Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Digitalisation Research Cluster
The d12n Research Cluster provides a space for inquiry and intervention into the ongoing digit(al)isation of culture, society, and scholarship. The research cluster aims to link CADS Institute researchers to each other as well as to experts and practitioners from around the world as we combine thinking and doing in relation to digital infrastructures, technologies, and cultural forms.

We understand digitalization to be a broad process of transformation affecting practices, institutions and discourses, albeit unevenly and with varying effects. Digitalization does not just take place "out there," but affects our own work as scholars. We are particularly interested in how we can study and represent this process, but also in how social scientific knowledge can help in the development of more fair, socially just, and culturally sensitive systems. The most recent discussions within the research cluster have focused on new forms of digital scholarly publishing and on the deployment of educational technology as a form of surveillance.

Research Cluster members
- Barendregt, B. (2017). Deep Hanging Out in the Age of the Digital; Contemporary Ways of Doing Online and Offline Ethnography, Asiascape: Digital Asia, 4(3), 307-315.
- Barendregt, Bart. “Diverse Digital Worlds.” In Digital Anthropology, edited by Haidy Geismar and Hannah Knox, 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 101–20.
- Boy, J.D. and Uitermark, J. (2017), Reassembling the city through Instagram. Trans Inst Br Geogr, 42: 612-624.
- Federico De Musso and Cristina Grasseni, “Picturing Intimacy”, Anthrovision [Online], 4.2 | 2016, Online since 31 December 2016, connection on 06 July 2021.
- De Musso, Federico. “Interactive Documentaries.” In: Grasseni, Cristina, Bart Barendregt, Erik de Maaker, Federico De Musso, Andrew L. Littlejohn, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Metje A. Postma, and Mark R. Westmoreland (eds). Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography: A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 143–167.
- Savolainen, L., Uitermark, J., & Boy, J. D. (2020). Filtering feminisms: Emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram. New Media & Society.
- Fogarty-Valenzuela, Benjamin. “Camera Ocupa.” Current Anthropology 61, no. 1 (2020): 1–10.
- Grasseni, Cristina, Bart Barendregt, Erik de Maaker, Federico De Musso, Andrew L. Littlejohn, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Metje A. Postma, and Mark R. Westmoreland (eds). Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge, 2021.
- Grasseni, Cristina. “Learning to See.” In: Grasseni, Cristina, Bart Barendregt, Erik de Maaker, Federico De Musso, Andrew L. Littlejohn, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Metje A. Postma, and Mark R. Westmoreland (eds). Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography: A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 12–34.
- Grasseni, Cristina, and Thorsten Gieser. “Introduction: Skilled Mediations.” Social Anthropology 27, no. 1 (2019): 6–16.
- Ochigame, Rodrigo and Katherine Ye. “Search Atlas: Visualizing Divergent Search Results Across Geopolitical Borders.” In: Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, 2021 (DIS '21): 1970–1983.
- Ochigame, Rodrigo. Informatics of the Oppressed. Logic, no. 11 (2020): 53–74.
- Ochigame, Rodrigo, and James Holston. Filtering Dissent: Social Media and Land Struggles in Brazil. New Left Review, no. 99 (2016): 85–108.
- O’Neill, Kevin Lewis, and Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela. Art of Captivity / Arte del Cautiverio. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.