Alessandra De Mulder
- Name
- A. De Mulder MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1636
- 0000-0002-2612-420X

Alessandra De Mulder is a lecturer of Economic and Social History for several courses in the BA and MA History.
More information about Alessandra De Mulder
See also
Fields of interest
Consumer studies
Material culture
Eighteenth-century studies
Digital humanities
Alessandra De Mulder graduated from the University of Antwerp in 2018 with a master's thesis on the perception of eighteenth-century disaster victims in Dutch newspapers. She is finishing her PhD at the Centre for Urban History (CSG/CUH) at the University of Antwerp, working on a project about value constructions in eighteenth-century London auction advertisements. Her current research focuses on second-hand household goods and examines the continuity and change in the metropolitan consumer mentality by combining digital and more traditional heuristic methodologies.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Economische en Sociale geschiedenis
- De Mulder A. (2022), Review of: Weduwen A. der & Pettegree A. (2020), News, business and public information: advertisements and announcements in Dutch and Flemish Newspapers, 1620–1675. Library of the Written Word no. 78. Leiden: Brill. Quaerendo 52(4): 317-319.
- De Mulder A. (2021), London calling from the auction world: a methodological journey through eighteenth-century London auction advertisements, Eighteenth Century Studies 54(4): 979-1004.
- Steensel A. van, Bonduel E., Driessen V., Fieremans N., Franckaerts N., Hermans S., Jensen A., Marchall B., Martens P., Minne E., Pietersma M., Reef P., Schmidt A., Segerink J. & Sint Nicolaas S. (2021), Belgische en Nederlandse stadsgeschiedenis in historische tijdschriften (2020), Stadsgeschiedenis 16(2): 153-174.
- Steensel A. van, Buelens-Terryn M., Franck H., Krikken D., De Mulder A., Muurling S., Pierik B., Rose S., Smet C. de, Speecke M. & Wyngaert S. van den (2019), Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2017), Tijdschrift voor Stadsgeschiedenis 14(1): 59-81.
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