Universiteit Leiden

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Adriana Churampi Ramirez

University Lecturer

Dr. A.I. Churampi Ramirez
+31 71 527 2064

Adriana Churampi Ramirez is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Adriana Churampi Ramirez

Fields of interest

Cultural identity, Andean Indigeneity, Latin American Popular Culture.


Adriana I. Churampi Ramírez was born in Peru. She studied Latin-American literature in Leiden and wrote her PhD thesis on the socio-political impact of Manuel Scorza's novels. In a special combination of fiction and reality, this writer portrayed the epics of the Peruvian Indian upheavals during the sixties. 

Since 1998, Churampi has been a lecturer in Latin-American literature at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. Her current research concentrates on the study of written materials depicting the indigenous population of the Andes region (mainly novels but also images and even comics). The deconstruction of the strategies in the process of building the image of "the Indian" is the key line in her analyses. The study of image formation not only covers manuscripts written from the perspective of others defining who is Indian, but also analyzes the constructions of self representation. In this way, Churampi's research deals with concepts such as identity and representation, key themes that are core to most recent conflicts in Andean countries. 

From 2005 to 2008, she took part in a multidisciplinary project granted by the Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the program "Houses of the living and the dead." The project concentrated on the organization of Taíno households in the Dominican Republic. Ethno-historic accounts from the islands and ethnographic information from the South American mainland were used to support the archaeological data and to provide an integrated view of the interaction networks by the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the insular Caribbean. Churampi took part in this project analyzing ethno historic texts and manuscripts written by the Spanish chroniclers during the early colonial period. She reviewed the existing information about Tainos, but concentrated her research on less traditional manuscripts. 

In de media

21 April 2023: Simposio Internacional Violencia, Género y Producción Cultural
On Friday April 21 Nanne Timmer and Adriana Churampi are organizing a symposium on Violence, gender and Latin American cultural production at Leiden University, the symposium is linked to the masterlanguagecourse Escribir la violencia.
The last decades new feminist movements in Latin America have articulated social and legal resistance against femicide. The counter-pedagogies of cruelty by Rita Segato, the Feminismo Bastardo by Maria Galindo and Decolonial Feminism by Ochy Curiel are very influential in the region. But not only critical thinking has been the platform for these new feminist articulations, the arts have been doing so for some decades now. Connecting art and critical thinking we will study how Latin American culture in literature, artivism and performance have been shaping forms of denunciation and resistance.
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Adriana Churampi in Latin Impact van de VPRO 
In aflevering 6 van Podcast Latin Impact van de VPRO spreekt Nina Jurna met Adriana Churampi Ramirez. In haar colleges over Populaire Cultuur in Latijns Amerika behandelt Adriana Churampi hoe liederen, graffiti, comics en telenovelas toegang geven tot maatschappelijke thema’s. In dit radioprogramma spreekt ze over de politieke onrust in Peru en over muziek als een reactie daarop. De liederen van de beroemde Afro-Peruaanse zangeres Susana Baca vormen de rode draad van het gesprek dat thema´s als slavernij, kolonialisme en de actuele Peruaanse socio-politieke fragmentatie aanstipt. De huidige bloedige confrontaties tussen de nieuwe regering en de  inheemse demonstranten die haar aftreden eisen worden in liederen weerspiegeld. Meer dan dertig Peruaanse artiesten - Artistas por la memoria - verenigden zich om de 60 slachtoffers van de repressie te eren. Het lied heet PRESENTES! (Aanwezig!), onder de deelnemers bevindt zich ook Susana Baca.
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Adriana Churampi Ramirez and Indigenous Latin America in iCOn-MICS
Adriana Churampi’s current research concentrates on the study of materials depicting the indigenous population of the Andes region, mainly novels but also images and comics. Since 2022 Adriana has been nominated as member of the Management Committee of the COST Action iCOn-MICs: “Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area.” iCOn-MICs is a COST Action for the promotion, dissemination and networking of researchers on Iberian comics as well as their relationship with professionals and the comics industry. Under the definition «Iberian» falls the Peninsula, Ibero-America and the diaspora originating from the area. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Its Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers.
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Key publications

“¿Es la bandera del Perú? El enfrentamiento de los símbolos de la patria en la pentalogía de Manuel Scorza.”   Revista Electrónica de Estudios Literarios Espéculo # 24, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Juli 2003. 

Ushanan-Jampi: la justicia de "los otros.”  Revista Electrónica de Estudios Literarios Espéculo # 30 , Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2005. 

Reproductie van Espéculo: Ushanan-jampi: la justicia de “los otros.” El tema de la justicia en la ficcion andina - Cine y Literatura.  Ayllu Cooperativa Audiovisual. 2006. 

“A Race of Sleepless People breaks into History.”  Cultural Identity and Postmodern Writing. D’Haen, Theo and Pieter Vermeulen (Eds). Amsterdam/New York, NY: Editions Rodopi, 2006, VII. 

“Garabombo Mission Impossible.”  The Social and Linguistic Heritage of Native Peoples in the Americas. The Struggle to Maintain Cultural Particularity. Laura N.K. Van Broekhoven, Editor. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter, 2006, pp. 257-286. 

“Redoble por la historia oficial. Scorza y la recuperación de la memoria perdida.”  Rodriguez, Luz y Meer van der, Marilene (eds)   Reescrituras. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B.V, 2003, pp.115-125. 

“De Nobele Zonnekinderen van Kuifje.” Laura N.K van Broekhoven (ed). Met  Kuifje naar de Inca’s. Catalogus Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde Tentoonstelling “Met Kuifje naar Peru.”Brussels: Editions Moulionsart, 2003. 

University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Latijns-Amerikaanse L&C

Work address

Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Room number 1.08



  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (26 June 2013), Invisibles y deslopizados, los nuevos actores en una capital desbordada: zambos e indios en 2 relatos de J.R. Ribeyro. Congreso Internacional sobre Literaturas Afroandinas. Casa de la Literatura Peruana, Lima.. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (17 May 2013), Exiliados cubanos en Perú, 33 años más tarde: Gracias Perú! pero no estamos felices. Coloquio Orillas de lo Prohibido,de La Habana a Buenos Aires. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (15 March 2013), Plumas, colores y revolución – La Imagen de América Latina a través de los comics. Centro Hispanoamericano de Amersfoort. Amersfoort. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (8 August 2011), Los "otros" de Enrique López Albújar. VII Coloquio Internacional de Antropología y Literatura “José María Arguedas". Perú. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (14 March 2011), El Perú de todas las sangres. Homenaje a José María Arguedas. Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux.. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (3 June 2011), Who is afraid of...chicha?. Coloquio Tremedo Arroz con Mango!: Cultura, Gastronomía e Identidad. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (31 March 2010), Through the eyes of the chronicler. Leiden in the Caribbean IV: From Prehistory to Ethnography in the Circum-Caribbean.. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (6 April 2009), El Guachimán, la epopeya chicha de la gran Lima. Simposio La Ciudad Latinoamericana y la Literatura.. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (11 August 2008), Bricheros, Andean lovers de la aldea global. Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA). Santiago de Chile. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (26 March 2008), A House is a house is a house. Society for American Archaeology (SAA). Vancouver - Canada. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (25 September 2008), Domestication process of the potato and its importance in the Andean World (following the colonial sources). Conference Importance of Potato. Institute of Social Studies and Peruvian Embassy. Den Haag. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (4 April 2008), Sopa de Letras. La pentalogía de M. Scorza. [interview]. Optreden voor tv, radio of in andere publieke media
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (9 October 2007), Ñancahuazu. De mythe van Che Guevara en zijn (mis)communicatie met de Indiaanse boeren uit Bolivia. Symposium De betekenis van een revolutionaire icoon voor hedendaagse Latijns-Amerika.. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (3 April 2007), Caizcimu The Eastern Taino Chiefdom: Location of the infamous Bay of Arrows and the fierce Wars of Higüey. Symposium Leiden in the Caribbean II: perspectives from the Greater Antilles/Perspectivas de las Antillas Mayores.. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (29 August 2006), A quién representa un indígena letrado? El caso de Guamán Poma de Ayala. Academy Colloquium on “Mixtec Writing: Historical Development and Social context" (KNAW). Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Churampi Ramírez A.I. (31 March 2006), Los invisibles autores de la Historia con minúsculas: la pentalogía de Manuel Scorza. Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference. Nottingham. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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