The Hague Program for Cyber Norms successfully concludes their UN GGE norms commentary project
The Leiden University’s Program for Cyber Norms, a research platform to investigate the development and implementation of law and policy applicable to uses of ICTs, in cooperation with the think-tank ICT4Peace conducted a global open consultation on how to implement the UN Group of Governmental Experts’ (GGE) 2015 recommendations on responsible state behavior in cyber space. The aim of the consultation was to delve into how to best understand and implement the proposed norms.
The publication supports the international efforts to come to a set of norms regulating the behavior of states in cyber space, focusing on permissible and impermissible behavior during conflicts and during security operations in peacetime. This is especially relevant since the last round of the UN GGE process was unsuccessful in producing consensus and states are looking for novel ways out of the impasse.
Zine Homburger, Liisi Adamson and Els de Busser from the Hague Program for Cyber Norms were lead editors and authors of the commentary of norms pertaining to cooperation, due diligence, information sharing and criminal use of ICTs. The Hague Program for Cyber Norms is grateful for the contributions that supported the conclusion of this project.
The commentary can be accessed here
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms will continue to fuel the international discussion with their conference ‘Responsible Behavior in Cyberspace – Novel Horizons’ from 5 November to 7 November 2018 in the Hague. The call for papers can be found here.