Research project
Emotion regulation in young children with autism
Neurobiological mechanisms of emotion regulation
- Duration
- 2012 - 2017
- Contact
- Sophie van Rijn
- Funding
WOP GGZ Rivierduinen
- Partners
Centre for Autism, Rivierduinen

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience serious challenges in social functioning, which threatens their development in many areas of functioning. Positively influencing social competencies is important to minimize the impact of ASD on development of these children.
In order to optimally stimulate social interaction is important not only to have knowledge about the observable behavior, but also on the underlying cognitive and affective mechanisms that shape behavior. These mechanisms contribute to the motivation for social interaction and in particular to the quality of social contact in order to develop an optimal social competence. With this knowledge, tailored early interventions can be designed, focusing on improving the quality of life.
The aim of the present study is to identify specific cognitive and affective emotion regulation mechanisms in young children with ASD. With this research we would like to understand better why it is that children with ASD experience, understand, and deal with emotions differently, and whether what they show on the outside matches with what they feel on the inside.