhorst A. (2008), Some Indo-Uralic Aspects of Hittite, Journal of Indo-European Studies 36: 88-95.
- Kloekhorst A. (2007), The Hittite syllabification of PIE *CuR and *KwR. Groddek D. & Zorman M. (Eds.), Tabula Hethaeorum. Hethitologische Beiträge Silvin Košak zum 65. Geburtstag. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 455-457.
- Kloekhorst A. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Marangozis J. (2003), A Short Grammar of Hieroglyphic Luwian. Munich: LINCOM GmbH. Language 83: 223-223.
- Kloekhorst A. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Güterbock H.G. & Hoffner H.A. (2005), The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volume Š, Fascicle 2, šaptamenzu to -ši-. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Bibliotheca Orientalis 64: 429-431.
- Kloekhorst A. (31 May 2007), The Hittite Inherited Lexicon (Dissertatie, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Weitenberg J.J.S.
- Kloekhorst A. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Zeilfelder S. (2005), Hittite Exercise Book. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Bibliotheca Orientalis 64: 685-690.
- Kloekhorst A. (2006), Initial Laryngeals in Anatolian, Historische Sprachforschung 119: 77-108.
- Groddek D. & Kloekhorst A. (2006), Hethitische Texte in Transkription. KBo 35. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Kloekhorst A. (2006), Hittite pai-/pi- 'to give', Indogermanische Forschungen 111: 110-119.
- Kloekhorst A. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Carruba O. & Meid W. (2001), Anatolisch und Indogermanisch. Akten des Kolloquiums der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft. Pavia, 22.-25. September 1998. Innsbruck: Institut fur Sprachen und Literaturen, Universitat Innsbruck. Bibliotheca Orientalis 62: 90-94.
- Kloekhorst A. (2005), Hittite hapusa(ss)- (formerly known as hapus- 'penis'), Journal of Indo-European Studies 33: 27-39.
- Kloekhorst A. (2004), The Preservation of *h1 in Hieroglyphic Luwian: Two Separate a-signs, Historische Sprachforschung 117: 26-49.
- Adviseur op het gebied van Hittitisch en Indo-Europees
- Etymologisch adviseur