Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

Open Consultation on UN GGE 2015 Norm Proposals

The Leiden University’s Program for Cyber Norms, a research platform to investigate the development and implementation of law and policy applicable to uses of ICTs, in cooperation with the think-tank ICT4Peace conducted a global open consultation on how to implement the UN Group of Governmental Experts’ (GGE) 2015 recommendations on responsible state behavior in cyber space. The aim of the consultation was to delve into how to best understand and implement the proposed norms.


ICT4Peace Foundation 

  • Open Consultation
  • Timeline and Partners
  • Background
  • Working Groups
  • Report and Initial Commentary

The Leiden University’s Program for Cyber Norms, a research platform to investigate the development and implementation of law and policy applicable to uses of ICTs, invites you to participate in a global open consultation on how to implement the UN Group of Governmental Experts’ (GGE) recommendations on responsible State behavior in cyberspace. Partner in these consultations is the ICT4Peace Foundation, a policy and action-oriented international foundation whose purpose is to save lives and protect human dignity through Information and Communication Technology. Promoting cybersecurity and a peaceful cyberspace through international negotiations with governments, companies and non-state actors is part of their work.

Consultations as to how to best understand and implement the proposed norms in the UN GGE 2015 report will be conducted throughout the summer with the view to publish a thorough and balanced commentary together with guidelines for implementation in the early fall of this year.

We invite recommendations, comments, and guidance from academia, civil society, the corporate world as well as public administration. We are keen to receive views on whether the proposed norms can be considered distinct, relevant and justified. Additionally, we are looking forward to further recommendations on responsible behaviour in international cyber security. We highly appreciate your advise on what reference materials, such as national and international documents; academic and expert literature, could be considered when implementing the proposed norms.

In creating the commentary and implementation guidelines on the UN GGE 2015 report’s proposed norms we will form an editorial working group for each of these norms. An overview of the norms and their respective working groups is listed on our website, accompanied by selected commentary collected during the consultations. In addition to comments and contributions, we welcome your participation in one or several of these working groups.  In case you are interested in joining the team of authors and editors creating the final implementation guidelines, please let us know.

Please contact Mr. Walle Bos, our Project Coordinator, if you have any questions pertaining to the program and this specific initiative, or have an interest to be involved and wish to send your questions, comments, and  recommendations.

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