Universiteit Leiden

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Research project

Managerial Networking and School Performance

How and under what conditions Dutch primary school principals' managerial networking activities affect the performance of their school

Petra van den Bekerom

The aim of the project is to understand how and under what conditions Dutch primary school principals' managerial networking activities affect the performance of their school. Managerial networking is the frequency of relations that managers maintain with external organizations. In the context of Dutch primary schools external organizations are, for example, the parent committee, the school board, local government, youth care, or public libraries. Public management studies show that a higher level of managerial networking activity leads to better performance of the organization. However, current research neglects conditional effects of managerial networking on school performance. Therefore, less is known about the specific situations in which managerial networking positively, negatively, or weakly affects school performance. We distinguish between several environmental conditions, such as calamities and red tape. Additionally, we study the direct effects of those environmental forces on managerial networking and school performance.

Supervisors: René Torenvlied (UT), Agnes Akkerman (RU), Vincent Buskens (UU, EUR)

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