Universiteit Leiden

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Alette Vonk


Drs. A.P. Vonk
+31 71 527 2746

Alette Vonk holds an MA in Development Sociology and Practitioner certificates in the fields of Intercultural Management, Organizational Development, Organizational Culture and NLP. She has more than 25 years experience in both organizational and community development in international settings: she worked for ten years in West-Africa (Cameroon, Benin and Ghana), lived in the USA and worked extensively with migrant communities in the Netherlands. Today, she is both Lecturer and social entrepreneur in the field of Intercultural Management, with clients in both business, NGO and governmental entities.

More information about Alette Vonk

Curriculum vitae

Work experience

2017/present: Lecturer Intercultural Management
Leiden University

2012/present: Consultant Intercultural Management
itim International

2009/present: Entrepreneur / CEO
De Vonk, advies en diversiteit

2015/2017: Lecturer Intercultural Communication
TIO University of Applied Sciences

2007/2009: Policy and organizational Advisor
Blaauwberg, Leiden

2001/2007: Advisor Local Governance
SNV Ghana

1997/2001: Assistante Technique Genre et Développement
SNV Benin

1992/1997: Community Development Professional
St. Boog, The Hague


2013 Practitioner Intercultural Management
(The Hofstede Centre, Helsinki, Finland)
2001/’02 Organizational- and Institutional Development
(OCIC / IODA / SNV Ghana)
1991 MA Development Sociology
(University of Leiden)

Key publications

Interactieve benaderingen langs de culturele meetlat (M&O, jrg. 71, nr. 1, 2017)

OD Approaches and other cultures (OD Practitioner, vol 48, nr. 3, 2016)


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Economische en Sociale geschiedenis

Work address

Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
Room number 2.09A


  • De Vonk, advies en diversiteit Trainin en consultancy inetercultureel management en communicatie
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