Research project
Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
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- Olaf van Vliet

Advanced economies experience strong growth in the number of people working in non-standard forms of employment, including flexible, temporary and self-employed work. This trend is boosted through the upsurge of the gig economy. This rise of this non-standard employment has important consequences for society. Several reports point to a possible dichotomy on the labour market, with well-protected and well-educated insiders with a permanent contract on the one hand and low educated outsiders with limited social protection on the other. In this project, we analyse the causes and consequences of labour market flexibilisation, focusing on three research questions:
1) To what extent are globalisation, technological change and institutional characteristics related to the increase in the share of non-standard employment?
2) To what extent are wage differentials caused by labour market flexibilisation, and what are mediating factors in this relationship?
3) How does labour market flexibilisation affect public support for different forms of social security?
We analyse these questions through internationally comparative research on OECD countries, and combine administrative data, survey data and indicators of labour market policy and social policy.
- Professor Ferry Koster (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Lars van Doorn (Leiden University), Professor Ron Diris (Leiden University), Professor Hanneke Bennaars (University of Amsterdam) and Professor Olaf van Vliet (Leiden University) discussed new findings in their research on the impact of new technologies on European labour. ESOF 2022: The future of work (18 July 2022).
- 'Olaf van Vliet on Dutch radio about solving staff shortages: labour migration and other options. BNR Breekt (22 February 2022).
- 'Olaf van Vliet on NPO Radio 1 about the consequences of labour migration for the economy and society'. NPO Radio 1 (6 January 2022).
- The self-employed hard hit by coronavirus crisis. Leiden University (6 January 2022).
- People have found new jobs during coronavirus crisis, but in the same field. Leiden University (25 November 2021).
- Olaf van Vliet and Lars van Doorn receive 430,000 euros grant for research. Leiden University (18 September 2019).

Olaf van Vliet is Professor of Comparative Welfare State Analysis at the Department of Economics and at the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University. He conducts research and teaches in the areas of labour economics and political economy. Thereby, his focus is on welfare state reform, flexibilisation of the labour market, the effects of globalisation and technological change, labour migration, and income inequality.

Ron Diris is Post-doctoral researcher/Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of Leiden University. He conducts research in the areas of education and labour economics. An important part of this research focuses on the importance of cognitive and non-cognitive skills for education and the labour market, how these skills can be measured and how they can be fostered. Additionally, he conducts research on the relation between social policy and income inequality, with a focus on labour market flexibilisation.

Lars van Doorn is PhD candidate at the Department of Economics of Leiden University. His master's thesis examined whether the effect of globalisation on welfare state spending is mediated by a welfare programme’s institutional structure. His research interests include the effects of globalisation and technological change on the labour market, and the political consequences that are associated with these trends.
Upcoming events
"Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag", Hotel Casa Amsterdam, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4, Amsterdam, 6 October 2022 10:00-16:30h.
Past events
- 'The Future of Work: Opportunities and challenges of digitalization, the platform economy and flexibilization of European labour markets', Stadsgehoorzaal, Aalmarktzaal, Breestraat 60 Leiden, Thursday 14 July 2022, 17:15 - 18:30h. Speakers: Olaf van Vliet (Leiden University), Ferry Koster (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Hanneke Bennaars (University of Amsterdam), Ron Diris (Leiden University), Lars van Doorn (Leiden University).
- 'The relation between skills and job security: International evidence from PIAAC’, Work-in-progress seminar Leiden University, Kamerlingh Onnes Building B014, 28 March 2022, 12:00 – 13:00.
- ‘Flexibilisering van de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt’, expertmeeting with social partners and UWV, 21th of January, 2022 (online). Present experts: Roos Wouters (De Werkvereniging), Irene van Hest (FNV), Marloes Lammers (UWV) en Lisa Kuijs (VNO-NCW).
- ‘Technological change and labour market flexibilization’, panel at the 27th Council for European Studies Conference, 24 June 2021, online.
- ‘The post-Covid-19 labour market’, Seminars series Reform of social Policy, Universiteit Leiden, 24 June 2020, online.
- ’Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security, Seminar for advisory commission, 25 November 2020, online.
- Yearly meeting ‘Onderzoek en Beleid’, Instituut Gak, 7 December 2020.
- Diris, R., en Van Vliet, O. (2022) The Relation between Skills and Job Security: Identifying the Contractual Return to Skills. IZA Discussion Paper no. 15513. link
- Van Doorn, L., en Van Vliet, O. (2022) Wishing for More: Technological Change, the Rise of Involuntary Part-Time Employment and the Role of Active Labour Market Policies. Journal of Social Policy, 1-21. link
- Collewet, M., Fairley, K., Kessels, R., Knoef, M. en Van Vliet, O. (2022) Nederlanders zijn voor een genereuze én activerende bijstand. Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(4813). link
- Diris R., Doorn L. van & Vliet O. van (2022) Weinig mobiliteit tussen krimp- en groeisectoren tijdens coronacrisis, Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(4805): 42-45. link
- Diris R. (2021) Een (te) snel oordeel over de WAB, Tijdschrift voor arbeidsrecht in context 10(4): 201-203 (UDH:TAC/16998). link
- Diris, R., Jongen, E., en Van Vliet, O. (2022) Zelfstandigen hard geraakt door coronacrisis. Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(4810): 248-250. link
- Bakker, V. en Van Vliet, O. (2021) Social Investment, Employment and Policy and Institutional Complementarities: A Comparative Analysis across 26 OECD Countries. link
- Van Vliet, O. and Bennaars, H. (eds.) (2021) Regulering van de arbeidsmarkt vanuit multidisciplinair perspectief. Themanummer. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsrecht in Context 10(2). link
- Van Vliet, O. and Bennaars, H. (2021) Regulering van werk: hoe verder na adviesjaar 2020? Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsrecht in Context Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsrecht in Context 10(2): 57-61.pdf
- Diris, R., Van Doorn, L., and Van Vliet, O. (2021) Scholing en activering op de arbeidsmarkt van de 21ste eeuw. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsrecht in Context 10(2): 88-100. pdf
- Van Vliet, O., Bakker, V., and Van Doorn, L. (2021) From Social Protection to Social Investment: European Responses to Globalization, Technological Change, Labour Market Flexibilization, and Migration. In: G. Fischer and R. Strauss (eds.) Europe’s income, wealth, consumption, and inequality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 343-394. pdf
- Van Vliet, O. and Van Doorn, L. (2021) Baanpolarisatie en flexibilisering op de Europese arbeidsmarkt: Beleidsimplicaties voor Nederland, in: E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin, A.P.C.M. Jaspers, J.A. Knottnerus and H. Vinke (eds.) De toekomst van de sociale zekerheid: De menselijke maat in een solidaire samenleving. Den Haag: Boom juridisch, pp. 287-304. pdf
- Platform de Toekomst van Arbeid (2020) Investeren in mensen. Bouwstenen van een regeerakkoord over werken, leren en verzekeren. Policy report. Amsterdam. link
- Bennaars, H., and Van Vliet, O. (2020) COVID-19 en de arbeidsmarkt: pas op voor de groef!, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsrecht in Context 9(2): 63-64. link
- Van Vliet, O. (2019) Globalisering, migratie en technologische vooruitgang: gevolgen voor arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid, Inaugural lecture. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. link
Speeches and presentations
- R. Diris, Presentatie ‘Flexibilization, human capital and worker mobility’, Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), Leiden, 14 juli 2022.
- R. Diris, Presentatie “The relation between skills and job security: International evidence from PIAAC”, European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Universiteit van Calabria, Italië, 17 juni 2022.
- R. Diris, Presentatie ‘Wendbaarheid op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt’, Expertmeeting met sociale partners Flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt, 21 januari 2022, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentatie van het paper (met O. van Vliet) ‘Skill transferability and Preferences, Attitudes and Voting’, Work in Progress Seminar, Leiden University, Department of Economics, Leiden, 4 juli 2022.
- L. van Doorn, Presentatie ‘Naar een sociale investeringsstaat’, Expertmeeting met sociale partners Flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt, 21 januari 2022, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentatie ‘Skill transferability and Preferences, Attitudes and Voting’, Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), Leiden, 14 juli 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Presentatie ‘The future of work: Opportunities and challenges of digitalization, the platform economy and flexibilization of European labour markets’, Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), Leiden, 14 juli 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Panelgesprek ‘Een leven lang ontwikkelen’ in reactie op minister Van Gennip en Kabinetschef Europese Unie Samsom, Lustrumcongres van de Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht, Woerden, 19 mei 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Voordracht (met L. van Doorn en R. Diris) ‘Globalisering en Flexibilisering van de Arbeidsmarkt’, Symposium Toekomst van Globalisering, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Den Haag, 16 juni 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Expertsessie voor het Interdepartementaal Beleidsonderzoek (IBO) ‘Vereenvoudiging van de sociale zekerheid’, Leiden, 9 maart 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Presentatie ‘Flexibilisering, globalisering en technologische vooruitgang: gevolgen voor arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid’, Expertmeeting met sociale partners Flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt, 21 januari 2022, online.
- R. Diris, Presentatie “The relation between skills and job security: International evidence from PIAAC”, 2022 ICEA Future of Work Conference, 25 February 2022, online.
- R. Diris, Presentatie “The relation between skills and job security: International evidence from PIAAC”, Work in Progress seminar Universiteit Leiden department of economics, 28 March 2022.
- O. Van Vliet, Presentatie “The relation between skills and job security: International evidence from PIAAC”, KVS New Paper Sessions Den Haag, 17 June 2022.
- R. Diris, Presentatie “Flexibilisering, Globalisering en Technologische Vooruitgang: Gevolgen voor de Arbeidsmarkt en Sociale Zekerheid”, GAK Bijeenkomst Onderzoek en Beleid, Hilversum, 13 June 2022.
- R. Diris, Presentation “Flexibilisering en menselijk kapitaal”, joint seminar “Research on the Dutch Labour Market”, Universiteit Leiden and Universiteit Tilburg, 25 February 2021, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentation “Flexibilisering, globalisering en technologische vooruitgang: gevolgen voor arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid”, joint seminar “Research on the Dutch Labour Market”, Universiteit Leiden and Universiteit Tilburg, 25 February 2021, online.
- O. van Vliet, Presentation of the chapter (with V. Bakker and L. van Doorn) ‘From social protection to social investment: European responses to globalization, technological change, labour market flexibilization and migration’, Central European University, 14 april 2021, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentation of the paper (with O. van Vliet) ‘Job polarisation and the rise of underemployment’, 27th Council for European Studies Conference, 24 June 2021, online.
- L. van Doorn, Discussant of T. Van Overbeke, ‘It is the robots, stupid! Automation risk and incumbent support in Europe’, 27th Council for European Studies Conference, 24 June 2021, online.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Werkende armen, flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt en minimumloon”, Conference Working Yet Poor, 17 June 2021, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentation of paper (with O. van Vliet) ‘Job polarisation and the rise in atypical employment’, 78th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, 18 April 2021, online.
- O. van Vliet, guest in podcast on labour market policy in cabinet formation. Podcast Kennis en Verdieping, Episode 3 ‘De Arbeidsmarkt’, 31 March 2021.
- O. van Vliet, guest in podcast on economic assessment of labour market policy in election manifestos. Podcast Radio Horzelnest, Episode 17 ‘Flexibilisering en de verkiezingen’, 11 March 2021.
- R. Diris, Presentation “Flexibilisering, beloningsverschillen en menselijk kapitaal”, Seminar for advisory commission, 25 November 2020, online.
- R. Diris, Presentation “The post-Covid-19 labour market: schooling and skills”, seminar “The post-Covid-19 labour market”, Seminar series Reform of Social Policy, Universiteit Leiden, 24 June 2020, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentation “Polarisatie en flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt”, Seminar for advisory commission, 25 November 2020, online.
- L. van Doorn, Presentation of the paper (with O. van Vliet) ‘An empirical examination of the relationship between job polarisation and non-standard employment’, 2020 SASE Conference (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), 19 July 2020, online.
- O. van Vliet, Presentation “Flexibilisering, globalisering en technologische vooruitgang: gevolgen voor arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid”, Seminar for advisory commission, 25 november 2020, online.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Flexibilisering van de Arbeidsmarkt”, lecture series Studium Generale Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, 19 November 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Speaker during Expertforum of National Thinktank 2020, “Welzijn, welvaart en regie voor middengroepen”, Haarlem, 8 October 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformations”, Symposium Universiteit Leiden, 6 October 2020.
- O. van Vliet, guest in podcast “Miljoenennota 2021”. Podcast ‘Leidse Arbeidsvitaminen’, Episode 8 ‘De Miljoennotaman’, Leiden, 16 September 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Veranderingen in het midden van de arbeidsmarkt en gevolgen voor sociaaleconomisch beleid”, Nationale DenkTank, Driebergen, 20 August 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Webinar ‘Olaf van Vliet in gesprek met Ruben Houweling – Een tweegesprek over nieuwe sociale zekerheid: wendbaar, toekomstbestendig en meer virusproof!’ Virtual NGSZ-Café. Nederlands Genootschap Sociale Zekerheid, Barendrecht, 25 June 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Discussant of H. Bennaars, “The post-Covid-19 labour market: supply, demand and allocation” during the seminar “The post-Covid-19 labour market”, Seminar series Reform of Social Policy, Universiteit Leiden, 24 June 2020, online.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Werk en Economie” as part of “Meet the Professor”, basisschool De Oranjerie, Zoetermeer, 8 February 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Participation in Expert meeting “Contracting en andere driehoeksrelaties”, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Amsterdam, 16 January 2020.
- O. van Vliet, “Flexibilisering arbeidsmarkt, flexibilisering onderwijs: Leven Lang Leren in Leiden”, Speech for ‘Denktank Flexibilisering’, Universiteit Leiden, 16 January 2020.
- O. van Vliet, Speech “Social protection in Europe: Developments, challenges and lessons”, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, 7 December 2019.
- O. van Vliet, Workshop “Ontdek Wetenschap” during ‘De Nacht van Ontdekkingen’, Leiden, 21 September 2019.
- O. van Vliet, Inaugural lecture “Globalisering, migratie en technologische vooruitgang: gevolgen voor arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid”. Leiden, 7 June 2019.
Workshops and seminars
- R. Diris, Organisatie van de expertmeeting met sociale partners ‘Flexibilisering van de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt’, 21 januari 2022, online.
- O. van Vliet, Organisatie en voorzitten van het panel ‘The future of work: Opportunities and challenges of digitalization, the platform economy and flexibilization of European labour markets’, Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), ter gelegenheid van ‘Leiden European City of Science’, Leiden, 14 juli 2022.
- O. van Vliet, Organisatie van de workshop (met A. Salomons en M. Goos) ‘De invloed van technologisering en datagebruik op de arbeidsmarkt’, Instituut Gak Bijeenkomst Onderzoek en Beleid, Hilversum, 13 juni 2022.
- O. van Vliet and D. van Vuuren, Organisation of joint seminar “Research on the Dutch Labour Market”, Universiteit Leiden and Universiteit Tilburg, 25 February 2021, online.
- L. van Doorn and O. van Vliet, Organising and moderating the panel ‘Technological change and labour market flexibilization’, 27th Council for European Studies Conference, 24 June 2021, online.
- O. van Vliet, Chair of the panel ‘Political Economy’ at the conference “New Paper Sessions” of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, Den Haag, 18 juni 2021.
- L. van Doorn, Organisation and moderator of the seminar “The post-Covid-19 labour market”, Seminar series Reform of Social Policy, Universiteit Leiden, 24 June 2020, online.
- O. van Vliet, Chair of the panel “Political Economy” at the conference “New Paper Sessions” of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, 17 June 2020, online.
- O. van Vliet, Organisation and moderator of the seminar ‘Good jobs for all – De nieuwe OECD Jobs Strategy (Stefan Thewissen, OECD)’, Nederlands Genootschap Sociale Zekerheid in cooperiation with Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Hague, 11 September 2019.