Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia in youth
Presentations and Lectures
Members of our research team give different types of presentations and lectures.
[Westenberg] 08-02-08 De jeugd van tegenwoordig! Diesoratie, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 02-10-2021 Structural brain correlates of childhood inhibited temperament: Rationale and methodology for an ENIGMA-Anxiety mega-analysis. Online poster presentation at 34thECNP Congress Hybrid, Lisbon, Portugal.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 20-09-2021 Brain characteristics associated with anxiety disorders: an update from the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group. 3rd International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, Vienna, Austria, 2021
- [Chen] 08-07-2021 Gaze avoidance during face-to-face conversations in socially anxious individuals. 42nd international conference of the Stress Trauma Anxiety and Resilience Society, Haifa, Israel.
- [Uysal] 18-05-2021 The relation between social anxiety and the perception of likability in adolescents: A longitudinal study. Vereniging voor Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie Congres 2021.
- [Jakobsson Mansson] 18-05-2021 Using blended care to treat social anxiety complaints in adolescents: A feasibility study. Vereniging voor Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie Congres 2021.
- [Chen] 18-05-2021 Gaze avoidance during face-to-face conversations in socially anxious individuals: the effect of intimacy and conversational role. Vereniging voor Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie Congres 2021.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 2020 Increased intrinsic functional connectivity in families genetically enriched for social anxiety. Abstract in: Biological Psychiatry, 87(9), supplement, S296-S297.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 2020 ENIGMA Mega-Analysis of Brain Structure in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Abstract in: Biological Psychiatry, 87(9), supplement, S386.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 2020 Alterations in white matter integrity as candidate endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: preliminary findings from the Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder. Abstract in: Biological Psychiatry, 87(9), supplement, S248.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] ). 2020 Alterations in white matter integrity as candidate endophenotypes of social anxiety disorder: preliminary findings. Abstract in: European Neuropsychopharmacology, 31(1), S51-S52.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] Multimodal Graph Theoretical Brain Networks and the 9-Year Cumulative Disease Load of Depression and Anxiety. Abstract in: Biological Psychiatry 85 (10): S264.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 2019 Social conditioning of neutral faces in families genetically enriched for social anxiety disorder. Abstract in: European Neuropsychopharmacology (29:6), S345 – S346.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 2019 Neuroimaging results from the Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder: a multiplex, multigenerational endophenotype study. Abstract in: Journal of Neural Transmission (126 (11), 1523-1523).
- [Van den Bos] 12-07-2019 Public Speaking Behavior in Adolescence: Relations with Age, Gender and Social Anxiety. 41st conference of the International School Psychology Association, Basel, Switzerland.
- [Van den Bos] 06-09-2018 Social anxiety and performance anxiety in youth: Different relations with heart rate. 48th congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- [Miers] 06-09-2018 The influence of positive peer feedback on cognitions after a speech task: A pilot study. 48th congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- [Westenberg]: Sensitivity to social evaluation during adolescence: the influence of puberty, socio-cognitive development, and social anxiety. Invited symposium: Stress and Psychopathology: A Developmental Perspective. Radboud University Nijmegen.
- [Van der Molen] 20-07-2018 Beating the suspense!!! Heart rate variability as a predictor of rejection sensitivity? European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Leiden.
- [Van den Bos] 03-07-18 Tobii Pro Glasses 2 in a virtual class room. SOLO/Tobii workshop on Eye-tracking and Virtual Reality, Leiden.
- [Jakobsson Mansson] 15-05-2018 Blended care to treat social anxiety among adolescents. Poster presented at the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2018, Wageningen.
- [Chen] 15-05-2018 Gaze behavior during pubic speaking: Relations with social anxiety and public speaking anxiety . Poster presented at theVereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2018, Wageningen .
- [Miers] 11-2017 Social Anxiety in Youth: An integration of current findings and new perspectives. UCLouvain, Belgium.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 16-09-2017 Subcortical Brain Volumes as Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder – preliminary findings from the Leiden Family Study on Social Anxiety Disorder. WASAD congress, Würzburg, Germany.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 05-09-2017 Subcortical Brain Volumes as Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder – preliminary findings from the Leiden Family Study on Social Anxiety Disorder. Poster presented at the 30th ECNP Congres, Paris, France.
- [Van den Bos] 31-08-2017 Do late adolescent socially anxious girls look the audience in the face? 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht.
- [Van den Bos] 30-08-2017 Social anxiety and performance anxiety in youth: Different relations with heart rate. 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht.
- [Miers] 07-2017 The Influence of Positive Peer Feedback on Cognitions after a Speech task: A Pilot Study. Andy Research Clinic, Reading University, UK.
- [Miers] 07-2017 A network approach to understanding connections among social anxiety symptoms in youth. Andy Research Clinic, Reading University, UK.
- [Miers] 07-07-2017 A dynamic approach to understanding connections among social anxiety symptoms in youth. International Society for Affective Disorders: Perspectives on Mood & Anxiety Disorders conference, London, United Kingdom.
- [Stollman] 3-7-2017 Changes in teacher knowledge of differentiated instruction in a context of talent development lessons. Biannual Conference on Teachers and Teaching of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), Salamanca, Spain.
- [Wijsman] 29-06-2017. Het bevorderen van motivatie en prestaties van leerlingen door een combinatie van autonome motivatie stimulatie en externe drijfveren. Onderwijs Research Dagen, Antwerpen, Belgium.
- [Stollman] 28-6-2017 Praktijkkennis van docenten van differentiatie in een context.van talentontwikkelingslessen: een exploratie. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Antwerp, Belgium.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 26-06-2017 Gray matter volume in Social Anxiety Disorder - a voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis. Poster presented at the 23nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 31-05-2017 Gray Matter Volume in Social Anxiety Disorder. NESDA day 2017, Groningen.
- [Van den Bos] 26-05-2017 Looking the audience in the face: Relations with social anxiety and public speaking anxiety. Rome Workshop on Experimental Psychopathology 2017, Rome, Italy.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 18-05-2017 Introducing ENIGMA-Anxiety: a new multicenter neuroimaging data sharing initiative. Poster presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, California, USA.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 18-05-2017 Sample size matters: A voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis of gray matter volume in Social Anxiety Disorder. The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, California, USA.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 10-03-2017 Social norm processing as an endophenotype of social anxiety disorder - a family study in two generations. Poster presentation at ECNP Workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for “Junior Scientists” in Europe, Nice, France. (Travel Award Winner).
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 10-02-2017 I feel embarrassed… Social Norm Processing as an endophenotype of Social Anxiety Disorder. Member day Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 19-11-2016 Larger striatal gray matter volume in Social Anxiety Disorder - a voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis. Poster presented at the International Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, Cape Town, South Africa.
- [Miers] 19-09-2016 Online and Offline Interpretation Bias: Intra- and Interpersonal correlates in Emerging adults. 15th Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.
- [Heyne] 22-07-2016 CBT and non-CBT for school refusal: What is (not) working? 38th International Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 22-07-2016 Social anxiety at school: Possible strategies for early detection and intervention. 38th International Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Amsterdam.
- [Heyne] 07-2016 Negative and positive cognitions in youth anxiety: Moderating role of parental rearing practices across different age groups. 11th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, UK.
- [Van den Bos] 06-07-2016 Social anxiety and the cortisol response to social evaluation in adolescence: A longitudinal study. 37th Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) Conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 06-07-2016 By accident or on purpose? The effect of intention on the neural response to, and evaluation of social norm transgressions. Poster presented at CERE Emotion Conference, Leiden
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 27-06-2016 How embarrasing! Social norm processing as an endophenotype for social anxiety disorder. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland.
- [Heyne] 25-06-2016 CBT and non-CBT for school refusal: What is (not) working? 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia.
- [Van der Molen] 25-06-2016 Social evaluative feedback processing in the brain: electrocortical sensitivity to unexpected peer rejection. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Porto, Portugal.
- [Stollman] 20-6-2016 Teachers differentiating instruction: changes in teacher knowledge and practices. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special Interest Group Teaching and Teacher Education (EARLI SIG 11) Zurich, Switzerland.
- [Van der Molen] 10-06-2016 Social evaluative feedback processing in the brain: electrocortical sensitivity to unexpected peer rejection. Dutch Neuroscience Meeting, Lunteren.
- [Wijsman] 26-05-2016. Leuke en niet leuke vakken: Hoe zit het met de motivatie, self-efficacy en prestaties? Onderwijs Research Dagen, Rotterdam.
- [Wijsman] 17-05-2016 Favorite and non-favorite subjects: Motivation, self-efficacy, and performance. VNOP Conference, Wageningen.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 17-05-2016 I feel embarrassed…- Social norm processing as an endophenotype for social anxiety disorder. Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2016, Wageningen.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 30-03-2016 Sociale conditionering van neutrale gezichten: Een pilot-onderzoek naar hersenfunctie in patiënten met sociale angst stoornis en hun gezonde broers en zussen. Voorjaarscongres Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, Maastricht.
- [Miers] 18-12-2015 Shaping social perceptions of socially anxious adolescents: the effect of positive social feedback. Lorentz Workshop: "Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?", Leiden.
- [Van der Molen] 16-12-2015 Electrocortical dynamics during social evaluative feedback processing: Candidate biomarkers of social anxiety? Lorentz Workshop: "Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?", Leiden.
- [Harrewijn] 16-12-2015 Behavioral, cardiac and electrophysiological reactions to social stress: possible endophenotypes of social anxiety? Lorentz Workshop: "Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?", Leiden.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 15-12-2015 Candidate MRI endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: data from the Leiden Family Study on Social Anxiety. Lorentz Workshop: "Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?", Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 14-12-2015 Leiden Family Study of Social Anxiety Disorder. Lorentz Workshop: "Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?", Leiden.
- [Wijsman] 05-11-2015 Motivation and achievement of first year secondary school students in a context of talent development. Roundtable presentation at ICO National Fall School, Utrecht.
- [Poppelaars] 19-9-2015 Time-resolved analysis of delayed fMRI signal changes during social evaluative feedback processing in the adolescent brain. Poster presented at the FLUX Congress, Leiden.
- [Harrewijn] 19-9-2015 Electrophysiological biomarkers of social anxiety: comparing alpha asymmetry and delta-beta correlation. Poster presented at the FLUX Congress, Leiden.
- [Van der Molen] 18-9-2015 Neural oscillatory dynamics during social evaluative feedback processing in women. Poster presented at the FLUX Congress, Leiden.
- [Van den Bos] 09-9-2015 Typical and atypical development of expressiveness, confidence, and agitation in speech behavior: Relation to speech anxiety. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Braga, Portugal.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 1-9-2015 Social conditioning of neutral faces – a pilot study on brain functioning in social anxiety patients and their unaffected first-degree relatives. Poster
presented at the 28th ECNP Congress, Amsterdam. (Travel Award Winner) - [Wijsman] 27-08-2015 Academic achievement from a developmental perspective: GPA trends in lower secondary education. EARLI conference, Limassol, Cyprus.
- [Stollman] 25-8-2015 Differences in teachers’ knowledge of differentiated instruction during regular and talent lessons. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
- [Stollman] 22-8-2015. Development of teacher knowledge of and practices concerning differentiated instruction in a project focused on student talent development. European Association for Research on learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
- [Harrewijn] 20-7-2015 Electrophysiological biomarkers of social anxiety: comparing alpha asymmetry and delta-beta correlation. Poster presented at the Conference of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, UK.
- [Wijsman] 18-06-2015 Autonomie-ondersteuning en structuur in talentlessen in relatie met motivatie en schoolprestaties voor een vak. Onderwijs Research Dagen, Leiden.
- [Stollman] 17-6-2015 Ondersteuning van talent(ontwikkeling) en motivatie: verschillen in docentkennis van differentiatie tijdens reguliere en talentlessen. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Leiden.
- [Van den Bos] 21-05-2015 Social anxiety and peer rejection in adolescence. EPP Symposium on Interpersonal Processes in Psychopathology, Heeze.
- [Heyne] 01-05-2015 From broad interventions for truancy to focused CBT for school refusal: What is working? ‘Getting There’ conference on enhancing school attendance, Melbourne, Australia.
- [Hoogendam] 01-04-2015 Sociale Angst in Families: Een uniek familie-onderzoek naar endofenotypes. Poster presented at the Voorjaarscongres Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Psychiatrie, Maastricht.
- [Miers] 13-03-2015 Developmental Pathways of Social Anxiety and Avoidance across Adolescence: Cognitive and Social Intervention Targets. Inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam.
- [Wijsman] 10-11-2014 Achievement in secondary school: GPA from a developmental perspective. ICO International Fall School, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- [Stollman] 10-11-2014 Teachers stimulating differentiated student talent development: differences in teachers' practices and practical knowledge concerning differentiated instruction during regular and ‘talent’ lessons. ICO International Fall School, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- [Miers] 11-09-2014 Developmental Pathways of Social Avoidance during Adolescence: The Role of Social Anxiety and Negative Cognition. 44th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, The Hague.
- [Van den Bos] 04-09-2014 Adolescent Development of the Cortisol Response to Social Evaluation in Relation with Puberty and Social-Cognitive Development. The British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Amsterdam.
- [Harrewijn] 06-07-2014 Electrocortical concomitants of social evaluative stress: Possible endophenotypes of social anxiety disorder? Poster presented at the FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Milan, Italy.
- [Wijsman] 13-06-2014. Achievement in lower secondary education: Individual and group developmental patterns. International Conference on Motivation, Helsinki, Finland.
- [Stollman] 11-6-2014 De ontwikkeling van docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs tijdens een professionaliseringstraject gericht op een praktisch haalbare invulling van gedifferentieerde instructie. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Groningen.
- [Harrewijn] 20-05-2014 Electrocortical concomitants of social evaluative stress: Possible endophenotypes of social anxiety disorder? Poster presented at the Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2014, Wageningen.
- [Van der Molen] 04-2014 Resting-state EEG oscillatory dynamics in fragile X syndrome: Abnormal functional connectivity and brain network organization. Brain Network Seminar, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Free University, the Netherlands.
- [Van den Bos] 22-08-2013 Adolescent development of the cortisol response to social evaluation: Effects of puberty and social-cognitive development. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Leiden.
- [Heyne] 07-2013 Developmentally sensitive CBT for school refusal and anxiety in adolescence: Treatment efficacy and predictors of success. 7th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima, Peru.
- [Van den Bos] 20-04-2013 Adolescent development of physiological responses to social evaluation: Effects of puberty and cognitive development on cortisol and alpha-amylase. SRCD Biennial Meeting 2013, Seattle, USA.
- [Bokhorst] 22-05-2012 The interaction between the DRD4 gene and perceived social support from peers on social anxiety. Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2012, Wageningen.
- [Miers] 22-05-2012 Trajectories of social anxiety during adolescence and emerging adulthood and relations with cognition, social competence, and temperament. Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2012, Wageningen.
- [van den Bos] 22-05-2012 Effects of pubertal development on the cortisol response to the Leiden Public Speaking Task: A two-wave longitudinal study. Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Psychologie Conference 2012, Wageningen.
- [Miers] 03-2012. Social anxiety trajectories during adolescence and relations with cognition, social competence, and temperament. Society for Research on Adolescence, 2012, Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- [Blöte-Aanhane] 19-01-2012 The role of social performance, physical attractiveness, and subject-peer similarity in the link between adolescents’ social anxiety and peer rejection. PRO Meeting, Nijmegen.
- [Westenberg] 14-07-11 Social Anxiety in Adolescence: Some findings from the SAND-study. FSW “Food for Thought”, Leiden University, Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 21-06-11 Persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling & Sociale Angst in de Adolescentie. Bureau Jeugdzorg Agglomeratie Amsterdam, Afd. Jeugdhulpverlening Zuid en Amstelland.
- [Westenberg] 06-06-11 Social Anxiety and Normal Development: Some findings from the SAND-study. KNAW Colloquium Towards a better understanding of gene-environment relations in social anxiety. Amsterdam.
- [Dijk] 08-06-2011 Can genetic susceptibility to environmental influences explain the development of social anxiety during adolescence? Master Class KNAW Colloquium Towards a better understanding of gene-environment relations in social anxiety, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- [Miers] 04-2011 Physical arousal and Self-monitoring Processes in Socially Anxious Youth. Society for Research in Child Development, 2011 Biennial Meeting, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
- [Westenberg] 31-03-11 Developmental changes in stress reactivity during the Leiden Public Speaking Task: A two wave longitudinal study. SRCD Biennial Meeting 2011, Montreal, Canada.
- [Westenberg] 10-03-11 Samenwerking met Curium-LUMC, Afscheid Drs. H.G. (Rik) Boswerger, LUMC.
- [Heyne] 03-2011 Enhancing CBT for school refusal during adolescence. DGKJP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie) 32nd Conference, Essen, Germany.
- [Westenberg] 07-10-10 Sociale angst: Normale en afwijkende ontwikkeling. Symposium van Angst naar Beter, De Bascule, Amstelveen.
- [Westenberg] 27-05-10 The power of youth: Character development and citizenship in a democratic society. NIAS, Wassenaar.
- [Westenberg] 20-05-10 Social Anxiety and Normal Development Study. Colloquium Psychology Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping, Sweden.
- [Sumter] 05-2010 Resistance to peer influence: A longitudinal study of adolescent psychosocial development. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- [Westenberg] 27-03-10 How to Assess Psychosocial Maturity with a Sentence Completion Test: Construction and Validation of a New Scoring Manual for Children and Adolescents. Annual Conference of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose CA, USA.
- [Westenberg] 25-03-10 Lecture at the Marguerite R. Hertz Award in Memory of Jane Loevinger. Annual Conference of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose CA, USA.
- [Westenberg] 18-03-10 Social Anxiety and Normal Development Study. Colloquium Psychology Department, The University of New Orleans, New Orleans.
- [Heyne] 03-2010 Modulaire cognitief gedragstherapeutische interventie voor schoolweigerende adolescenten 6th Annual ‘Jeugd in Onderzoek’ Conference (Het Ministerie voor Jeugd en Gezin, ZonMw, RIVM/Centrum Jeugdgezondheid en het Nederlands Jeugdinstituut), Nieuwegein.
- [Heyne] 11-2009 Het @School Programma: Een ontwikkelingsgevoelige cognitieve gedragstherapie voor schoolweigerende adolescenten. Annual conference of the Vereniging van Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie (workshop), Veldhoven
- [Westenberg] 01-10-09 Adolescentie en Sociale Angst, "Adolescenten, maakbaar ?!", Congres Vereniging Kinder en jeugd Psychotherapie, Driebergen.
- [Heyne] 09-2009 The @school program: Preliminary evaluation of a developmentally-sensitive cognitive-behavioural therapy for school refusal in adolescence. Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 32nd National Conference, Perth, Australia.
- [Heyne] 09-2009 Cognitive mediation of CBT for anxiety-based school refusal. European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 39th Annual Congress, Dubrovnik. Croatia.
- [Heyne] 06-2009 Schoolweigering. Keynote ‘CED Groep’ Congres ‘Ik durf niet naar school’, Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 15-05-09 Neemt sociale angst toe in de adolescentie? Vakgroep Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie, Curium-LUMC.
- [Heyne] 05-2009 I can’t stop thinking that something bad is going to happen at school. Alumnidag studievereniging Labyrint, in samenwerking met Leiden University Institute of Psychology, Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 11-11-08 Neemt sociale angst toe in de adolescentie? Jelgersmalezing, Vakgroep Psychiatrie, LUMC.
- [Westenberg] 18-09-08 De natuurlijke ontwikkeling van angst. Symposium Studievereniging Complex, Universiteit van Tilburg.
- [Miers] 07-2008 The Role of Performance Skill in Socially Anxious Children and Adolescents’ self-evaluations. 3rd International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, UK.
- [Sumter] 07-2008 Social Fears during Adolescence: Is There an Increase in Avoidance? Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Würzburg, Germany.
- [Bokhorst] 07-2008 The relation of public speaking anxiety to social anxiety. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Würzburg.
- [Westenberg] 29-05-08 Social-evaluation fear: Does it increase during adolescence? Colloquium Developmental psychology, Utrecht University.
- [Westenberg] 15-05-08 Developmental Psychology at Leiden University: An Overview of Research Activities. Biannual Conference of the Dutch Association of Developmental Psychology (VNOP), Wageningen.
- [Westenberg] 15-05-2008 Adolescent development and social anxiety. Biannual Conference of the Dutch Association of Developmental Psychology (VNOP), Wageningen.
- [Westenberg] 18-04-08 Ontwikkeling in de adolescentie. NIP Studenten sectie (SPS), Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 06-03-08 Social-evaluation fear: Does it increase during adolescence? SRA Chicago.
- [Sumter] 06-03-2008 Social fears during adolescence: Is it an increase in distress and avoidance? Poster presented at the SRA, Chicago.
- [Bokhorst] 06-03-2008 The Development of Public Speaking Anxiety and Its Relation With Social Anxiety. Poster presented at the SRA, Chicago.
- [Westenberg] 15-11-07 Ontwikkelingspsychologie in Leiden. Joint Lab Meeting met Maastricht, Den Bosch.
- [Heyne] 11-2007 What role “could” and “should” parents play during developmentally-sensitive CBT for school refusal. Najaarscongres Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve Therapie, Veldhoven.
- [Sumter] 31-05-07 Adolescent Maturation and an Increase of Social-Evalutaive Concerns: Why do so many fear public speaking tasks? Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam.
- [Sumter] 05-2007 Recursive perspective taking during adolescence: does it affect feelings of social anxiety? Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam.
- [Miers] 31-05-2007. Adolescent Maturation and an Increase of Social-Evaluative Concerns: Why do so many fear public speaking tasks? 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 28-05-07 Risks and opportunities in adolescent brain development. Opening lecture Expert Meeting, De Waag, Leiden.
- [Miers] 05-2007 Can we discern a global developmental pathway for social evaluative anxiety? Risks and Opportunities in Adolescent Brain Development meeting, Leiden.
- [Sumter] 28-05-2007 Adolescent Maturation and an Increase of Social-Evaluative Concerns: Why do so many fear public speaking tasks? Risks and Opportunities in Adolescent Brain Development meeting, Leiden.
- [Heyne] 04-2007 Anxiety-based school refusal in adolescence: Developmentally-tailored cognitive-behavioural intervention. Voorjaarscongres Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, Maastricht.
- [Heyne] 03-2007 Developmentally tailored cognitive-behavioural intervention for school refusal: Rationale and model for working with adolescents, parents, and school staff. Combined conference of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (Child, Adolescent, and Family Special Interest Branch), Oxford.
- [Heyne] 03-2007 Developmentally tailoring cognitive-behavioural treatment for adolescent school refusal: Assessing self-reflection in young people. Combined conference of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (Child, Adolescent, and Family Special Interest Branch), Oxford.
- [Westenberg] 17-11-06 Beeldvorming. Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie, Boerhaave Symposium, LUMC, Leiden.
- [Miers] 11-2006 A new questionnaire for measuring interpretation biases among adolescents. Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development (ISED) research day, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- [Heyne] 09-2006 Developmentally-tailored cognitive-behavioural intervention for school refusal during adolescence. 36th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Paris.
- [Miers] 09-2006. A new questionnaire for measuring interpretation biases among adolescents 36th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Paris, France.
- [Sumter] 23-03-2006 Negatively biased perceptions and evaluation anxiety in late adolescence. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, March, 23-26.
- [Bokhorst] 07-2005 Temperament and (social) anxiety in adolescents. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Bari, July, 10-15.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 05-11-2021 De Leidse Familiestudie naar Sociale Angst: Resultaten van een unieke twee-generatie neuro-imaging studie in sociaal-angstige families. Oral presentation at VGCT najaarscongres, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 2021.
- [Miers] 04-11-2021 De kracht van positieve feedback van leeftijdsgenoten op zelfgerelateerde negatieve percepties bij sociaal angstige jongeren. Oral presentation at VGCT najaarscongres, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 2021.
- [Komrij] 04-11-2021 Cool Little Kids: een oudertraining ter preventie van de ontwikkeling van angststoornissen. Oral presentation at VGCT najaarscongres, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 2021.
- [Bexkens] 04-11-2021 Samen angsten aangaan. Oral presentation at VGCT najaarscongres, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 2021.
- [Hagen] 29-11-2019 Het verminderen van terugval na behandeling met de One-Session Treatment voor kinderen met een specifieke fobie, door het toevoegen van een gepersonaliseerde, op exposure gebaseerde, mobiele app; en de rol van cognitive biases bij specifieke fobieën. VGCT najaarscongres 2019, Veldhoven.
- [Westenberg] 30-11-2018 Ontwikkeling van de puber. Scholingsprogramma Docenten. Griendencollege, Sliedrecht.
- [Westenberg] 27-06-2018 School Psychology. Kick-off OnderwijsNetwerk Zuid-Holland (ONZ). Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 17-05-2018 Ontwikkeling van de puber. Studiemiddag voor jeugdzorg professionals in Katwijk e.o.. Katwijk.
- [Westenberg] 27-11-2017 Onderwijs en Jeugdzorg. TNO Samen Jaarconferentie. Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 10-10-2017 Leids Universitair Behandel en Expertise Centrum (LUBEC). Presentatie B&W Gemeente Leiden, Leiden.
- [Stollman] 28-04-2017 De invloed van beleid, school context en docent kenmerken op de implementatie van differentiatie: een literatuurreview. Ontmoetingsdag Binnenklasdifferentiatie, Antwerp, Belgium.
- [Bas-Hoogendam] 06-03-2017 MRI endofenotypes van sociale angst – een familie-onderzoek in twee generaties. TOP lunch GGZ Rivierduinen, Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 24-11-2016. Eigenaarschap bij leerlingen, kan dat wel? FACTA studiedag De Autonome Leerling (2), Amersfoort.
- [Westenberg] 10-11-2016. Een zesjescultuur in het VO? Daltonschool Helen Parkhurst, Almere.
- [Westenberg] 29-9-2016. Eigenaarschap bij leerlingen, kan dat wel? FACTA studiedag De Autonome Leerling (1), Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 23-8-2016. Excellentie Programma Christelijk Lyceum, Delft.
- [Westenberg] 11-5-2016. Leren voor de Toekomst: Vervlechting van Onderwijs en Ontwikkeling, Nederlandse Wetenschaps Agenda, Workshop Route Jeugd: Ontwikkeling, Opvoeding en Onderwijs. Kohnstamm Instituut, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 23-3-2016. Een zesjescultuur? Leve de zeven!! Thomas a Kempis College, Arnhem.
- [Heyne] 03-2016 School Refusal: What is it? What’s known about it? Landelijke Kenniskring Schoolweigering, Utrecht.
- [Heyne] 01-2016 School Refusal & School Withdrawal: What Do We Know, What Can We Do? Samenwerkingsverband 2301, Almelo.
- [Heyne & Sauter] 14-10-2015 Presentatie voor de Landelijke Kenniskring Schoolweigering, Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 24-11-2014. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Stanislas College, Delft.
- [Westenberg] 6-11-2014. Zesjescultuur in het VO? Calls College, IJsselstein.
- [Westenberg] 28-8-2014. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Studiedag docenten Etty Hillesum Lyceum – Het Vlier, Deventer.
- [Westenberg] 2-6-2014. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Raad van Rectoren, ICLON, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 13-02-2014. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Landelijk congres NVS-NVL, Wageningen University, Wageningen.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 20-01-2014. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Symposium Excelleren in het Voortgezet Onderwijs ter gelegenheid bezoek Staatssecretaris Dekker, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 20-11-2013. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. Ouderavond Wolfert Scholengroep Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 19-11-2013. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. FACTA topdag. Silverijn Utrecht.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 14-11-2013. GUTS – Gedifferentieerd Uitdagen van Talent op School. ‘PRIKKELEN TOT LEREN’, Atlasconferentie voor docenten havo/vwo, Atlas College, Hoorn.
- [Westenberg] 17-10-2013. BSc Psychologie: Blended learning in de praktijk. Conferentie ICT in het onderwijs. Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 04-09-2013. Voortgezet Onderwijs in NL: Zesjescultuur? Kennismakingsavond Wolfert Scholengroep Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 20-06-2013. BSc Psychologie: Blended learning in de praktijk. Strategische Conferentie Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 11-04-2013. Zesjescultuur op de Schop! Maatschappelijke Ontwikkelingen en Trends: De Kracht van Sport, Themaweek Academie voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg & van Driel] 21-01-2013. Onderwijs in Nederland:Een zesjescultuur? Gastcollege voor leerlingen van 5 VWO. Wolfert Scholengroep Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 05-04-2012. Zesjescultuur op de Schop, Thema avond Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest.
- [Westenberg] 22-04-11 De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Dalton studiedag. Spinoza Lyceum, Amsterdam.
- [Heyne] 04-2011 Ontwikkelingen in het inschatten en behandelen van schoolweigering Studiedag De Kaap, Caritas Psychiatrisch Centrum, Melle, België.
- [Westenberg] 15-03-11 De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Christelijk Lyceum Delft, Delft.
- [Westenberg] 28-02-11 Wat bezielt de puber? OSG Echnaton, Almere.
- [Westenberg] 24-02-11 Spreekbeurten in VO: Aanleren van een kernvaardigheid of ontwikkelen van spreekangst? Ministerie OCW - Kennislunch, Den Haag.
- [Westenberg] 10-06-10 Talentontwikkeling in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: Implicaties Ontwikkeling Puberbrein? Bijeenkomst PRE-adviesraad, Pre-University College, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 08-03-10 De jeugd van tegenwoordig! Coachmeeting Commissie Topsport en Onderwijs, ALO, Amsterdam.
- Heyne] 11-09 Werken aan een geïntegreerde aanpak van schoolverzuim. Algemene Ledenvergadering INGRADO workshop.
- [Westenberg] 26-06-09 De jeugd van tegenwoordig! Gastcollege EMA Master: professioneel meesterschap. ILO-UVA, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 17-06-09 Studiekeuzeproblematiek en studieuitval. Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 08-06-09 Komt studiekeuze te vroeg? Centre of Excellence in University Teaching, Universiteit van Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 04-06-09 De Jeugd van tegenwoordig! Slotbijeenkomst Aansluitingsprogramma VO-HBO, HVA, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 09-03-09 Ontwikkelingspsychologie van de adolescent in relatie tot schooluitval: Overvragen wij onze jongeren? Directie lunchbijeenkomt Ministerie OCW (DG, SG, PSG), Den Haag.
- [Westenberg] 06-03-09 Een bijdrage vanuit de ontwikkelingspsychologie, Themadag 'Veranderingen in het Nederlandse onderwijs; hoe worden leerlingen geacht te leren?' LAKS, Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 14-02-09 Jongeren en cultuur. Nieuw Culturele Burgers worden niet geboren maar gecreëerd! Nieuw Cultureel Burgerschap, Zaal De Unie te Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 05-02-09 Doorlopende leerlijn afgestemd op de (psychologische) ontwikkeling van jongeren. Keynote Nationaal VMBO-congres Jaarbeurs Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 06-01-09 Het geven van een spreekbeurt: iets om naar uit te zien? Visser 't Hooft Lyceum, Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 15-09-08 Komt studiekeuze te vroeg? Haagse Hogeschool, Den Haag.
- [Westenberg] 25-04-08 Ontwikkeling in de adolescentie, verkeerde studiekeuze en schooluitval. ICLON VO Studiedag, Zandvoort.
- [Heyne] 04-08 Psychodiagnostiek van Schoolweigering. Bureau Jeugzorg Gelderland, en de Gelderse Roos, Arnhem.
- [Westenberg] 14-04-08 Today's Youth: The Six Generation, Keynote speech E-day Universiteit Wageningen.
- [Heyne] 03-08 Diagnostiek van Schoolweigering. RENN4 Groningen workshop.
- [Heyne] 06-06 Training sessie met PIT werkers, over strategieën voor de conceptualisering en aanpak van schoolweigering. GGZ Rivierduinen.
- [van den Bos] 09-11-17 Test preparation: Preventing Anxiety. Rotterdam International Secondary School, Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 13-02-2016. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Halverwegedag School at Sea, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 24-01-2015. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Halverwegedag School at Sea, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 21-6-2014. Familie-onderzoek naar verlegenheid. KOP-festival, Deventer.
- [Westenberg] 22-5-2013. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Thema avond Lion’s Club IJsselstein en de Lopikerwaard.
- [Westenberg] 20-02-2013. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig! Halverwegedag School at Sea, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 14-02-11 Wat bezielt mijn puber? OMNI-Sportvereniging “De Kieviten”, Voorschoten.
- [Westenberg] 15-05-10 Het Presenterende Brein: Sociale Evaluatiedruk in de Adolescentie. Kinderkopjes in Leiden: Een wandeling door de ontwikkeling van de hersenen van baby’s tot adolescenten. Lustrum 2010, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 10-02-10 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Willen de Zwijger College, Bussum.
- [Westenberg] 09-11-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Amstelveen College, Amstelveen.
- [Westenberg] 27-06-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Thaise Ambassade in Den Haag.
- [Westenberg] 25-06-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Cals College, IJsselstein.
- [Westenberg] 06-04-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Pius X College, Bladel.
- [Westenberg] 02-04-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Hervormd Lyceum Zuid, Amsterdam.
- [Westenberg] 26-03-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Griendencollege, Sliedrecht.
- [Westenberg] 19-03-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? St. Bonifacius College, Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 18-03-09 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Rijnlands Lyceum Sassenheim.
- [Westenberg] 26-02-09 De jeugd van tegenwoordig!, Purmerendse Scholengroep, Purmerend.
- [Westenberg] 19-11-08 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Thema avond 'Keuzes in de puberteit', St. Vitus college Bussum.
- [Westenberg] 30-10-08 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Anna van Rijncollege, Nieuwegein.
- [Westenberg] 01-10-08 Pubers! Debatavond DeForum, Filmtheater, Hilversum.
- [Westenberg] 22-09-08 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 18-09-08 De Jeugd van tegenwoordig! RSG, Enkhuizen.
- [Westenberg] 13-06-08 De adolescentie opgehelderd? Alumnidag Instituut Psychologie, Universiteit Leiden.
- [Westenberg] 21-05-08 Wat bezielt mijn puber? UniC, Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 08-11-07 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Scholengemeenschap De Breul, Zeist.
- [Westenberg] 24-09-07 Wat bezielt de puber? Openbaar Ministerie/Parket, Rotterdam.
- [Westenberg] 25-06-07 Wat bezielt mijn puber? Christelijke basisschool Joris de Witte, Oegstgeest.
- [Westenberg] 18-11-06 Lijden pubers aan hun brein? Volkskrant KennisCafe Tumult, Utrecht.
- [Westenberg] 09-11-06 Wat bezielt de puber? Studium Generale lezing, Maastricht.