Quantitative Pharmacology
Key publications
Key publications of the Quantitative Pharmacology group
- Aulin L.B.S., De Lange D.W., Saleh M.A.A., Van der Graaf P.H., Völler, S., van Hasselt J.G.C., Biomarker-guided individualization of antibiotic therapy. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2021: 346-360.
- Aulin L.B.S., Liakopoulos A., van der Graaf P.H., Rozen D.E., van Hasselt J.G.C., Design principles of collateral sensitivity-based dosing strategies. Nature Communications 2021: 5691.
- Aulin L.B.S., Koumans C.I.M., Haakman Y., van Os W., Kraakman M.E.M., Gooskens J., Smits W.K., Liakopoulos A., van Hasselt J.G.C., Distinct evolution of colistin resistance associated with experimental resistance evolution models in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2021: 76 (2): 533-535
- Zwep L.B., Duister K.L.W., Jansen M., Guo T., Meulman J.J., Upadhyay P. and Van Hasselt J.G.C., Identification of high-dimensional omics-derived predictors for tumor growth dnamics using machine learning and pharmacometric modeling, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2021, 10(4): 350-361.
- Thomson, K.M.; Dyer, C.; Liu, F.; Sands, K.; Portal, E.; Carvalho, M.J.; Barrell, M.; Boostrom, I.; Dunachie, S.; Farzana, R.; Ferreira, A.; Frayne, F.; Hassan, B.; Jones, E.; Jones, L.; Mathias, J.; Milton, R.; Rees, J.; Chan, G.J.; Bekele, D.; Mahlet, A.; Basu, S.; Nandy, R.K.; Saha, B.; Iregbu, K.; Modibbo, F.; Uwaezuoke, S.; Zahra, R.; Shirazi, H.; Syed, N.U.; Mazarati, J.B.; Rucogoza, A.; Gaju, L.; Mehtar, S.; Bulabula, A.N.H.; Whitelaw, A.; Hasselt, J.G.C. van; Walsh, T.R., Effects of antibiotic resistance, drug target attainment, bacterial pathogenicity and virulence, and antibiotic access and affordability on outcomes in neonatal sepsis: an international microbiology and drug evaluation prospective substudy (BARNARDS). Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021.
- Van Hasselt J.G.C. and Iyengar R. Systems Pharmacology: Defining the Interactions of Drug Combinations. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2019, 59: 21-40.
- Van Hasselt, J.G.C. ; Rahman, R.; Hansen, J.; Stern, A.; Shim, J.V.; Xiong, Y.; Pickard, A.; Jayaraman, G.; Hu, B.; Mahajan, M.; Gallo, J.M.; Goldfarb, J.; Sobie, E.A.; Birtwistle, M.R.; Schlessinger, A.; Azeloglu, E.U.; Iyengar, R. Transcriptomic profiling of human cardiac cells predicts protein kinase inhibitor-associated cardiotoxicity. Nature Communications 2020, 11: 4809.
- Guo, T.J.; Hest, R.M. van; Zwep, L.B.; Roggeveen, L.F.; Fleuren, L.M.; Bosman, R.J.; Voort, P.H.J. van der; Girbes, A.R.J.; Mathot, R.A.A.; Elbers, P.W.G.; Van Hasselt, J.G.C. Optimizing predictive performance of bayesian forecasting for vancomycin concentration in intensive care patients. Pharmaceutical Research 2020, 37: 171.
- Calizo, R.C.; Bhattacharya, S.; Hasselt, J.G.C. van; Wei, C.; Wong, J.S.; Wiener, R.J.; Ge, X.; Wong, N.J.; Lee, J.J.; Cuttitta, C.M.; Jayaraman, G.; Au, V.H.; Janssen, W.; Liu, T.; Li, H.; Salem, F.; Jaimes, E.A.; Murphy, B.; Campbell, K.N.; Azelogu, E.U. Disruption of podocyte cytoskeletal biomechanics by dasatinib leads to nephrotoxicity. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 2061.
- Yamamoto Y., Välitalo P.A., Wong Y.C., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Beukers M.W., Kokki H., Kokki M., Danhof M., van Hasselt J.G.C., de Lange E.C.M., Prediction of human CNS pharmacokinetics using a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling approach. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2018; 112: 168-179.
- Valitalo, P.A.J.; Griffioen, K.; Rizk, M.; Visser, S.; Danhof, M.; Rao, M.; Graaf, P.; Van Hasselt, J.G.C. Structure-based prediction of anti-infective drug concentrations in the human lung epithelial lining fluid. Pharmaceutical Research 2016, 33(4): 856-867.