Universiteit Leiden

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Clinical Psychology

Depression and Suicide Prevention

Our mission is to improve the description, prediction, understanding and the prevention and treatment of mood disorders, including unipolar and bipolar depression, as well as suicidal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To tackle this ambitious mission, we focus on several research streams.

1. Dynamic Processes

To understand how mood problems develop, we collect self-report and passive sensing data via smartphones and wearable devices in daily life (ecological momentary assessment, EMA). By closely examining state and trait level risk and resilience factors, we hope to improve the prediction of depression via an early warning system and the prediction of suicidal thoughts. Further, we study parent-child interactions in daily life to understand the dynamic cognitive and affective processes that can play a role in adolescent depression.

2. Measurement

In addition to measurement of dynamic processes via daily diary data, we have developed a number of psychometrics questionnaires, including the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), Leiden Index of Depression Severity (LEIDS), and evaluate item banks and algorithms for Computer Adapted Testing to improve the assessment of depression symptoms and functioning.

3. Interventions

This work goes hand in hand with developing prevention programs and just-in-time interventions, as well as assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of low-threshold interventions, e.g. via e-health, that target mood problems in different populations.

4. Other work

Additionally, we carry out meta-analytic work to investigate the clinical efficacy of depression treatments via reviews and meta-analyses, as well as other projects that are related to depression.


Our research is strongly connected to our teaching in the bachelor and master programs, in courses related to psychopathology, as well as research skills and methodological courses. One example is the development and implementation of an e-learning in suicide prevention skills for Bachelor and Master Psychology students and post-master education.

We have strategic alliances with several regional mental health partners, including LUBEC, Riverduinen Arkin, and the suicide-prevention organization 113, and are part of large-scale, interdisciplinary research initiatives such as the New Science of Mental Disorders Gravitation consortium, NESDA, and the BioClock Consortium.

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