Princes and Prophets: Democracy and the Defamation of Power
On 1 June 2022, Tom Herrenberg defended the thesis 'Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P.B. Cliteur and Prof. B.R. Rijpkema.
- Author
- Tom Herrenberg
- Date
- 01 June 2022
- Links
- Leiden Repository

This thesis deals with three restrictions on freedom of expression, namely 1) lèse-majesté (the insult to the national head of state; the monarch in a monarchy, or the president in a republic), 2) the defamation of foreign heads of state, and 3) blasphemy (insulting religion or religious symbols). This thesis examines the background of these speech crimes, their (international) legal status, as well as their relationship to democratic free speech theory.