Morin Lab - Synthetic Soft Condensed Matter
We investigate emergent structures and dynamics of soft materials self-assembled from microscopic constituents.
We aim at understanding how specific properties of the building blocks, such as shape or self-propulsion, translate into involved macroscopic properties. We focus in particular on studying synthetic active materials and seek to unveil the mechanisms leading to genuine non-equilibrium properties.
Key publications
Mena Youssef, Alexandre Morin, Antoine Aubret, Stefano Sacanna and Jérémie Palacci, Rapid characterization of neutral polymer brush with a conventional zetameter and a variable pinch of salt, Soft Matter 16, 4274, (2020)
Alexandre Morin and Denis Bartolo, Flowing active liquids in a pipe: Hysteretic response of polar flocks to external fields, Phys. Rev. X 8, 021037
Alexandre Morin, Nicolas Desreumaux, Jean-Baptiste Caussin, and Denis Bartolo, Distortion and destruction of colloidal flocks in disordered environments, Nature Physics volume 13, 63–67(2017)
Alexandre Morin, Jean-Baptiste Caussin, Christophe Eloy, and Denis Bartolo, Collective motion with anticipation: Flocking, spinning, and swarming, Phys. Rev. E 91, 012134