Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)
The institute is lead by the Scientific Director, Martina G. Vijver, Director of Operations: Jasper Williams and Director of Education Dr. Stefano Cucurachi in collaboration with the Management Team.
The Institute of Environmental Sciences (also know as CML; Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen in Leiden) is structured as displayed in the organisation chart below.
CML has the following advisory councils:
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is an external council that advices the Management Team of CML about general strategies, research and education activities and evaluation procedures.
Science Council
The Science Council is an internal council that advices the Management Team of CML and consists of full and associate professors of CML.
Institute's Council
The Institute's Council (Instituutsraad, IR) is an internal council that represents staff and students working in our institute. It advises the Management Team of CML on a broad range of topics that concern all CML staff members, such as financial matters, research programs, education and strategic outlines.
Organisation chart