Science Communication & Society
Student projects
To get an idea of the science communication products and research that is possible, a few examples of student projects of recent years are shown below.
Student Projects SCS courses
In the courses Science Communication Product Development, students work in groups on actual science communication products for clients within the science faculty. Below is a list of a few examples:
- Mathematics Walk (“Wiskundewandeling”);
- Muurformules audiotour
- An antibiotics escaperoom for high school classes.
- A board game about galaxies.
- Visitor activities for the Hortus Botanicus.
- A workshop in which children could build their own LEGO microscope, to understand the principles behind microscopy
- A ‘women in science’ event for the Science Faculty.

Student research projects
As part of their internships, SCS students conduct a science communication research study. Below are a few examples of student research projects.
- [Video] The portrayal of science news in relation to reader data: A case study at Delta, the journalistic platform of TU Delft by Sija van den Beukel.
- Medisch nieuws in de media by Francien Bossema
- The Role of Authenticity in The Perception and Appreciation of Museum Objects by Dylan van Gerven
- Knowledge Transfer: Investigating Factors That Enhance or Inhibit Scientists’ Engagement In Knowledge Transfer Activities by Charlotte Poot
- The relevance of learning quantum physics from the perspective of the secondary school student: A case study by Tania Moraga-Calderón
- Making citizen science count: Best practices and challenges of citizen science projects on plastics in aquatic environments by Liselotte Rambonnet
- Interest in STEM among children with a low socio-economic status: further support for the STEM-CIS-instrument through the adapted Dutch STEM-LIT measuring instrument by Aranka Grimmon